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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. btw, When using the 18.3/24 ratio and vice-versa, it helps to apply them at the appropriate starting points. For instance, the limo on film at Z133. 74 frames to Z207, a back shot. 74 x .7625 (18.3/24 ratio) = 56.4 frames Z133 + 56.4 = Z189.4 or Z190 rounded to next whole frame. So, if you think the shot that occurred at Z207 is correct, that's the 24/18.3 version. If you believe the Z190 shot, that's the 18.3/24 version. chris
  2. Let me work this backwards for you, from the SS/FBI Feb64 plat where they have the 2nd shot listed at elevation 419.71. The 6th floor ledge height was determined to be 60.7ft @ elevation 429.70 The vertical difference between those locations is 9.99ft. 9.99ft -3.3ft (WC vertical fudge factor) = difference of 6.69 vertical ft. Since each vertical ft = 18.3 horizontal feet, then 6.69 x 18.3 = 122.4ft My street alignment with the WC snipers nest is at Station# 2+50 and I add the difference between them in terms of horizontal distance, I now have: Station# 2+50 + 122.4ft = Station# 372.4 = right between CE884 Zframe207/208. chris P.S Look at the K-R "line of sight distance" from CE884 Z171-Z235. Remember Z168- Z171 has the limo traveling at 3.74mph, according to CE884 The slant distance between them is 60.8ft.
  3. Remember, Why did I move the shooters position 60.4ft to the west. The final plat lists Elm St at a 3 degree 8 minute slant = 3.13 degrees= 5.46 grade percentage = 1ft vertical for every 18.3ft horizontal. A 3.3ft vertical change = 3.3 x 18.3 = 60.4ft total horizontal shift = (2)30.2ft spans on the ground and up above. And, since they have it labeled along with the word "back", from elevation 426.8 to 423.5, which includes the elevation of Z255 in between, I can't help but wonder what they were up to, trying to confuse Altgens with when and where he and the limo were, when he took Altgens 6 and equated that to a shot. I see, the back shot was 3.3ft up from the ground. I thought the WC was unable to determine the exact location of the first shot. It appears someone determined it to be at Elevation 426.8 or extant Z208. Can't have it both ways. chris
  4. And, If I move the shooter location approx 60.7ft 60.4ft west of the WC snipers nest and connect it back to the SS/FBI plat "shot 2" designation, that 19.4 degrees (19 degrees 26 minutes) angle to horizon now matches the CE884 Z235 entry for "angle to horizon". chris
  5. Earlier, I introduced two ratios to keep in mind when trying to wade through this. 18.3/24 = .7625 and 24/18.3 = 1.31 The frame span from Z168-255 is 87 frames, with Z168 being the starting point from the CE884 data chart. 87 frames x .7625 = 66.3 frames If I add those 66.3 frames to Z168, I'm now at Z234.3 or Z235 rounded to next whole frame. So, using an 18.3frames per scenario, starting at Z168, the Altgens described shot circa Z255 is at approx Z235. Dr Robert Shaw please. Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Shaw, have you had an opportunity today here in the Cornmission building to view the movies which we referred to as the Zapruder movies and the slides taken from these movies? Dr. SHAW - Yes. Mr. SPECTER - And what, if any, light did those movies shed on your evaluation and opinions on this matter with respect to the wounds of the Governor? Dr. SHAW - Well, my main interest was to try to place the time that the Governor was struck by the bullet which inflicted the wound on his chest in reference to the sequence of the three shots, as has been described to us. (At this point the Chief Justice entered the hearing room.) This meant trying to carefully examine the position of the Governor's body in the car so that it would fall in line with what we knew the trajectory must be for this bullet coming from the point where it has been indicated it did come from. And in trying to place this actual frame that these frames are numbered when the Governor was hit, my opinion was that it was frame number, let's see, I think it was No. 36. Mr. SPECTER - 236? Dr. SHAW - 236, give or take 1 or 2 frames. It was right in 35, 36, 37, perhaps. chris
  6. Patrick, At least one shot after the extant 313 shot, at extant Z351 physical location. Z351shot might actually be what you see as Z313 on film. The SS video of Nov 27th, 1963 has no changes in terms of landmarks vs what was there on Nov22, 1963 as far as I know. Is the NARA copy a 16mm/24frames per sec copy. If not, I would be highly suspect of it. chris
  7. Thomas, Mr. ALTGENS - Yes, sir; I did not move from fixed position 3. If I moved at all, it would be to step into the curb area to make a picture and back upon the curb because there were motorcycle policemen on either side of the Presidential car and I didn't want to get in their way, but if you will look at this picture---- I choose not to go into the Doorman/Lovelady debate. Only in the interest of supplying the best film material available to me, do I tread lately/lightly. If that is your interest, then by all means, pursue it in the existing threads available. chris
  8. As a follow up, just imagine they have placed Altgens photo position parallel to the Z255 limo spot, on the curb. If Altgens thinks this is his photo position, where do you think (farther east up Elm) they are trying to convince him the limo was at the time he simultaneously snapped his photo in accordance with a shot? chris
  9. Thomas, My previous posting in regards to Position A is just another indication of the configuring accomplished by the WC using 3.74mph as the limo speed at some point(farther west down Elm) in the assassination scenario. I've supplied the equation of : 30.2ft/5.5sec= 5.49ft per sec = 3.74mph for that. Look at it this way, the WC was trying to push events (shot near Altgens location, extant Z351, pushed back to Z313 headshot) back east up Elm St without exposing this on the Z film. If events slow down, more than what you have been led to believe, in essence, you are pushing them eastward, back up Elm St If you understand this, then what they did with Altgen's while he was testifying, is a little easier to grasp. Liebeler shows Altgens an aerial view and tells him they plotted his position as the white number 3 (I moved it parallel into the street from its original position). Warning!!! Red Flag time. They have moved Altgens position much farther east than where he actually was. Why? Because he said he took his picture almost simultaneously with the sound of a shot. So, if they moved his position farther east, relationally, he would think that shot occurred farther east also. In fact, it might convince you it occurred as the 1st shot reaction we see on the extant Zfilm. I have placed the red number 3 with the diagonal line to indicate where Altgens real filming position was. I then moved the original placement of Altgens (white colored 3 with red circle) onto Elm St. The white empty circle is where the WC originally placed him. Now, just imagine his famous picture taken from his true photo position, and the location of the limo within it, as the (white colored 3 with red circle). That is the relationship which should have been conveyed to Altgens. Instead, Liebeler try to confuse the heck out of him, purposely, so we wouldn't think there was a shot at the time he took his picture. chris
  10. Mr. SPECTER. I ask you to state what that album depicts. Mr. SHANEYFELT. This is an album that I prepared of black and white photographs made of the majority of the frames in the Zapruder film---- Mr. SPECTER. Starting with what frame number? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Starting with frame 171, going through frame 334. Mr. SPECTER. And why did you start with frame 171? Mr. SHANEYFELT. This is the frame that the slides start from. This was an arbitrary frame number that was decided on as being far enough back to include the area that we wanted to study. Mr. SPECTER. Is that a frame where President Kennedy comes into full view after the motorcade turns left off of Houston onto Elm Street? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes, yes. Mr. SPECTER. And how was the ending point of that frame sequence, being No. 334, fixed? Mr. SHANEYFELT. It was fixed as several frames past the shot that hit the President in the head. Frame 313 is the frame showing the shot to the President's head, and it ends at 334. I think Shaneyfelt needs a little help with his testimony. Let me translate. Frame 171 was the last frame used having the limo travel at 3.74mph (CE884- Z168-171entry), starting from Position A. Now that makes sense. chris
  11. What does that leave me with: 166.2frames @ 166.3ft or 1ft/1frame ratio What span do I have that is similar: Z168-Z255 87frames@87.2ft traveled 1ft/1frame ratio Another 79.2ft backwards from Z168 = (check CE884) from Station# 3+29.2-79.2ft puts me street parallel with the snipers nest = Elm St location Station# 2+50 So, from Station# 2+50 to Z255 = 166.4ft chris
  12. What ratios were important? 166frames/100ft = 5/3 ratio See attached Look at CE884 and what is the ratio for frames in accordance with Z161-166 (5frames) to Z168-171 (3frames) which directly relate to 3.74mph. In my SS/Z film comparison, If I reduce total 218 frames traveled by a 18.3/24 ratio (.7625), I end up with 166.2frames. 196.5ft-30.2ft(distance from Z313-Z351)=166.3ft. Added on edit: What did I remove from above: approx 30ft and 50frames a 3/5 ratio 5/3 ratio chris
  13. Jon, Do you understand the distance from extant Z313-Z351(last frame in my original SS/Z comparison) = 30.2ft? Frame 351physical location is where the SS determined the last shot occurred. If I had to convince you that the last shot was at Z313, tied to the snipers nest, and not Z351, how would I go about this(knowing the limo slowed down at some point to 3.74mph) in terms of film, data entry (CE884) and angles back to the 6th floor TSBD? What other instantaneous events transpired during the assassination? What was expanded, what was compressed? Within the "average" scenario lies the "instantaneous" scenario. I didn't create the speed traveled on CE884 from Z161-166 and Z168-171 as 3.74mph. But I can put it into the context of how it was created and for what reason. The belief that this equation: 30.2ft/5.5seconds=5.49ft per sec = 3.74mph is somehow coincidental and does not apply is mind boggling. imo Once again, the odds are better at winning multiple lotteries. imo chris
  14. Jon, What do you not understand in regards to this equation: 30.2ft/5.5seconds=5.49ft per sec = 3.74mph chris
  15. If you believe Myers timeline at this point, the difference between these two events is 1.87 seconds. 1.87 seconds x 18.3 frames per sec = 35 frames Z447 + 35 frames = Z482 End of Z @ 486 Yes, up on the pedestal where they should be. Just a matter of who "they" are. chris
  16. Hopefully, you haven't forgotten about him or his location. chris
  17. Limo speed from Z168-186(14.94mph) Continue on from Z186-Z207, same speed @14.94mph 14.94mph = 1.2ft per frame @18.3fps 6frames x 1.2ft = 7.2ft. 23ft pulled back + 7.2ft =30.2ft pulled back chris
  18. http://www56.zippyshare.com/v/53154232/file.html And, one from the backside. chris
  19. http://www28.zippyshare.com/v/70537806/file.html Note the arc shape from Z pedestal back to point X chris
  20. Just to follow up, 21.96ft per second = 14.94mph Z133-Z166 = 33 frames 33 frames@24frames per sec @30.2ft =21.96ft per sec=14.94mph matching the initial entry speed for CE884 final frames Z168-186 @18.3frames per sec. I hope you noticed the span I listed only went from Z133-166 not to Z168, keep this in mind as I move along. chris
  21. Moving onward, 132frames@18.3fps = 7.21sec 7.21sec x 24fps = 173.04 frames 173.04-132= 41.04 frames. Rounded to the next whole frame = 42 frames If I cut out 132 frames from this 174 frame scenario, I have 42 frames moving forward. Z133-168=35 frames. No data supplied on CE884 for this span Another 7 frames = the 42 total frames @24fps. On CE884, a change was made which moved the Elm St physical position of Z161 to Z168 =7 frames Since the speed of the limo according to CE884 from frames 168-186= 18 frames@21.6ft traveled, this converts to 21.96ft per sec. In terms of ft/per frame= 21.96/18.3 =1.2ft per frame. 7frames pulled x 1.2 ft per sec = 8.4ft The distance traveled between the preliminary CE884 Z161-166 = .9ft Z161later changed to Z168 at the same .9ft Result, 7 frames traveled (Z161-168) a total distance of .9ft Difference of 8.4ft - .9ft = 7.5ft Added to the original 15.5ft pulled back from the snipers nest to StationC equals a total of 23ft pulled back. 7.2ft more to go until we hit that 30.2ft mark. chris
  22. Mr. SPECTER. And does a 42-frame count have any significance with respect to the firing time on the Mannlicher-Carcano rifle? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; we have established that the Zapruder motion picture camera operates at an average speed of 18.3 frames per second. And we have been advised that the minimum time for firing the rifle in successive shots is approximately two and a quarter seconds. So this gives us then a figure of two and a quarter seconds of frames; at 18.3, this gives us this figure of 41 to 42 frames. Representative FORD. Would you repeat that again, please? Mr. SHANEYFELT. The camera operates at a speed of 18.3 frames per second. So that in two and a quarter seconds it would run through about 42--41 to 42 frames. btw, You could also think of 42 frames in terms of 18.3fps + 24fps Translate this to Jon's previous description. chris
  23. Jon's excerpt: Here's what we know for sure at this point: [1] The car appears to move faster in the film from Camera #2 than in the film from Camera #1. [2] The only plausible explanation for this is that frames either have been removed from the Camera #2 film or have been added to the Camera #1 film. Jon, Thank you for the splendid summation. I will continue describing this in WC math terms, but obviously you understand now. chris
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