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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. The photo is a composite of Miles' map and a virtual model. The virtual model is accurate to within 1 foot, according to the program.

    Everything seems to be fairly close EXCEPT for the Book Depository, judging by the double lines that indicate building width.


    Thx, Chris, for the overlay. I think Dale Myers has done some virtual models.

    Did you use a virtual modeling program here, Chris? If so, which one? Link?

    [Chris, Robin, John, B et al.: BTW, at http://www.jfkfiles.com/ Dale has a new article: "Report: Epipolar Geometric Analysis of Amateur Films Related to Acoustics Evidence in the John F. Kennedy Assassination / 179 pages / Over 100 Graphic Exhibits."

    Haven't read it yet, but a 44 MB PDF download with high res photos, etc., looks PDI (Pretty Damn Interesting).]


    The virtual model was created for the Discovery program "Murder in Dealy Plaza".

    Didn't mean to imply I created it.


  2. Something is showing in the images below. I am not able to obtain clearer views.

    Can someone who is skilled in image manipulation try to get a better look at this?

    These are just one frame apart at z312-z313.

    What appears to me to be a shadow is directly below it.

    I'm not claiming that it is anything in particular. It just appears to be something that

    I would like to see more clearly.



    A couple of photos from Robin I believe, showing the top of the front seat, if helpful.

    313 is too blurry.

    Here's a couple of 312's from different version's.


  3. Thomas,

    Altgen's testimony doesn't describe the (1st head shot).

    He only deals with the last shot (2nd head shot), the one closest to him. Why?

    Mr. ALTGENS - Well, it sounded like it was coming up from behind the car from my position--I mean the first shot, and being fireworks--who counts fireworks explosions? I wasn't keeping track of the number of pops that took place, but I could vouch for No. 1, and I can vouch for the last shot, but I cannot tell you how many shots were in between. There was not another shot fired after the President was struck in the head. That was the last shot--that much I will say with a great degree of certainty.

    Mr. LIEBELER - So, it is clear from your testimony that the third shot--the last shot, rather--hit the President?

    Mr. ALTGENS - Well, off and on we have been referring to the third shot and the fourth shot; but actually, it was the last shot, the shot did strike the President and there was no other sound like a shot that was made after that. I was just going to make a conclusion here, but that's not my place to do that, so I'll just forget it--what I was going to say.

    There was flesh particles that flew out of the side of his head in my direction from where I was standing.



  4. Maarten/John,

    When this animation gets to Maartens description of the splice/break/operator movement /whatever, I slow down and repeat that point.

    The picture included, is the camera movement between and including the frames up to that point. Which is 6 frames , then #7 has the big shift.

    Tina Towner is very steady in her filming, except for the frame that Maarten has pointed out.

    That shift is approx. (7) of her normal frame movements.


  5. Thomas,

    I don't know what pops up and down behind the wall.

    As for the protrusion coming from the fence, I wonder if there was an opening at that spot.

    That object extends from the fence towards the gentleman approaching it. imo Take another look, I added one more frame and sharpened this version.

    As for the pool of liquid, there is someone I believe more interested in that pool, than the gentleman you pointed out.

    Briefly, to avoid any confusion:

    When I said I added one more frame, there are in fact 10 total frames for the policeman segment. I used the first 8, in my first posting.

    There is more camera movement in the last two, which was degrading the animation so I left them out.

    I just added frame 9 to this latest animation. Frame 10 useless. imo


  6. Thomas,

    This clip contains 2 parts.

    The footage I am showing was filmed by a local cameraman sometime prior to 12:39, according to Trask's POTP. ???

    The second part where the park bench and more of the crowd are shown, is from Couch. Also

    according to Trask. ???


    In reality, the part that I show is 8 frames. The whole clip is 18 frames.

    Someone filmed approx 1/2 second for each clip. If approx 18 FPS



  7. I searched around the internet and came across with a very interesting image, which I think agrees what the witnesses testified regarding the rear wound.




    That's from Gordon Smith. Make-up artist.


  8. ...

    Some of the witnesses claimed that the head shot sounded like it came from "inside the car".


    I wouldn't rule that out with the likes of Greer and Kellerman.


    The question would be, how reliable is the Zapruder film ? Why does it not show an exit wound in the back of the President's head ? Why does it not show the back of the President's head coming off, as the eyewitnesses described ? And if the head wound we see in this video is not representative of the true head wound that Kennedy received, what else is misrepresented in this video ?

    FWIW I consider the Z-film totally unreliable. I think Time-Life had it for too long to trust it, and trying to make forensic sense of it can only cause confusion. Plus, as you noted Gil, it does not show the right rear of the head exploding as everyone at Parkland described, it shows the right front opening up like a trap door. I assume there were many alterations made for many reasons, and altering the head wound to match the altered autopsy photo is one reason.

    This film would never be admissible in court what with the fractured chain of possession. Almost nothing we have to work with would be admissible for the same reason.

    One thing that does confuse me about the Z-film though is that I've heard that Robert Groden got a first generation copy. Is that true? If so: why didn't we see it before Time-Life released it? And why don't we see different versions (one altered and one not)?

    When Groden showed it for the first time on TV on Geraldo, was it supposedly his own first generation copy or a Time-Life copy?


    On Groden's "Assassination Films II" DVD, there is a copy of the Z film with no splices, which Groden says was made before Time/Life damaged it.

    The difference is the 2 splices.


  9. Chris, Robin, Duncan

    Forgot to ask.

    Was it Robin, then, who posted a Moorman blowup with lines added to outline other possible figures standing by Duncan's sniper? (Duncan could you give your figure a name?)

    If you could blow this one up as well, Chris, if you have it, that is?



    Is this the one?

    If so, do want it enlarged, even more?


  10. Miles/Duncan

    Do you know when the Ft.Worth sign was replaced, and was it moved from its' 1963 spot.

    Some more pictures from the Holland/Lane interview.



    Here's another view... Your opinion? Has the sign been moved?




    I have no idea.

    It would be better to ask someone with extensive first hand knowledge of the changes.

    Which is not me.

    Just threw the sign position aspect in, to make sure we're covering as many bases as possible.


  11. Question to Jean Hill:

    Q: Any other reactions form the other people in the motorcae, that you recall?

    A: The motorcade was stunned after the first two shots, and it came to a momentary halt,

    and about that time 4 more uh, 3 to 4 more shots again rang out, and I guess it just didn't

    register with me. Mary was uh had gotten down on the ground and was pulling at my leg,

    saying "Get , get down, they're shooting, get down, they're shooting; and I didn't even

    realize it. And I just kept sitting there looking. And uh uh just about that time, well,

    of course, some of the motorcycles pulled away. And some of them pulled over to the side

    and started running up the bank; there's a hill on the other side (she is interrupted)

    Listen to the audio!!!

    I say Jean Hill pretty much nails it.

    First 2 shots- approx. 1.5 seconds apart.

    Approx. 6 second interval-Limo slowing then stopping.

    2 more shots approx. 7/10 second apart.

    As usual, Thanks for supplying the interview Bernice.


    Chris, Jean Hill and Mary Moorman both believed the first shot was the head shot. 8 1/2 seconds after the head shot the limousine was near the underpass.


    Supplied is the audio interview of Jean Hill at approx. 50 minutes after the shooting. Her earliest interview I'm aware of.

    Her description of the first two shots and JFK's reaction to them, is what we see as the limo appears from behind the Stemmons Sign. imo

    Yet, she says this happens as the limo is even with her. Contradicts what is seen on Z film. imo


  12. POTP by Trask: page 373-374

    Dave Wiegman speaking:

    "I figured he knows something's up there, so I ran up there. I found myself there with Lem Johns close by, a few feet away. Then I saw the people lying on the side, and I saw nothing up there on the slope. Lem was sort of looking around."

    " When I came back down the hill Lem Johns didn't have a ride and I said, Come on, get in our car. Here it is,' and he jumped in our car."

    Trask: page 374

    Lem is not in Bell's movie while Bell is filming Wiegman on the slope.

    Lem is not at the bottom of the slope in Couch's movie.

    Lem is not in Wiegman's footage.

    Lem is not in Atkins movie of Wiegman running to catch cameracar1.

    Lem is not the man who jumps onto the trunk of cameracar 1, that is Tom Craven.

    And he isn't in cameracar 1 according to the headcount from the Dillard photo or the photo itself.

    Lem is not in any of the Dealy Plaza aftermath photos, movies, paintings, etc.etc.etc.

    Where is Lem Johns?

    Here's his picture again, hopefully we can find him.


  13. Question to Jean Hill:

    Q: Any other reactions form the other people in the motorcae, that you recall?

    A: The motorcade was stunned after the first two shots, and it came to a momentary halt,

    and about that time 4 more uh, 3 to 4 more shots again rang out, and I guess it just didn't

    register with me. Mary was uh had gotten down on the ground and was pulling at my leg,

    saying "Get , get down, they're shooting, get down, they're shooting; and I didn't even

    realize it. And I just kept sitting there looking. And uh uh just about that time, well,

    of course, some of the motorcycles pulled away. And some of them pulled over to the side

    and started running up the bank; there's a hill on the other side (she is interrupted)

    Listen to the audio!!!

    I say Jean Hill pretty much nails it.

    First 2 shots- approx. 1.5 seconds apart.

    Approx. 6 second interval-Limo slowing then stopping.

    2 more shots approx. 7/10 second apart.

    As usual, Thanks for supplying the interview Bernice.


  14. Miles,

    Just a guess, but taking the car dimensions in these photo's into consideration, I'd say around 25 ft.

    The car on Lane's left is perpendicular to the fence, say about 15 ft long. Add a few feet for distance between fence and car.

    They pass between the last two cars closest to the fence, car width 5 ft. Add a few feet for distance between cars.


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