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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. I believe this will be the last of Tom's documents I'll be introducing: Referring back to post#72 also, it's obvious that Shaneyfelt is keeping this total distance of 61ft in sync moving down Elm St. 39.66ft + 21.34ft = 61ft
  2. How did I arrive at 1.17ft above the windowsill ledge for surveyed zframe 207? There are a couple of ways to go about this: The easy way is look at survey frame z207, the 92.07 entry (right side of triangle) equals an elevation of 492.07ft The windowsill elevation is 490.9ft, look at the top right of the graphic within this post. Subtract these two and the difference is the rifle height above the windowsill. Or, Since I know the WC used 3.27ft as JFK's head elevation in every single frame surveyed (CE884), I can subtract that from the base elevation of the triangle ( 427.02) and add 3.27ft to the height (65.05) = 427.02 - 3.27 = street elev of 423.75 Subtract this street elev of 423.75 from the windowsill elevation of 490.9ft, since this is to the street. 490.9 - 423.75 = 67.15 and add 3.27ft to the height (65.05) = 68.32 elev And finally, subtract 68.32 - 67.15 = 1.17ft You have to remember there are measurements to the street and measurements to a spot 3.27ft above the street. chris And, with the limo at 21.34ft, this horizontal distance, converted back to a vertical distance elevation in terms of the Elm St. slope (1ft vertical per 18.3ft horizontal) = 21.34/18.3 = 1.166ft In essence, a match for the determination of the (rifle barrel end) elevation, 1.17ft above the windowsill ledge for surveyed zframe 207
  3. The .56ft elevation difference coupled with the bogus distance traveled .9ft from z168-z171(CE884 final plat) or z161-z166(CE884 WC final) and added to the difference between (Time/Life determination of shot at extant 207 and FBI/SS determination) 10.2ft farther west down Elm St when converted, equals a total distance of: 10.24ft + .9ft + 10.2ft = 21.34ft This distance equals the exact length of the limo, provided from the WC document in post #3. 256.1" / 12 = 21.34ft
  4. Excerpt from post #118: The slight adjustment between 3.33ft vs 3.27ft is the difference between these elevations = .06ft vertical = .06 x 18.3(1ft vert. per 18.3ft horizontal) = 1.098ft .62ft - .06ft (southerly adjustment see Tom's notes post #118) = .56ft elevation.
  5. 110ft/18.3 = 6.01ft. elev change. 490.9 - 423.07 = 67.83ft -60.7(window frame sill)- .5(curb height)= 6.63ft elev change. 6.63-6.01 = .62ft elev difference
  6. I believe this will be the last of Tom's documents I'll be introducing:
  7. At 3.27ft above the street, which is what the WC determined JFK's head height to be for all CE884 entries, this converts quite closely to an Elm St elevation change of 61ft. 61ft /18.3 (1ft vert. per 18.3ft horizontal) = 3.33ft vs 3.27ft I will introduce the slight WC adjustment between the two a little later. The slight adjustment between 3.33ft vs 3.27ft is the difference between these elevations = .06ft vertical = .06 x 18.3(1ft vert. per 18.3ft horizontal) = 1.098ft Or, as Tom writes per his conversations with Robert West:
  8. 3.27ft elev. change in relation to 8.8ft and extant z207 would look like this:
  9. .0545ft = .0545 x 12" = .654inch Excerpt from post#106: The 6.7" lead (CE560) is an instantaneous distance resolver. imo 6.7"/.654 = 10.24min = 10.24ft
  10. Visually speaking. A one degree change plotting from extant z207. Scale is 1inch = 10ft
  11. Street slope = 3.13degrees 3.13degrees = 1ft vertical per 18.3ft horizontal ratio 1ft /18.3ft = .0546ft vertical per 1ft horizontal
  12. 1degree = 60minutes 3.27ft / 60 minutes = .0545ft per minute
  13. SurveyInfo for Z207 will help: Difference between 21deg11min and 21deg50min = 2.14ft = 39min Height used for JFK's head above the street in CE884 all frames = 3.27ft 3.27ft/2.14ft = 1.528… x 39min = 59.593...min = 1degree 3.27ft vertical = 1degree
  14. Since I know the WC used 3.27ft as JFK's head elevation in every single frame surveyed (CE884), I can subtract that from the base elevation of the triangle ( 427.02) and add 3.27ft to the height (65.05) = 427.02 - 3.27 = street elev of 423.75 Subtract this street elev of 423.75 from the windowsill elevation of 490.9ft, since this is to the street. 490.9 - 423.75 = 67.15 and add 3.27ft to the height (65.05) = 68.32 elev And finally, subtract 68.32 - 67.15 = 1.17ft You have to remember there are measurements to the street and measurements to a spot 3.27ft above the street. chris Since I don't have surveys for most frames on CE884, the method above can be used if one has access to an online conversion calculator, easier than manually computing the appropriate figures. I'll give you an example using zframe 222 from CE884: 20deg23min = 20.38deg 490.9ft - 422.84ft (426.11- 3.27) = 68.06ft elev = street to windowsill frame The determined height of 65.68ft dictates the hypotenuse length which equals the "line of sight" distance from rifle to JFK's head 3.27ft above the street. 65.68ft + 3.27ft = 68.95ft - 68.06ft = .89ft = height of rifle above the windowsill frame at z222 according to CE884. .89ft = 10.68 inches above the windowsill frame = 26.68 inches above the floor = .68 inches above the sniper's perch box. Compare this to the rifle height above sniper box at z207.
  15. Take 8.8 missing ft and add the B.S. 1.4ft (CE560) supposed to represent a 6.7 inch lead height which would be reflective of a limo traveling at 28.63 mph, the answer is: 8.8ft + 1.4ft =10.2ft Shaneyfelt, Frazier, Eisenberg, etc... P.S. The limo traveling at 28.63 mph circa extant z207 would equal a one shooter tie-in to the SE 6th floor location. The limo speed at extant Z207 could have been 28.63mph, I just don't believe that is the case. The 6.7" lead (CE560) is an instantaneous distance resolver. imo Remember, the formula for Elm St. at 3.13degree street slope = 1ft vertical per 18.3ft horizontal. Treating the 6.7" lead as a vertical measurement in conjunction with the Elm St. slope equation would look like this: 6.7"/12" = .55833... .55833 x 18.3 = 10.21ft Post #33 as a follow up, if interested.
  16. How did I arrive at 1.17ft above the windowsill ledge for surveyed zframe 207? There are a couple of ways to go about this: The easy way is look at survey frame z207, the 92.07 entry (right side of triangle) equals an elevation of 492.07ft The windowsill elevation is 490.9ft, look at the top right of the graphic within this post. Subtract these two and the difference is the rifle height above the windowsill. Or, Since I know the WC used 3.27ft as JFK's head elevation in every single frame surveyed (CE884), I can subtract that from the base elevation of the triangle ( 427.02) and add 3.27ft to the height (65.05) = 427.02 - 3.27 = street elev of 423.75 Subtract this street elev of 423.75 from the windowsill elevation of 490.9ft, since this is to the street. 490.9 - 423.75 = 67.15 and add 3.27ft to the height (65.05) = 68.32 elev And finally, subtract 68.32 - 67.15 = 1.17ft You have to remember there are measurements to the street and measurements to a spot 3.27ft above the street. chris
  17. The distances shown on the animation are 108 and 178 feet. One is the distance from the camera to the TSBD step? What does the other number represent? Tom Tom, Sorry if that graphic was unclear. The "flashing line" part of the graphic indicates the distance from camera to TSBD step. That would be the difference between the 178-108 = 70ft approx. That's the way the website works. In other words, once you have the first two locations plotted, it gives you the distance between them, and then each successive location is measured from the previous location. The plat part was a double check and I believe they're fairly compatible. chris
  18. Survey info for Z207 tells us the rifle barrel end was determined to be 1.17ft above the window frame sill. When converted, this equals 14.04", which puts it 4.04inches above the sniper perch box.
  19. Excerpt from post #39: The equation for the previous snipers nest material: 18"+ 8" = 26" high = Rifle perch boxes to floor 1.333... x 12" = 16" high = windowframe to floor Survey Info for Z207 will help:
  20. Sandy, This is a time lapse of a few frames. Truly stabilized. Truly's left shoulder rotation is the impediment in Baker's path. If Truly remains motionless, Baker does not change course. Totally subjective of course.
  21. Paul, This is conversion work. I'm not sure what you mean in regards to averaging averages. Perhaps a mixing of average vs instantaneous. You'll have to provide an example (Added on edit: possibly post#13) and hopefully I can provide an explanation. chris
  22. Thanks Ray, That's fairly close to Sandy's calc's in post #125. At 151.28DEGREES azimuth (as per Tom), the correction factor is cf = cos(180 - 151.28) = 0877 So Baker's adjusted distance from the curb is 8.94 x 0.877 = 7.84 ft And Truly's adjusted distance from the curb is 7.94 x 0.877 = 6.96 ft
  23. Thanks Robert, I took your suggestions and recalculated with a BC of .311 and a muzzle vel. of 2150 2165 This is the result for the limo at 11.2 mph 28.6mph. chris Mr. FRAZIER - The first shot, Lot 6,000, the velocity was 2199.7 feet per second. Shot No. 2, Lot 6,000, velocity 2,180.3 feet per second. The third shot, velocity--same lot--velocity 2,178.9 feet per second. The third shot, velocity--and this is Lot No. 6,003--velocity was 2,184.8 feet per second. The fourth shot, Lot No. 6,003, was 2,137.6 feet per second. Fifth shot, Lot No. 6,000, 2,162.7 feet per second. The sixth shot, Lot 6,003, 2,134.8 feet per second. An average of all shots of 2,165 feet per second. Mr. EISENBERG - How would you characterize the differences between the muzzle velocities of the various rounds in terms of whether that difference was a large or small difference? Mr. FRAZIER - This is a difference well within the manufacturer's accepted standards of velocity variations. They permit in their standard ammunition manual, which is a guide to the entire industry in the United States, a 40-foot-per-second, plus or minus, variation shot to shot in the same ammunition. Mr. EISENBERG - Have you calculated the muzzle energy of this 6.5 millimeter ammunition in this weapon? Mr. FRAZIER - It was furnished by letter to the Commission. Yes, sir--the muzzle energy was calculated on the basis of the average velocity of 2,165 feet per second as 1,676 foot-pounds. Mr. EISENBERG - This is a calculation rather than a measurement? Mr. FRAZIER - Necessarily a calculation, because it is merely a term used to compare one bullet against another rather than for any practical purposes because--because of the bullet's extremely light weight. The bullet's velocity and weight, and gravity enter into the determination of its energy in foot-pounds.
  24. Tom, I believe the two of us are in agreement. I don't believe Sandy agrees. My location for camera would be here:
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