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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 94.7ft = You can find it here. http://www.historymatters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh18/html/WH_Vol18_0050b.htm chris
  2. Craig, How can I shuck and jive when I'm posting the graphics for all to check. The key is provided @ 1inch=10ft. What else can 91.6ft represent besides the hypotenuse. I showed you in terms of 15.5ft related to Position "A" at street level. The same 91.6ft distance. Position A is Position A. The TSBD base is the base. I didn't create these points, I merely tie them together. So, if you measure out from the TSBD base, aligned with the snipers nest, it's approx 66.2ft. The distance from Station 2+50(snipers nest aligned out on Elm St) to Position "A" is 28.5ft. That total is 94.7ft approx. Does that ring a bell to anyone? chris P.S. Once again, I didn't create the distance from Station 2+50 to Position A, this is the WC work.
  3. Craig, Street distances. The answer to my previous question is 66.2ft So my error was taking measurements from street level!!!! What error? If the street distances are wrong, then show me the error. chris
  4. What is the straight line distance measurement between Position "A" and Station# 2+00? Doesn't have to be exact. 1inch = 10ft I'd say approx 69ft. chris Roflmao Chris does the backstroke instead of dealing with the reality he made a major, boneheaded mistake. Craig, I am talking about street distances, not elevation differences. Why don't you take a measurement from the snipers nest at street level, out to Station# 2+50, and give us the result? chris
  5. What is the straight line distance measurement between Position "A" and Station# 2+00? Doesn't have to be exact. 1inch = 10ft I'd say approx 69ft. chris
  6. TSBD rifle in window @ 60.7ft elevation Rifle in Window LOS to JFK @ 91.6ft as per CE884. 91.6 squared = 8390.56ft 60.7 squared = 3684.49ft The other leg = square root of 8390.56-3684.49 = 4706.07= 68.6ft. The right triangle is formed. chris
  7. Craig, Why don't you tell us which RIGHT TRIANGLE you applied the P theorem to. Here are the sides for you. The blue lines might help. chris P.S. Why do you think I didn't use it in the first place.
  8. CE884 listing for frame 161= 137.4ft Another 15.5ft difference. Gee!!! What a coincidence. Tell us once again, Craig, what did the WC use as their impact point? Was it: A. The limo front B. JFK's head C. Both of the above D. Chalkmarks E. JFK's bobblehead with a neck stretch of 15.5ft F. Throw in your own
  9. I just showed you the 15.5ft difference in terms of CE884, the West plat, the LOS to the snipers rifle, the limo's position on the street. But, I guess I'm off by 15.5ft according to Craig, who has yet to refute any of this, but with meaningless words. Why don't you locate Towner's position and plot it for us Craig? Cutler, Myers and Don R. have done a fairly good job and they all align with Position "A". Since you don't understand the importance of any of this, I won't expect much.
  10. So within tolerances to Craig means: initially within 15.5ft.
  11. Craig, Why do you want to move down to frame 161? You need to start from the beginning. That is your problem. I have already shown you that the LOS rifle to JFK from the snipers nest is 80ft. CE884 says it's supposed to be 91.6ft. You can either go up street or down street from Position "A" to acquire the 91.6ft. If you go up, you intersect Station 2+00, previously shown, will expand on that later. If you go down, 15.5ft will give you the 91.6ft LOS distance. 15.5ft is also the distance between Station "C" (2+34.5) and the snipers nest. The snipers nest is at Station# 2+50. That is the difference between "JFK in the limo" and the "limo front" in WC terms. This is the WC initial distance spread to play with. 1inch=10ft for the attachment. chris
  12. A little refresher course for Craig. Starting point at Station# 2+00 Frame161 is at 3+29.2 = 129.2ft from Station 2+00 3+29.2 - 94.7ft = 2+34.5 = Station "C" 2+34.5 + 44ft = 2+78.5 = Position "A" chris
  13. So Chris, are all the data points (not including fixed landmarks) generated by the recreations exact matches for the actual points we see in the assassination films? A simple yes or no will do. ASKing questions yet again instead of answering them... or even trying... Are you so old and lost that you can't even FIND where the legend in question was discussed or why? You keep saying the same old BS over and over as if you believe it to be the truth... yet you really don't know do you CL? That this legend was created to EXPLAIN THE SHOOTING... using the films as refereence to position the activities AT THE CORRECT LOCATIONS... CE884 is the data being referred to... WCR Chapter 5 page 96... is where this legend is referred to.... and why. "The general location of the car was described and marked on maps by eyewitnesses as precisely as their observations and recollections permitted (261). MORE EXACT INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY MOTION PICTURES TAKEN BY ABRAHAM ZAPRUDER, ORVILLE O. NIX AND MARY MUCHMORE, WHO WHERE SPECTATORS AT THE SCENE (262) 261. CE 347, 354, 699. 262. 5 H 137 (Leo J. Gauthler) ; CE884 ; see 5 H 138-165 (Lyndal L. Shaneyfelt). Gauthler is an FBI Inspector... The document is designed to be a LEGEND old man... which means it explains what is presented in the MAP in detail... as he explains... So what you keep saying is that the FBI provided a legend to explain the assassination that does anything but explain the assassination... what it shows is how the Zfilm cannot be used as a reliable source of information for once you apply the legend to the film and correlate what the legend says occurred, when and where, it CANNOT be applied to what the Zfilm shows... CE884 was accepted as the detailed explanation of where the limo was at each of the identified frames.... Except the data relates to a vehicle doing anything but smoothly traveling down Elm.... and in turn creates the math you have no chance at understanding... EVIDENCE old man... we deal here with EVIDENCE... all you do is whine and moan and press for answers that have nothing to do with the discussion... Here. the FBI tells you that CE884 IS the breakdown of the killing.... yet the same WCR tells us that the shot was at 4+95, not 4+65... the Zfilm does not show what this legend suggests... Mr. SPECTER. I now hand you a schedule which I have marked as Commission Exhibit No. 884 and ask you what figures are contained thereon. (The document referred to was marked Commission Exhibit No. 884 for identification.) Mr. GAUTHIER. This is a copy of a tabulation which appears on the plat map. It contains certain positions marked as frame numbers. It indicates elevations and a column dealing with angle of sight from the frame positions to the window and to a horizontal line. It also contains angels of sight the degree of sight and distances from these positions to a point on the top of the bridge, handrail height. Mr. SPECTER. May it please the Commission, that concludes the description of the general setting. I would like to move now at this time for the admission into evidence of Exhibit No. 884, which completes all of the exhibits used heretofore. Mr. McCLOY. It may be admitted. (The document heretofore marked for identification as Commission Exhibit No. 884, was received in evidence.) Mr. SPECTER. May it please the Commission, that completes the testimony of Inspector Gauthier. It must be really difficult for you. The points you reference...aside from the fixed landmarks are noting more than GUESSES. Let me repeat that for the learning impaired like you...GUESSES. Since they are GUESSES they have no true relationship to the Zapruder film. But if course this is way beyond your ken...and it's reality which is REALLY beyond your ken. But keep trucking little boy. Maybe one day you will actually grow up. Btw, since reading is so hard for you, I suggest you re read your post...you might even learn they tell you the locations are guesses.... Who needs the Zfilm at this point when you have Towner instead. The true importance of Position"A" is Towner's LOS to a fixed landmark. Remember, it is not 91.6ft from the snipers nest rifle to JFK, hence Position "A" in the context of rifle angles is B.S. as it is stated in CE884. chris
  14. Thanks James, No since in dealing with Craig on this, everything is flawed, according to him. I'll keep posting tidbits for the rest of you. chris
  15. Craig, Here, this should make it obvious. You're the one that's not 'getting it' Read Shaneyfelt's testimony I previously supplied and apply it to the plat. As you always like saying, use the LOS. Well use it to the Sniper's nest from Position A and Station# 2+00 chris
  16. I see these guys have you on the run, eh Craigster? Btw, if planned recreation is anticipated to be flawed, beforehand, why do it? Seems kinda dumb, unless you're into disinfo of course.... just curious. Oh my. Have me on the run? You really are a few floors short... Recreations will ALWAYS be flawed, that's just reality davie. Why I could give to a simple photo of a pop can on a white sweep and it would be impossible for you to recreated the photo accurately. Oh wait, you can't photograph your way OUT of a pop can. My bad. So why did they do it? Why not. They were looking for answers and this was ONE avenue...flaws and all. Craig, Recreations can be intentionally flawed when the real facts are known. And the WC knew them. There is no need to figure out what happened down the street when you first need to understand what happened up the street. Frames are just one aspect of the game. Another is angles. 1inch =10ft. I'll give you a little hint if you don't understand it. Station 2+00 is not Position "A". It is where CE884 starts its measurements from. The real distance from rifle LOS to (JFK) Position "A" is 80ft. chris P.S. I entered the Station# of Position "A" in CE884, for those interested. P.P.S I think Shaneyfelt was confused again. lmao
  17. We are not talking about West, we are talking about you. Tell us how you measured using the sign post and the z frames?. Better yet show us how 161-166 matches the data? Good luck with that. Craig, Refer back to Post 31. You seem to have trouble with the instantaneous speed (3.74mph + 2.24mph = 5.98mph) aspect. chris Just to follow up on the "instantaneous speed" B.S. in relationship to frame 161-166. Take note of the distance traveled for the 5 frames. Obviously, the extant film doesn't show this speed. This is where the WC entity got a little confused (understatement). You see, .9ft was not the distance traveled for 5 frames, it was the DISTANCE PER FRAME traveled for 5 frames. Now for 5 frames, we get a distance traveled of 4.5ft. And, .9ft per frame x 18.3 frames(1sec) = 16.47ft per sec. 16.47ft sec/1.47(1mph)=11.20mph Shaneyfelt's supporting testimony is below the chart. chris P.S. Do you know what 4.5ft + 30ft = ? Look for that answer in a few previous posts. P.P.S. 136.1FT/8.3seconds = 11.15mph
  18. We are not talking about West, we are talking about you. Tell us how you measured using the sign post and the z frames?. Better yet show us how 161-166 matches the data? Good luck with that. Craig, Refer back to Post 31. You seem to have trouble with the instantaneous speed (3.74mph + 2.24mph = 5.98mph) aspect. chris
  19. If you look a little closer (sign post), you will see that West was very detail oriented. One can also see the other filming location used for making calculations/angles/sign position etc.etc. chris
  20. Actually, the WC documentation was not in error, it fit their scenario quite nicely. A plat was created, they had the film, and could utilize the landmarks for point to point distances. They just didn't do the entire show this way. You know, the way a normal investigation is done. Here's another one for you. Getting close to that 30ft mark. 8.75ft traveled in 5 frames. chris
  21. You just can't understand, because you are blind. You start with crap you end up with crap. Once you understand that, the fact that you have nothing will be easy to comprehend. But I'm not holding my breath. Here's some more for you. It's not real difficult to figure out what Station#, Frame 133 is at. Just use frame 136 and that post in the background. chris
  22. If it makes it easier. Station# 2+00 = CE884 overall starting measurements. WARNING For example: Frame161 = Station# 3+29.2 = 129.2ft from Station 2+00, not from the Snipers nest. Station# 2+34.5 = Station "C" For example: Station "C" is 34.5ft from Station 2+00 and is what the WC used as there inter frame starting point for measuring distances between frames. WARNING Station# 2+50 = Snipers nest For example: The snipers nest is 50ft from Station 2+00 and 15.5ft from Station "C". WARNING
  23. Craig, See if you can tie it back to this area. CE884 starts it's measurements from Station# 2+00. From Station 2+00 to Station "C" is 34.5ft. If you don't believe me, look at the reenactment photos/measurements from Position"A"-313. It's all math. I just gave you a couple of distances in the previous posting in regards to frame 161-166. Those would be 27.084ft and 7.4ft. Add those together and you get 34.484ft Once you understand this relationship, the rest is a little easier to comprehend. chris
  24. Craig's patented answer. A slight bit of math using the plat will yield a distance traveled of 7.5ft for frame 161-166. Actually 7.4ft to be more exact. At that speed, how far would it travel in a second: 18.3frames/5frames = 3.66 3.66 x 7.4ft = 27.084ft per sec 27.084/1.47(1mph)=18.424mph 18.424 - 5.98 ((3.74) + 2.24))= 12.44 mph 12.44 mph = 1ft per 1frame. Referring back to CE884 entry for 166-185, 19.2ft in 19 frames = 1ft per 1frame. chris
  25. The only way to begin to understand what was done. Compare it to CE884 entries for frame 161-166. chris
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