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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. I would love to know the specs of the shoot. First it appears the camera is too low and second the lens used does not seem to have the same level of distortion as the Moorman polaroid lens. Any chance anyone can find out what was used and where the camera was placed?

    The two photos may look the same, but there are noticeable differences. The camera heights were not the same for openers. I would also like to say that the more distant objects may look to line up because they are far away and harder to detect any slight differences, but they are there and can be checked none-the-less. For instance, I can take two photos taken at different angles of around 15 degrees and still find certain reference points in both photos that will appear to be the same distance apart. But at the same time the angle change will also show other reference points to be way off, thus the photo was not accurate enough to be an exact replication. Place your mouse arrow on the Badge Man tree or the southwest outside shelter wall in the animation and watch them move back and forth off your mouse arrow.




    I see the Moorman limo at an upward angle going downhill.

    Then I see the recreation at the same spot or very close to, at a downward angle going downhill.

    I took a couple of photos, tilted the camera a few degrees and this is what I get.

    I put lines on the side of the truck and it appears to stay at the same angle in relation to itself/street.

    Is there a way to duplicate what's in Moorman with regards to the limo appearing to be at an upward angle?



  2. At risk of sounding paranoid!

    First off, there is obviously some form of "contamination" in my computer, which could easily be the problem.


    Today, I went to pull up CE 884 from the HISTORY MATTERS website in order to expound on some "Vehicle Speed" problems, and found that no matter which way I go, only the first three survey positions:




    will download and can be seen.



    Am I the only recepient of this anomaly?


    I think I have the same virus

    Why would the West and W/C surveys list the same measurements for different frames?


  3. Ed,

    Here is 452-456.

    It looks as if Jackie is headbutting that taller person sitting next to her.




    The attached picture describes what I have concluded in regard to where everyone in the limousine was located as depicted in Z. frame #456. It would take several attachments to treat each of the extremely blurry images of the occupants individually. Improving one image simply resulted in making the remainder less distinct. In the overall , the only item of significance is the configuration of the blurs, and I submit that what we see is completely consistent with what Sam Holland reported concerning JFK being thrown forward onto the floor of the limousine. I am sure that anyone using high quality graphics software, would be able to produce far better results.

    Thanks for your original observation re Sam Holland's evidence being 'shaped' preferentially , and also for your response to my posts

    Ed O'Hagan



    I haven't drawn any conclusions, yet. Just trying to show movement leading up to 456.

    Listening to eyewitness accounts of those close to the head-shot/s is very reliable. imo

    Don't know if this helps but I worked a little on 456.


  4. The animation consists of 2 photos.

    Recreation photo is from the Discovery Channel special "Murder in Dealy Plaza".

    I believe I got the Moorman copy from Robin.

    Moorman photo was reduced down to 29.2% x 30% for more precise registration.

    My question is:

    The backgrounds line up, but the foregrounds (limos) are at different angles. 4 degrees approx, according to the red lines. Possible?

    It was my understanding they were trying to recreate the Moorman position as close as possible along with the limo, and they did a nice job. imo

    Also, the limo angle in the RECREATION photo matches that of the Muchmore film, at the headshot.

    I will show that next, unless this is easily explainable.




    Take a look at the Pergola openings next to Zapruder which Jack has pointed out many times before.

    The Kennedy limo is turned further away from Moorman than the Cadillac is in the recreation. If the recreation has the car in the middle of its lane, this means the limo cut to the right around 313.


    Not sure I understand that, in relation to the angle of the car on the street.

    Isn't the car going downhill somewhat at this point, and therefore it should show this, and be consistant among both photos especially with the backgrounds matching for the most part?

    If the angle of the limo's are different, shouldn't the backgrounds match accordingly?

    Next is a picture of the photographer taking the recreation picture showing a little more street.

    Also, the animation is Muchmore (at the head shot) and the recreation photo. Disregard the background lines in this one, but not the limo lines.

    The car angles appear to match very well.

    The limo in Moorman appears to be at an upward angle while going downhill. imo


  5. The animation consists of 2 photos.

    Recreation photo is from the Discovery Channel special "Murder in Dealy Plaza".

    I believe I got the Moorman copy from Robin.

    Moorman photo was reduced down to 29.2% x 30% for more precise registration.

    My question is:

    The backgrounds line up, but the foregrounds (limos) are at different angles. 4 degrees approx, according to the red lines. Possible?

    It was my understanding they were trying to recreate the Moorman position as close as possible along with the limo, and they did a nice job. imo

    Also, the limo angle in the RECREATION photo matches that of the Muchmore film, at the headshot.

    I will show that next, unless this is easily explainable.




    Take a look at the Pergola openings next to Zapruder which Jack has pointed out many times before.

  6. In Hollands recall on the uTube he states that the smoke drifted out from those two trees..after mentioning

    where the shot that he heard , came from, in that specific area..

    From his testimony...

    Mr. MORRISON - That is Elm Street. It would be behind the fence, wouldn't it?

    Mr. HOLLAND - Well, I have got the fence running up here, and this car would be back in there [indicating]. This is the trees out here, which would--and that is approximately the same location as---the car and the trees that I saw the smoke would probably be the same location.


    Mr. HOLLAND - It was muddy, and you could have if you could have counted them, I imagine it would have been a hundred tracks just in that one location. It was just----

    Mr. STERN - And then you saw some mud on the bumper?

    Mr. HOLLAND - Mud on the bumper in two spots.

    Mr. STERN - As if someone had cleaned his foot, or---

    Mr. HOLLAND - Well, as if someone had cleaned their foot, or stood up on the bumper to see over the fence.

    Mr. STERN - I see.


    Mr. STERN - And did you notice anything about this station wagon?

    Mr. HOLLAND - I was in front of the cars, then I went in front of the cars.

    Mr. STERN - In front of the cars---

    Mr. HOLLAND - The cars they were parked pretty close to the fence, and I came up in front of the cars and got over to the fence and then walked back down looking around, just like the rest of them.

    Mr. STERN - And that was later you came behind the station wagon?

    Mr. HOLLAND - Oh, maybe 3 or 4 minutes after I got up there, and 3 or 4 minutes after I got up to the end of the fence.


    Below is Sam on the overpass, taken I believe in 1967.....He had a seemingly clear veiw of the fence area, and all....and perhaps even somewhat

    better of the fence that day, Nov.22..63...as the trees and all had four more years of growth on them....when this was taken...


    Great stuff Bernice,

    So Holland also gives an accurate description of Moorman and Hill according to the Zfilm.

    Then Stern confuses the issue:

    Mr. HOLLAND - And another report rang out and he slumped down in his seat, and about that time Mrs. Kennedy was looking at these girls over here [indicating]. The girls standing---now one of them was taking a picture, and the other one was just standing there, and she turned around facing the President and Governor Connally. In other words, she realized what was happening, I guess.

    Now, I mean, that was apparently that---she turned back around, and by the time she could get turned around he was hit again along in---I'd say along in here [indicating].

    Mr. STERN - How do you know that? Did you observe that?

    Mr. HOLLAND - I observed it. It knocked him completely down on the floor. Over, just slumped completely over. That second---

    Mr. STERN - Did you hear a third report?

    Holland has just described the third shot according to the Zfilm.

    Yet, in the WarrenReport interview, he makes a (supposed) mistake and says the limo is 100 feet farther west when this shot occurs.

    Maybe he see's a shot after the 313 headshot, and that is the one closer to the lamp-post.

    What would these reactions be to, starting with frame 347?

    Thanks John and Tom.


  7. I thought that bullets travel down the barrel ... maybe guns work differedntly where you live. And while we are taking into consideration the timing of Moorman's photo, then I assume that the limo is not where it was when the fatal head shot hit the President, thus your LOS is also incorrect ... would you not agree?


    The rifle would have moved relative to the movement of the limo during the tracking of the presidents head by the shooter. No I don't agree..the LOS would also still have been relative at Moorman with acceptable minimal insignificant degrees of inacuracy in the given time frame



    10' to the Hudson tree?

    Have you considered the head movement vis-à-vis trajectories from a shot originating from midget man's alleged position at the fence? They do not work.

    Yet your sniper's trajectories do.

    On the subject of the parking lot being congested with a sea of cars (Holland) which were bumper to bumper (Holland) so that there was not an inch that was not cars...

    Mr. HOLLAND - Well. immediately after the shots was fired, I run around the end of this overpass, behind the fence to see if I could see anyone up there behind the fence.

    Mr. STERN - That is the picket fence?

    Mr. HOLLAND - That is the picket fence.

    Mr. STERN - On the north side of Elm Street?

    Mr. HOLLAND - Of course, this was this sea of cars in there and it was just a big-it wasn't an inch in there that wasn't automobiles

    here is an aerial shot on Nov. 23, 1963, which Gary Mack adjusts to Nov. 24, 1963:


    1.) Notice that the cars parked along the long leg of the picket fence are parked right up against the fence.

    2.) Notice that there are no objects down along the north face of the fence abutting the fence except the cars nosed close into the fence or backed close into the fence.

    3.) Notice the area of the lot just to the east side of the steam pipe. You can see a light color pickup truck parked a few feet from the steam pipe. It's clear that cars could have been, would have been & were jammed in parked along the steam pipe abutting the steam pipe at noon on th 11-22-63.

    This photographic evidence coupled with the eyewitness evidence of Sam Holland (and other corroborating witnesses) shows that Ed Hoffman's alleged sniper would not have had clear passage to do what Ed says he did: i.e., walk freely to the steam pipe with a rifle held at port arms. For the sniper to have reached the steam pipe for the alleged "rifle toss" he would have had to have weaved & squeezed in & around the array of parked cars. He had no open & direct passage. This would have slowed & retarded Ed's sniper movement to the steam pipe.

    The real sniper & the real sniper's spotter & the real sniper's team of advisers would have realized the extreme hazards & illogicality of Ed's proposed exit strategy. It would be a death trap on the face of it!

    If Ed's exit plan is adopted then Ed's assassin is executing a plan of escape that is, in its conception, the exact oppose of a plan designed to succeed. The assassin & his assistant walk to where there is an extremely high likelihood that they will be seen, and seen by any number of witnesses who are in the area of the switch boxes to view the motorcade. In other words, the assassin & his advisers, realizing the dangers, would have first of all have ruled out Ed's scenario as being the worst possible exit strategy, the one plan most likely to fail, the one plan most likely to expose the assassin to apprehension & death. :eek Conclusion: Ed's dog don't hunt.

    I agree with everything you say Miles. Any shooter would have been aware of the suicidal risks involved taking Ed's route. It's just lunacy to even consider this. I haven't looked in to the hatman trajectory possibilities because I write it off instantly judging by the position of the supposed hat in Moorman. The reason I asked about the distance of the tree is because I have a dvd where Hudson states that the smoke came from around 15ft to the right of the tree.


    You're back! Good to see a Scotsman prime minister. :up

    Here's a frame capture I made awhile back from Lane/Holland you might note as showing Sam's view.


    Another blurry one:


    Hudson's report that the smoke was 15 feet to the right of the tree is accounted for by the fact that the wind

    was blowing from NW to SE; thus, toward Hudson with time elapse to consider. (The Cronkite color is available.)

    As you can see Sam's view of the picket fence corner is somewhat obscured by the intervening foliage.

    This cloaking of the corner would have been more pronounced on Nov. 22, 1963. Thus, it would have

    been difficult for Sam to accurately gage the smoke's distance from the corner of the fence. Sam gives a

    range of 20 to 30 feet. Only later, after Sam had threaded his way through the sea of cars & after he had

    arrived at the trampled muddy area, did Sam begin to associate the smoke's position with the muddy foot

    print area. But, reasoning that the muddy footprints were made by a non-shooter at 10 to 15 feet from the

    corner (not 20 to 30 feet!), then Sam's original estimate of 20 to 30 feet for the smoke makes sense for a

    shooter at 33 feet. In this construction, for example, midget man could have been a spotter as midget man

    could have seen umbrella man's signal as a sniper at 33 feet could not have done. This is the explanation.

    On another thread I posted this image of midget-man's hat. Two things are immediately clear;

    1.) If this is a hat, which is debatable, then the figure wearing the hat (fedora?) is situated two low behind

    the fence, no matter how far away from the fence he is standing. A rifle or a XP-100 could not have been

    aimed & fired in the time bracket by anyone under this hat (i.e., wearing this hat).

    2.) There is a small pink light area, pointed to by the green arrow, which suggests light passage at the hat's

    brim area. Is this something shiny on the hat at an odd place on the hat for any "badge," etc., to be? Or,

    is this simply not a hat? If it is a hat, then here's a spotter.


    Finally, again from another thread, Duncan, have you seen this?


    I put red arrows pointing to a left ear & to sunglasses for Duncan Man from a blowup by EBC.


    Hi all,

    Briefly, S.M. Holland I believe nails the description of the first two shots (especially after listening to Connally's/Newman's accounts) with his interview on the 1967 WarrenReport. Audio provided from that 1967 interview

    He then goes on to describe a third and fourth shot.

    According to Holland, third shot is the head shot as he also discussed with Mark Lane.

    In the Lane interview, Holland is asked where the limo was, at the head shot.

    Holland replies "a little before the lamp-post".

    The lamp-post described is near the Ft.Worth sign, past the stairs that Hudson stands upon.

    Which is not where the limo is in Moorman. imo

    Any ideas to reconcile this?



    Hi Chris,

    Sam actually said to Lane: "just a little bit to the left of that lamppost..."

    IMHO, Sam is juxtaposing two memories of impressions he received on the 22nd.

    Sam remembers his seeing events from the top of the underpass. He hears the successive shots as he sees the limo moving down Elm.

    Sam sees at one point Z-313 & its aftermath as the limo continues to move down Elm.

    When Sam moves to the picket fence he looks for casings in the trampled muddy area.

    Here, he assumes that this is where the sniper was & that this is where the smoke emanated.

    To Sam this seemed logical as he experienced these impressions on the 22nd. However, Sam didn't stop

    to analyze in great detail, as, of course he had no time to do so.

    Thus, after the passage of years Sam in revisiting the scene reconstructs from his memory the impressions

    he received on the 22nd. Sam simply assumes the "just to the left of that lamppost" is Z-313, when of course it is not in actuality,

    but is Sam's idea of where Z-313 should have been given his juxtaposing in his mind his two impressions. In other words Sam in his memory

    is recalling the events occurring not just at Z-313 but from Z-313 AND the succeeding seconds. This would move the Limo in Sam's mind to a

    place further west from the Z-313 point on the street which of course is found from Moorman.

    So, a simple, honest mistake.

    Does this make sense, Chris? :lol:


    First let me say, Duncan if you feel I'm hijacking your post please say so and I will start a new thread.

    But I feel this ties into your discussion somehow with regards to perspective or my lack thereof.


    I would tend to agree with both of you were it not for Holland's accurate description of shots and reactions some 348ft. away from him, at approx frame 210.

    At frame 313, the limo is now 88ft closer to Holland than frame 210.

    And, the lamp-post near the Ft. Worth sign is another 100ft closer to Holland than frame 313, according to the Drommer survey of 1981.

    I took this picture from the overpass.

    It is very difficult to imagine, especially with the bend in the road that Holland could have miscalculated. imo

    The frame measurement's are from the WC.

    Red lines are just a rough span of 313 to lamp-post.


  8. I thought that bullets travel down the barrel ... maybe guns work differedntly where you live. And while we are taking into consideration the timing of Moorman's photo, then I assume that the limo is not where it was when the fatal head shot hit the President, thus your LOS is also incorrect ... would you not agree?


    The rifle would have moved relative to the movement of the limo during the tracking of the presidents head by the shooter. No I don't agree..the LOS would also still have been relative at Moorman with acceptable minimal insignificant degrees of inacuracy in the given time frame



    10' to the Hudson tree?

    Have you considered the head movement vis-à-vis trajectories from a shot originating from midget man's alleged position at the fence? They do not work.

    Yet your sniper's trajectories do.

    On the subject of the parking lot being congested with a sea of cars (Holland) which were bumper to bumper (Holland) so that there was not an inch that was not cars...

    Mr. HOLLAND - Well. immediately after the shots was fired, I run around the end of this overpass, behind the fence to see if I could see anyone up there behind the fence.

    Mr. STERN - That is the picket fence?

    Mr. HOLLAND - That is the picket fence.

    Mr. STERN - On the north side of Elm Street?

    Mr. HOLLAND - Of course, this was this sea of cars in there and it was just a big-it wasn't an inch in there that wasn't automobiles

    here is an aerial shot on Nov. 23, 1963, which Gary Mack adjusts to Nov. 24, 1963:


    1.) Notice that the cars parked along the long leg of the picket fence are parked right up against the fence.

    2.) Notice that there are no objects down along the north face of the fence abutting the fence except the cars nosed close into the fence or backed close into the fence.

    3.) Notice the area of the lot just to the east side of the steam pipe. You can see a light color pickup truck parked a few feet from the steam pipe. It's clear that cars could have been, would have been & were jammed in parked along the steam pipe abutting the steam pipe at noon on th 11-22-63.

    This photographic evidence coupled with the eyewitness evidence of Sam Holland (and other corroborating witnesses) shows that Ed Hoffman's alleged sniper would not have had clear passage to do what Ed says he did: i.e., walk freely to the steam pipe with a rifle held at port arms. For the sniper to have reached the steam pipe for the alleged "rifle toss" he would have had to have weaved & squeezed in & around the array of parked cars. He had no open & direct passage. This would have slowed & retarded Ed's sniper movement to the steam pipe.

    The real sniper & the real sniper's spotter & the real sniper's team of advisers would have realized the extreme hazards & illogicality of Ed's proposed exit strategy. It would be a death trap on the face of it!

    If Ed's exit plan is adopted then Ed's assassin is executing a plan of escape that is, in its conception, the exact oppose of a plan designed to succeed. The assassin & his assistant walk to where there is an extremely high likelihood that they will be seen, and seen by any number of witnesses who are in the area of the switch boxes to view the motorcade. In other words, the assassin & his advisers, realizing the dangers, would have first of all have ruled out Ed's scenario as being the worst possible exit strategy, the one plan most likely to fail, the one plan most likely to expose the assassin to apprehension & death. :blink: Conclusion: Ed's dog don't hunt.

    I agree with everything you say Miles. Any shooter would have been aware of the suicidal risks involved taking Ed's route. It's just lunacy to even consider this. I haven't looked in to the hatman trajectory possibilities because I write it off instantly judging by the position of the supposed hat in Moorman. The reason I asked about the distance of the tree is because I have a dvd where Hudson states that the smoke came from around 15ft to the right of the tree.


    You're back! Good to see a Scotsman prime minister. :up

    Here's a frame capture I made awhile back from Lane/Holland you might note as showing Sam's view.


    Another blurry one:


    Hudson's report that the smoke was 15 feet to the right of the tree is accounted for by the fact that the wind

    was blowing from NW to SE; thus, toward Hudson with time elapse to consider. (The Cronkite color is available.)

    As you can see Sam's view of the picket fence corner is somewhat obscured by the intervening foliage.

    This cloaking of the corner would have been more pronounced on Nov. 22, 1963. Thus, it would have

    been difficult for Sam to accurately gage the smoke's distance from the corner of the fence. Sam gives a

    range of 20 to 30 feet. Only later, after Sam had threaded his way through the sea of cars & after he had

    arrived at the trampled muddy area, did Sam begin to associate the smoke's position with the muddy foot

    print area. But, reasoning that the muddy footprints were made by a non-shooter at 10 to 15 feet from the

    corner (not 20 to 30 feet!), then Sam's original estimate of 20 to 30 feet for the smoke makes sense for a

    shooter at 33 feet. In this construction, for example, midget man could have been a spotter as midget man

    could have seen umbrella man's signal as a sniper at 33 feet could not have done. This is the explanation.

    On another thread I posted this image of midget-man's hat. Two things are immediately clear;

    1.) If this is a hat, which is debatable, then the figure wearing the hat (fedora?) is situated two low behind

    the fence, no matter how far away from the fence he is standing. A rifle or a XP-100 could not have been

    aimed & fired in the time bracket by anyone under this hat (i.e., wearing this hat).

    2.) There is a small pink light area, pointed to by the green arrow, which suggests light passage at the hat's

    brim area. Is this something shiny on the hat at an odd place on the hat for any "badge," etc., to be? Or,

    is this simply not a hat? If it is a hat, then here's a spotter.


    Finally, again from another thread, Duncan, have you seen this?


    I put red arrows pointing to a left ear & to sunglasses for Duncan Man from a blowup by EBC.


    Hi all,

    Briefly, S.M. Holland I believe nails the description of the first two shots (especially after listening to Connally's/Newman's accounts) with his interview on the 1967 WarrenReport. Audio provided from that 1967 interview

    He then goes on to describe a third and fourth shot.

    According to Holland, third shot is the head shot as he also discussed with Mark Lane.

    In the Lane interview, Holland is asked where the limo was, at the head shot.

    Holland replies "a little before the lamp-post".

    The lamp-post described is near the Ft.Worth sign, past the stairs that Hudson stands upon.

    Which is not where the limo is in Moorman. imo

    Any ideas to reconcile this?



  9. Excerpts from Thomas Purvis article:

    Hope the numbers are readable, the original PDF was awful.

    Limo speeds next.


    Thanks Chris!

    Re-dug this out, which was also a portion of the article which dealt with the alteration of the survey data.

    If & when, more persons begin to pay close attention to these facts, they just may come to understand exactly what it takes for a vehicle which in fact almost stopped, to appear to continue at a basically uniform rate of speed.

    Tom's quote:

    Based on these calculations, somewhere between 13 to 15 frames of the Z film ( 0.71 seconds to 0.82 seconds) would have to be missing between Z313 and the currently seen Z342 in order for the last shot to have been capable of being fired from the Carcano rifle.


    Changes between these charts which you pointed out = 14 total frames


    Whoa! Deep analysis. John Dolva? comments please Thx

    The photo points out the difference in footage when plotting between high side and low side of Elm St, if I read this correctly.

    Survey says: 1inch=10Ft

    Another quote by Tom:

    Lastly, and this is where the lies truly created the confusion, the third/last/final shot down at Altgens position on Elm St was, in these measurements, made to completely disappear, or if one will, moved back up the street to the Z313 position which was the 265-feet slant distance.

    So now, Ronald Simmons shooters had the following distances to shoot at:

    Shot#1------------------------------------------175 feet

    Shot#2------------------------------------------240 feet

    Shot#3------------------------------------------265 feet

    Anyone see the problem???????????????????????????????

    After Eisenberg magically moved the third shot back to the actual Z313 position, to insure that we had a shot at this point (had to due to the yellow stripe in the background), now it left only a distance of 25 feet of slant distance between the FBI's magically moved to impact point for shot# 2 and the now final shot#3 at Z313.

    Which of course on the ground was in fact less than 25 feet.


  10. Excerpts from Thomas Purvis article:

    Hope the numbers are readable, the original PDF was awful.

    Limo speeds next.


    Thanks Chris!

    Re-dug this out, which was also a portion of the article which dealt with the alteration of the survey data.

    If & when, more persons begin to pay close attention to these facts, they just may come to understand exactly what it takes for a vehicle which in fact almost stopped, to appear to continue at a basically uniform rate of speed.

    Tom's quote:

    Based on these calculations, somewhere between 13 to 15 frames of the Z film ( 0.71 seconds to 0.82 seconds) would have to be missing between Z313 and the currently seen Z342 in order for the last shot to have been capable of being fired from the Carcano rifle.


    Changes between these charts which you pointed out = 14 total frames


  11. Tom,

    I thought this might relate to 4+95.

    It consists of 3 consecutive frames. Altgen's legs start to appear in the rightmost frame.

    Center frame has a red circle and something within it.

    It's in all versions that I have, this being the most distinguishable.


  12. That looks fantastic Chris, the match looks to be very good on both survey overlays. We are lucky that the camera appears to have been almost directly overhead Elm Street when the photograph was taken so the camera angle is less of a factor.

    These particular images from Google Earth appear to be aerial photographs, and although they have not been orthorectified (go back along Main Street and look at the Plaza Bank building for example), they are a superb reference tool.

    Of course, nothing will be as accurate as the original survey carried out by a qualified surveyor.

    For info, see attached links to US Geological Survey images of Dealey Plaza, the black and white one is orthorectified and the other is an aerial photograph.



    Thanks Russ,

    I was happy that both West and Drommer fit as well as they did.

    The B/W orthorectified photo you supplied has a splice in it.

    I assume this is part of the orthorectified process for accuracy with multiple photos.

    There is a aerial photo that was shot on the afternoon of the assassination, the street lights are visible.

    The orientation is wrong compared with the other's.

    Is there a way to align individual elements with accuracy, if known?

    Miles, got the GoogleEarthMap. Thank you


  13. Thomas,

    Thanks for posting the Speed data. I ran out of time. Your copy is far superior.

    I found an aerial shot of DP in the WC report.

    So I went ahead and composited the West survey over the aerial.

    It seems to fit very nicely except for the Schoolbook Depository marker.

    Anything to be concerned with?




    Although I only have a limited knowledge of aerial photography, I dont think there is anything to be concerned about. Because of camera angle / tilt, lens distortion and ground relief or elevation, an aerial photograph is not a true geometric representation of what is on the ground.

    When using aerial photography for survey purposes (i.e. placing digital lines, geographic symbols, etc) it must first be orthorectified. Software is used to remove the effects described above and the result is a geometrically corrected image (orthoimagery) which can be used to measure distances, etc.

    When overlaying onto an aerial photograph one should always expect an accurate trace to differ slightly from the photograph.


    Thx Russ,

    You mention rendering software for corrections.

    Do you have a link or name for such software?


    I don't pretend to be an expert on this at all, but from what I understand it is a very complicated process requiring difficult to acquire information and equipment. I don't think knowing the name of the software will help, as we only have a single image to work with and no supporting data about the image.

    In order to orthorectify a photograph, you need to have a digital elevation model to "drape" the photograph over. In the most basic terms, what usually happens is that a set of equally distributed and accurate Ground Control Points (elevation points) are taken from all over the area photographed - this is carried out using GPS stations to acquire very accurate height data. This is the Digital Elevation Model.

    The area in question also needs to be photographed to produce a series of overlapping photographs, which are then scanned using a very accurate flatbed scanner. Various algorithms must be applied to each pixel on the scan to rectify it with the real features on the ground - using supporting data such as the camera location (in relation to the ground), film resolution, etc. The scan is then digitised and becomes an orthoimage.

    For information purposes, 'Arc Info' is one of the more popular pieces of software but I am sure there are many others.


    How about these instead.

    CE882/Google composite

    Drommer/Google composite


  14. \

    Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

    Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

    Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

    - lee

    Personally, I would not despair!

    Especially considering that you are closer to being correct, than to being incorrect.

    There was an "SBT" and it was also the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET".

    In that not only did the bullet pass through JFK, but it also passed through JBC.

    And, in true "Magical Style", it thereafter disappeared.

    However, it/the bullet, was neither the first, nor was it the second shot at Z313.

    It was in fact, the third/last/final shot, which occurred down in front of James Altgens, and after having passed through the head/mid-brain of JFK, exited to strike JFK in the right shoulder, passing through his chest on a downward angle, exiting, to thereafter penetrate the left upper leg.

    So, those who have "sold" the SBT theory, did not in fact even have to be original in their thought process since there was in fact a SBT.

    They merely had to be ingenious enough to thereafter make virtually all trace of this shot & bullet, become MAGIC and thereafter disappear.

    Think hard on this one!

    Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear.

    Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

    Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

    Glad that someone here understands me!

    The downward angle of penetration from just to the right of the scapula of JBC, entering to strike the right fifth rib and running parallel with the rib to exit under the right nipple, would appear as a cross-angle as well as a downward angle. (When JBC is sitting in the upright position)

    Mostly, it is a downward angle as JBC was leaning/almost laying over across the seats with his right shoulder "up" and exposed between the jump seats.

    The third round exited the frontal area of JFK's skull and thereafter struck JBC in the right shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

    It is mostly a "downward" angle of penetration through JBC, just that when he is placed back into the vertical/sittting upright position, this downward angle now becomes a combination downward as well as considerable cross-angle of penetration.

    There was no tumbling of the bullet. The elongated nature of the entry wound into the back/shoulder of JBC is merely due to the natural downward angle of penetration.

    In that regards, the HSCA at least made some pretty good drawings which demonstrate the "abrasion collar" and how these elongated entry wounds occur.

    However, didn't Connolly claim to hear the impact of the headshot, and see its "effects" ( brain matter etc.) AFTER he was shot??



    "So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

    Immediately I could see on my clothes, my clothing, I could see on the interior of the car which, as I recall, was a pale blue, brain tissue, which I immediately recognized, and I recall very well, on my trousers there was one chunk of brain tissue as big as almost my thumb, "



    Connally clearly describes how the third/last/final shot blew blood and cerebral tissue all over him and the car. Which happens to be down in front of Altgens, and clearly matches Altgens description of seeing virtually the same thing.

    So, since JFK was well below the level of all others when this impact occurred, wanna take a guess as to exactly where the bullet actually went after it passed through the head of JFK.



    "We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I heard this noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned to my right because the sound appeared to come from over my right

    shoulder, so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested, because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I immediately--the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination attempt.

    So I looked, failing to see him, I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."



    First, let's talk about the first lie.

    From his hospital bed, shortly after the assassination, JBC clearly stated that he turned and looked at and saw JFK.

    This conversation was in a recorded radio interview, and although it has had a tendency to also become "lost" in history, it is still documented fact.

    Thereafter, during his WC Testimony, JBC stated: "but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye,"

    Personally, I could care less if JBC did or did not catch the President "in the corner of my eye". Originally, JBC stated he observed JFK. Later, the Z-film clearly demonstrates that he was looking directly at JFK, and if he did not see him then he must have had his eyes closed.

    JBC has, for a yet undisclosed reason, lied about seeing JFK and his reactions to the first shot.



    "and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."



    Does this state that he felt the impact of a bullet strike him in the back?????

    JBC was struck in the wrist by a fragment from the headshot at Z313. Perhaps this made him feel if someone had hit him in the back, perhaps not! Perhaps just another "evasive" answer in that no lie was actually told.

    JBC was not struck by any bullet (or fragment) until such time as the fragment from the Z313 headshot tore through his wrist at the Z313 shot. Which of course also sent the fragments forward into the windshield, etc;.

    Not only that, his memory of the blood/brain splatter for the third shot is by far too vivid for him to have had already had the severe injuries to the chest, lung, and rib cage when this third shot occurred.

    The pain and pathological damage from this shot, had it occurred previously, would have virtually negated JBC being that aware of the surrounding events that immediately after having received these injuries.

    JBC was curled up laying across the open area of the Jump seats, with his legs pulled up into an almost fetal position, suffering from ONLY a fragment injury to the right wrist, at the time that the third/last/final shot passed through the skull of JFK and exited to strike JBC

    (got it correct that time) in the right rear shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

    Hint: Reach around with your left hand (under the left armpit) and place your obscene jesture finger just to the right of the scapula/shoulder blade.

    Now, with your right obscene jesture finger, place the finger on the right front chest, just below the right nipple (with the hand under the forearm/wrist of the left arm)

    Now, in sitting erect, look down at this and one will find that the angle between the two points is slightly right to left and slightly downwards.

    Now, maintaining the points of contact, lean over onto the left shoulder until almost horizontal, with the right shoulder rolled slightly backwards. This virtually eliminates any "cross-angle", and thereafter makes the penetration through the chest of JBC primarily a "downward angle" of entry, as well as making the elongated nature of the shoulder entry exactly match what the HSCA drew and described as the "Abrasion Collar" nature of this type entry.

    Lastly, if you wish to see how the leg got into the way, draw the legs up into the complete fetal position.

    Hope that answers any questions.


    P.S. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc:

    Hmmm, What Z frame do you put the last head shot / Connolly shoulder shot at? I am presuming you are saying there were two headshots, 313 and ? -Bill

    The audio is from JBC's video interview at his hospital bed. The video is too large to post, so a picture for now.

    Not sure if the gentleman who speaks afterwards is his doctor or spokesman, but listen carefully to him, also.

    "Turned to my left and saw the president slump". What movie is that???

    thanks Tom



    Maybe Connally saw the Zfilm after his hospital stay and changed a few facts thereafter.

  15. \

    Yeah, guess my comment seemed a little out of context. I was really aiming at the notion that somehow a bullet passed through JFK and struck Connolly. The autopsy witnesses, Drs. and medical assisstants, who saw the "sound" or probe inserted into the back wound of JFK, said that wound was shallow and did not pierce the Pleural linning around the lungs. Which means that the bullet that caused that wound, did not transit the body.

    Got it - not in any way saying that there was anything to the lies sold by FBI snitch Ford or Senator Specter. The man needs to retract his bs and apologize.

    Here's a gif - should demonstrate the back wound - from the size of it, seems hard to call it an entry wound. Connally completely rolls over following 313. This isn't what I wanted - it's what I had already made.

    - lee

    Personally, I would not despair!

    Especially considering that you are closer to being correct, than to being incorrect.

    There was an "SBT" and it was also the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET".

    In that not only did the bullet pass through JFK, but it also passed through JBC.

    And, in true "Magical Style", it thereafter disappeared.

    However, it/the bullet, was neither the first, nor was it the second shot at Z313.

    It was in fact, the third/last/final shot, which occurred down in front of James Altgens, and after having passed through the head/mid-brain of JFK, exited to strike JFK in the right shoulder, passing through his chest on a downward angle, exiting, to thereafter penetrate the left upper leg.

    So, those who have "sold" the SBT theory, did not in fact even have to be original in their thought process since there was in fact a SBT.

    They merely had to be ingenious enough to thereafter make virtually all trace of this shot & bullet, become MAGIC and thereafter disappear.

    Think hard on this one!

    Politicians, not unlike Magicians, can make things disappear.

    Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

    Thomas, I take it you mean " exited to strike JBC in the right shoulder" ?

    Glad that someone here understands me!

    The downward angle of penetration from just to the right of the scapula of JBC, entering to strike the right fifth rib and running parallel with the rib to exit under the right nipple, would appear as a cross-angle as well as a downward angle. (When JBC is sitting in the upright position)

    Mostly, it is a downward angle as JBC was leaning/almost laying over across the seats with his right shoulder "up" and exposed between the jump seats.

    The third round exited the frontal area of JFK's skull and thereafter struck JBC in the right shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

    It is mostly a "downward" angle of penetration through JBC, just that when he is placed back into the vertical/sittting upright position, this downward angle now becomes a combination downward as well as considerable cross-angle of penetration.

    There was no tumbling of the bullet. The elongated nature of the entry wound into the back/shoulder of JBC is merely due to the natural downward angle of penetration.

    In that regards, the HSCA at least made some pretty good drawings which demonstrate the "abrasion collar" and how these elongated entry wounds occur.

    However, didn't Connolly claim to hear the impact of the headshot, and see its "effects" ( brain matter etc.) AFTER he was shot??



    "So I merely doubled up, and then turned to my right again and began to--I just sat there, and Mrs. Connally pulled me over to her lap. She was sitting, of course, on the jump seat, so I reclined with my head in her lap, conscious all the time, and with my eyes open; and then, of course, the third shot sounded, and I heard the shot very clearly. I heard it hit him. I heard the shot hit something, and I assumed again--it never entered my mind that it ever hit anybody but the President. I heard it hit. It was a very loud noise, just that audible, very clear.

    Immediately I could see on my clothes, my clothing, I could see on the interior of the car which, as I recall, was a pale blue, brain tissue, which I immediately recognized, and I recall very well, on my trousers there was one chunk of brain tissue as big as almost my thumb, "



    Connally clearly describes how the third/last/final shot blew blood and cerebral tissue all over him and the car. Which happens to be down in front of Altgens, and clearly matches Altgens description of seeing virtually the same thing.

    So, since JFK was well below the level of all others when this impact occurred, wanna take a guess as to exactly where the bullet actually went after it passed through the head of JFK.



    "We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I heard this noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned to my right because the sound appeared to come from over my right

    shoulder, so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested, because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I immediately--the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination attempt.

    So I looked, failing to see him, I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."



    First, let's talk about the first lie.

    From his hospital bed, shortly after the assassination, JBC clearly stated that he turned and looked at and saw JFK.

    This conversation was in a recorded radio interview, and although it has had a tendency to also become "lost" in history, it is still documented fact.

    Thereafter, during his WC Testimony, JBC stated: "but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye,"

    Personally, I could care less if JBC did or did not catch the President "in the corner of my eye". Originally, JBC stated he observed JFK. Later, the Z-film clearly demonstrates that he was looking directly at JFK, and if he did not see him then he must have had his eyes closed.

    JBC has, for a yet undisclosed reason, lied about seeing JFK and his reactions to the first shot.



    "and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."



    Does this state that he felt the impact of a bullet strike him in the back?????

    JBC was struck in the wrist by a fragment from the headshot at Z313. Perhaps this made him feel if someone had hit him in the back, perhaps not! Perhaps just another "evasive" answer in that no lie was actually told.

    JBC was not struck by any bullet (or fragment) until such time as the fragment from the Z313 headshot tore through his wrist at the Z313 shot. Which of course also sent the fragments forward into the windshield, etc;.

    Not only that, his memory of the blood/brain splatter for the third shot is by far too vivid for him to have had already had the severe injuries to the chest, lung, and rib cage when this third shot occurred.

    The pain and pathological damage from this shot, had it occurred previously, would have virtually negated JBC being that aware of the surrounding events that immediately after having received these injuries.

    JBC was curled up laying across the open area of the Jump seats, with his legs pulled up into an almost fetal position, suffering from ONLY a fragment injury to the right wrist, at the time that the third/last/final shot passed through the skull of JFK and exited to strike JBC

    (got it correct that time) in the right rear shoulder, just to the right of the scapula.

    Hint: Reach around with your left hand (under the left armpit) and place your obscene jesture finger just to the right of the scapula/shoulder blade.

    Now, with your right obscene jesture finger, place the finger on the right front chest, just below the right nipple (with the hand under the forearm/wrist of the left arm)

    Now, in sitting erect, look down at this and one will find that the angle between the two points is slightly right to left and slightly downwards.

    Now, maintaining the points of contact, lean over onto the left shoulder until almost horizontal, with the right shoulder rolled slightly backwards. This virtually eliminates any "cross-angle", and thereafter makes the penetration through the chest of JBC primarily a "downward angle" of entry, as well as making the elongated nature of the shoulder entry exactly match what the HSCA drew and described as the "Abrasion Collar" nature of this type entry.

    Lastly, if you wish to see how the leg got into the way, draw the legs up into the complete fetal position.

    Hope that answers any questions.


    P.S. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc:

    Hmmm, What Z frame do you put the last head shot / Connolly shoulder shot at? I am presuming you are saying there were two headshots, 313 and ? -Bill


  16. I think definitely that something conclusive can be arrived at. Because I like to work on a pixel level on very large images there are error margins in the available plats because of line thicknesses and not knowing certain peripheral points as they were in Nov '63 to use to line up photographers and filmers and prescicely locating them at prescice moments, that apart from feeling some 'heat', one is simultaneously hamstrung. Beyond this it enters the speculative. I don't mind. Much is so. Still, solid advances are made when the work of one is on a level playing field with regards to data and then people need no longer believe one way or an other as it is a reproducible result by anyone.

    Quote from John Dolva:

    Great. If you look at the left area you can see that Clint jumps and fumbles. This highest point his head reaches is seen in other films. (see "missing Nix frames") The Z film IMO is wrongly numbered because of splices that has removed frames partially or wholly(IMO). The work on synching (mostly by Frank and I with many contributions) the films is unfinished for various reasons, so rather than mentioning numbers one can look at events. The point here is to see the moment when the Limo passes Altgens. (one can use infranview for example to rip frames from the clip and check/compare for the WC numbers).


    Nice job on the Altgen's clip.

    Listen to Altgen's description of the head-shot either by mp3 audio or mov video. (Supplied) Change .mov video extension to .mp4 if necessary.

    Watch your clip again and the headshot sequence (stabilized if possible).

    Altgen's describes JFK moving ONLY forward from the headshot and dropping into Jackie's lap.

    In your clip, as the limo is approaching Altgen's, JFK's movement seems to be more indicative of Altgen's description on the video/audio I have


    In other words, only Frame313 would actually belong near the beginning of your clip.

    This way you have the headshot, JFK moving forward, falling into Jackie's lap and NO backward movement as the limo passes by Ike. Just as Altgen's describes and THOMAS PURVIS has shown us.



    How does the backwards movement footage fit in?

    Just as Altgen's describes and THOMAS PURVIS has shown us.

    Flattery could get one everywhere with me. However, on this and other "Conspiracy" forums, such actions could possibly get one banned for life.


    If anything, "Tom" merely asked that one raise their head up from the rabbit holes and/or sand, look around, and evaluate the factual evidence and eyewitness testimony of the WC.

    Painting things "red" in order that they are quite unlikely to go un-noticed, as well as pointing arrows at them in order that they are observed through all of the smoke and mirrors, merely constitutes "pointing" to those essential elements of information which must be taken into consideration if one truly expects to resolve the issues of the actual assassination.

    There is not now, nor has there ever been anything that complicated as to how the actual shooting sequence of the assassination transpired.

    The only true complications are how Specter & Company made an entire shot as well as the wounds which this shot created, completely disappear from the radar screen.

    Which of course left the "SBT" to take the blame for it's created injuries.

    Certainly a true "MASTERPIECE" in guise and deception amongst those with whom I am familiar.


    Thank you for pulling my head out of the sand. That's what I was conveying.

    My speculation of the Zfilm sequence was a reply to John's comment about the film being wrongly numbered, according to his research.

    If I made this appear as if you supported my speculation, I apologize for that.

    The Altgen's interview was not WC testimony. But he is very precise when describing the headshot," bolting forward and dislodging himself from the depression in the seat cushion and falling into Jackie's lap". Nothing about the violent thrust backwards.

    When I watch the Zfilm at normal speed, the thrust backwards is much more noticeable than the initial forward head movement.

    Tom's quote:

    "The only true complications are how Specter & Company made an entire shot as well as the wounds which this shot created, completely disappear from the radar screen."

    Has anybody ever described his thrust backwards after the headshot?



  17. I think definitely that something conclusive can be arrived at. Because I like to work on a pixel level on very large images there are error margins in the available plats because of line thicknesses and not knowing certain peripheral points as they were in Nov '63 to use to line up photographers and filmers and prescicely locating them at prescice moments, that apart from feeling some 'heat', one is simultaneously hamstrung. Beyond this it enters the speculative. I don't mind. Much is so. Still, solid advances are made when the work of one is on a level playing field with regards to data and then people need no longer believe one way or an other as it is a reproducible result by anyone.

    Quote from John Dolva:

    Great. If you look at the left area you can see that Clint jumps and fumbles. This highest point his head reaches is seen in other films. (see "missing Nix frames") The Z film IMO is wrongly numbered because of splices that has removed frames partially or wholly(IMO). The work on synching (mostly by Frank and I with many contributions) the films is unfinished for various reasons, so rather than mentioning numbers one can look at events. The point here is to see the moment when the Limo passes Altgens. (one can use infranview for example to rip frames from the clip and check/compare for the WC numbers).


    Nice job on the Altg

    en's clip.

    Listen to Altgen's description of the head-shot either by mp3 audio or mov video. (Supplied) Change .mov video extension to .mp4 if necessary.

    Watch your clip again and the headshot sequence (stabilized if possible).

    Altgen's describes JFK moving ONLY forward from the headshot and dropping into Jackie's lap.

    In your clip, as the limo is approaching Altgen's, JFK's movement seems to be more indicative of Altgen's description on the video/audio I have


    In other words, only Frame313 would actually belong near the beginning of your clip.

    This way you have the headshot, JFK moving forward, falling into Jackie's lap and NO backward movement as the limo passes by Ike. Just as Altgen's describes and THOMAS PURVIS has shown us.



    How does the backwards movement footage fit in?

    Chris, do you remember where you got the Altgens audio clip? And when it was recorded? I hadn't heard that before.


    That came from the 1967 "WarrenReport" special.


  18. I think definitely that something conclusive can be arrived at. Because I like to work on a pixel level on very large images there are error margins in the available plats because of line thicknesses and not knowing certain peripheral points as they were in Nov '63 to use to line up photographers and filmers and prescicely locating them at prescice moments, that apart from feeling some 'heat', one is simultaneously hamstrung. Beyond this it enters the speculative. I don't mind. Much is so. Still, solid advances are made when the work of one is on a level playing field with regards to data and then people need no longer believe one way or an other as it is a reproducible result by anyone.

    Quote from John Dolva:

    Great. If you look at the left area you can see that Clint jumps and fumbles. This highest point his head reaches is seen in other films. (see "missing Nix frames") The Z film IMO is wrongly numbered because of splices that has removed frames partially or wholly(IMO). The work on synching (mostly by Frank and I with many contributions) the films is unfinished for various reasons, so rather than mentioning numbers one can look at events. The point here is to see the moment when the Limo passes Altgens. (one can use infranview for example to rip frames from the clip and check/compare for the WC numbers).


    Nice job on the Altgen's clip.

    Listen to Altgen's description of the head-shot either by mp3 audio or mov video. (Supplied) Change .mov video extension to .mp4 if necessary.

    Watch your clip again and the headshot sequence (stabilized if possible).

    Altgen's describes JFK moving ONLY forward from the headshot and dropping into Jackie's lap.

    In your clip, as the limo is approaching Altgen's, JFK's movement seems to be more indicative of Altgen's description on the video/audio I have


    In other words, only Frame313 would actually belong near the beginning of your clip.

    This way you have the headshot, JFK moving forward, falling into Jackie's lap and NO backward movement as the limo passes by Ike. Just as Altgen's describes and THOMAS PURVIS has shown us.



    How does the backwards movement footage fit in?

  19. Thomas,

    Thanks for posting the Speed data. I ran out of time. Your copy is far superior.

    I found an aerial shot of DP in the WC report.

    So I went ahead and composited the West survey over the aerial.

    It seems to fit very nicely except for the Schoolbook Depository marker.

    Anything to be concerned with?



    Although I only have a limited knowledge of aerial photography, I dont think there is anything to be concerned about. Because of camera angle / tilt, lens distortion and ground relief or elevation, an aerial photograph is not a true geometric representation of what is on the ground.

    When using aerial photography for survey purposes (i.e. placing digital lines, geographic symbols, etc) it must first be orthorectified. Software is used to remove the effects described above and the result is a geometrically corrected image (orthoimagery) which can be used to measure distances, etc.

    When overlaying onto an aerial photograph one should always expect an accurate trace to differ slightly from the photograph.

    Russ, thank you for filling in the details.


    Here are the individual photos from the composite.

    Thomas, looks like I've got some work to do.


  20. Excerpts from Thomas Purvis article:

    Hope the numbers are readable, the original PDF was awful.

    Limo speeds next.


    Thanks Chris!

    Re-dug this out, which was also a portion of the article which dealt with the alteration of the survey data.

    If & when, more persons begin to pay close attention to these facts, they just may come to understand exactly what it takes for a vehicle which in fact almost stopped, to appear to continue at a basically uniform rate of speed.


    Thanks for posting the Speed data. I ran out of time. Your copy is far superior.

    I found an aerial shot of DP in the WC report.

    So I went ahead and composited the West survey over the aerial.

    It seems to fit very nicely except for the Schoolbook Depository marker.

    Anything to be concerned with?


  21. Composite of HSCA Drommer and Robert West survey.

    Drommer is light black with white type. West in red. For contrast purposes.

    Will post "Altered Evidence" and "Vehicle Speed" analysis next.


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