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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Tom, On the SS 12-5-63/FBI combo survey plat, if you look closely, someone(possibly West) marked extant z207. This mark is the 163.65ft flatline distance West measured. If, which I don't believe, the frame numbers were assigned in late January of 1964 by Shaneyfelt, this would mean the plat was labeled during the FBI recreation of February 1964. The X #1 designation is supposed to represent where the SS/FBI determined the first shot occurring. This is actually 10.2ft father west than Robert West's 163.65 flatline distance = extant z207. Possibility of two shots melded into one, otherwise, not enough time between shots. Along with the syncing distance of shots farther down Elm St. chris
  2. The length of the limo is 21.34ft. Altgen's said he was approximately 15ft away at the last shot. Elm St. lanes were how wide? I'll let you figure that out. Since Altgens is somewhat behind the curb, at extant z352, add that to the lane width and compare with Altgens estimation. chris
  3. Tom, From Tom P. via Robert West: The 163.65ft flatline distance would equate to JFK's physical location(Station#3+71.1) within the limo at extant zframe 207. Sorry, back or throat I'm not concerned with at this time. chris
  4. The rear bumper represents the location(Station#) of JFK within the limo, which equals a shot impact location(Station#). The front bumper is represented by the pylon. How would you know what the distance is between these two points? Hint: Look at post #3.
  5. Michael, A valuable piece for whom? If you are interested, take the gif and count the total number of frames. Compare it (frame count) to the same segment in the extant Zfilm? Minus your preconceived notion that the extant zfilm is authentic, what major difference is there between the two? chris
  6. Okay, that helps a bit. But the fudged frame numbers in the table above are off by only a few frames. Doesn't seem to be related. Sandy, Incremental changes are created for exactly that reason. There is a triangle formed which must be in sync/accurate (leads back to the 6th floor snipers nest) to prove WC/FBI/SS truthfulness. On Elm St, part of the triangle formation is rate x time = distance Entries for Zframes 161-166 and 168-171 are indicative of adjustments made to create the desired triangle. chris
  7. Sandy, if you would like to continue, here is an excerpt from you: "if the limo slowed way down" Where in these two versions of CE884 did the limo slow way down?
  8. Sandy, You probably should start a new topic. The original: This is super 8mm, so (54fps-Slow-Motion-Close enough. Same Idea) to begin with. The frame ratio of 1/3 =18fps, reflecting what I posted earlier.
  9. Hey, that's pretty slick Chris. I assume you copied frames and then moved the new ones ones along with the motion of the cars. Hey wait... that wouldn't work. Anything stationary would wiggle and thereby be blurred. Please explain what you did. EDIT: Oh sorry, I need to explain myself. I was thinking that if you did what I think you did (which is, made repeated copies of frames and then moved each slightly to match the movement of the cars. or in other words interpolated frames) then this looked like a promising technique to help with altering the Z film such that the slow-down of the limo could be removed. First remove frames from where the limo slows down in order to make it appear not to slow down, and then do your interpolation technique to put all the stationary objects back into their correct locations. I then realized that your technique (if I understand it correctly) wouldn't work so well on the stationary objects. it would make them wiggle, thus blurring them. Sandy, I'll reverse the process for you. 48fps slow motion, two thirds of the frames removed in a one second span. How fast are they running? How fast would a limo appear to move at this frame rate (48fps slow motion with frames removed), going 15mph.
  10. Chris, Excellent job! I can pick out details that I couldn't see in any of the online Z-films or the DVD. Will you be applying this process to additional sections of the Z-film? Tom Tom, It isn't necessary to apply this to other parts of the film. If you understand the excess frames idea, I suggest taking a hard look at my topic " Swan Song". chris
  11. Robert, I posted Tom's conclusions for Pat's benefit. It was too make sure Pat knew exactly what Tom believed. Tom's value was the information he acquired first-hand from West. chris
  12. Pat, Tom's description was: "1. One Shooter. 2. All shots from sixth floor window of TSDB. 3. Extremely high probability (beyond reasonable doubt) that LHO was the shooter. 4. Three shots fired, three hits. 5. First shot struck tree limb, tumbled in flight, struck in base first attitude, and small 4.5mm lead protrusion out base of bullet sheared off and came out the anterior neck of JFK. 6. Second shot at Z312/313 (some 5.6 to 5.9 seconds later) struck JFK just in the top rear/cowlick of the head. Sheared portion of skull over to side, bullet severely fragmented due to manner in which it exited the skull parallel against the skull bone, fragment from this headshot went forward to strike JBC in the wrist. 7. Third shot down in front of Altgens. Bullet went through coat collar at edge of colllar, struck at edge of hairline at base of JFK's neck, tunneled through soft flesh of he neck due to the well forward and almost head down position of JFK, struck in the EOP vicinity of the skull, passed through the mid-brain of the skull and exited in the frontal lobe. Then continued forward to strike JBC in the right shoulder as JBC lay across the open area between the jump seats with his body pulled up into the fetal position. The bullet penetrated through JBC's chest, exited the chest, and went on to strike and enter the left inner thigh of JBC."
  13. Altgens corresponds with extant Z-film frame 225. Note Jackie's gloved hand grasping the president's left arm raised to his throat as seen through the limo windshield in Altgens 6. Then note the exact same hand position in the extant Z-film frame 225. It matches to a tee. The Moorman photo corresponds to extant Z-film frame 312. Both of these can be easily confirmed with distinct corresponding "features" within both the still photos and the film frames respectively. As an example one can draw an imaginary straight line from the Z-lens POV to the Moorman lens that passes directly between the motor cop's torso and his motorcycle's windshield on the way to Moorman's lens. At the same time, one can draw a corresponding straight line from the reverse angle--from the Moorman lens POV to the Z-lens--that also passes directly between the motor cop's torso and his motorcycle windshield on its way to the Zapruder lens. I hope that helps. I can post a graphic tomorrow if you want. The proper adjective to use. Thank you, Greg.
  14. The WC had to make adjustments to the vertical as well. Start with this adjustment. z161-166. What a coincidence. 10/12 =.83333 x 18.3 = 15.25ft I hope you really didn't believe it had anything to do with vehicle heights. chris Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; because of the difference in the automobiles there was a variation of 10 inches, a vertical distance of 10 inches that had to be considered. The stand-in for President Kennedy was sitting 10 inches higher and. the stand-in for Governor Connally was sitting 10 inches higher than the President and Governor Connally were sitting and we took this into account in our calculations. Mr. SPECTER. Was any allowance then made in the photographing of the first point or rather last point at which the spot was visible on the back of the coat of President Kennedy's stand-in before passing under the oak tree? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; there was. After establishing this position, represented by frame 161, where the chalk mark was about to disappear under the tree, we established a point 10 inches below that as the actual point where President Kennedy would have had a chalk mark on his back or where the wound would have been if the car was 10 inches lower. And we rolled the car then sufficiently forward to reestablish the position that the chalk mark would be in at its last clear shot before going under the tree, based on this 10 inches, and this gave us frame 166 of the Zapruder film.
  15. The speeds determined for CE884 entries of z161-z166 and z168-z171= 2.24 and 3.74 mph respectively. Their difference is 1.5mph, their sum = 5.98 mph inevitably linked to 2.4ft/5frames@18.3frames per sec That difference equals the same difference in mph as the three previous tiers (over a 1 second time period). 18.68-17.18=1.5mph 17.18-15.68=1.5mph Just doodling. chris
  16. Average speed of 15.68 + 18.68 = 34.36mph/2 = 17.18mph = z171-z185 average speed Average speed of 15.68 + 17.18 + 18.68 = 51.54 /3 = 17.18mph = average speed of z171-z185 chris
  17. The speed of the limo from z154-z166 is (23.05ft per sec) 15.68mph. In 5 more frames up to z171, I will make the assumption it is traveling the same speed. So, z154-z171= 15.68mph. CE884 the orange version, z171-z185 = 17.18mph CE884 the orange version, z185-z186 = 18.673 mph The above speeds of the extant zfilm would appear to be more representative of what we see at this point in time. chris
  18. Ollie, The limo travels at the same speed regardless of what camera(with different fps) films it. The limo travels 2.4ft in 5frames according to the extant zfilm. 18.3/5 =3.66 x 2.4 = 8.78 ft per sec = 5.98mph That's why I broke down the limo speed in terms of ft per frame. I was not the one that determined the zfilm ran at 18.3 fps. Try this exercise, figure out the speed of the limo according to both CE884's (@ 18.3fps) Z161-166 and Z168-171 and add those two results? chris
  19. David, There are three known splices in the film. Probably a good place to start. The 157 splice is the only part I'm concerned with for now, as it sits in between z154-z171. The 48/18.3 ratio may not be as important in trying to determine the film switches. It might be the 18.3/5 = 3.66 x 133 = 486. Depends on whether a repeating sequence was used or was it random. I want to keep my explanation (for now) limited to the equation provided and branch out from there. I hope those interested will gain a better understanding using this method. chris
  20. The equation broken down for those who don't want to do the conversion: 15.116ft- Distance from limo front to JFK in limo divide 12 - Total frames from 154-166 =1.259666…. ft per frame x 18.3 - Frames per sec = 23.05ft traveled in 1 second @ 18.3 frames per sec divide 48 frames per sec true camera speed at this point = .48 ft per frame x 5 frames (z161-166) = 2.4ft = distance between JFK and Connally in limo. = 5 true consecutive frames from a 48fps film. Added on edit: I use 1.47ft per sec (rounded off from 1.466) as my multiplier for mph conversions. chris
  21. Reference material needed. I'll embed and attach these items individually, as I don't know how good they'll look via Photobucket.
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