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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/6314076/file.html http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/87499451/file.html Just click on the "download" button. I want to personally thank Antony Davison for his approval, allowing for the use of his fantastic HD panorama version of the Z film. Easier on the eyes and very revealing. The Secret Service filmed a recreation video. This video is one you might not pay close attention to. I have removed all "interlace" frames from the supplied comparison gif which means every frame in the recreation video has the car moving forward. The video is comprised of "progressive" frames only. There is a 1second delay at the beginning and end of the gif. It is playing at 25fps, the closest I can create in gif format. I will create a movie version if necessary. The first file is a "real time" stamp from the original film, which runs from Z133-Z351. It takes the recreation car 9.1 seconds according to the timer to complete the 133-351span. The 9.08 second designation I will explain later. 218 frames@196.5ft traveled. 9.1sec x 24fps = 218.4frames The distance traveled and total frames = the extant Z film. Do you now understand the mind game that's been imprinted upon you? More to come, once you've digested this. chris
  2. My guess is if you draw a straight line from the Harper location back through Z313 and up to the TSBD, that will put you approx 60.7ft west of the WC snipers nest. chris
  3. The previous graphic posted shows a slant distance of 234ft. Simmons testimony will give you an idea of the distances they were shooting for. (No Pun Intended.) They just forgot to include the slant distance down near Altgens too. chris
  4. Getting back on track. Move 60.7ft west of the WC snipers nest Measure 15.5ft forward from Station C = Elm St. parallel location of WC snipers nest. Measure 182ft down Elm St = Station# 4+32.8 = designated location on SS/FBI plat for shot#2. Connect Station# 4+32.8 back to 60.7ft high and 60.7ft west of WC snipers nest. Triangle and triangulations. chris
  5. Gary, It would appear that the whole Shaneyfelt snafu trying to move the extant313 location 24.5ft eastward back up Elm St, to roll 2 shots into one(Connally back/Extant 313) can be explained this way. The 207 shot is at Station# 3+72.4 using the elevation equation 18.3horz/1vert. The 207 location from CE884 is 3+71.1 The SS determined location for shot1on the SS/FBI plat is 3+81.3 That approx 10ft difference is what Shaneyfelt encountered down the street when dealing with the station# 419.07 and 419.71 mixup. In other words, Real shot at Robert West base measurement of 163.65 directly underneath the 6th floor window out to Elm St. = Z207 on extant film. SS moved 1st shot location 10ft west . This has to be taken into account for the Connally shot at Station# 4+32.8, which when moved in sync with the 207 reposition, 10ft farther west, the location = Station# 4+42.8. The SS determined the extant 313 headshot at 4+66.7 - 24.5ft = 4+42.2 which is approx 6 inches to things syncing. If one will look at the elevation distance between the real Z207 (3+72.4) determined shot location and the real Connally back location connected to 26degrees horizontal = (4+32.8) a difference of 60.4ft is encountered. This keeps the shift from east window to west window moving down Elm St in sync. chris P.S. This is another area where I disagreed with the scenario Tom had put forth.
  6. In CE884,did you ever wonder why there was such a large frame span between the last two entries, 255-313? The WC could have used the light post as a stationary measuring marker. A few feet short of the light post is where 26 degrees/TSBD westend plots for shot 2. Where do you suppose footage of the Nix and Muchmore films begin syncing with Z, in relation to the light post? Just after this location. It would be a good spot for film altering. chris
  7. The elevation fudging of 3.3ft in terms of a previous shot (shot1) would look like this: Connally shot 2 location = 9.99ft elev change from the east side TSBD snipers nest. 9.99ft -3.3ft( WC fudge factor) = 6.69ft elevation change. 6.69ft vertical x 18.3ft horizontal = 122.42ft Carried out from the east snipers nest = Station# 2+50 + 122.42ft = Station# 372+4. That lands between extant Z207/208. Robert West indépendant measurements, using 163.65ft as the triangle base distance, confirms the 174ft slant distance entry in CE884 assigned to shot1. The corrected Time/Life reenactment by Robert West was a slant distance of 174.53ft. chris
  8. Hi Gary, I'll try and locate the Shaw quote source. I had it last night,but didn't save it. That source being the reason I used 26 degrees, instead of 25 listed by Kurtz. If it turns out it was a 2nd party quote, I'll apologize/correct that. As you stated, without any of this material from Tom Purvis, I never would've pursued this line of research. Keep me honest, but these numbers do not lie and tell much of what the WC used to fool us and make it all sync. chris
  9. The TSBD 6th floor was set at 60.7ft. The 2nd shot labeled on the SS/FBI plat is a 9.99ft elevation change from the TSBD 6th floor window. Together, that is a height of 70.69ft. If I reduce that by 3.3ft vertical (60.5ft horizontal change), it leaves me at 67.39ft. At 26degrees, this converts to a slant distance of 153.72ft. If I keep the same 60.7ft height and apply a 26degree angle to it, the slant distance is 138.46ft. This matches the CE884 entry for frame 171. Frame 171 at 138.46ft slant distance +60.5ft horizontal change = 198.7ft = Z235. Which, I believe ,was another alternative location for Connally's back wound. The difference between 153.72ft and 138.46 = 15.26ft= Distance from "JFK in the car" to the "limo front end", and the 15.5ft distance the WC used as their starting measuring point Station C, which was placed 15.5ft prior to the street alignment of the snipers nest. chris
  10. Since 18.3ft horizontal = 1ft vertical, I urge people to grab a copy of CE884 and apply the math to it. The TSBD was determined to be at elevation 429.7ft at Station # 2+50. The 2nd shot determination from the SS Dec1963/FBI Feb1964 plat was at Elevation 419.71 This would be an elevation change of (TSBD 429.70 - 419.71 Shot 2) =9.99ft Remember, each vertical ft = 18.3 horizontal ft traveled. So, 18.3 x 9.99ft = 182.81ft from Station # 2+50 = Station# 4+32.8 . JFK at the light post, extant Z272 is at Station# 4+35.1. Approx 2.3ft short of the light post is where 26 degrees from the west side window will land you. chris
  11. Robert, Are you trying to put Connally in a pre-determined position to fit a particular scenario. If so, I'll let others determine that, (as has been done argumentatively for ages) from a film which has been altered at least at the location Connally was shot. Math stands alone. chris
  12. Since nobody was interested in "laying a foundation" down, I'll try it in this context. The 6th floor window ledge determined to be 60.7ft high. Move the snipers nest from the east side to the west side approx 60.7ft. I stated the alteration zones were approx 30.25ft splits x 2 = 60.5ft. Very close to the TSBD 6th floor height. I also informed you the Elm St slope was 3degrees 8min = 3.13 degrees Which, when converted to "run over rise" is a change of 18.3ft horizontal to 1ft vertical. So, 60.5ft vertical/18.3ft horizontal = 3.3ft vertical change. Which is exactly what had been configured on the final data entries on the WC May 1964 plat. Look for the word "BACK" along with the number 3.30. chris P.S. Keeping the location distances parallel to each other, is of the utmost importance for the official story to work.
  13. 26 degrees on the horizontal. That would not be the determined WC snipers position for shot #1. Neither would it be the Elm St. physical location for shot #1. It would be for shot #2 Now, extract the difference between the two angles =(20 degrees 12min) and match that result to CE884. chris
  14. He pointed us in the right direction. chris
  15. I previously mentioned "Station C". To locate this spot for use in measurements, just use the entry from CE884 for Z168 and work backwards using Position A. Will look like this: Z168 Station # 3+29.2 Position A Station # 2+78.5 Station C Station # 2+34.5 TSBD Snipers Nest Station # 2+50.0 The importance of Station C was the start of the ground distance measuring shenanigans to coordinate with the film alterations. I think it's rather strange that Station C was pulled back 15.5 ft from being in alignment (street location) with the snipers nest for starting measurements. Does it some how fit in to the FBI model which lists distances of 262 and 307ft. Which is a distance of 45ft. In terms of a 60.5ft alteration zone, moving a starting point up (in this case, alignment with the snipers nest) would lead to a 45ft distance. Put another way, 30ft between shots pulled back 15.5ft = 45.5ft = difference between 262ft and 307ft.
  16. I stated that the alteration zones dealt in terms of 30.25ft ish. If the WC used 50.7ft as part of their equation, where is the other approx 9.8ft totaling out to 60.5ft. A car traveling at 15.32 mph (remember the entered speed from CE884 168-186 is 14.94mph) braking to 0 will take approx 9.8ft to stop with good tires, on a dry street. Could a car that hits the brakes, appear to / or momentarily stop, before continuing on at 3.74mph? chris
  17. Glad we are on the same page now. I didn't expect you to give me an exact time reference for the 4th shot, and I won't make reference to it, pertaining to your 4shot scenario. It's not necessary to do so. I was only trying to show how incorporating a 5.5 second duration (very important to the WC) can tie into a certain distance/speed scenario created up the street, for use down the street. You are right, that once the removal of frames occur, timing/distance is very difficult to ascertain. You also stated "Chris, according to a popular Sprague map of DP with marked locations of limo on Elm for specific frames the speed of the limo appears to be relatively constant. When each marked location is measured against Z-313 then frame difference is divided by distance, the distance is fairly constant." If you look at the extant Zfilm from 313 on, does it appear to travel at the same speed, and if so, when does it appear to increase in speed? My guess is about the time it nears Altgens. If I remove "every other frame" for a certain stretch wouldn't this accomplish your prior statement of a relatively constant speed and distance traveled? Hope this makes sense. chris
  18. Robert, Let me answer the question pertaining to how I perceived you scenario. 4 shots total. The first happens much earlier than extant313. You have 3 shots occurring afterwards beginning with extant313. So, from extant313 on,there are 3 total shots. I know that you stated that the duration for these 3 shots was somewhere around 3-3.5 seconds. The change I made was the duration from your estimation to 5.5sec. Yes, I understand your timing is different than the scenario I described. You listed the final shot circa extant z360 . What I wrote in the original was "I'll place the last one near Altgens position (CE875) This grouping of 3 shots is 30.2ft apart." In other words, I took your Z360 shot and put it at the SS determined position (near Altgens) for that shot, while incorporating the speed of the limo tied back to the WC number fudging scheme. When you describe z360 as your last shot, where exactly on Elm St. is that supposed to be? Is it at the location we actually see on the extant film itself at Z360? Distance needed? chris P.S I'll get to the other questions a little later.
  19. Robert, Four shot scenario model ~Z-190 shot 1 - 'firecracker' like sound - cause throat wound ~Z-313 shot 2 - 'high powered rifle' - cause fatal head wound ~Z-325 shot 3 - 'high powered rifle' - cause wound to CONNALLY ~Z-360 shot 4 - 'high powered rifle' - cause wound to TAGUE Bob Mady Not sure how I misrepresented your 4 shot model, but no problem. I will not make reference to any of your information. If you want the existing reference deleted from the original post, just say so. chris
  20. In CE884 the first 18 frame entry Z168-186 has the limo travel 21.6ft. That speed in terms of mph = 18.3/18 x 21.6ft = 21.96ft sec = 14.94mph Close to exactly doubling the 7.48mph speed derived earlier. Or, a car traveling at 7.48mph with "every other frame removed" is now moving at 14.96mph. chris
  21. The difference between the two limo speeds of 3.74 and 7.48mph in terms of film frames equals extracting "every other frame". In case you missed that part. chris
  22. 60.5ft/5.5sec = 11ft per sec = 7.48mph chris
  23. It's fairly obvious from Towners film at Position A and on, and from Z133 on, that the limo was never traveling anywhere close to 3.74 mph during these segments. Let me carry this down aways in terms of distances, frame count and average speeds. We know that from Position A to Z168 is 50.7ft. From Z168 to Z313 is 136.1ft So, from Position A to Z313 = 186.8ft. 311 frames @18.3 frames per sec@186.8ft = 7.48 mph average That is exactly twice the speed of 3.74mph. chris
  24. Why is that important? It's the beginning. As you can see in document CE884, the first # frame is Z168. The distance traveled per frame for entries 168-171 is .3ft 169frames @ .3ft = 50.7ft 169frames@18.3frames per sec = 9.23sec 50.7ft/9.23sec = 5.49ft per sec =3.74mph When you are asked where the WC started their frame alteration/computation shenanigans, respond with "POSITION A" chris
  25. The WC supplied us with some documentation to peruse. They just made it real difficult to decipher how they went about accomplishing the feat. If you will notice the top entry in CE884 is Position A. They did not enter a Station# for this spot on Elm St. Kind of wonder why!!! Originally, they had Z161 assigned to Station # 3+29.2, eventually they changed it to Z168 as entered in document CE884. So, from "Station C to Position A" = 44ft And, from Station C to Z168= 94.7ft So, from Position A to Z168 = 94.7ft-44ft = 50.7ft. chris
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