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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Hi David, Thank you for the encouragement. Tom is hanging in there. Drop him an email, I'm sure he would appreciate it. chris
  2. Tom has asked me to post some more reduced copies as Mark did previously.
  3. I have added the first shot determination from the revised Feb 7, 1964 FBI plat in the red square. This was originally the SS plat created on Dec5, 1963. Whoever was responsible for content in Commission Document 298 has specific distances listed. Road distance between shot 1 and 3 is 141ft. Plat distance for shot1 is 171ft, which combined = 312ft. Station# 2+00 is measuring starting point 0ft. Shot1 = Plat entry 171ft = Station# 3+71= Zframe 207 entered as such in CE884. So 2+00 + 312 ft= Station# 5+12. My previous posting provided a link to a determination of the last shot which is approx Station# 4+96. The difference between these two points is 16ft. The difference between the "limo front" and "JFK in the limo" is 15.5ft. Station C where the WC started their measurements is 15.5ft farther up Elm St (at street level) than the snipers nest. chris P.S. The snipers nest is at Station# 2+50.
  4. 100 frames. 100frames@18.3 frames per sec@30ft = 5.46sec 30ft/5.46sec = 5.49ft per sec = 3.737mph 30ft = difference between 313 headshot and Altgen's shot stated by WC document. http://www.historymatters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0449a.htm Actually, this might be considered Station# 4+96 which is 31ft past 313 Station# 4+65. 20 frames/15.5ft = 40 frames @31ft. chris
  5. Working with the difference of 3.74mph-2.24mph=1.5mph added to 9.65mph=11.15 mph. 8.91mph-7.41mph=1.5mph 11.15mph= 13.39-2.24 11.15mph= 7.41+3.74 11.15mph= 8.91+2.24 11.15mph= Zframes 161-313= 152 frames@18.3 frames per sec@136.1ft traveled per the WC calcs. WC Exhibit #560 gives distanced traveled between (shot 1 and 3) @ 90ft@5.5sec=16.363 ft per sec = 11.13 mph It doesn't include the frame count which = 5.5sec X 18.3fps= 100.65 frames chris
  6. Now, go the other way. 9.65mph + 3.74 mph = 13.39 mph. So, coincidentally, you can use the 211-231 alignment gif, realize the "limo front/JFK in limo" crosses Z's LOS in 20 frames@15.5ft traveled resulting in a speed of 9.65mph. That 9.65mph becomes somewhat of an anchor point for the "Vehicle Speed Data Analysis" inputs of the limo traveling at 3.74 and 2.24 mph which we all know doesn't appear in the extant Z film. Sure, you can argue that those two mph entries result from measuring "instantaneous speed" and I wouldn't argue in the least, it's just that is not what the WC used them for. Once again, anyone can look at the film and realize the limo does not travel 2.24/3.74 mph at any time. chris
  7. Using 9.65mph. 9.65 mph-2.24mph= 7.41mph 7.41 mph= 133frames@18.3fps@79.2ft 79.2ft = distance from (limo front aligned with snipers nest) to Zframe 161 133 frames = Station C to Z161. Refer to my chart. chris
  8. A little while back, I posted a chart for all. This was one part of it. See if you can get 9.65 mph to interact with it. chris
  9. Moving away and copied over from Jim D's thread. Thought you might enjoy some more math. The gif supplied is a measuring stick. I took the frames from Groden's uncut??? copy. Frames between "limo front" and "JFK in limo" is 20 and the distance = 15.5ft = WC measurement of Station C to Snipers Nest. 20/18.3 frames per sec = 1.092 sec 15.5 ft/1.092 sec = 14.194ft sec = 9.65 mph. Important to understand the "measuring sticks". Follow up to this coming in a bit. chris
  10. Paul, This was part of a "question/answer" session between Bill Miller and Gary Mack. Where did the splice come from? The Towner camera is an 18 frames per sec camera. Dale Myers can only sync multiple films with one parameter being Towner runs at 22.8 fps, previously he had it at 23.3 fps. The difference between what should be and what is: approx 4.5 fps, which converts into a total time difference. I call it "selective splicing" for timing purposes of course. chris
  11. Hi Steve, http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=20020entry269005 In case you missed it. chris
  12. Clint's right leg begins to get pulled up onto the trunk lid caused by Jackie retracting her body and extending her left arm, looking for something to grab onto, to pull herself back down in the seat. http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/6324882/show/original chris
  13. Robin, No offense taken. Six frames is enough time to do squat. The Nix film ends coincidentally right before Jackie performs her slide action into the back seat. Her right elbow hits the trunk deck first (gif supplied), and from there she has to get to her Z417 position in six frames. What hand/arm is Clint using to guide her back to her seat? You may see it occur on the Z film, doesn't mean it's possible. As Craig L. always states, go try it yourself in 1/3 of a second. Supplied a plat with Z and Nix's filming positions LOS and gave you the limo mph between 313-390. If the limo averaged approx 13.25mph between that span, how fast was it going before frame 313? It's math. It can be determined. It's either wrong or right. It's not a fuzzy photo with shadows and the like. There is nothing cryptic about my posts, I previously supplied all with a speed chart and explained why the limo was going certain speeds at certain frames, if the research community chooses to ignore data taken from the original survey plat then plotted on a cross referenced/layered (Drommer/Don R./Myers/FBI plat, so be it. I then showed you how the WC speed analysis chart was mis-used to support their calculations. And so on, and so on!!! By the way, this latest Nix gif is 6 frames looped, what is Jackie able to do in 6 nix frames? Squat!!! http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/6317497/show/original chris P.S. "Selective Splicing"
  14. Distance from Z313-Z390 is appprox 82 ft. 82 ft @ 77frames. 82ft @ 4.207 sec 19.49ft sec = 13.25 mph. chris P.S. Might coincide with a "Solving the Puzzle" chart I created awhile back.
  15. http://www.mejuba.com/albums/jfkass/112938/6310065/show/original I have somewhat stabilized Jackie and Clint in both Z and Nix. It is slowed down significantly from it's original speed to allow for the viewing of their motions. The start is Z379 where Clint brings his last leg onto the limo. Both camera's ran at pretty much the same speed if you take Myer's study into account. Nix@18.5 frames per sec and Z at 18.3. As the Nix film ends, I stop it so you can compare it to Z at that point in time. I then run Z for 6 more frames (1/3 second), the amount of time it takes Jackie to slide/get back down in her seat. You can be the judge of that. Please pay close attention to Jackie's right arm movements throughout the sequence. chris P.S. Time 1/3 second on your stop watch.
  16. Hi Lindsay, Just speculation on my part. Could the frame from Bell be Lovelady also? Appears to be wearing a red shirt. Or is it the person on a lower step I pointed out in Towner? chris
  17. Don't forget about Bell. http://www.sendspace.com/file/e8plft Click on the "Click here to start download from sendspace" link to download file. chris
  18. James, The only work carried out on the 25th (by WC assassination re-enactment members) was the cutting and removing of limbs from the uppermost branches of the live oak tree directly under the 6th floor window. West had to carry out some additional measurements for the completion of the WC Survey Plat. chris P.S. Quote from Robert West about CE887: "Nobody could have accurately fired that rifle from the way they had it "jacked up".
  19. Since Tom Purvis personally spoke with Robert West on many occasions, should give you an ideal of how astute he is, and in the process obtained many original documents, I'll let his explanations move us forward. chris
  20. James, In case you were unaware of this. Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; Commission No. 889 represented by frame 166 is the adjusted position to account for the fact that the Presidential stand-in on May 24 was actually 10 inches higher in the air above the street than the President would have been in the Presidential limousine. Mr. DULLES - Would you explain to us simply how you made those adjustments? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. Mr. DULLES - I mean how did you get him down 10 inches as a practical matter. Mr. FRAZIER - They had marked on the back of the President's coat the location of the wound, according to the distance from the top of his head down to the hole in his back as shown in the autopsy figures. They then held a ruler, a tape measure up against that, both the back of the Presidential stand-in- and the back of the Governor's stand-in, and looking through the scope you could estimate the 10-inch distance down on the automobile. You could not actually see it on the President's back. But could locate that 10-inch distance as a point which we marked with tape on the automobile itself, both for the Presidential and the Governor's stand-in. Mr. DULLES - Thank you. chris
  21. Jim, http://www.sendspace.com/file/3gxprl Click on the "Click here to start download from sendspace" link to download file. I've created a stabilized gif from the Hughes movie. It is nobody else's open white shirt but Lovelady's or lookalike Lovelady or however you want to reference it. imo I supplied a nice frame from this clip earlier in this thread for you. chris
  22. Thanks Robin, I know there is a much nicer film version than we have access to. Myers used it in his analysis. chris
  23. http://www.sendspace.com/file/z35fwz Click on the "Click here to start download from sendspace" link to download file. Partial version gif reposted. chris
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