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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 28 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    I wish that those who post clues to Z-film alteration would have done so (and will do so) in a dedicated thread. So that this thread would have stayed on topic.


    There are lots of problems with the anti-alteration viewpoint. All the anti-alterationists  ever do is cherry-pick, misrepresent, witness bash, and sweep things under the rug (ignore evidence). And for what? Because they think that in a major coverup the coverup artists wouldn't go so low as to alter photographs? That's nonsense talk if you ask me.



    You're more than welcome to remove my "illogical" posts at any time.

  2. 5 hours ago, Robert Reeves said:

    @Chris Davidson This guy dead central in the turnpike sign at the top of the steps in the FBI's recreation. What do you make of him? If you were to try and raise the level of the limo height/length you'd need some perspective, maybe if a human reference is needed, especially if one or two is needed to be eliminated from the foreground. Specifically for the frames beginning to come into sight towards the wall/knoll. Because the film also has to transcend back into non-zoomed. Back into the original z-film untouched frames?



















    Lending you some support for that part of the film.

    Extant z411-417 = 6 frames / 18.3fps = 1/3 second.

    Jackie can't land her elbow down to the trunk deck(with her rear end above the seat top) and then slide to where we see her in z, 1/3 second later.(Humanly impossible-challenge offered many times before)

    Conveniently, the Nix film ends there.

    In the extant z411-417 span, there are four quite obvious blurred??? frames. Your z413 perspective study being in the middle of that morass.




  3. 8 hours ago, Robert Reeves said:

    Creating a false zoomed effect?

    Referring to sizes, what version of this limo among these four choices (the fourth being the transparent combo of the top/bottom frames) best represents what is seen in the extant, full zoomed??? film, not including what's between the sprocket holes?


  4. And, since the title of the topic has to do with logic, wouldn't it be logical to allow the Professional Surveyor Robert West to do his job.

    First testify for the WC which he wasn't called to do.

    Yet, when called in the Clay Shaw trial, the powers that be didn't want the truth revealed. Why not?

    Of course, via Tom's conversations with Robert, West knew they were up to no good.

    Kind of makes you wonder why CE884 has the limo traveling at 2.24mph via z161-166 or 3.74mph via z168-171(depending on which CE884 version is being referenced) when the extant film clearly shows it was not.

    Wouldn't it be logical to find out why?




  5. 1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

    And speaking of filming from back there, how much of a"shift/angle" change in the sign would occur when compared to the extant film?

    Can you locate these people using the red arrows from the Portable Pedestal frame?





    Just imagine adding a sign post to the left side of the damaged extant frame, using the same distance relationship between the "red arrowed" post and the right side post.

    That would be a match to what is seen in the reenactment frame from the previous post(obviously rotated), where the background tree lands in between and basically centered within the two posts.



  6. 21 minutes ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Perhaps this reenactment will help:

    Don't forget to locate the "Portable Pedestal" too.


    I know it's from a different perspective, but do any of those multiple filmers appear as if they might be in a similar location as the figure in Wiegman?

    It might make one wonder why someone was drawing LOS lines on the survey plat involving the Stemmons Sign.


  7. On 1/21/2024 at 9:30 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    The "Shell" game created by the WC and carried on by the HSCA. (Liaison- Gerald Ford) imo


    Speaking of a 10" vertical, I believe you could describe one of the head shots as a 3ft "short of the mark" shot.

    That would allow the same relationship of a "lower back to lower head" and "higher back to higher head" shot.

    A great reason for Gerald Ford to move the lower back location as he did.

    And, since CE884 uses a back height wound (3.27ft above the street) instead of a true z313 head shot elevation, one might get confused as to the actual true ballistics and where that shot actually occurred on Elm Street.

    But, leave it to the powers that be to convince you a 10" vertical drop on Elm Street equated to a .9ft distance traveled(z161-166) instead of 15.25ft (10"/12 =.8333 x 18.3)





  8. Doug Horne excerpt:
    "...1) those altering the Zapruder film at “Hawkeyeworks” on Sunday, November 24, 1963 were extremely pressed for time, and could only do “so much” in the twelve-to-fourteen hour period available to them; (2) the technology available with which to alter films in 1963 (both the traveling matte, and aerial imaging) had limitations—there was no digital CGI technology at that time—and therefore, I believe the forgers were limited to basic capabilities like blacking out the exit wound in the right-rear of JFK’s head; painting  a false exit wound on JFK’s head on the top and right side of his skull (both of these seem to have been accomplished through “aerial imaging”—that is, animation cells overlaid “in space” on top of the projected images of the frames being altered, using a customized optical printer with an animation stand, and a process camera to re-photograph each self-matting, altered frame);"

    Something like this. Quite distinct, just as the extant frame is.

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