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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 5 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    This image of Chris Davidson's includes an e-mail from Sean Murphy to Chris. In it Sean says the following:

    "I am stone cold certain, though, after Altgens went out on the wirephoto it was touched up to put this fact [that it was Lovelady and not Oswald] beyond doubt in people's minds. This involved changing a raised right hand [of Carl's Jones] into Lovelady's lowered left arm." (Bold added.)

    So he agrees with what I've been saying. FWIW.




    I believe Bell/Hughes along with Altgens shows that as the left arm of a human being:


  2. Response to Alan's previous posting:

    I believe that's the extended shadow from the woman(left side of the mailbox) running towards the steps/building.

    Another point being that when some videos are stabilized, even using inferior quality material, sometimes events become a little clearer.

    So those that question these methods might want to take that aspect into consideration.

    Added on edit: The object you point out could be part of a stationary shadow from the woman in white ahead of the running woman.

  3. 4 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    I don't think so Alan.

    The frame above was shot when Darnell was panning from one scene to another, an action that blurred the image. Where Darnell was aiming his camera directly at the TSBD (not panning), the frames are sharper. And without the panning blur, you can see the true shape of Prayer Man's shirt collar.

    Here's a frame when Darnell wasn't panning:



    Click on the image a few times till it quits zooming in. And then press <Ctrl>+ several times to zoom in more. Note the non-feminine collar-line on Prayer Man.

    The above was explained to me by Jake Sykes, on this page.


    Yet when scaled:


  4. 8 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    LOL, wow! The head on Andrej's Lovelady model is also turned to the left! Same amount as with the woman!

    Thanks Chris! You bring good stuff to the party, lol.

    But what about Lovelady's body in Andrej's model? Is it also turned to the left? And if so, by how much (compared to the head). We can get an idea by studying this:




    The body isn't turned much to the left if at all, compared to the head. (Remember, we're talking relative to the line-of-sight of the camera.)

    If we look at this one again:




    It seems pretty clear that Andrej has his Lovelady's body tilted rather than turned (rotated). Look how much lower the left shoulder is compared to the right.

    In summary, both Chris and Andrej create what we see in Altgens 6 Lovelady, but in different ways for the body:

    Head Illusion

    Chris:       Achieved by turning head to the left.
    Andrej:     Same

    Body Illusion

    Chris:       Achieved by turning body to the left.
    Andrej:     Achieved by tilting body clockwise.


    The question is, whose simulation describes correctly how the real Lovelady was standing in the real Altgens 6, Chris's or Andrej's?

    I'll need to put some thought into that.



    It's Hughes, Towner, Bell, Altgens then Wiegman.


  5. 5 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:


    Sandy, thanks for the interpretation of Chris' gifs.  I see it now, especially in light of your and Andrej's postulation of a face behind Lovelady.



    What is the angle difference between the two faces in relationship to Altgens and does the angled difference dictate that Lovelady's chin/cheek/jaw line should block out more of the white(shirt)area than it is, just as she does.




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