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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. http://www7.zippyshare.com/v/9Z2MYF1X/file.html Which direction did the blood flow from JBC's wrist? chris
  2. http://www75.zippyshare.com/v/jOvByMH0/file.html It's not frankenstein, but another for the collection, if you are unfamiliar with it. chris
  3. http://www80.zippyshare.com/v/kNnpvgSk/file.html Robert, My vote is for the "magic marker" lapel. chris
  4. http://www74.zippyshare.com/v/KAYxVLv9/file.html Towner frames: Life Magazine Nov24,1967 National Geographic "The Lost Bullet" chris
  5. http://www27.zippyshare.com/v/F2V0yVZD/file.html "A better scan of a 1st/2nd or 3rd generation copy of Wiegman/Towner/Darnell and Couch would help immensely and could close this lone assassin bs and open the floodgates and that would prbably help those authors even more in the long run." Bart, We can only wish. chris
  6. http://www73.zippyshare.com/v/oWbEjFw6/file.html Robert, Photo extracted from here, under the The Warren Commission / FBI Rifle heading : http://jfkresearch.freehomepage.com/c2766.html Some other info from here: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php?topic=2679.0;wap2 chris
  7. http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/OtHPu1fR/file.html Bart, Very few people knew of this Weigman version back when it was available. Sean was working on a timing project back then (relating to Lovelady/Altgens) and asked for help. I created a disk image of the "Death In Dealy Plaza" program DVD back in October of 2005. Sent Robin Unger a copy way back when. The quality of photos/movies was much better than what had been previously available. imo When Sean inquired about Lovelady, we were more concerned about the Lovelady/Oswald scenario in Altgens, than anything else. PM,as he was named by Sean sometime later I believe,was known to us back in 2007, we just didn't associate his possible importance until Sean Murphy followed through with his fantastic work later on. This is how I remember it evolving,if someone has earlier information for PM, I'm not aware of it but can "stand to be corrected". chris Chris, thanks a lot for the info and the pic. Is this the Weisberg archive pic? Best B http://www52.zippyshare.com/v/mMnTcPif/file.html Bart, No,it is not the Weisberg frame(see link above) that Robin introduced. The version I supplied is from the TV special "Death In Dealy Plaza". chris
  8. http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/OtHPu1fR/file.html Bart, Very few people knew of this Weigman version back when it was available. Sean was working on a timing project back then (relating to Lovelady/Altgens) and asked for help. I created a disk image of the "Death In Dealy Plaza" program DVD back in October of 2005. Sent Robin Unger a copy way back when. The quality of photos/movies was much better than what had been previously available. imo When Sean inquired about Lovelady, we were more concerned about the Lovelady/Oswald scenario in Altgens, than anything else. PM,as he was named by Sean sometime later I believe,was known to us back in 2007, we just didn't associate his possible importance until Sean Murphy followed through with his fantastic work later on. This is how I remember it evolving,if someone has earlier information for PM, I'm not aware of it but can "stand to be corrected". chris
  9. http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/8jbGgbyw/file.html Bart, If you are referring to the figure known as PM man, I'm fairly sure Charles was not the discoverer. chris
  10. http://www14.zippyshare.com/v/C5ENAktM/file.html Robert, A little support for you. chris
  11. http://www78.zippyshare.com/v/U9bVGjkH/file.html The complete segment. Lightened,stabilized and rotated somewhat. chris
  12. David, Very nice summation. Your "Bankers and Lawyers" material sounds like it will be quite interesting. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-weisbrot/are-the-european-authorit_b_6978814.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592 chris
  13. Something like this http://www78.zippyshare.com/v/OAX0TPUB/file.html chris
  14. http://www18.zippyshare.com/v/IaSz27oZ/file.html Robert, We might be able to make a similar comparison in terms of a "distance/size" relationship between these men and the Darnell frame. chris
  15. http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/0Z8vK9Hz/file.html Mark, Not that I know of. We tried to locate him in this area long ago, but as with most topics, it remains unresolved. Euins description could fit with someone who possibly was watching on Houston St as the limo passed, and then turned/moved to watch it travel down Elm St. This frame is from Dorman. I just don't see a child in her film that fits Euins description. The arrow points to a smaller person, who could be with an african-american grown-up, but the childs pants are white. I don't believe Euins was wearing white pants. He did possess a black hat, not necessarily meaning he was wearing it at the time. chris
  16. Could this be him Mark? This seems to be more likely him David, In the bottom frame,your white arrow is pointing to Rosemary Willis. chris
  17. Hi Vanessa, See if you can download it from this site. http://www.filedropper.com/pm chris P.S. Nothing personal, but I'd rather stick to uploading to one file hosting site. ZippyShare appears to work fine for the majority here.
  18. http://www76.zippyshare.com/v/O9VT35mr/file.html The Weigman gif is a 2frame/4second differential,time lapse. PM appears to be filming/photographing and then stops. Lovelady appears to take at least one step down. chris
  19. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/exhibits/ce2086.htm David, Carolyn Walther's sees two gunmen on a lower floor than the 6th. (She is positive this window was not as high as the sixth floor.) Norman and Jarman head up to the 5th. The gunmen realize someone has now entered the 5th floor. They move to the 6th floor to complete the mission. One at the west window, one at the east. Euins, Brennan and Rowland all get a glimpse of either gunmen/gun on the 6th floor. chris
  20. Thomas, My point was: Who had the seizure? An african-american? Belknap? or someone else. If it was an african-american, Belknap has some explaining to do. Even though he is dead. chris
  21. Thomas, I didn't mention anything/has nothing to do with someone in the window. He describes an african-american as the person who has the seizure on the street. Why would I believe that Belknap was that person? Belknap is white. I think Rowland is very credible also. chris
  22. Tom, http://www.angelfire.com/tx/rangerexes/1959j.htm Mr. ROWLAND - That is a whopper. I am almost sure I told her or asked her, did she want to see a Secret Service agent. She said, "Where," and I said, "In the building there," and at that time she told me to look--I remember what she was looking at. Right directly across from us in this plaza in front of the pond there was a colored boy that had an epileptic fit or something of this type right then, and she pointed this out to me and there were a couple of officers there and a few moments later they called an ambulance, this is what she told me to look at then, and we looked at this for a short period of time, and then I told her to look in the building, the second floor from the top and on that end, the two open windows, is I think what 1 said, and I said, "He is not there now." I think that is what I said. She said, "What did he look like," and I told her just that--I gave her more or less a brief description of what he looked like, open collared shirt, light-colored shirt, and he had a rifle, I described the rifle in as much detail as I have to you to her. The photo does not appear to depict an African-American. chris
  23. If you reverse the Darnell-Couch/Weigman time frame, think of Baker getting off his cycle just as Weigman gets up and starts running down theknoll. In Groden's version of Weigman, the extant 313 headshot occurs at approx 3seconds into Weigman's film. 3 seconds in, stops filming Hester at 24 seconds in = 21 seconds. Check Molina's testimony about how long after the last shot he saw Truly's actions. If you have Weigman's version, watch as it blurs and he starts panning back toward the TSBD front entrance. http://www89.zippyshare.com/v/OM4kuIUH/file.html chris
  24. http://www63.zippyshare.com/v/3ZwMjKU7/file.html After filming Charles Hester, Weigman runs down the knoll to start filming the Newmans. Look closely for Weigman's run down the knoll in Couch/Darnell. chris
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