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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 5 hours ago, David Josephs said:


    Chris - can you prove the shot originated higher than lower? 30 feet over, how high up on DalTex? (sorry if I missed you posting that already)


    Height? No.

    The back and throat wounds didn't completely traverse JFK's body.

    Location, I believe so.

    Official story- Compound angle problems.



  2. On 8/29/2019 at 7:36 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Height and angle.

    Distance next.


    On 8/29/2019 at 9:08 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Elev. of Dal-Tex building base = 430.8ft (430.2 + .3 (SniperNest to TSBD Corner)   + .3 (TSBD Corner to Dal-Tex)

    2nd floor window sill = 20ft = (approx height of the TSBD 2nd floor)

    Elev 450.8 - 423.07(shot#1-SS/FBI Dec-1963 plat) = 27.73ft - 3.27ft(CE884 elev difference) = 24.46ft.





    Building up from the 2nd to 3rd floor @ 3.27ft above ground from elev 423.07(shot#1-SS/FBI Dec-1963 plat)

    According to Drommer , the DalTex 6th floor ledge was 10.5ft higher than the TSBD 6th floor ledge.

    Four floors from the 2nd to the 6th floor = 10.5ft/4 = (2.625ft per floor + 10ft per floor + 24.46 = 37.085ft)

    The same base distance (as the 2nd floor) is necessary so a match from the DalTex 3rd floor window ledge would look like this:





  3. On 8/29/2019 at 8:28 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    1" = 10ft

    Base measurement match: See previous post.

    The LOS from elev. 423.07 = Shot #1 labeled on the SS/FBI Dec-1963 plat.

    Richard Sprague used z226 back to the Dal-Tex building as his LOS, I just shortened it to elev 423.07(approx z218) and ran his LOS back to the Dal-Tex.

    It intersects approx 30ft from the Dal-Tex corner.



    Extending the Sprague Dal-Tex shooter location:

    The 4 red boxes consist of:

    1. Photo depiction

    2. LOS crossing JFK's path at approx z152

    3. PositionA

    4. Sprague's shooter


  4. On 9/10/2019 at 10:11 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    And, since they started 5.75" down from the collartop and eventually tried to move it back up 3.54"(5.75-3.54) = 2.21" this difference through a 7" torso equals 20.65°(17.52+3.13)


    The cumulative affect resulting in a recreation reflecting the intersecting point approx 2.21" below the collartop:



  5. 4 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    And, since they started 5.75" down from the collartop and eventually tried to move it back up 3.54"(5.75-3.54) = 2.21" this difference through a 7" torso equals 20.65°(17.52+3.13) and would have lessened the overall rise/run of 13.54"/36" to a rise/run of 11.33"/36" which = (17.47+3.13)= 20.60°.

    Both landing between the CE884 span of approx z217.5(shot #1 determination via SS/FBI- Dec1963 plat) and CE884 z222.


    In regards to the HSCA 9ft rise integration approx match, the overall rise/run looks like this (imo):

    13.54”rise/36”run = 20.61° + 3.13° = 23.74° overall reduced by a rise of 2.21” = 20.60°

    In essence, a 2.21” rise/run reduction, eliminates the 3.13° Elm St slope in an equation where the location was 9ft above the 6th floor window sill connected to the chalk mark @ 3.27ft above the street, essentially creating the same matching angle of 20.6°



  6. And, since they started 5.75" down from the collartop and eventually tried to move it back up 3.54"(5.75-3.54) = 2.21" this difference through a 7" torso equals 20.65°(17.52+3.13) and would have lessened the overall rise/run of 13.54"/36" to a rise/run of 11.33"/36" which = (17.47+3.13)= 20.60°.

    Both landing between the CE884 span of approx z217.5(shot #1 determination via SS/FBI- Dec1963 plat) and CE884 z222.


  7. On 9/4/2019 at 9:37 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    The HSCA weaving begins with the answer to the question above:

    Snipers nest 6th floor window sill = elev 490.9 - 423.07(shot #1 determination via SS/FBI- Dec1963 plat) = elev 67.83 - 3.27(coat chalk mark up from pavement)= 64.56ft

    btw, 20.65° translates to 20°deg39' in keeping with CE884. 



    A bigger picture (imo) would look like this, where 13.54"(52.78 - 39.24) is the vertical span between the chalk mark and JFK's headtop and a 36" run includes 7" for Connally's torso:

    490.9 - elev 423.07 = 67.83 - 3.27 = 64.56

    13.54” rise   36”run = converted to ft = 
    1.1283ft.      3ft      3.20ft =  Right Triangle Sides
    1.1283 / 3.20 = .352.. x 183.08 = 64.552ft
    64.56ft@20.65°(2.21"/7"- rise/run) = 183.06 slant


  8. 16 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    It would have been easier to acquire the 25° using WC documentation and my torso measurement(back of neck to throat) as part of the proper rise/run calculation:

    29" - 7" = 22"




    16 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Referring back the HSCA document, the next conversion would be the distance stated between JFK's throat wound and Connally's back wound = 60cm = 23.62" 

    The height between the two is 22.5cm = 8.86" (rounded from 8.858) for syncing comparisons, will explain/show in a little while.

    You can obtain the 8.86” height difference using other sources previously made available.

    Sources include the building block height.

    In case you couldn’t figure that out(building block height), the building block spans from JFK’s shirt collartop(back of neck) to T3.

    On 9/3/2019 at 12:28 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    5.75" + 2.665" + 1.625" =  a total building block height of 10.04"

    Minus the height difference between this:


    and this:


    Would give you this:





  9. Referring back the HSCA document, the next conversion would be the distance stated between JFK's throat wound and Connally's back wound = 60cm = 23.62" 

    The height between the two is 22.5cm = 8.86" (rounded from 8.858) for syncing comparisons, will explain/show in a little while.


    This doesn't get them to their desired 25° mark, but the slant distance matches from a location 9ft higher (as stated in the HSCA document) than the sixth floor snipers nest:







  10. The HSCA document lists 14cm (first length translation) as the run between JFK's SBT wounds. This = 5.51"

    My wife (female) who is slender at 5'10" tall has approx that same run.

    My run (male) is 7".

    If you run the same rise/run figures, but substitute 7" for 5.5", this is what you arrive at:


    Refer to the approx last paragraph in the HSCA document for the match.

    Remember, 5.75" down from the shirt collartop then back up 3.54" gives you a rise of 2.21".





  11. On 8/22/2019 at 9:04 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    If you are not interested in the forthcoming(more exact) explanation, but want the abbreviated version(gets you quite close) do this:

    Use the 5.75" measurement down from the collar top, from there, move that mark up 3.54" take that difference of 2.21" and run it through a "run/rise" calculator using a torso of 7".

    Add (3.13° - Elm St. slope)  and match that angle to a CE884 frame number.



    The HSCA weaving begins with the answer to the question above:

    Snipers nest 6th floor window sill = elev 490.9 - 423.07(shot #1 determination via SS/FBI- Dec1963 plat) = elev 67.83 - 3.27(coat chalk mark up from pavement)= 64.56ft

    btw, 20.65° translates to 20°deg39' in keeping with CE884. 



  12. On 8/22/2019 at 1:53 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    The inch designed building blocks the WC used were:

    .875 + 2.665 = 3.54 + 10 + 39.24 = 52.78" = JFK's stated/testimony head height above the street while seated in the limo.



    The other sequence of building blocks previously provided would consist of:

    5.75" + 2.665" + 1.625" =  a total building block height of 10.04"

    Start from JFK's collar top, moving downward, and apply these blocks(note the connecting points) to end up at the desired location.

    Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; there was. After establishing this position, represented by frame 161, where the chalk mark was about to disappear under the tree, we established a point 10 inches below that as the actual point where President Kennedy would have had a chalk mark on his back or where the wound would have been if the car was 10 inches lower. And we rolled the car then sufficiently forward to reestablish the position that the chalk mark would be in at its last clear shot before going under the tree, based on this 10 inches, and this gave us frame 166 of the Zapruder film.

    I'll do my own translation for you:

    Our building block height range was directly related to the 10" chalk mark alteration. 

    Ballistically, we were unable to connect the wounds between Connally and JFK (via the official snipers nest) without this alteration.

    Furthermore, a 10" vertical alteration translates to a 15.25ft horizontal transfer onto Elm St.

    Our official range of the SBT occurring between z210-225 (14.9ft) approx 1ft per 1frame, matches our 10" vertical alteration.

    Our initial re-enactments used a range consisting of (the limo front end to JFK's position in the limo) a distance of 15.11". We felt this distance synced well with the 10" vertical alteration.





  13. 18 minutes ago, Mark Knight said:

    Bronson appears to show the presidential limo slowing, in relation to the motorcycle escorts, the Queen Mary, and the VP car. 

    That conflicts with what the existing Zapruder shows: a constant limo speed in relation to the background. 

    I'm sure the LN'ers will conclude from this that Bronson has been altered.


    I don't want to hijack this thread, I'll just briefly point out in the upper right-hand corner, just before the camera jiggle(notice the right side film edge) the flash that occurs.

    This occurs after the extant z313 head shot seen on Z.

    I pointed this out in another topic long ago.

    Watch the slowing limo and Jackie's hand in concurrence with this.






  14. On 7/21/2018 at 6:26 AM, Richard Price said:

    I just realized my tunnel vision regarding the assassination and pictures relating to it.  I have never thought about trying to find pictures or film depicting the vice president's departure from Dealey Plaza.  Now that I have, I can't seem to find depictions of the VP's car leaving the plaza.  I may be overlooking them, but the last instance I have noticed is Altgens 6 where many debate the question of whether LBJ is ducked down in the seat.  Can anyone point me to others?


    This is from Bronson.

    I've stabilized the VP's car for you.

    The last known sighting within Dealy Plaza that I know of.



  15. On 8/22/2019 at 11:26 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    The longer explanation:

    I encourage you to try this on your own. These are my results as I am the same height 72.5” as JFK was. My wife took the measurements.

    Stand up straight.

    Find a dress shirt with a 1.5” collar measured from the back of the neck. Button it up.

    Measure down from the collar top 5.75” and mark it on a piece of tape that sticks to the shirt.

    Put the shirt on and button it up.

    Measure from ground to mark.

    Distance from ground = 61.75”

    Measure to the top button center and subtract .875” and mark it on a piece of tape that sticks to the shirt.

    Distance from ground = 60.125”

    61.75 - 60.125 = 1.625”

    Remove shirt, button it up and suspend it by pulling out on the shoulder areas to get it level and square.

    Have a helper take their index fingers and press through the front/back of the shirt using the tape marks.

    My marks become the same height.

    Note the contradiction with the gif.


    It looks like a rise/run ratio of 1.664"/7"(16.5°) was used, instead of the 1.625" (16.2°- close enough) I obtained through self measurements.

    You can see by plugging this back into the SS/FBI-Dec5,1963 plat, they were looking at a different location for the SBT to work.

    It was obvious via the extant zfilm, this would not fly.

    Mr. SIMMONS. Yes; we did. We placed three targets, which were head and shoulder silhouettes, at distances of 175 feet, 240 feet, and 265 feet, and these distances are slant ranges from the window ledge of a tower which is about 30 feet high. We used three firers in an attempt to obtain hits on all three targets within as short a time interval as possible.





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