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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 52.78 - 23.7 = 29.08inches 52.78-16.6 -7.7 =28.48inches 29inches from the seat of a person 72 1/2 inches tall (in my case) = finger pointing location, not top of head. Difference in height (slight angle created) between seat bottom front edge to rear = ? chris
  2. Sandy, It's the same segment, but not exactly the same version. I've tweaked the brightness and contrast somewhat. chris P.S. If I can find the original source video, I will post it. But, it's been a long time since I accessed this footage.
  3. Sorry about that. Try the Google server. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OQ1h5NjZUYjFXWkE/view?usp=sharing Just click on "download" . chris
  4. Wow, that really does look like Lovelady. But damn... I wish he had his shirt on. Plaid or striped... plaid or striped ... plaid or striped ... This is the guy that I think is a candidate for Dougherty. He's 'husky' and appears a lot taller than the other men standing around. He does look like Lovelady though. Vanessa, https://spideroak.com/browse/share/JFKFILES/JFKVIDEOS password: assassination Filename: PMFrontMan A possible match for the person Robert pointed out as Lovelady, on the steps below PM in Darnell? chris
  5. Hi James Yes, it is quite conceivable Shelley briefly left the steps to cross the street and speak with Calvery, although I don't believe this was his reason for crossing the street, and then returned to the steps and re-entered the building. However, considering how long it may have taken Calvery to return from down below, and how long she remained at the "corner of the park", this by no means is any kind of proof Shelley left the steps immediately after the shots; although his description of running across the street does infer he left immediately. However, the discussion is not simply whether Lovelady left the steps or not, it is whether or not he and Shelley went down the Elm St. extension to the rail yards and, when 25 paces down the extension, looked back to see Baker and Truly climbing the front steps of the TSBD. Robert, https://spideroak.com/browse/share/JFKFILES/JFKVIDEOS password: assassination File Name: Steps-05 Down the steps they go. About 4 seconds worth, unfortunately, it pans past them at that point. chris
  6. "There were a number of problems with this. Chief among them was that a couple of close-up shots prove that the surveyor's equipment in the background...which appeared to line up with the Dal-Tex Building...was the almost certain source for the laser, and not the hand held laser outside the sniper's nest." More laser support for the Dal-Tex trajectory. They should have looked a little closer. chris JFK Laser Trajectory.mov
  7. Robert, Weigman's film, when synced with Bell,Couch and Darnell, doesn't allow Baker to enter the TSBD within 15-22 seconds of the extant 313 shot. chris
  8. Robert, A time lapse of 12 frames for the Lovelady pop-up. I believe he is a very good candidate for him. As for better quality, it would probably be close to PM results. chris
  9. If you look closely, Baker crosses just behind the signal light post on his way toward the TSBD curb/front steps. His path appears to be somewhere close to the red line I have drawn in. If you go to this link, I have stabilized the Darnell footage (labeled Truly-Baker gif) to give you a better look at Baker crossing just behind the signal light. https://spideroak.com/browse/share/JFKFILES/JFKVIDEOS password: assassination chris
  10. Sandy, It appears that neither Baker nor the running lady has reached the curb yet. The sidewalk is 10ft wide. These are my only conclusions so far. chris
  11. The first part also. P.S. A larger version here for download: https://spideroak.com/browse/share/JFKFILES/JFKVIDEOS Password: assassination Nice GIF Chris Runs very smooth
  12. Scroll down for photos from the south knoll. http://jfkthefifthdecade.blogspot.com/2013/06/the-south-knoll-assassins-paradise.html
  13. Roy, This is the photo by Cancellare, from which the small insert was made. which seems to show that the photo was taken within seconds of the shooting. Roy, I believe my brother was at about the red X when he took this photo.
  14. Robert, One of those relating to this area? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005ON3labE1kdlYzcVk/view?usp=sharing chris
  15. Ramon, Some other items. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.469620866449396.1073741833.109813095763510&type=3 chris
  16. Roy, A little backseat footage. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OQUx6U25wRFp2QWc/view?usp=sharing Of course, cleaning up the scene prematurely might create more difficulties in figuring out exactly what happened. I recommend downloading the bottom link as opposed to just playing it, because of its size, it appears to have buffering problems. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OdnQ4eHluV1ZhUjA/view?usp=sharing chris
  17. Paul, I believe the frames Martin supplied are from this clip. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OVm9jMWRSNmJhMU0/view?usp=sharing chris
  18. Roy/James, One of the few times I've seen the seat in the raised position. chris
  19. Roy, Jackie and Jack entering the limo at Love Field. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwrExtVD005OSUctamRYWTFZU0U/view?usp=sharing chris
  20. Using JFK as the marker with the pedestal and yellow curb stripe as stationary items, the extant Zfilm shows the limo traveling approx 7.2ft from frames 301-313. 18.3/12 = 1.525 x 7.2 = 10.98ft per sec /1.47 = 7.47mph chris
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