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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Robert,to begin. In regards to Molina's testimony: http://www28.zippyshare.com/v/Gu7eQbMB/file.html Use Weigman's film as a time clock. The time counter at 4,19 (Last of Lovelady in Weigman) = 4seconds + 19/30 of a second So 4,19 to 24,06 (Weigman stops filming Charles Hester) = a time span of 19.56seconds chris
  2. Robert, I was insinuating that Truly's action as Baker passes by, is in itself, a little strange. Your point is valid. We do not see Baker actually enter the TSBD via the front entrance. Nor would I make that assumption. The Molina testimony you posted might be approached a little differently. I will explain tomorrow. chris
  3. http://www44.zippyshare.com/v/W9QJYPBu/file.html James, You have the same concerns I do. But, this may help. The police officer near PM's position is actually one step below the top platform. Watch the shadow across that top step as the cop steps through it with both feet. Is it conclusive as a comparison with Darnell, of course not. It's as close as I've been able to find, making the assumption that PM is closer to the wall,but on the same step as the policeman. I'm now leaning toward PM being one step down from the top. chris
  4. Robert, I have stabilized and slowed Robin's Darnell frames. http://www85.zippyshare.com/v/H04Vt5xz/file.html Watch Truly's "about face" right after Baker passes him. I was under the impression they did not know each other before this. I'm speculating of course. chris
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUH0mSLq6GaqnvUAOy85xOmw&v=rgVAnWk2tRk#t=12 Listen closely around the 22 second mark. The WC was well aware of the west end. I just haven't uncovered any of their revelations, if there are any. chris
  6. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/rowland_a.htm Subjective and speculative of course. At least that's what the WC would want you to believe. chris
  7. http://www14.zippyshare.com/v/KMfGGZge/file.html Robert, This would be from the east end. chris
  8. http://www4.zippyshare.com/v/O2sOLwUD/file.html Mark, This would be from the 6th floor west end. The only impediment in hitting Connally farther down, would be the light post. chris
  9. http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/HqzImRLR/file.html Brad, I'm more inclined to agree with Dr.Shaw that the "all in one" Connally wound came from the west end of the TSBD. Along the line of the photos provided. Not necessarily when "on the Zfilm" as Shaw determined. No Queen Mary obstacles. No JFK obstacle. Downward angle more realistic. imo chris
  10. Robert, Lee referred to the DMN photo of Molina. You'll have to get a clarification from him. chris
  11. After a couple of cups of coffee I'd like to state that I'm stopping the guessing games name now. They lead nowhere and just create more and more confusion around an already complicated issue. It's time to DEFINITIVELY ANSWER THE QUESTION and END THIS. Lee, My intent was not to create more confusion. I know from other versions of this same footage, this gentleman is cropped out. Same concept as the Weigman frame I posted, compared to Groden's version, everything to Lovelady's left has been cropped out. No need to speculate, just file it in the cabinet, possibly for future reference. I've always been in favor of obtaining the most original material possible, so I do support the effort. chris
  12. http://www45.zippyshare.com/v/vwjJU2G5/file.html Oswald, Lovelady and ? in the interrogation room together. chris
  13. Hi Lee, http://www67.zippyshare.com/v/qrSuecED/file.html This is from a different source than the Groden DVD. Brought this to Sean M's attention back in 2007, but at that time, he, along with a few others, were working on a film syncing project. In the past, I've made comments to the effect that the arm position would appear to be of one holding a camera, just couldn't quite tell from "lack of quality" if that was the object indeed. chris
  14. Robert, I inquired about the height disparity in the "How Important Is The Bill Kelley Thread". Posting #96-98 I agree. It's always good to clear these questions up, before we go on. chris
  15. Robert, In conjunction with Darnell/Couch, use Weigman's entire film as a clock for Lovelady's location. Start with Altgen's Z255 if necessary. chris
  16. Robert, 1.Baker dismounts from motorcycle. 2.Lovelady/Shelley exit stairs. 3.Weigman starts his run down the knoll. You can use these three actions as a sync point. Close enough. chris
  17. Tom, I would appreciate it, if you would repost what you have previously deleted. thanks, chris
  18. Mr. BALL - How tall are you? Mr. FRAZIER - I am 6-foot, a little bit over 6-foot. chris
  19. http://www43.zippyshare.com/v/TjtKALYZ/file.html Does anyone know the door height of the TSBD opening? Is PM on the top step of the entryway? Is that WBF's head closely approaching the top of the door opening? chris
  20. Not a problem. http://www59.zippyshare.com/v/nUBUSzEL/file.html A possible Connally shot after Z323-Z340, I believe the most appropriate time would be when Connally rises up at approx Z373 Z372. His body position would probably be more in alignment with a picket fence shooter at this point. chris
  21. Robert, I don't believe the workable solution is the Connally "one shot/3 wounds" scenario occurring at Z324 according to the extant Zfilm. The overhand wrist is above the back entry/chest exit at this point. At approx Z340, that overhand wrist has now moved across his chest (actually Z337 we see the last of his white shirt cuff). During this time frame (Z323-Z340), Connally has started his movement forward /downward and to the left. The angle between Connally's "back to wrist top has changed. I believe his overhand wrist has to be below the level of the exit hole from his chest, yet that angle has to allow for an entry into his thigh. I can see him being shot in the leaning down/forward/left twisted position, but with the overhand entrance wrist injury thrown in, it still appears to require a greater downward angle. The demonstration with the stick is interesting. If you are able to, have someone behind you hold the stick (just barely touching the approx back entry point at the approx angle you used in your first demonstration. Now bend forward and twist to your left as you did previously, but have the stick holder keep the stick in it's original orientation. chris
  22. Robert M, The earliest his "overhand" wrist touches his thigh is approx Z340. chris
  23. Robert M, http://www22.zippyshare.com/v/7xhkHawh/file.html When you refer to the "monument" area, are you describing the pergola and attaching colonnade, behind the Z pedestal and extending toward the TSBD? This is why I included the elevation graphic from the pergola to Z313. The ground distance from the pergola to Z313 is approx 90ft. The rise between is 10.7ft. A 7degree downward angle completes the triangle. chris
  24. http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/kD8qXUib/file.html The difference in elevation from Z313 to the pergola is approx 10.7ft chris
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