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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  2. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  3. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  4. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  5. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  6. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  7. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  8. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  9. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  10. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  11. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  12. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  13. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  14. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  15. http://www.filedropper.com/166 Mr. SPECTER. Considering the 3-inch difference in the jump seat--and I believe it would be an inch and a half difference in height between President Kennedy and Governor Connally--how much higher, then, approximately, was President Kennedy sitting than the Governor on November 22? Mr. KELLEY. I am not---- Mr. SPECTER. Would the President have been about an inch and half higher than the Governor on the day of the assassination? Mr. KELLEY. The day of the assassination, yes. Take your cursor and set it at the top of JFK's head as the gif plays. What heads align (vertically) from extant Z161-166? chris
  16. http://www.filedropper.com/3deg8min The final plat of May24, 1964 had the street slope at 3°8min = 3.13° = 18.3ft horiz/1ft vertical drop ratio. The 10inch/12 adjustment or .83333333ft x 18.3ft = 15.2499999ft which just happens to match the distance between JFK's position in the limo and the limo front end at 15.25 ft. chris
  17. Pat, http://www.filedropper.com/210-225 210-225 is the closest comparison I could find for an elevation drop of 10/12inches = .833ft .82 x 18.18ft = 14.9ft horizontal move = .82 x 12 inches = 9.84inch vertical drop .833 x 18.18ft = 15.14ft horizontal move = .833 x 12 inches = 10 inch vertical drop Q: Now, Mr. Shaneyfelt, where 168 appears on that plaque, am I correct in stating that the dot next to 168 represents the position of the location of President Kennedy within the limousine at that time. Is that correct? A: That is correct, the limousine that we were using for the re-enactment was not the limousine that the President was riding in, and we had to make an adjustment because the stand-in was sitting ten inches higher than the President was sitting, ten inches higher from the street, so after positioning Frame 161, we moved the car forward until we could just barely see the spot on the back of the -- the approximate spot where the President was hit on the back, this appeared based on a ten-inch adjustment, so that we take into account the last clear place that the President could have been shot just before going under the tree. Testimony from the Clay Shaw trial. chris P.S. Once again, the difference in distance between JFK's position in the limo and the limo front end is 15.25 ft.
  18. http://www.filedropper.com/recreationtape Thanks Mark. Maybe that will turn on the lightbulb for others. chris
  19. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  20. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  21. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
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