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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Bill, I'm not talking about an artifact in this instance. This is not an artifact, it is part of the original photo. Are you trying to convince me that it was not on the original Altgen's negative, but yet, ended up in a newspaper edition the next day, as an artifact? Take a look at a Muchmore frame, it might answer your previous post. chris
  2. Jerry, The part of the outline indicated by the red arrows. I can understand the difference between the 2 newspapers. But the original Altgen's photo has this detail in it. This was not added as part of a "touch up" to the photo. The Corbis and Thompson prints do not include this detail. Is there another version besides the SF Chronicle that does? If so, I have not seen it. Therefore, how do we know what generational reproductions the others are. Just curious. chris
  3. Jerry, The part I circled in the Chronicle version. Here's a comparison between the two papers. chris
  4. Hi Jerry, Not the photo from the Pennsylvania paper, but my posting previous to that one. It was from the San Francisco Chronicle I believe. chris
  5. Bill, It's been 47 years since the photo was taken. I've never seen another copy which includes this detail on the flag? I surely don't believe this was "touched up". (Adding detail to the flag) Whatever the original source of the newspaper reproduction is, it doesn't appear that any other copies, supplied by all, be it newspaper or digital, have come from that source. It would be nice to see an original or something near it. It's a simple observation. chris PS. Another version printed the next day. No flag detail.
  6. Thanks Duncan, Does anyone know why Thompson's print isn't capable of holding the detail in the flag, as this newspaper print does? Or, what generation of print his might be? chris
  7. kathy re the posted photo of lbj with sunglasses that i have marked with zap..chris ; i wrote to chris davidson and asked for further information, but have not heard back, if and when i will post whatever he says...b Bernice, Check your email, I sent you a response a couple of days ago. As for LBJ in Altgens, it sure looks like his hairline. imo chris
  8. Hi Bernice, A little help on that video for you. chris
  9. Chicago Tribune 11-24-63. Which rifle was Graves describing? The one which the gunsmith mounted the scope on, that he didn't recognize as the "official" murder weapon. Was the Oswald "mail order" scope pre-mounted before shipping? chris
  10. Would have been nice if someone asked the gunsmith "Did Oswald bring this rifle to him" for scope mounting. Not "for a man named Oswald" chris
  11. For Todd!!! From the Milwaukee Journal 11-23-63. chris
  12. Tom, Of course the next question might be "we need some corroborating video evidence?", for what you state as Bond's True position. And I'd be happy to oblige. chris
  13. Bond's two locations. Courtesy of Tom. chris
  14. Thanks for those photos, Chris. Keep those photos of Lyndon Johnson in the motorcade coming! In the Altgen's photo, I am beginning to think that that dark blob to the right of Lady Bird is Lyndon Johnson turning and facing in, just as he goes into duck mode. I seriously doubt if the Altgens photo was take a full 5 seconds after the first shot. Also, it is possible that 2 shots have have occurred at the time of the "first shot." Does Kennedy seem to be already hit in the throat by the time of the Altgens photo? Please keep posting photos of LBJ in the motorcade. Thanks! Robert, Upper left. Johnson stabilized, through the windshield, coming around the corner. chris
  15. Sorry it took awhile to respond. After Robert posted the frame with the limo, I had to do some more searching. The limo grill's reflective surface is greater than the cycle fender. Different materials/colors. I believe the frame provided creates the same effect as frame 216. As for the bottom edge of the Stemmon's sign, I used frame 217 (little clearer) and added the ghost image to the bottom of the main frame. Then compared it with a similar photo. The thin red line indicates the angle of the bottom edge, when the top edges are basically aligned. If there are no shortcomings in these comparisons, Craig was correct. A follow up question to come!!! Possibly thanks chris
  16. If the Stemmon's sign top edge (blue line) creates a shield between foreground and background objects, how is it possible for the cycle fender to appear on the backside of the sign? Also, the upper ghost image area (just below the red line) appears to include the bottom edge of the sign. This is at an approx 4.5 degree angle. Shouldn't this be level in accordance with the top of the sign? thanks, chris
  17. Thanks Jack, Yes, I brought up a similar thought in this topic a little while ago: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16374&view=findpost&p=201602 You probably just missed it. Jerry has pointed out that the clapping speed of Apron Man and his friend appear to be quite rapid. He wanted a larger view of them. I am waiting to hear what his thoughts are. chris Jeez Chris - I don't know. I can get myself to clap that quickly but it's not very natural. And the action on Houston street looks very odd. Maybe the speed of the passing cars on Houston or a motorcycle? What are your thoughts? Best, Jerry Thanks for the stabilization! If Jack and I agree you know it's got to be true. Nice work. Jerry, I would expect to see more of this speed (discounting limo). Probably a pinch faster, but not much. What did I do? Took out the blurry frames in the sequence (about 12 of them). Reduced FPS to 6, in the movie. Thoughts!!!! thanks, chris
  18. Thanks Jack, Yes, I brought up a similar thought in this topic a little while ago: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16374&view=findpost&p=201602 You probably just missed it. Jerry has pointed out that the clapping speed of Apron Man and his friend appear to be quite rapid. He wanted a larger view of them. I am waiting to hear what his thoughts are. chris Jeez Chris - I don't know. I can get myself to clap that quickly but it's not very natural. And the action on Houston street looks very odd. Maybe the speed of the passing cars on Houston or a motorcycle? What are your thoughts? Best, Jerry Thanks for the stabilization! If Jack and I agree you know it's got to be true. Nice work. Jerry, For your friend. The gentleman on Houston St. Back and forth loop. Slower than 18FPS for easier viewing. John nailed it, I believe. I have an idea about the blurred frames in this sequence, in relation to the speed question, let me see how it looks, then I'll post that also. chris
  19. Thanks Jack, Yes, I brought up a similar thought in this topic a little while ago: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16374&view=findpost&p=201602 You probably just missed it. Jerry has pointed out that the clapping speed of Apron Man and his friend appear to be quite rapid. He wanted a larger view of them. I am waiting to hear what his thoughts are. chris
  20. Chris, Many thanks. Whichever and whenever is easiest for you - but I do find your recent version sharper than MPI. Here's the guy Herbert noticed - Herbert has problems with what appears to be the man's right arm. Best, Jerry Jerry, Enlarged 300%, running at approx 18 FPS. chris
  21. Jerry, That's not a problem. Would you like me to use this version or switch back to MPI's? No thought's on the background yet. I'll slow that down and see how it looks. A little time needed. chris
  22. Thanks Craig, You are absolutely correct. Here is comparison footage (succeeding posts) I took with a digital camera. I used this clip, instead of results from my B/H 414 material, for quality purposes only. (If interested, I can supply the B/H results, but it's just a confirmation of the others). Jerry, You can stop pondering on this one, if you haven't already. Something else I did notice, which may or may not be of interest, is the camera movement just as JFK comes out from behind the sign. The elevation drop and blurred frame at 227. chris
  23. Craig, I'll do that with some of my pedestal footage. Jerry, Here is a little bit more of Apron Man and guest. chris
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