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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. This is the easiest way I can show you. It's what's revealed when you hide the different elements of a MATH equation. At 13.95 seconds til the headshot, Myer's has JFK aligned with the corner of the TSBD. What he wants you to do is count down to frame 313, forget about the TSBD corner starting point, and base all your calculations to 313, which he has done. Instead of that, let's just subtract his elapsed time from the "13.95 sec/JFK aligned with the TSBD corner" mark and work from there. Remember, the Zapruder camera was running at 18.3 Frames Per Sec, regardless of whether or not you think there is limo footage before Zframe133. If you want me to explain this in relationship to the WC calculations also, I can do that. It all has to do with ratios and averages. And most importantly, how to hide 30ft within the confines of an altered film. Enjoy, chris
  2. There is overlap between Zone1 and Zone2. Refer back to my first post about splitting the film into 4 zones. I'll now start working with Zone2 (frame161-322) in particular frame161-313 as this is the span dealt with on WC CE884, with some overlap info referring back to Zone1. Remember, 6.5sec x 24fps=156 frames or 156/24=6.5 sec.=splice+5frames =161 If you followed some of the previous zone info, you know at some point Myer's switched his measuring point from "JFK'S position in the limo" to "the front of the limo". When he did this along with his syncing, he had JFK some 30ft farther back up Elm St than where he should have been, at what he determined to be Z150 which is approx 82ft traveled in 6.5seconds from the TSBD corner to that point without the WC adjustment included. But there is an adjustment to be made created by the WC. In 5 frames (161-166) they shorten the distance the limo traveled. The next closest entry to the (161-166) span is (166-185) which is 19frames in 19ft traveled=1ft per frame. If you apply that to (161-166) it = 5 frames in 5ft. So Myer's at Z155=82ft-5ft adjustment=77ft 77FT/6.5seconds=11.84/1.47=8.05 mph in 155frames Remember, 6.5sec x 24fps=156 frames or 156/24=6.5 sec. If you haven't noticed yet, the two zones at this time, consist of 2 frame totals that are very close. It's as if we're working with like quantities over 2 zones. If someone wanted to hide film changes pertaining to distances, elapsed frames and time, in regards to "JFK's position in the limo and the front of the car" having a stabilized landmark such as the Stemmon's sign wouldn't be very helpful. The gif is a measurement between those 2 points from the extant film. 13 frames in 15ft 18.3fps/13=1.4 1.4x15ft=21.1ft per sec 21.1/1.47=14.35mph 21.1ft x 6.5 sec=137.15ft CE884 frame 161-313 = 136.1 ft traveled Frame difference between Myers and extant film = 1 frame 21.1ft x 6.5 sec=137.15ft CE884 frame 161-313 = 136.1 ft traveled Foot difference =1ft From above: 8.05 mph in 155 frames 14.35 mph in 152 frames Averaged out = 22.4mph/2=11.2mph 11.2 mph =16.46 ft per sec. 14.35mph=21.1ft per sec. Difference between the two is: 4.64 ft per sec x 6.5 sec = 30.16 ft. Remember, 6.5sec x 24fps=156 frames or 156/24=6.5 sec. chris
  3. Hi Tom, Thank you for the CE884 offer. I would love to see the "surveyed in" elevations. You can email them if you prefer. chris P.S. Do you remember who's testimony alluded to "frame 100", I believe it was you who supplied it and commented that someone had almost let the "cat out of the bag". I thought it was Shaneyfelt, but he only refers to "frame1". Or am I getting the two confused?
  4. If you take the numbers from the article and plug them into the extant Zfilm, a correlation might arise like this: Zframe133 +74=207 splice + 48=Frame255=Altgen's Photo or Zframe133+24=157splice +50=207splice+48=Frame255=Altgen's Photo. This scenario has the 74 frames split into 24fps(1sec) and 50 frames to the 207 splice. If you start with Frame 100(indicative of Drommer 99.5, Position A and elev 428.94) you get: 100+122(74+48)=222 Frame 222 is the approx location (+/- 1) frame determined by the FBI and SS as shot #1. Of course, depending on what you were using as your measuring stick (JFK position in limo) or (front of Limo) a 15ft difference, the distance and frame # might be different. Referring back to the article, Mandel describes the first shot as 170ft away. The FBI survey Plat of 2-7-1964 for shot #1 has a distance of 184ft with an attached line indicating 171ft also. Checking WC CE884 figures, the difference between frame 207 and 222 is 14.8ft. It would appear they were keeping the "measuring stick" distance in mind when determining the first shot or possibly making a measuring switch at this time. Tom Purvis has also written that it appears Specter, Shaneyfelt, Eisenberg and Company had made an attempt to move the first shot "back" up Elm St. in order to acquire more distance and time between the "fairytale" impact location for the second shot. Was the reporter correct in his film analysis or was this info fed to him to support/fit the 18.3fps scenario? The extant film would appear to be taking the 74-48 combo into consideration. chris
  5. Back in the last week of Nov, 1963 , Life Mag Nov29 edition, Paul Mandel wrote an article about the Zfilm he had previewed. I don't know if he knew, but he was actually viewing a 24FPS version of the film. He might have been led to believe it was an 18.3fps version, which would have been enough time for 1 shooter. The distance between the last two shots is 48 frames. At 24fps, that is 2 seconds apart. Here is the testimony again from Ford/Shaneyfelt, about the timespan needed to fire successive shots. chris
  6. Hello all, I tried building a foundation for everyone to follow in my previous "Math Made Easy" topic. I guess I should have called it "Math Made Harder" I'm sorry if I lost most of you along the way. No worries though, I hope this will simplify it for those not too interested in too many numbers. It's hard to change long held belief's but they are not always correct. I stated previously it's easier to hide numbers in small sets when wrapped inside the overall scenario. Supplied is one more graphic from Dale Myer's multiple film sync study. This graphic shows JFK within the limo, aligned with the corner of the TSBD. If you will look to the right side there is a time of 13.95 seconds underneath the "Time To 313", which is the timespan til the 313 headshot, this is Myer's running time clock for all films syncing throughout the entire Zfilm. Now for some math: 335frames/24fps=13.95 seconds. If you did not understand any of my previous topic, just keep this thought in mind: At some point in Myer's multi-sync study, he changed the measuring point from "JFK in the limo" to "the front end of the limo" which is a 15ft difference. Why did I list frame 335 for my calculation? Because that 15ft difference would be approx 22frames ahead of where JFK was at frame 313 at the overall speed we get for frames161-313 which is 152 frames for 136.1ft @18.3fps=11.15mph 24frames/22=1.09 1.09x 15ft=16.36ft 16.36ft/1.47ft(1mph)=11.13mph Testimony included about that 334 area. If you are interested in trying to figure out exactly what they did with frame/timing adjustments, I'll give you a hint in what I'm thinking: Think in terms of squares!!!!! chris
  7. By the way, referring to the green line plat, if you want an equation for the total distance from TSBD corner to extant Z133 it would be: 133 frames/18.3fps=7.26sec 60ft/7.26sec=8.26ft per sec 8.26/1.47(1mph)=5.62 mph Can't have that as part of the scenario. So it was buried. chris
  8. Refer back to the previous greenline plat. The distance from the "far left" green line to Drommer 99.5(middle green line) is 30ft. If I wanted this to coincide with the extant Zfilm frame 133 at the appropriate limo speed, and end in the correct position, then this has to be 33 frames traveled in 30ft. Remember, Drommer 99.5 is frame100. Mathtime: 33frames/18.3fps=1.80sec 30ft/1.80sec=16.66ft per sec 16.66/1.47ft per sec(1mph)=11.33mph What was the average speed of the limo reported by the WC from frames 161-313. It was 11.2 mph I believe. The difference is less than a frame when added back to the 33frames/30ft scenario. If this is correct, then the "front of the limo" at Z133 should correspond to the red vertical line and "JFK in the limo" 15ft farther back, which is the far left green vertical line. (Z133 Previously supplied) This is how you hide 30ft in a short span when applying it to an overall larger span. chris
  9. Frame 100 = Drommer 99.5 = 2+75 = Position A (with 161-166 distance correction included) JFK aligned with the TSBD corner is frame1. I have added 3 vertical green and 1 vertical red line to the partial plat. The green lines intersect the TSBD, Drommer 99.5 and 30ft farther down Elm. The distance between the TSBD green line and Drommer 99.5 is 30ft. The distance between Drommer 99.5 and "farthest left" green line is 30ft. So the distance from TSBD green line to "farthest left" green line is 60ft. The red vertical line is the front of the limo (15ft farther down Elm than "JFK in the limo") =extant Z133. Frame 1 -100 is 30ft. Mathtime: 100/18.3fps=5.46 sec 30ft/5.46sec=5.49ft per sec 5.49/1.47ft per sec(mph)=3.737mph The WC is doing calculations based on the limo between the TSBD corner and Drommer 99.5/2+75elevation/Position A It is based on the limo traveling 30ft in 100 frames at 18.3fps=3.74mph. If you look at the chart supplied again in the top column . far right side, you'll find a match. The reality is, this document reflects calculations done to eliminate a distance of 30ft within the overall span from the "corner of the TSBD to the extant Z133 frame. Please note that the frame numbers corresponding to the 3.74 mph entry are 168-171. Just subtract 100 frames and this puts you at frame 68-71 which would land in between frame 1-100 when applied to the span between the TSBD and Drommer 99.5 = 2+75 = Position A (with 161-166 distance correction included) Which also coincides with the area in which Myer's changes his measuring stick from "JFK in the limo" to the "front of the limo" to accommodate a 30ft distance change. Now, how many total frames in the Towner movie, I believe that to be 168. So if I wanted to be clear of any timing references to that movie, I might start just as it has ended. chris
  10. If you refer back to WC CE884, you'll notice the specs for frame 161-313 are 152 frames @136.1ft traveled @18.3 fps. And for frames 255-313 they are 58 frames @ 48.9ft @18.3 fps. I stated previously that I believe Station A, elevation 2+75 and Drommer 99.5 elevation are the same spot. Why? 152 frames @136.1ft traveled @18.3 fps=11.14mph 58 frames @ 48.9ft @18.3 fps = 10.49 mph These don't quite equal each other but they probably should. Remember there is an incorrect travel distance stated for frame 161-166. If you notice the next 2 entries, 166-185=19ft traveled, that works out to a 1ft per frame. So, if I apply that to the (161-166) frame span, that is 3 frames needed (58-61) at 3ft. Plugging this back in to the previous equation looks like this: 58frames @ 48.9ft + 3ft =51.9ft @18.3 fps 58/18.3fps =3.169 sec. 51.9 ft/3.169sec =16.377ft per sec. 16.377ft per sec / 1.47ft(1mph) =11.14mph BINGO Yes, those 3 positions are very close if not the exact same position. Interesting how you can smooth things out over long intervals, as opposed to short steps. chris
  11. James, This is a link to my converted WC CE884 document. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/WC884.jpg My calculations are in red. The original on the left, mine on the right. The partial plat I supplied is all that I am using at this time. Everything I have discussed can be applied back to it. It is not fully annotated as I'm only dealing with the space from the TSBD corner to Zframe 161. Any specific questions please ask. chris
  12. If you take a look at CE884, you'll notice Frame number A has no Station number but does have an Elevation of 431.97 Frame 161 has a Station number of 3+29.2 and an Elevation of 429.25. Compared to each other, 431.97-429.25=2.72 elevation difference. Look down at the bottom of the column at frames 255 and 313. The difference in frame count is 58, and the difference in Elevation is 424.46-421.75=2.71 elevation difference The elevation change is almost exact. What if the frame difference is the same. Then, frame 161-58 frames =frame 103. So, Position A is around frame 103. Refer back to my partial plat labeling. Since there was an approx 4 ft adjustment made for (frames 161-166) an educated guess puts Position A as approx frame 100. In the past, I have posted my conversions for the original WC CE884 document. If interested, I can repost with explanations, but I believe the previous description is easy to understand. chris
  13. The partial plat shows Station numbers in 25ft increments. These Station numbers are also included in CE884 excluding a frame number and elevation for Position A. Look at the right side red 54ft arrow pointing toward the + symbol. This is the 2+75 Station number label. If you look to the left of that, you'll notice the 3+00 label which indicates a 25ft span between the two. Also, near the 2+75 label is Position A. The distance between 2+75 and Position A is approx 4ft. Almost straight down from the 2+75 label is a mark on Drommer listed as 99.5. It's a point on the curb labeled in white. This is what the HSCA used for their elevation labels. So, within approx 5ft of each other is Station number 2+75, Position A and HSCA 99.5 elevation. Tom gave us the conversion factor for the Drommer plat assumed elevations in reference to the WC work. The conversion is adding 329.6 to any Drommer elevation to arrive at the WC listed elevations. 99.5 + 329.6 = 429.1 which ends up a little past the 2+75 station number. About 1.25ft past. chris
  14. Frame 100 Referring back to the partial plat previously supplied, notice the distance between frame161 and Position A Compare the distances given from the WC recreation in regards to Position A and frame 161. From Position A to Station C is 44ft. From frame161 to Station C is 94.7ft So, from Position A to frame161 is 50ft. chris
  15. Earth to Craig, You caught me!!! I made up the distance between the front of the limo and JFK's position in the limo. I created the Myer's graphics which switches the yardstick when it comes to relative position of limo and JFK. I created the splice at Z157. I created the false distances on the survey plat, labeled them as such,and now it all works. I created the splice in Towner. I created the distance traveled figure in CE884. I have created a limo speed in Z, that is not representative of what the film shows from z133-Z157 based on Myer's multiple film syncing analysis. It's not a conclusion at this point because I 'm not finished. It's called a hypothesis. Can you figure out how that relates to math? Yes the WC figures are valid and fair game because they are the ones that provided and published it. Why don't you ask Arlen Spector to show the world CE882, then we can separate your fantasy from reality. I'm moving forward with more math. chris
  16. Craig, I do know the figure is correct because math works. Made up story!!! I don't think so. The math, plat, graphics, testimony have been provided and explained. Some deceptions have been revealed. If you would like to ask specifics, go right ahead. The only entity making up stories is the WC. I'll let others be the judge as you don't appear willing to do the math. chris
  17. Attached is Croft in Z at frame 133. chris
  18. Long ago I discovered 'Mysteryman" in the Dorman film and a long discussion ensued about who he was. (gif provided) My point of contention was "if it was Croft moving to the position we see him at Z133, he didn't have enough time according to the Myer's sync scenario which was less than 1/4 second. (Myer's graphic provided) The last gif frame equates to Dorman333 This is what occurs when you change film speeds around the time frames I have been discussing. It is Croft, he just needs more time to get from where we see him in Dorman to Z133. One other comment about the Myer's graphic, you will notice that 4 different camera operator's stop filming within approx 1.2 sec of each other. I have referred to that previously as "selective splicing" and stand by it, or it's just a mere coincidence that this occurs concurrently between Z108 and Z156. chris
  19. Craig, Tom Purvis has pointed this out many times before. The relevant testimony is provided. The first question my wife asked me " Why not just unseal CE882 and look at the original"? and she has no interest whatsoever in the assassination. We know the answer to her question. chris
  20. Thanks Chris... I want to clearly understand this.... 2 seconds at 24fps into the 18.3 version of the Zfilm I assume. Can you state your conclusion related to the T film and Z film without pronouns My understanding is The WCR slowed the limo to 2.25 mph from 161-166 so the movement would only be .97 feet during that time so the different films would sync... specifically Towner The Towner Splice also allows the films to sync? The splice at 156 allows for ?? Where exactly is the 2 seconds of fim at 24fps? David, The true Towner film ran at 18.3 fps for approx 168 frames. The true Z film is a combination of 2 different film speeds at least. It started at 18.3 fps and ran for 108 frames, at which point the 24fps segment runs for 2 seconds =156 frames. The adjustment of 161-166 is to sync WC CE884 on paper, with the 2 second@24fps version, since the 2 second version ends at frame 156 and is 5 frames short of where WC CE884 starts. The Towner splice moved JFK into alignment with the physical corner of the TSBD, a measuring point to start from for the WC. The splice at 156 allows the extant film to switch back to 18.3fps. The Croft photo is at Z161, that's another reason why the WC started their calculations there. The Willis and Betzner photos were between 157 and 207, that's why the film has to go back to 18.3fps at that point. Myer's film syncing is bogus. The Zfilm is bogus. The WC report is bogus. All in Zone 1 if you go back to my initial posts. More to come. chris
  21. I thought I would pass along a few thoughts/hints to keep in mind when dealing with two different film speeds: If you take frames away, you speed things up. Or, if you add frames, you slow things down. Especially when converting from 24fps down to 18.3 fps. It would probably be a lot easier to keep frames in sequence, also. chris
  22. There are two different versions which are evolving. The first is JFK aligned with the TSBD traveling approx 85ft and ending up at frame161. This version is using 24fps x 6.5 sec= 156frames + WC distance adjustment from frame161-166. The second is JFK aligned with the TSBD traveling approx 55ft in 108 frames in 5.9 sec. This puts it 30ft short of the first scenario. Since frame 156 is the initial target mark for syncing both versions, I would need to gain 30ft in 48 frames. This is where Myers helps out again. In another graphic (provided), he has the limo traveling between 9.8 mph and 10.5 mph from Z150 to Z175. Since the extant film shows what appears to be a constant speed, I'll use the approx midway point(10.2 mph) between the two speeds, to calculate time and distance traveled. 10.2 mph=15ft per second. 15ft per second x 2 seconds=30ft 2seconds@24fps=48frames Now adding back to the original starting point of 108 frames at 55ft traveled, the new result is: 108frames +48 frames =156 frames in 7.9 seconds. 55ft + 30ft = 85 ft. The two different versions are now synced up in distance and in frame count by IMPLEMENTING 2 SECONDS OF FILM AT 24FPS. into the 18.3 fps version. A 5 frame adjustment(161-166) for 18.3fps@10.2mph=4.09ft. If the WC based there original calculation on the 2 second segment at 24fps rate running through to frame161, that would be: 5 frames@24fps@10.2mph=3.12ft A difference of 4.09-3.12=.97ft The WC in document CE884 has frame 161 at 3+29.2 and frame 166 at 3+30.1. 29.2/30.1=.97ft BINGO chris
  23. Hi Mark, I don't know if you caught this but: If the yardstick was changed from "JFK in the car" to the "front of the car", then at the 70ft mark, JFK would now actually be 30ft away. Remember at the 70ft mark the front of the limo is 15ft away, not JFK. More to come. chris
  24. At some point, someone has changed from measuring JFK's position in the limo to using the front of the car as their yardstick. I believe the limo is approx 21ft 2in and more than likely, JFK within the limo is 15ft back from that. cheers, chris
  25. Caveat: Distance traveled in 119 frames is approx 78ft. Distance traveled in 161 frames approx 86ft. Still working on that one. Problem solved: Myers has the limo travel approx 45ft from the TSBD corner to the end of Towner. Then he has it travel 25ft from the end of Towner to frame 150. That is a total of 70ft. If you plot 70ft from the TSBD corner down Elm St on the plat provided, you are 15ft short of frame 161. His time for frame 150-161 is approx .6sec This converts to 25ft in 1 second @18.3fps or 17mph. Or, 32ft in 1 second at 24fps or 22mph. From the Warren Commission Report Page 86: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/WCPg86-1.png I broke this down awhile ago and can now add the bogus "22mph by other witnesses to the mix". Also, if you read carefully, 186ft immediately preceding the head shot is 50ft before frame 161 when referencing WC CE884. If you plot that on the plat provided, you'll find it is "POSITION A" So someone has included "POSITION A" (50ft before the WC starts there calculations) as part of the "rate x time =distance" equation working out to 11.2 mph, while Myers never has the limo going faster than 10.5 mph up to Z175. chris P.S. If you can't figure out where the 15ft error/switch in Myers was made, I'll reveal that in a bit. A hint is "think in terms of vehicle length".
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