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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Robert, Let me say, I've always believed there were more than 3 shots. If it is four shots, all the more power to you. Yes, I understand your four shot model. What I have been working on for some time is the frame count formula used to (as you put it) maintain the lie. And, how they used it to tie all shots back to the TSBD. The question about Zfilm alteration was put forth as I wasn't quite sure if you believed any had occurred before the extant 313 shot. chris
  2. Mark, Thanks for trying. I thought I had conveyed to Robert that I now understood his stated conclusions. chris
  3. Robert, If Gayle Newman mixed up the sequence of the extant 313 headshot and the Connally shot to the chest. Please tell me what the time frame was between these two shots? Do you believe the Zfilm was altered pre Z313? chris
  4. Robert, I believe I initially missed your point about where CameraCar#3 real position was when extant 313 occurred. That was why I gave you distances to the corner. I understand it now. chris
  5. Robert's quote: "The first shot from a high powered rifle did occur after the antics on the sidewalk, about 3-1/5 seconds afterward at about Z-313. If you can fully address the issue of timing incompatibility I will address your list of testimonies and statements." Diversion, not likely. Four different perspectives, Newman in person, Rather watching film , Mandel counting frames. West measuring distances. I tried to help you out by having you realize that distances traveled must be taken into consideration. Once again, the assassination is a math problem. After Altgens and before the extant Z313 shot. That would be the initial spot to concentrate on. chris
  6. Robert, http://www37.zippyshare.com/v/40327631/file.html Click the "Download Now" button. I think Gayle Newman would tend to disagree with the first audible shot at extant 313. In fact, her description of Connally's actions/wound pretty much matches what Rather describes three days later and the frame count from Mandel's article (Dec 6). Did these three get together before her appearance on TV? chris
  7. Robert, Obviously 24.94 mph will not work. I'll give you a hypothetical scenario. Let's say Dale Myers has CameraCar #2 traveling at 9.1 mph average between extant Zframes 229-253 and CameraCar #3 is following at 8.31mph. That same 128ft distance to the County Records corner is now 128ft/12.21ft per sec (8.31mph) = 10.48seconds. Did you notice that 8.31 mph is 1/3 of 24.94mph. Then, Shaneyfelt told us the average speed of the limo was 11.2mph. Since 1/3 of 24.94 mph is 8.31 mph, the parallel would be 1/3 of 11.2mph = 3.73mph. If you will refer back to CE884, you will find that entries 168-171 has the limo traveling at 3.73 mph. If you understand this correlation, you are well on your way. chris
  8. Robert, CE884 distance from extant Z249-313 is 55.3ft. Front end of CameraCar#3 at Z249 is 128ft from the County Records Building corner. At Z313, CameraCar #3 would have to travel 128ft in 64 Zframes to have it's front bumper even with the County Records Building corner before it made any type of turn onto Elm St. 64frames @18.3fps= 3.49seconds. 128ft/3.49 seconds = 36.67ft per sec = 24.94mph. Please keep in mind, distances traveled in relationship to frames elapsed. chris
  9. Robert, The evidence is available, just not in the format you have presented. I'll leave it at that for now, until I'm ready to present. I used Photoshop 4 on the stabilization, manually using layers. chris
  10. Robert, I created a stabilization of Connally from extant Z222-313. http://www43.zippyshare.com/v/2595226/file.html Click on the "Download Now" button. At approx extant Z290, Jackie and Nellie both react to their respective spouses. Once again, approx. 5 Zframes (@18.3fps) for a human to react to an external stimulus (gunshot). Occurring after extant Z255 and before the extant Z313 headshot. chris chris
  11. HILL: "We were traveling about 12 to 15 miles per hour. On the left hand side was a grass area with a few people scattered along it observing the motorcade passing, and I was visually scanning these people when I heard a noise similar to a firecracker. The sound came from my right rear and I immediately moved my head in that direction. In so doing, my eyes had to cross the Presidential automobile and I saw the President hunch forward and then slump to his left. Robert quote "If you have it in your brain that the first shot was a high powered rifle and that the agents should have reacted and protected the President you are not comprehending the mechanics of the assassination." It makes no difference to me what type of noise came from the first shot. What matters is Clint recognized a sound. Did he not see JFK put his hands up to his throat after the first sound? Did any professional agents see JFK put his hands up to his throat after the first sound? He only saw JFK hunch forward and slump to his left. Yet, this didn't raise any red flags among law enforcement, even without the hands to the throat action. It makes more sense that Clint reacted to both an audible/visual stimulus, the limo slows down, Clint leaps off the Queen Mary. An event which took place after extant Z255 (because of the Altgen's photo) and before the extant 313 headshot. Footage not seen on the extant film. (Will cover this later in a new topic). I do agree there is another shot after the extant 313 headshot, so at least a four shot scenario is valid. imo chris
  12. It sounds as if you have Connally deciding to lie down on his back (not hit yet), knowing JFK has been hit once. Are you insinuating that Connally was protecting Nellie by laying over her while exposing his front side? chris
  13. Robert, Where (physical location) exactly on Elm St. did Clint say the headshot (his 2nd shot heard) occur? If you answer with Z313, then are you implying that the film in terms of frame extractions has not yet occurred? If JFK is shot circa z190, are you trying to convince me that anybody (professionally) responsible for his protection didn't realize what had occurred when comparing it to the extant Zfilm from that point on? So Clint, who was responsible for Jackie, didn't see the reaction (within the limo) from the 1st shot on JFK, reacted to the governor's action (some 5-6 seconds later), who was not representative of being shot yet, jumped off the limo. In other words, JFK reaching toward his throat was less conspicuous than the governor lying back onto Nellie without another shot being fired as of that time. chris
  14. If UM was part of the plot, he stuck his foot in his mouth when describing the events after the limo had passed him. chris
  15. http://www2.zippyshare.com/v/73814583/file.html Click the "download now" button. The red box in the Bronson clip surrounds the dark-skinned gentleman we see in the background of extant Z entering at Z326. Jackie's right hand rises at Z326 while the dark-skinned man is still jogging/running. In Bronson's clip, as Jackie's right hand rises, it appears as though the dark-skinned man is walking. chris
  16. Hi James, 84.1ft high @25 degree angle (Shaw) will give you a slant distance of 199ft matching CE884's entry for frame Z235. West End Rooftop chris
  17. That was the point of my Lem Johns topic. He can't be found in any films or photographs on/near the knoll, which leads me to believe a lot of his recollection is BS. The only footage I found was in the Weigman pickup car. He possibly is #3 in the main photo, not the inset. http://s140.photobucket.com/user/123steamn/media/K.jpg.html chris
  18. Robert, You are not going to get very far if you keep making generalizations about other researchers. I am the one that created this stabilized gif. Toni Foster's left leg plant to Jackie's right arm rise. In this instance, this matches the extant Z film. I've referred to the manipulations of films previously as "selective splicing" among other alterations. chris P.S. If you want to discuss the whereabouts of Lem Johns when the assassination was in progress, I believe I started a topic on this very aspect sometime ago.
  19. 6th Floor West Window. http://s140.photobucket.com/user/123steamn/media/WestWindow.png.html chris P.S. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=3449
  20. Kathy, Thanks for posting that link. Just thinking out loud here: Wouldn't many people seeing a car, any car, abruptly slow down during a shooting from eleven miles-per-hour to a very brief, near-crawl later say that that car had come to a "complete stop"? I think memories are fascinatingly unreliable, particularly those involving spacial relationships and relative motions in a fast-developing, complicated "scene." Especially when that "scene" imparts a significant degree of emotional trauma on the viewer. --Tommy Kathy, Thanks for posting that link. Just thinking out loud here: Wouldn't many people seeing a car, any car, abruptly slow down during a shooting from eleven miles-per-hour to a very brief, near-crawl later say that that car had come to a "complete stop"? I think memories are fascinatingly unreliable, particularly those involving spacial relationships and relative motions in a fast-developing, complicated "scene." Especially when that "scene" imparts a significant degree of emotional trauma on the viewer. --Tommy Thomas, Jackpot. More exact would be13.69 mph to 3.74 mph. chris
  21. A slightly different perspective. http://s140.photobucket.com/user/123steamn/media/Jay.mp4.html chris
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