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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Glenn, I would suggest taking a look at my recent topic "Recreation" along with the links provided. Then take another look at circa Z207. chris
  2. Here's some support from Dr Shaw. Mr. SPECTER - Dr. Shaw, have you had an opportunity today here in the Cornmission building to view the movies which we referred to as the Zapruder movies and the slides taken from these movies? Dr. SHAW - Yes. Mr. SPECTER - And what, if any, light did those movies shed on your evaluation and opinions on this matter with respect to the wounds of the Governor? Dr. SHAW - Well, my main interest was to try to place the time that the Governor was struck by the bullet which inflicted the wound on his chest in reference to the sequence of the three shots, as has been described to us. (At this point the Chief Justice entered the hearing room.) This meant trying to carefully examine the position of the Governor's body in the car so that it would fall in line with what we knew the trajectory must be for this bullet coming from the point where it has been indicated it did come from. And in trying to place this actual frame that these frames are numbered when the Governor was hit, my opinion was that it was frame number, let's see, I think it was No. 36. Mr. SPECTER - 236? Dr. SHAW - 236, give or take 1 or 2 frames. It was right in 35, 36, 37, perhaps. chris
  3. Hi Glenn, To begin with. What was your/Summer's reasoning for starting at extant Z206? chris
  4. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  5. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  6. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  7. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  8. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  9. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  10. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  11. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  12. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  13. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  14. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  15. http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/DjZSlsUk/file.html http://www55.zippyshare.com/v/rhKlLbNO/file.html chris
  16. http://www70.zippyshare.com/v/M0YLz2Hd/file.html Extant Zfilm. Umbrella movement. chris
  17. Thanks Randy, Do you know from what source your version was created? The "blob" should be accounted for. The blue windshield area also. Possibly an extra child for the Chisms, I'll have to recheck that one. chris
  18. Robert, Yes, that is what I was referring to. chris
  19. http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/4Aa9noeg/file.html Bronson vs Zapruder Flags are reversed. chris
  20. http://www4.zippyshare.com/v/YVsIV6N4/file.html Hi Clive, This probably would be closer to the original, if you haven't come across it previously. chris
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