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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Robin,

    I think those are cop helmets too, above the press pool car.

    They appear to be farther down the street than the convertible, that is just in front of the press pool car.

    The closest footage we have of this time(that I know of) is the cop on the south side of Elm, early in the Bell footage.

    The cop in early Bell, could be a match for the cop in Wiegman who is past the open car door.

    Also have Paschall, but she only shows the press pool car as it races past the cycle which is between the concrete pillars.


    Not the limo flag, but higher up the embankment. (Photo)


  2. Jack/Robin

    The lower arrow points to an open car door. Notice shape of black area and outer left end of it.

    The right arrow to someone either exiting or entering. Also, someone (possibly) a little lighter, just to the left of the exiting person.

    The top arrow to the helmet of a cycle cop, who is past the open door.

    What's interesting about these two frames:

    In order to get the press pool car going forward, I had to switch the frame positions with each other. Checked two different versions.

    Anyone know what that light/flash is, on the right side of the animation, up against the underpass?


  3. It would appear that the animators involved in the fabrication of the Z film had problems with this lady. (red arrow)

    If she is not levitating, where do her legs/body appear?

    Follow the ground between those in front of her. Yes that gap that extends to Houston St. Let me know when you see her legs/feet/shoes/body go by, to match her head.

    I believe her size was troubling too.

    The two frame animation is a height comparison between this lady and the gentleman's head that obscure's her, at two different points in the movie. ( tiny red lines)

    She must have shrunk in about a second.

    Maybe she was standing on a step stool.


    Hey Chris;

    Nice catch on the anomoly there. I do give it a chance that her step was obscured by what is in front of her; i.e. people. As a student of Zapruder, I think any and all avenues to knowledge should be investigated. Have a look at my article Harper Fragment Seen in Zapruder - it's on page three of the forum today. In my conclusions you will read that I straddle the line on alteration. Has Zapruder been changed? Sure - ripping out frames 207 to 211 (at least) is alteration. What I don't get honestly about those I would call "extreme alterationists" is the overall changes that have been made and for what (specific) purpose. In my article you'll read I do entertain the idea of a little hanky panky at frame 313, but even if that did occur; it doesn't seem to have really obscured much - the President's body motions are there and very believable (sidetrack - if you're like me and believe he was hit with a frangible); the splash of blood is congruent with simultaneous shots (as I believe), the skull fragment flying off and drifting under the limousine, proves the veracity of the film - at least in those most important frames. (313-337).

    Your expertise with the technical side of things is impressive. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks Frank,

    Should we see her Black Shoes in this animation?


  4. It would appear that the animators involved in the fabrication of the Z film had problems with this lady. (red arrow)

    If she is not levitating, where do her legs/body appear?

    Follow the ground between those in front of her. Yes that gap that extends to Houston St. Let me know when you see her legs/feet/shoes/body go by, to match her head.

    I believe her size was troubling too.

    The two frame animation is a height comparison between this lady and the gentleman's head that obscure's her, at two different points in the movie. ( tiny red lines)

    She must have shrunk in about a second.

    Maybe she was standing on a step stool.


    Chris...in the center of the frame is a FAT LADY IN BLACK and a SMALL LADY

    with a red scarf beside her. As I pointed out years ago, they have ONLY


    Please do a study of these two women and see if you can locate the missing leg

    with a slow animated gif.




    It appears the lady with the red scarf is the problem.

    Here is a time lapse animation.

    Put your mouse cursor on each leg as it plays.

    Lady in black owns 2 legs. Lady with scarf owns 1.


  5. It would appear that the animators involved in the fabrication of the Z film had problems with this lady. (red arrow)

    If she is not levitating, where do her legs/body appear?

    Follow the ground between those in front of her. Yes that gap that extends to Houston St. Let me know when you see her legs/feet/shoes/body go by, to match her head.

    I believe her size was troubling too.

    The two frame animation is a height comparison between this lady and the gentleman's head that obscure's her, at two different points in the movie. ( tiny red lines)

    She must have shrunk in about a second.

    Maybe she was standing on a step stool.


    Chris...that must be Tina Towner, who is not by her father on the corner.

    She was wearing a light blue sweater. Very odd movements.


    The Towner family from Dorman's movie.

    Tina is wearing dark shoes with white socks. Nice contrast

    Mrs.Towner is wearing dark shoes. Socks?


  6. BTW,

    In the 2 frame animation, notice the people in the left background. Some have the same body slanting movement.

    What a coincidence, this occurs in the same frames a second or so apart.

    Telepathy among the crowd.

    There are other obvious mishaps.



  7. It would appear that the animators involved in the fabrication of the Z film had problems with this lady. (red arrow)

    If she is not levitating, where do her legs/body appear?

    Follow the ground between those in front of her. Yes that gap that extends to Houston St. Let me know when you see her legs/feet/shoes/body go by, to match her head.

    I believe her size was troubling too.

    The two frame animation is a height comparison between this lady and the gentleman's head that obscure's her, at two different points in the movie. ( tiny red lines)

    She must have shrunk in about a second.

    Maybe she was standing on a step stool.


  8. This might create a little clearer picture of the configuration.

    Please keep in mind that Chaney IS NOT one of these lead 8. He is flanking JFK's side of the limo.

    To start with:

    Photo origin unknown.

    Paschall movie matches the photo configuration.


  9. ???

    - One MC cop stopped on Elm st and dismounted.

    - Two are passing under the UP.

    - Four preceded and of those, two are ahead of the pic, and the MC cop in question has gone ahead and joined, formed the trio.(after doing what he said).

    - Clint's head is low leaning out to shout to the initial lead car (Curry's) hence can't be seen above visors.

    - The right MC is gearing, the middle has just signalled, the left is not gearing,

    - The right has two stripes.


    Hi John.....

    Two MC riders stopped on Elm, Clyde Haygood parked his bike just in front of the turnpike sign, on the right hand side , looking at the overpass....

    and ran up the knoll to the corner of the fence and Overpass..

    ...Bobby Hargis parked his bike on the left hand side of the street, ran across the road and up to the cement wall on the left of the Pergola..Zapruder



    OK, thank you Bernice. Part questions answered. Thank you. Back to the 'drawing board'...



    I have found this Couch frame.....I believe it is one of Chris Davison's.....

    Chris correct me if this is in error....thanks...

    I believe it is correct.....



    That is either from Couch or Darnell.

    Robin did the labeling for us.

    Please remember ALL MC cops in Couch/Darnell are NOT part of the 8 MC (lead group) that we see in earlier footage.

    Part of the lead group is, who we see in McIntire, Bell and Daniels.

    Of course this is based on the existing footage that we have.

    The MC in Bell that Robin has supplied, is part of the lead group.


  10. Pre 313: These have nothing to do directly with the limo.

    In Muchmore, there are 5 lead cycle cops that turn from Main onto Houston. 3 in alignment, followed by 2.

    In Zapruder, we see the last of the lead cycles in front, followed by the the trailing 2. My guess is the other 2 lead cycles are already farther down Elm. (Total of 5 still).

    Post 313:

    In Zapruder, no cycles ahead of the limo.

    In Nix, no cycles ahead as the limo takes off and Nix's film ends down Elm.

    In Bell, 1 cycle on the southside of Elm, as the Limo is near the underpass and QM passes the southside cycle. 3 cycles are

    in their position as we see them in McIntire, also.

    In Daniels, we see the cycle that we see in Bell.

    In McIntire, we see the 3 that are in Bell, the 1 on the south side of Elm in Bell, and another on the North side.

    I believe Chaney would have to be this one on the North side in McIntire, for this to pan out.

    Lumpkin says " then Chaney rode UP to Curry" and we were still STOPPED at that time.

    Sounds like the McIntire photo starts to depict this.

    Chaney on his way up to Curry with Lumpkin and the other two waiting.

    Of course this has to happen after everyone has passed the underpass.

    Any photos of the limo/QM/Curry car stopped after the underpass to give Chaney time to catch up?

    Otherwise the story is hogwash or the photos are wrong. imo


    Chris...the premise is that THE FILMS HAVE BEEN ALTERED TO REMOVE THINGS.

    Therefore, careful listing of what the films show is interesting but not helpful in

    studying the premise. The films do not depict what happened, but only conform

    to the official story.

    The premise proposes that the films (Zapruder, Nix, any others):

    1. Remove some of the lead motorcycles turning onto Elm.

    2. Remove lead car (Curry et al) turning onto Elm.

    3. Remove the limo's wide turn turning onto Elm.

    4. Remove the limo's initial sequence on Elm.

    5. Remove information about the gunshots.

    6. Remove Hill and Moorman in the street.

    7. Remove the limo stop and reacceleration.

    8. Remove Chaney's accelleration to the lead car.

    9. Remove the location of the lead car during shooting.

    10. Remove post shooting activity.

    Therefore, if any or all of the above took place, AS MANY TESTIFIED,

    then studying WHAT REMAINS does not tell us what really happened.


    Thanks Jack,

    I understand and agree.

    My point was to leave no outlets for the official story, thus supporting what Dr. Costella has discovered.

    In other words, When/Where EXACTLY does Chaney talk to Curry?

    Quote from Chaney:

    "I went ahead of the President’s car to inform Chief Curry that the President had been hit. And then he instructed us over the air to take him to Parkland Hospital, and he had Parkland standing by. I went on up ahead of the – to notify the officer that was leading the escort that he had been hit and we’re going to have to move out."

    Initially, I considered this statement somewhat vague.

    He doesn't say WHEN he went ahead of the limo.

    But, he does say that after talking to Curry, he went up to notify the lead escort officer.

    So, at no point was he ever BEHIND the limo.

    Therefore, the existing films/photos discredit themselves and support Dr.Costella.


  11. Craig,

    Don't make a judgement on this with the 6 frame animation I provided.

    That was just to show Clint's movement above the limo.

    There are more frames to this, and as the cars get closer to the filmer, it appears that what you have pointed out is the

    shadow from under the QM.

    If you have the Jack Daniels film, please take a look for a better perspective.

    If not, I will post it tomorrow.


  12. Chris...that appears to be the driver of the QM, with the steering wheel in his

    hand. Besides, your man is on the right side of the trunk, and Clint was on

    the left.



    If that's not Clint on the right side in the McIntire photo, when did he change to the right side? I've never seen a photo of him

    on the way to the hospital where he is on the left side.

    Why isn't he protruding above the back of the limo on the left side?


  13. Pre 313: These have nothing to do directly with the limo.

    In Muchmore, there are 5 lead cycle cops that turn from Main onto Houston. 3 in alignment, followed by 2.

    In Zapruder, we see the last of the lead cycles in front, followed by the the trailing 2. My guess is the other 2 lead cycles are already farther down Elm. (Total of 5 still).

    Post 313:

    In Zapruder, no cycles ahead of the limo.

    In Nix, no cycles ahead as the limo takes off and Nix's film ends down Elm.

    In Bell, 1 cycle on the southside of Elm, as the Limo is near the underpass and QM passes the southside cycle. 3 cycles are

    in their position as we see them in McIntire, also.

    In Daniels, we see the cycle that we see in Bell.

    In McIntire, we see the 3 that are in Bell, the 1 on the south side of Elm in Bell, and another on the North side.

    I believe Chaney would have to be this one on the North side in McIntire, for this to pan out.

    Lumpkin says " then Chaney rode UP to Curry" and we were still STOPPED at that time.

    Sounds like the McIntire photo starts to depict this.

    Chaney on his way up to Curry with Lumpkin and the other two waiting.

    Of course this has to happen after everyone has passed the underpass.

    Any photos of the limo/QM/Curry car stopped after the underpass to give Chaney time to catch up?

    Otherwise the story is hogwash or the photos are wrong. imo


  14. Hi Frank,

    Welcome to the forum.

    I hope this will help.

    The white spot stays in the same location through approx. these 23 frames. (see movie)

    I believe the blurring when watching it unstabilizied, is what gives it the appearance of movement.

    Notice the white objects relation to the brown grass patch it lies on. (Reason I have it looping back and forth)

    It never moves from that patch.

    The white streak across the trunk could be Jackie's white glove as she reaches around toward Jack. ???

    People in the background move in relation to the limo.


  15. The background of this clip shows the camera was zooming in on the president.



    I don't believe she was zooming as her left hand is into her face, not on the front end of the camera. (Movie)

    Even in her interview in "Murder in Dealy Plaza" she just describes tracking the limo as is depicted in Dorman's film.

    I understand the Dorman clip is short and Towner is filming further east up Elm in it, but I would find it hard to believe she started zooming at any time.

    I'm also wondering how someone's hand can be as tall as their neck and hat combined. Besides the wrist appearing to disconnect from the hand. (animation)


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