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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. ZFrame 100 in reality is elev. 428.94 I will show the calculations for that in a little bit. The importance of elev 428.94 is!!! Well, I'll use Tom Purvis's own words which are: To this point on the South curb of Elm St, Mr West's survey crew established their TBM(temporary benchmark) on Elm St. with the elevation 0f 428.94. In fact, if one will look at the Drommer plat, just to the right of where Mr.West actually established the elevation 428.94, one will find the Drommer elevation of "99.5". chris P.S. 428.94 is approx 24ft to the corner of the TSBD.
  2. Next, I wanted to find out what they had configured for the overall speed within their chart. From frame 161-313=152frames 152/18.3fps=8.30sec. Distance 329-465=136ft 136ft/8.3=16.38ft per sec. 16.38ft per sec/1.47ft(1mph)=11.14mph Then, After doing my calculations on the right hand column, I would expect the results to be rather close. So, from frame 100-313=213frames 213/18.3fps=11.63sec Distance 275-465=190ft. 190ft/11.63sec=16.33ft per sec 16.33ft per sec/1.47=11.11mph chris
  3. Dealing only with the left side column. I wanted to see if there was a relationship between the frame total and elevation, so I chose the bottom 2 and top 2 entries, knowing that frame "A" was a variable. Frame 255-313=58 frames Elevation change =2.71 Elevation change between frame 161 and "A" = 2.72 161-58=103 Pretty close!!!. So from the original WC 884 document, Zframe 103 is probably pretty close to being "A". chris
  4. Not a problem Greg, I created this next document for comparison purposes. Posted awhile back, but here's the link again. On the left is the original WC 884 exhibit, I have added the red lines and numbers. On the right are my recalculations, I will explain this going forward. chris
  5. Chris I can see You and Tom have put a lot into this and it is appreciated by many. Would this indicate the cut in the towner film to be non_accidental?. And the timing between the shots remains the same Just 30 feet further down Elm?.Would this also tell us why the wound ballistics are so confusing as to the angle of entrance ,with JBC and JFK leaning way over to the left and not in an upright position to recieve the wounds makes a bit more sense of the impact orientations. I wish I paid more attention to math all those years ago. Ian Ian, I didn't mean to shorten you on the rest of your question. If I wanted to hide a shot farther down the street, I might just take part of that frame and implement into the frame up the street. This way, if the 353 shot was from the TSBD, it would appear that 313 was a shot from that location. Very easy 1 frame fix. Would that clear up any of the ballistics mess, I don't know, but it would be a very quick and easy solution. chris Astounding, Chris! I think you've got it! And I think I now remember what Tom Wilson said...it may have been 30 or 40 FRAMES farther west, NOT FEET! Jack That's interesting, Jack. Depending on a couple of variables, such as the speed of the X-100 during that period of time and the number of frames shot per second by "that" camera--we could determine (or at least ball park) the limo's location. Chris? Greg, Tom Wilson states in the video that he found the 313 head shot to exist 4ft farther down Elm St. None of my work is based on anything from Tom Wilson's findings. I'll go into distances and frame counts in a little bit. chris P.S. Thank you Duncan for the Tom Wilson video link.
  6. Question 14: If Towner frame 92 aligns JFK with the corner of the TSBD, 76 frames later it ends. Why is that important? Answer: 76 (JFK TSBD aligned) + 57 (33+24) ( to frame 133) + 24?=157 (film splice). (24+76)=100 (WC JFK frame start ) + 33(30ft) + 24?= 157 (film splice) chris P.S. Where does the 24? come in to play? Hint!!! What's the difference between (Towner JFK aligned) and (WC frame start)?
  7. Chris I can see You and Tom have put a lot into this and it is appreciated by many. Would this indicate the cut in the towner film to be non_accidental?. And the timing between the shots remains the same Just 30 feet further down Elm?.Would this also tell us why the wound ballistics are so confusing as to the angle of entrance ,with JBC and JFK leaning way over to the left and not in an upright position to recieve the wounds makes a bit more sense of the impact orientations. I wish I paid more attention to math all those years ago. Ian Ian, I didn't mean to shorten you on the rest of your question. If I wanted to hide a shot farther down the street, I might just take part of that frame and implement into the frame up the street. This way, if the 353 shot was from the TSBD, it would appear that 313 was a shot from that location. Very easy 1 frame fix. Would that clear up any of the ballistics mess, I don't know, but it would be a very quick and easy solution. chris
  8. Thank you Greg. I have more to go, so onward it is. Question 13: If I divide 18.3 FPS (Zfilm + my rating for Towner camera) by 22.8 FPS (Myers rate for Towner) and then apply that to a total of 168 Towner frames, I wonder what the frame total would be? Answer: 18.3/22.8=.802 168 x .802= 134.8 168-134.8= 33.2 frames chris P.S. 33 frame difference, check other questions for the significance of that number.
  9. Question 12: What film was used to determine Zframe 100 was at elevation 428.94? Answer: The splice we don't see!!! chris
  10. Question 11: If question 10 yields an interesting result, what would this numeric pattern reveal? Answer: Let's see: 133+24=157 157+33+190 190+41=231 231+24=255 255+24=279 279+33=312 312+41=353 chris P.S. Something quite more interesting
  11. Ian, The Elm St turn in Z was cut out for timing purposes, to hide what I've been previously presenting. If I read your thoughts this way, we are in agreement. chris P.S. Check out the location of JFK, in the limo, in relation to the corner of the TSBD, in all films dealing with the Elm St turn. For starters, use the Bell film. Keep the corner of the TSBD in mind.
  12. Question 10: Can a combination of these numbers get us from one point to the next? Answer: Let's try this one to begin with: 157+74(33+41)+74(33+41)+48(24+24)=353 chris
  13. Question 9: What numbers added together = 48. Answer: 24+24 See question 6 chris
  14. Question 8: What numbers added together give you 74. Answer: 33+41 Why might this be important. 9.18 sec x 4.5 FPS = 41.3 total frame difference. From question 2 posting. 33 frames @18.3 fps @11.3mph = 30ft. From question 1 posting. chris
  15. Ian, The splice in the Towner film moves JFK in direct alignment with the corner of the TSBD building. Yes, it was spliced for timing purposes. As for your other questions, let's see if more can be answered, as I move forward. chris
  16. Question 7: If the NPIC created a document that stated: 1. jfk throat 2.74 frames later Connally 3.48 frames after that jfk head shot then listed 1. 73.8 2. 3.122.4 How would I decipher that? Answer: Connally hit at: 190+74=264-33frames=30ft@18.3 fps@11.3 mph=frame 231 or 157 + 74 =frame231 Frame 231+122(74+48)=frame 353 Frame 353, that sounds familiar. It should, it's what Tom Purvis calculated to be the 2nd head shot down in front of Altgen's. Tom Purvis: 29.7 feet covered in 2.1857923seconds/40 elapsed frames , = 0 .7425 ' per frame X 18.3 =13.58775 fps X 60 =815.265 fpm X 60 =48,915.9 fph/5280 =9.264375 mph. From Z313 to Z353 chris P.S. Hide in plain sight!! Where have I heard that before.
  17. Question 6: If frame 133 is the beginning of the limo sequence, and 74 frames (Life magazine article is added) would there be a significance to this? Answer: 133+74=frame 207=approx splice frame start. 207+48=frame 255=Altgens photo 255+24(A new common number)=frame 279 There's that 74-48 combo again chris P.S. Will introduce the significance of 24 a little later on. Or perhaps, Tom will chime in on this one.
  18. Question 5: If someone wrote an article for Life magazine way back when, and stated : A. Throat shot B. 74 frames later Connally hit C. 48 frames later head shot Then the NPIC listed the numbers 190 264 312 in accordance with the article. Would this have any significance? Answer: All depends on how you decipher it!!! For instance:: 190-33frames=30ft@18.3 fps@11.3 mph=frame 157=frame splice. 190+74=264-33frames=30ft@18.3 fps@11.3 mph=frame 231 or 157 + 74 =frame231 312-33frames=30ft@18.3 fps@11.3 mph=frame279 or 231+48= frame279 chris P.S. Always remember that 30ft difference. The difference between 4+65 and 4+95.
  19. Question 4: If Tom Purvis figured out the frame count total between the 2 head shots, would Dale Myers give us a confirmation on that, using the Towner film up around the Elm St turn? Answer: Tom Purvis: 29.7 feet covered in 2.1857923seconds/40 elapsed frames , = 0 .7425 ' per frame X 18.3 =13.58775 fps X 60 =815.265 fpm X 60 =48,915.9 fph/5280 =9.264375 mph. From Z313 to Z353. Dale Myers: PG56 of his " Epipolar Geometric Analysis of Amateur Films", limo speed from corner of TSBD to end of Towner film 9.2 mph chris P.S Something about the corner of that TSBD building has a warning light flashing!!!
  20. Chris...you are doing important calculations here, which are not going unnoticed. Jack Thanks Jack, I believe once I'm through with this topic, many eyes will open up. chris
  21. Question 3: How much farther down Elm was the Altgens head shot, in relation to the 313 head shot? Answer: 4+65 to 4+95 0r 30 feet.
  22. Question 2: If Dale Myers were to use the correct Frames Per Second rate for the Tina Towner film, what would be the total frame difference between the two? Answer: 168 Total Frames Myers 22.8 FPS Correct Speed 18.3 FPS 4.5 FPS difference 168/18.3=9.18 sec. 9.18 sec x 4.5 FPS = 41.3 total frame difference chris P.S Tom, does 41 or thereabouts, sound familiar?
  23. Question 1: Why does the Z film start at frame 133? Answer: Frame 133 is 33 frames more than frame 100. Or, 33 frames @18.3 fps @11.3mph = 30ft. chris P.S. Inquisitive questions welcomed!!!
  24. Tom, Thank you, Not confusing at all. Let me assbackwards this and get us to the same spot. Frame 264-33frames, which is(30ft@18.3frames per sec=11.3 mph) Now, where have I used those figures before? And, why frame 264, the answer is in the previous equation. Something to do with the difference of 4+65 and 4+95. I'll supply the source for frame264 a little later. The Math works and it's a beautiful sight. chris
  25. Tom, Since Craig has pointed out the sizing error in the often-used Drommer plat, your information puts the nail in the coffin for Arlen the magician. Once again, here's how I see it. Specter uses elevation 428.94 as frame 100 and starts his calculations down Elm. 22ft up Elm is the corner of the TSBD, keep going up 22ft more and you're at Station C. The 44ft difference between Position A and Station C. The real frame 100 starts at the corner of the TSBD. This is what the Towner splice is for. 25.5 FT down Elm is the "parallel" Position A to the previous one mentioned. Approx 4.5ft adjustment is made in calculations between frame 161 and 166 . A 30ft total. Difference between 4+65 and 4+95. chris
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