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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Z156 plots at Station# 3.19.3 Z166 plots at Station# 3.30.1 My plotting of extant Z166 using the traffic light post in the background, coincides with WC document CE884.
  2. The bookend for Z156 is Z166, for this exercise. Extant Z166 plotted, using the background traffic light post (via the Robert West key) and JFK's position in the limo, resides at Station # 3+30.1
  3. Continuing with the ratio: 3.54 inches (vertical) to 5.3985ft (horizontal) I plotted the position of the limo at Z156, using the limo "front end" and the "park sign" in the background from Z's filming position. The "park sign" location was plotted using a "key" created by Robert West, back when the original surveying was being performed. The attachment includes a frame from Groden's version of Z (Z156) and MPI's version of Z157 showing the limo's front end is past the alignment "park sign" at Z157, but in alignment at Z156. The position of "JFK in the limo" at Z156 is Station# 3+19.3 in the extant Zfilm.
  4. Mark, Let me start this one by addressing the 3.54 inches (from the original equation) in terms of a conversion. 3.54inches/12inches (1ft) = .295ft .295 x 18.3ft = 5.3985ft Remember, this 18.3ft refers to a horizontal distance traveled in conjunction with a 1ft rise for the Elm St slope of 3.13°.
  5. Which matches the sniper boxes height above the window sill. Converted for others, the answer to Mark's statement is 13 inches. The answer to my statement is 13 inches.
  6. Here is a quick reminder. Mr. KELLEY. The officials at Hess Eisenhardt, who have the original plans of the President's car, conducted a test to ascertain how high from the ground a person 72 1/2 inches would be seated in this car before its modification. And 132 it was ascertained that the person would be 52.78 inches from the ground--that is, taking into consideration the flexion of the tires, the flexion of the cushions that were on the car at the time. Mr. SPECTER. When you say 52.78 inches, which individual would that be? Mr. KELLEY. That would be the President. Mr. SPECTER. And what part of his body? Mr. KELLEY. The top of the head would be 52.78 inches from the ground. When Mr. Anderton was placed in the followup car, it was found that the top of his head was 62 inches from the ground. Mr. SPECTER. Was there any difference between the position of President Kennedy's stand-in and the position of President Kennedy on the day of the assassination by virtue of any difference in the automobiles in which each rode? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; because of the difference in the automobiles there was a variation of 10 inches, a vertical distance of 10 inches that had to be considered. The stand-in for President Kennedy was sitting 10 inches higher and. the stand-in for Governor Connally was sitting 10 inches higher than the President and Governor Connally were sitting and we took this into account in our calculations. 3.54 inches I will address in a bit. 3.27ft = Surveyed Height of JFK's head wound. The range being 52.78-39.24 = 13.54 inches chris
  7. 52.78 inches - 10 inches - 3.54 inches = 39.24 inches = 3.27ft Mark Knight, care to fill in the descriptions for (any or all of) this equation? chris
  8. Pamela, I think Kinney is fairly close with his estimation. chris
  9. Greg, Well summarized. The only disagreement I have is the "Magic/Kareem scenario. Kareem was never down court, ahead of Magic, on the fast break. chris
  10. Paul, I do agree with some of your previous points, but: "It seems to me that the Limo slowed down to 7mph directly next to the gutter drain on Elm street, and quickly sped up after that." At Z313, 7.6 mph. Z313-Z351 averaged 9.21 mph. Top speed between Z313 and Z351 = 9.21 x 2 =18.42 - 7.6 = 10.82mph. An increase in speed of 3.22mph, 2 seconds after the Z313 headshot. The film is not as it appears to be. chris
  11. The Itek study only involved the last 28 frames up to Z313. I plotted JFK's position in the car, using the extant Zfilm, and the yellow curb marker near Altgen's position, the limo averaged 9.21mph (approx. 28.125ft traveled in 38 frames) from Z313 to Z351. Also refer back to post 102 and 103 in this topic, if interested. chris
  12. Glenn, According to the extant Zfilm, Itek's study back in 1967 had it moving at 7.6 mph at Z313. chris
  13. You can carry Z into Croft, moving father east up Elm, and she is not in Croft either. chris
  14. By light colored, I assume you don't mean white. Which means the woman near the light post closest to the Thornton sign in Z, can't be her. Once again, maybe pieces of the FBI statement in her name is a bunch of B.S. chris
  15. Chris, I think I understand the DETAILS of what you're saying. I'm just having trouble grasping the significance of it today. Could you "dumb it down" just a little for me? Because I think it's important; I just don't know where to place it in this giant jigsaw puzzle. Thanks. Mark, This was just a description to emphasize the importance of the vertical heights involved in the assassination. The relationship between "rifle above ledge/sill" to "rifle above boxes" to "JFK's head above pavement" to "rifle to street" to "10inch adjustments- z161-166" etc, etc. And, ultimately, vertical differences converted to horizontal distances converted to mph converted to frame totals, etc, etc, with the intention of keeping it all tied to one location: The SE 6th floor. I'll provide an example later, in a new topic. chris
  16. "Gloria Jean Little Calvery*, worked in the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD), as an employee of the Southwestern Publishing Co. and was one of the extremely close witnesses to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. She and 3 of her office co-workers, Karan Hicks, Karen Westbrook, and Carol Reed, were standing on the sidewalk on the north side of Elm Street about 1/2 way between Houston St. and the Triple Underpass, to the east of the Stemmons Fwy sign. According to her own FBI Statement taken 3/19/64 - Commission Exhibit 1381 - she said she heard the first shot when the President's limo was directly in front of her: Except for the "1/2 way between Houston St. and the Triple Underpass" description, which would put her down in front of the extant Z313 headshot, I'd say this was her. chris P.S. Also, the "skirt" under the Thornton sign. Of course, that is supposed to be Beatrice Hester. Compare it to the "skirt" in Darnell's "Baker/Truly" clip.
  17. Mark, If you take the elevation change derived from that SS plat at the last shot plotted, add .5ft for the curb and 60.7ft for the TSBD ledge, then subtract the WC determined head height above the ground, previously given, think CE884, apply the rifle in window "angle to horizon" from Z313, the other two sides of that triangle are the distances stated on the SS plat for the Z313 head shot. Unlike breath mints, this is two "two shots in one". chris
  18. It appears that Baker ran through the goal posts on his way to Truly. chris
  19. I count approx 6 Baker strides, jumping from the annex curb, until he reaches Truly. 3 1/2 ft per stride = approx 21ft to Truly. chris
  20. Robert, The only person I could find with a similar hat on. He appears to be on the Elm St. annex corner as the limo passes him. chris
  21. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  22. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
  23. I wish everyone well in their research endeavors. chris
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