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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Greg, Landis' complete statement for this point in time. "My immediate thought was that the President could not possibly be alive after being hit like he was. I still was not certain from which direction the second shot came, but my reaction at this time was that the shot came from somewhere towards the front, right-hand side of the road. I did not notice anyone on the overpass, and I scanned the area to the right of and below the overpass where the terrain sloped towards the road on which we were traveling. The only person I recall seeing clearly was a Negro male in light green slacks and a beige colored shirt running from my left to right, up the slope, across a grassy section, along a sidewalk, towards some steps and what appeared to be a low stone wall. He was bent over while running and I started to point towards him, but I didn't notice anything in his hands and by this time we were going under the overpass at a very high rate of speed. I was looking back and saw a motorcycle policeman stopping along the curb approximately adjacent to where I saw the Negro running." I'm pretty sure the only person Landis could be describing is: http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Moorman-2.gif according to the extant films that are available. chris
  2. Hi David, If Muchmore was standing next to Bond, which I believe she was, this might give you an idea of her FOV. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/BOND-1.gif chris
  3. Sorry Patrick, I don't see that. I would like to see that scene in slow motion. I cannot tell whether that bullet came from right or left, but to me it looked like the kidnapper was driven backwards by a bullet from somewhere in front. Recall the Gary Mack program, INSIDE THE TARGET CAR? IN that program you can clearly see that IN EVERY INSTANCE the "skull" was driven in the same direction as the bullet. In that program the skulls are always driven forward by a bullet from behind which proves to me that since JKF was driven backwards, he must have been shot from the front. Raymond, Slow Motion. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/headshot.gif chris
  4. Quote: I did not notice anyone on the overpass, and I scanned the area to the right of and below the overpass where the terrain sloped towards the road on which we were traveling. The only person I recall seeing clearly was a Negro male in light green slacks and a beige colored shirt running from my left to right, up the slope, across a grassy section, along a sidewalk, towards some steps and what appeared to be a low stone wall. He was bent over while running and I started to point towards him Chris. Could Landis be refering to the SOUTH knoll area. ? This Zapruder frame shows two men running (left to right) from Landis POV as he looks back. Robin, I'm sorry I didn't supply the whole statement originally. I'm pretty sure Landis is talking about the steps on the north side of Elm, after the shots occur. In that instance, the guy in Muchmore would have been traveling left to right, up the stairs, toward the wall in relation to Landis' orientation and his description would be correct. chris
  5. Richard, Thank you for supplying the rest of the statement. I agree with you that from Landis' position on the SS car, he is describing the north side of Elm. The only african american on that side is the man in Muchmore. The only cycle cop that ends up adjacent to that man on the north side of Elm is this guy: I see a big timing problem with this. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/curb-1.png chris
  6. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Moorman-2.gif Once again, from Landis' statement: The only person I recall seeing clearly was a Negro male in light green slacks and a beige colored shirt running from my left to right, up the slope, across a grassy section, along a sidewalk, towards some steps and what appeared to be a low stone wall. chris
  7. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/landis-in-bell.gif I lightened this sequence of the Bell film to show you Landis on the right side of the SS car, turning and looking toward the grassy knoll just as he's heading under the underpass. Which is what he describes in his testimony. and by this time we were going under the overpass at a very high rate of speed. I was looking back chris
  8. I will start this off with part of Landis' statement given on Nov 27, 1963, I believe the date to be. "I did not notice anyone on the overpass, and I scanned the area to the right of and below the overpass where the terrain sloped towards the road on which we were traveling. The only person I recall seeing clearly was a Negro male in light green slacks and a beige colored shirt running from my left to right, up the slope, across a grassy section, along a sidewalk, towards some steps and what appeared to be a low stone wall. He was bent over while running and I started to point towards him, but I didn't notice anything in his hands and by this time we were going under the overpass at a very high rate of speed. I was looking back and saw a motorcycle policeman stopping along the curb approximately adjacent to where I saw the Negro running." chris
  9. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/BELL2-1.gif Notice the black border at the top of the wall.(Red box) It then rises up into the woman running around the curve. Lastly, it outlines Rosemary Willis as she comes into view. chris
  10. John, If your version of Towner has only one excised frame, can you provide us with the missing individual frames between this gap? http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/MyersStudy.png To date, I know of no Towner version which includes them. According to Myers, he's determined there are 7 frames missing? This is dependant upon a Towner camera filming at 22.8 fps for his multiple film syncing to work. I would easily argue the difference between what Towner's camera was made to film at 18-19 fps against 22.8fps=approx 4fps difference. 4fps x 2 seconds =8 total frames missing. chris
  11. http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/Untitled2-2.gif Watch the arrows appear. Notice the film cut line through the "blue dress lady". When Rosemary comes into view, notice the cut line around her hood and so forth. When you have to adjust film syncs because, Rosemary and the blue dress lady were in constant motion around the Elm St turn, this is how it's done Also, At the very beginning of this gif (first few frames), notice the color of Rosemary's hood/head as she starts moving forward. As far as I know, it should be white all the way around the corner. chris
  12. John, The version you have with one frame missing, where in the film does that occur? Can you supply a copy of it? chris
  13. John, http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/TOWNER3.gif Below is an inquiry from Bill Miller some time ago: Information I requested from Gary Mack: In reply to your questions, the camera original Towner film has one splice about 2/3 of the way through the limo turn onto Elm Street. Since the film was never examined by government investigators, the splice was first noticed by Robert Groden, who served as a consultant to the HSCA photo panel in 1978. From what Tina and Jim Towner told me over the years, they had no knowledge of how or when that splice was made. What is known is that the film was developed for them by The Dallas Morning News within a few days of the assassination; available records suggest the film was never seen by investigators until the HSCA. The only other time the film was out of the Towner’s possession was when LIFE magazine borrowed it from them in 1967 for publication in their November issue about Kennedy assassination photographers. Chain of possession? Why this camera has to run at 23fps for it to sync with the other films (according to Myers). Reflected sunlight completely overexposed approx 8 frames? Why not just leave them in? WC position 'A' - station 'C" shenanigans. Roy Truly (on the North side of Elm in front of the TSBD) describing in detail, the limo almost running into the Elm St extension. Z film with no limo turn. No film completely covers the full limo turn from Houston onto Elm. chris
  14. I wonder if that wide turn onto Elm has something to do with the splice in the Towner film? Just because JFK is aligned with the corner of the TSBD after the splice, probably has nothing to do with film syncing. chris http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r25/123steamn/TOWNERLARGEFRAMES.gif
  15. Too dark, and too fast for me, Chris. JC's head is hanging down at all times while Nellie pushes him up. His head at all times, is to the left of Nellie's face, and at no point does he look at Kennedy...IMO. Repeeat viewing of the lighter frames makes it all clear, although it may take some time for some to see things as they really are. Duncan, This clip leads into Connally starting to rise and turn. After Nellie bends to her side and down, John starts to rise. How can Nellie push him up from her position? John is much to heavy for Nellie to propel him upward. chris
  16. Duncan, A little easier on the eyes I hope. chris
  17. Chris, Yarborough was almost certainly talking about Malcolm Summers, not Arnold. From Yarbourough's position at the time of the shooting, Summers would have been to the right of the limo, even though he was on the south side of the street. Pat, Yarborough says he saw a man jump about 10 feet and land against a wall. That is from "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" COUP D'ETAT section at approx 1:18:35 into it. chris
  18. Bill, I'm interested in the footage of the SS man beating his fists against the side of the limo. I believe Yarborough is the same person who described someone diving to the ground upon the knoll. (Gordon Arnold ring a bell)? chris
  19. Sen. Yarborough's recollections? Let's be really daring, shall we, Pat - and try published stuff from November 1963? http://thedriverkilledkenendy.blogspot.com/2011/05/senator-yardborough-saw-driver-shoot.html#links I loved this bit: Almost as much as I liked this earlier line: Source: Carleton Kent, “Sen. Yarborough Terms It ‘A Deed of Horror,’” Chicago Sun-Times, 23 November 1963, p.14 No wonder you omitted this cutting from your list. Still, no excuses now, eh? Paul Thank you for that article , Paul. Since we don't see it on film, Yarborough was probably smoking pot when he described what happened. (Sarcasm intended) chris
  20. Jim, Then change both of their street descriptions to Elm St. Does that now put Alan Smith somewhere in front of the TSBD? chris
  21. Jim, That's the same as Charles Brehm saying his son and him were on Commerce St in his interview, right after the assassination. chris
  22. There are people who said the limo stopped. chris
  23. Hi Greg, Your description of the widening gap between the two vehicles at some point is very important. Blaine's comments support this. Start listening a little before 39:15 of the video: http://booktv.org/Program/12061/The+Kennedy+Detail+JFKs+Secret+Service+Agents+Break+Their+Silence.aspx 85 foot separation between the cars, speed of the limo 11 mph according to Blaine and Clint running 15 mph to catch it. chris
  24. Hi David, I'm still hanging in there with you. If you haven't already, I'll try tying some of my previous Math, into what you have presented. chris The following in bold, is input from David, in regards to a topic on Duncan's forum: Math all over again... If Hill left at 283 he'd have to run at over 30 mph to reach the limo if the limo was traveling at 9.8mph as we are told. That is impossible. One must conclude the limo was traveling MUCH SLOWER or must have almost stopped for Hill to have reached it in the number of frames we see. Even if Hill leaves at 313, as the shot is fired, he still must run better than 25mph to catch it by 337. The numbers just don't add up. DJ 18.3 fps 9.8 mph - limo speed 51744 feet per hour 862.4 fpminute 14.4 fpsecond 283 hill off 337 hill on 54 diff in frames 2.95 seconds for diff in frames 42.41 distance at 9.8 mph 12.00 distance from Hill to Limo at 337 54.41 Total distance to cover 14 Hill's speed 4.2 mph differential 22176 feet per hour 369.6 fpminute 6.2 fpsecond 8.83 seconds needed to overtake limo 18.3 fps 9.8 mph - limo speed 51744 feet per hour 862.4 fpminute 14.4 fpsecond 313 hill off 337 hill on 24 diff in frames 1.31 seconds for diff in frames 18.85 distance at 9.8 mph 12.00 distance from Hill to Limo at 337 30.85 Total distance to cover 25 Hill's speed 15.2 mph differential 80256 feet per hour 1337.6 fpminute 22.3 fpsecond 1.38 seconds needed to overtake limo David, Take a look at your numbers starting with 283 Hill on, 337 Hill off. To start with, visit this thread and compare. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17174&view=findpost&p=216515
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