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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Perhaps we can identify another spotter signal or muzzle flash or whatever it may be. (Lady to Hammerman's right)

    Or, is that just another one of those reflections?

    Also, hammerman apparently with nothing in hand but a gesture of waving.

    Towner film with Hammerman stabilized.

    Let's see, we have Z film damage around 153 and the Croft photo is about 161. Interesting


  2. Thomas,

    I believe my original animation shows a shot from the rear.

    Brain matter traveling quickly, same path/direction as the bullet, easier to accept than a ricochet.

    As for the ricochet piece, to much time (9 frames), to travel from armrest to the bounce off the top of Connally's seat, considering it hits that armrest in 1 frame.

    2 shots, almost simultaneous, triangulation.


  3. Is the red streak that skims the top of JFK's head and appears to continue through past Jackie, the same streak?

    Objects in motion along the same path?

    The residue near Jackie's shoulder appears down near the armrest level. Don't believe that would end up outside the car.


  4. Watch the movement along the white triangle edge, through Jackie's forehead.

    By separating the blob, does this distinguish one of the trajectories?

    In frame 314, the matter past Jackie's left shoulder appears to be from the same trajectory.


  5. As if we need another.

    Since my Life Magazine scan holds more detail on the wall than the previous Bond used, here it is once more.

    Thought it might be easier to see alignment between objects in both photos using the wall shadows/branches.

    Loops back and forth.



    Duncan, thanks for cleaning that earlier one up for me.

  6. Comparison request by Bill.

    Bond over Moorman.


    Thanks, Chris. Now if you will - will you take the middle stuff out so to show how the foliage fell down to the fence line just as I had said all along would happen. Your gif is great, but let them see it with just both images so to show the amount of shifting between camera locations that took place.

    Thanks again!


    Middle portion removed.


  7. For those who don't mind looking at 40 yr old Life Magazine scans, here is what I sent Duncan, for the most part.

    Compare the clarity in the Ft.Worth sign, between this and the others.

    And NO, I did not adjust the contrast/sharpness to this scan. What you see represents the magazine.


  8. Something still stinks.

    RSM starts running up the steps past Hudson who hasn't moved an inch from Muchmore thru Nix.

    Sure, I'll (RSM) keep running up the steps following RAM, and you (Hudson) lie down.

    When supposedly was Hudson told to lie down, as RSM man passes Hudson on the stairs, with his back to him.

    Why wouldn't RSM just lie down where he's at ?

    Anyone see Hudson's white shirt in Nix?

    Bernice, thank you for the Hudson FBI statement.

    If I'm on the stairs and I think a shot comes from behind and above, I would tend to think the stockade fence.

    Yet, what I read in Hudson's statement is all about the Depository.

    Much the same as Zapruder.

    Arm twisting!!!


  9. Finally, if you know for a fact that RAM ran into the lot & did not hit the ground behind the wall then say something, fast.

    Hudson's language is clear.

    Red Shirt Man is the "young fellow."

    Thank you Miles,

    I tend to agree with your analysis of Hudson's testimony but I think I need to go back & read your

    main reason for wanting to pin-point who Hudson was talking about now.

    I hope it wasn't something to do with "who Bowers saw".....

    Mr. HUDSON - Well there was a young fellow, oh, I would judge his age about in his late twenties. He said he had been looking for a place to park and he walked up there and he said he finally just taken a place over there in one of them parking lots, and he come on down there and said he worked over there on Industrial and me and him both just sat there first on those steps. When the motorcade turned off of Houston onto Elm, we got up and stood up, me and him both. He was on the left side and I was on the right and so the first shot rung out and, of course, I didn't realize it was a shot, what was taking place right at that present time, and when the second one rung out, the motorcade had done got further on down Elm, and you see, I was trying to get a good look at President Kennedy. I happened to be looking right at him when that bullet hit him - the second shot.

    Hudson is saying that "young fellow" stood next to him from the time the motorcade turned off of Houston onto Elm until the second shot.

    But the man standing next to Hudson in Moorman ran away in seconds after the second shot.

    Mr. LIEBELER - Did you see that shot hit anything - the third shot?

    Mr. HUDSON - No, sir. I'll tell you - this young fellow that was sitting there with me - standing there with me at the present time, he says, "lay down, Mister, somebody is shooting the President." He says, "Lay down, lay down." and he kept repeating, "Lay down." so he was already laying down one way on the sidewalk, so I just laid down over on the ground and resting my arm on the ground and when that third shot rung out and when I was close to the ground - you could tell the shot was coming from above and kind of behind.

    Hudson is saying that after the man ran up the stairs the "young fellow" (RSM), who had stood with him since the motorcade turned off of Houston onto Elm, told him to lie down.

    This means that the photographic evidence does not agree or comport with Hudson's testimony. It contradicts Hudson.

    Miller's explanation for this is that Hudson became confused & imagined that, when the the man ran up the stairs & was replaced by RSM,... that RSM was the man who ran away & had been by him all the while. One man became another man in Hudson's mind: a doppelgänger. :huh:

    Miller is saying, therefore, that Hudson had a very powerful hallucination.

    Very good. This renders Hudson unreliable & not credible & so vitiates Hudson's testimony as valid.

    This appalling development was noticed by Ken, who realized that the only remotely plausible scenario was that "run-away-man" dashed to safety behind the retaining wall & then comically shouted in a huge, stentorian voice instructions to Hudson.

    Hudson's testimony opens up more questions that it answers.

    It cannot be taken as gospel as some have taken it. It's suspect.

    By the way, Alan, do you actually see Hudson in this crop? I don't. Is he REALLY actually behind Run-Away-Man? Look at those legs. :huh:



    If it helps.

    Feel free to view at 200 or 300 %, as I pumped up the resolution on this one.


  10. From Haygoods Testimony discussing Cancellare1 i believe this is the correct annotation.

    Haygood now on the LEFT side. ?


    I believe that's McClain and Coursin in the Cancellare photo.

    Remember, Wiegman films Haygood as Haygood passes by, which is AFTER he films the Newman's.

    Which means Haygood hasn't reached Wiegman yet, and does not appear in the Bond photo.


  11. Thanks for the input Robin & Bernice.

    Winborn's quote shows exactly how confusing it is.

    If what he said was accurate he was neither talking about Haygood or Hargis, it is very possible he just simply mixed them up in his mind.

    If the only source of a cop riding halfway up the incline & then abandoning his bike comes from the Terminal Annex employees then, well let's just say(with all the best will in the world to those gentlemen), it doesn't mean it really occured.

    If they all said one cop fell over after an attempted curb jump & another rid up the incline, then we might have a problem, the bottom line at this time though is, they are most likely talking about Haygood but we cannot be sure.


    I just want to put a permenant link here to that enlightening "Darnell" frame.


    Did Chris post more frames than this & is it from Darnell?

    If your reading this Chris & you feel like sharing more please do, I don't have it on tape anymore & haven't seen it for years.

    Great capture.

    Also, thanks for the Cabluck, nice spot.

    That's Haygood though, not Hargis(he's already left the scene), same for Willis7 & as you said, those two snapped at virtually the same moment(Bond5 too shows Haygood at same spot).

    It looks like Haygood ran for the actual corner there but, you can see him in Bond7, several feet south of the corner, climbing up the wall.

    The other two bike cops I'm looking for signs of, were further back in the motorcade.

    Scaggs & Bond7 show one of them beside a bus, that bus came after the one Cabluck was riding in.


    I can't recall if Bond10 shows Haygood or that area(I know #9 doesn't) but if it does, it might show slightly more than what we see in this pan of the knoll in the Bell film, which if you check, shows the "Haygood area" in deep shadow.

    No sign of a bike halfway up the incline there anyway.



    1.Haygood cutting between the cars.


  12. Alan,

    Here's an image which shows the bend & cant of the stairs away from vertical re: pergola west wall. A bulge west as from the Ardennes Forrest.

    Analysis of Groden's pics (many thx for same!) will show that a portion of Hudson is visible to Bowers.

    My supposition is that Hudson's right arm extends beyond the west extremity of the stairs.

    For the moment, on this basis , Alan, you could draw your own conclusions regardless of mine.

    Yes, it will be interesting to see if Alan also notices that blueprints, while measured to scale - do not reflect picture perfect overlays against real life photos. This one in particular shows several problems such as the centering of the trees along the walkway, the north end of the fence seen not running along the edge of the parking-lot, but rather out into it by several feet.

    In the Groden real-world photo taken along the west edge of the steps from the grass side ... somewhere around the third step down one can see how the rest of the steps keep pitching eastward.

    What would be interesting after seeing your (Miles) previous response - I bet the forum members would be interested to see how the concrete wall and other defining landmarks match up off a blueprint when overlaid onto a real photograph. This is best done by using somewhere around a 50% transparency of the blueprint so the real world aerial photo can be seen through it.

    Side note: Oh BTW, I hope that if there are any forum members here with gambling problems and who are over sensitive about their addiction ... feel free to write the moderators about my use of the word "BET".

    Bill Miller

    Robert West plat/Google aerial, composited

    Tower is cut off a bit.


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