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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 9 hours ago, Robin Unger said:

    “Texas Monthly”
    interview with Rosemary Willis Roach, her sister Linda Willis Pool, and mother Marilyn Willis

    Credit: Anthony Marsh

    Marilyn: My husband was an executive salesman at the Downtown Lincoln and he had a friend that worked in the used car department and someone that identified himself as Oswald took him on a wild, wild ride. A test drive. Oswald couldn't even drive a car.

    TM: When the gunshots went off, what were you doing? Your kids were running around.

    Marilyn: Looking for them. My parents had gone around the end, if you're familiar with Bronson's picture, the jacket on his book. It shows my mother. She's in a white coat with a blue scarf tied around her head. My daddy's following her. They went around the south end of the center of Dealey Plaza. My husband had gone up the sidewalk, and the two kids following him, and I was stuck there in the last window of the pavilion in Dealey Plaza by the reflecting pool. Well, I didn't know where they were, and I set out to find ...the Roaches.




    Thanks Robin,

    So that's not Willis in Muchmore. I was wrong on that. I don't see Willis taking photos on Houston St. He could have been just out of camera view from the other filmers.

    The bald-spot guy appearing in Muchmore twice and Dorman does appear to be the same one I've pointed out in Hughes, Martin. He's also in Bell running towards the steps which lead down to Elm St.

    I still believe that is the route(steps) that Willis had to take to make it in time for Z133. I'll explain that in a bit.

    The Cutler/Sprague plat mislabeled the filming position of Muchmore and instead put Martin's name there.

    That threw me off a bit in terms of the positional relationship between bald-spot, Willis and Muchmore.

    Willis appears to have remained in the same location when he took both pictures on Houston St.  LOS works for both.

    The limo is 63ft farther up Houston St than Willis' physical location when he takes his last picture.



  2. 1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    We have another stunning piece of artwork from Davidson that doesn't make sense.




    Or, maybe it is the same guy floating around in the air supposedly under the trees in another wonderful Davidson gif. 

    OBTW, thanks for showing Phil the Flat-headed See Through Man again.  He doesn't get enough coverage.


    Phil Willis had a bald spot.

    Just like we see in Martin. You know, right before the limo appears.

    As for your floating guy, well, perspective is not in your vocabulary.


  3. Willis runs across the plaza and towards Elm St where Hughes captures him.

    Willis had to run 192.5ft 200ft to his location on Elm St and the limo had to travel 229.8ft  219.8ft from Willis' last photo.

    This is measured to z133(Station 2+99.0) since this is the first frame we see Willis in Z.

    Since the limo is just rounding the corner of the TSBD, 

    Willis is the larger figure viewed first (red box) than the latter (red box) seen down the stairs. imo

    The time equals 17.84 seconds discounting any delay(missing frames) created by the Towner and Z133 splice.

    192.5ft/17.84 sec = 7.34mph  200ft/17.84 sec = 7.62 mph

    229.8/17.84sec = 8.76 mph  219.8ft/17.84 sec = 8.38mph

    Added on Edit: The limo started turning from the crosswalk not the County Records Building corner. This is a difference of 10 ft reflected in the corrected distance above.

    Added on 2nd Edit: Bald spot man is not Willis. Phil was approx 7.5ft closer to the Main/Houston St corner.

    Willis is the latter (red box) and bald spot man is in the former (red box).



  4. 9 hours ago, John Butler said:

    "Perspective and comprehension."  I wish you were more honest with yours.

    IMO, Phil Willis is not a creditable witness.  The Muchmore frame tells you so.  Your inclusion of Phil's testimony before the WC even makes it worse.  He says he raced to the intersection of Elm and Houston and arrived on the SW corner of Elm and Houston before the presidential limousine.  He doesn't say it here, but his daughters said they traveled with him to the intersection side by side.  Later I think he says that.  The Muchmore frame makes that very doubtful.  Phil Willis was a WWII veteran with a disability pension from the VA.  I don't know what his injuries were, but the VA does not give you a disability for nothing. 

    The Zapruder film, the Elsie Dorman film, and this Muchmore film are the basis for believing that Phil Willis is not a creditable witness.  You emphasize the statement where Phil races down Houston Street to arrive on Elm before the presidential vehicle gets there.  You totally ignore what he said just prior to that.  He said he took a photo from the rear as the limousine was approaching the turn unto Elms Street.  Do you understand what "approaching the turn they were to make on Elm Street" means?

    These statements are not creditable in and of themselves.  Houston Street is something like 220 feet in length from the Houston and Main intersection and the intersection of Houston and Elm.  The Muchmore frame shows the limo past the Court House on the way to the intersection.  Phil is on the NW corner of Houston and Main.  In a race between the two who do you think will arrive there first with Phil giving the limo a possible 100 feet or 120 feet head start?  Do you think he will get there first or even in his foolish statement before the limousine arrives on Elm Street.

    "I wonder if there is a deceptive gif to follow with someone on the run as the limo turns onto Elm St.      hmmm"

    Go ahead, I would love to see what you do with that.

    Robin Unger's work shows you what the problem is on Phil Willis' run to the Elm Street corner.


    Your guesses for distances and times belong in the waste basket.

    Try basing your information on plotted positions.

    What path do you think Willis refers to when speaking of "running across the plaza and racing over to Elm St"?

    Study the plat wisely.

    When you're done with that, I'm sure you'll have a guess for how many feet the limo travels in the Towner film including the Elm St turn.

    The red line represents Muchmore's filming position via the Sprague/Cutler plat.

    The actual plat in the gif is West/Drommer.

    The limo was traveling approx 9.3mph at this point with (10 Muchmore frames / 7.5ft) farther down Houston St to go before Willis takes his picture.

    This puts Willis (see frame of Willis in Muchmore) a little closer to the limo than Muchmore.





  5. 3 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:

    I've believed that the Zap film was altered for many years now.  My info is mostly from Doug Horne's work.  His interviews with Dino Brugioni are mind boggling, but, over the years, there were dozens of analyses I watched and read that convinced me.

    I believe all Zap alterations were about hiding evidence of shots coming from anywhere but the 6th floor and giving time enough for one man on the 6th floor to complete the assassination. 

    Well stated.

  6. 10 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:



    If we pretend your wife is up (or down) by one step, will that make your gifs valid? If so, then we can continue to study them.

    One other question... you say your wife is 5' 10" and 6' without and with shoes. Are those measurement taken at the top of her head or the top of her hat?  (Or is the hat pulled down tight on her head?)



    That would seem somewhat logical, but in this instance I would not.

    The lens' focal length was not correct compared to the info I provided earlier about the lens I believe was used originally.

    I will try to remedy this and retake the photos with a comparable lens.

    The end result might be the same, but I would wait to draw any conclusions.

    Yes, that hat is tight fitting so it did not add but a minimal difference, if any, to her height.

  7. 6 hours ago, John Butler said:



     IMO Phil Willis was not on the SW corner when the presidential limousine went by.  The so-called Willis Slides were filmed by Phil's daughter Linda.  That's speculation and I can't prove that, but that is my feeling.  Even though I can not say this or that convincedly, it is suspicious.

    I don't think Phil made it to the SW corner because he is not in the Elsie Dorman film and Linda and Rosemary are.  They supposedly ran there side by side.  There are Robert Hughes frames that look a lot like the Willis family just off Main Street grass directly after the assassination.  The film is so bad you really can't prove that.



    Perspective and comprehension.

    I wonder if there is a deceptive gif to follow with someone on the run as the limo turns onto Elm St.      hmmm

    Credit to Robin for the photos.


  8. 3 hours ago, John Butler said:


    You seem to be losing focus and doing a lot of sloppy .gifs lately.  I recommend taking a vacation from which you can come back refreshed and clean up the deceptive .gifs you have been posting lately.

    Losing focus, No

    Realized a mistake and admitted it, Yes.

    Your life's perspective for me is about as valuable as the perspective you use to maneuver through Dealy Plaza via the extant films.


    Have you figured out where the signs are Butler?



  9. 7 hours ago, Paul Bacon said:

    I don't know if I'm missing your point Chris, but there are definitely some frames missing here.  Check out the guy waving the newspaper in the upper left corner --right where there's a splice.  Suddenly, his left arm is at rest by his side. 


    That clip is the MPI version which includes the splice.

    If you add in the missing frames from the Groden version, this is what it would look like.

    btw, it's a hat not a newspaper.


  10. 2 hours ago, John Butler said:

    You really need to quit posting these deceptive .gifs.  What you are describing as people seen through the trees is just gaps in the branches showing shadowed areas.  There is nothing in the red box except gaps between branches and dark shadows.

    Absolutely, I will think differently.  I don't need a sync point to discuss whether people are there or not.  You can use the mosaic or go back to the individuals frames which I have done in a prior time.  The mosaic, although not completely accurate, serves to make the point.



    You might look closely at the women next to Willis.

    There are other ways to show film manipulation.





  11. 2 hours ago, John Butler said:

    Sit up and pay attention.  It is not over yet.

    Really. That's how you want to address us.

    The next content problem in Z frame 157 is that of the two women in black clearly seen near the end of the pavement in Z frame 96.  I call them the Ladies in Black.  Z frame 96 and 147 were chosen because their color is about the same and are fairly clear when enlarged and are before and after the Gap.  They were also chosen because they are representative of the scenes showing the two women in black.  You can see these women from Z frame 58 to about Z frame 209. 

    Z frame 147 is essentially the same as Z frame 157 in showing the two women in black.

    The content problem in Z frame 157 is that these two women seen there are not in the Elsie Dorman film.  Since we can not have two versions of reality one film has to be wrong.  Or, both are wrong. 

    Your version of reality is alot different than ours.

    Briefly, there is another content problem in these images.  In Zapruder Rosemary runs into the SW corner of Elm before her sister Linda.  In Elsie Dorman Linda runs into the SW corner before Rosemary.  They run into the SW corner before Phil, their dad shows up.  He is not in the Dorman film. 

    Maybe Phil is in front of the black dressed waving lady on the curb and just out of view in Dorman.

    There is one last problem to deal with later.  Here is a contrast lightened view of the mosaic scenes for better viewing.

    The mosaic fails to show the last part of Dorman.

    Once you realize this, you can take that part and lighten, stabilize, look through the tree then create a gif which shows someone in black waving (red box).

    Then you can match up the common people in the gif, along with Z, and learn that you were wrong about perspective again.

    btw, that's probably Croft at far right walking to his location. Think that might create a timing problem?





    If it was me, I would think differently and realize I now have a sync point between two films and use that to show there are problems with the Z film.

    But, I'm not holding my breath that you will heed the advice, so I did it myself years ago.

    You were offered advice by others to go back and research some of this stuff.

    Oh well!!!!!


  12. 4 hours ago, John Butler said:



    You might notice that there are more people there in the Dorman film.  Except for the two women in the center the rest are never seen in Zapruder.  That is another content problem that will be discussed later. 


    You supply us with a photo and an arrow pointing to one of two men in close proximity to a woman who appears in both films.

    You are then shown two men in Z, in close proximity to the same woman.

    Yes, let others decide.

    Then you want to move to the SW corner where it is even more densely populated and complain you can't find two reporters.

    Where's Waldo?





    1 hour ago, John Butler said:

    Yo, blathering Mitcham Gang.  Let’s move on to another content problem found in Zapruder frame 157.  This one involves Pierce Allman and Terry Ford.

    The only content problem is you basing your conclusions on cr---ppy material.

    Pierce Allman was a reporter for WFAA Radio in 1963.  He, and a companion, Terry Ford stationed themselves on the SW corner of Elm and Houston.  They were on the west end of the pavement near the grass when the assassination occurred.  You can watch Pierce Allman in this video.


    The problem with the two is that Allman and Ford appear in the Elsie Dorman film and not at all in the Abraham Zapruder film.  There is a difference in time, a slight difference of no more than 14 seconds, between Z frame 157 and this frame from Elsie Dorman.  You can search all of the frames in the Zapruder film and you will not find the two men, Allman and Ford.  Compare the following, or any Zapruder frame showing the SW corner with the Elsie Dorman frame:

    Perspective is not your strong point. imo

    If they walk and talk like a duck, that's probably them. SEE ATTACHMENT



    You might notice that there are more people there in the Dorman film.  Except for the two women in the center the rest are never seen in Zapruder.  That is another content problem that will be discussed later. 

    Look closer.

    Some people will use any tactic to save the Zapruder Film as one that is true and valid. 

    Discounted the film many years ago, do some research.

    Just this one frame, Z frame 157, destroys it's validity far better than arguing the technical aspects of a leaning lamppost. 

    Maybe, you just don't present the right arguments for it. imo

    I trust Dr. Costella far more with his argument than you with yours.

    The Zapruder film is a malicious fake piece of trash from the U. S. Government during the Johnson administration that has fooled the American public for years.

    Is this re-enforcing the notion that we the gang are all lone-nutters and you're the conspiracy theorist?

    Mainly, because there are people who will fight bitterly to keep the notion alive that the Zapruder Film is a true record of the assassination of President Kennedy while in reality is a fake and a bad fake at that.. 

    We try to create logical arguments based on the best source material we can find, not illogical ones based on the unsightly material you subscribe to.

    Instead of hijacking the thread with your z157 introduction, why don't you get back on topic and add further technical support for Dr. Costella.


  14. 5 hours ago, John Butler said:


    This is the kind of stuff people are supposed to believe because it comes from self proclaimed experts in film analysis.  Here is Davidson phony, deceptive .gif that each image flashes by at .08 seconds and gives a false impression of what is being seen.  Frames 156 to 159 flash by to quickly to be seen adequately.  So, we are left with the first and last images to try to understand.

    Proclaimed expert!!! Well no, I just try to make it easier for any laymen with some reasoning abilities to make up their own mind.

    Last I recall, .08 is slower than 1/18.

    It's too bad some of the frames appear to you to flash by so quickly. Maybe this is part of your problem.

    That's why I included the nice red numbers. Did you miss those too?



    "Super leg Phil Willis is a photo editing image in these 4 frames.  Everyone but Davidson has dodged this.  And, you can see Davidson attempt to validate the Zapruder film above.

    You caught me. I've done everything I can to legitimize the extant Zfilm.

    I've been outed. 

    Davidson says "Think differently about proving the extant Zfilm is alteration filled"  Why should I think differently when rubbish such as his is posted.  It doesn't look to me that he is stepping backwards as portrayed in Davidson's deceptive work.

    That's your problem. You choose to see what you want to see.

    What do you see below since you mentioned something about legs?







  15. On 5/23/2019 at 11:27 AM, Andrej Stancak said:


    I reckon that your 5'3'' and my 5'2 4/8 for the height of the top of Prayer Man's head above the top landing are pretty close estimates, aren't they?  

    I would like to turn your attention to the problem of body proportions which your excellent math may have not taken into account yet. It refers to the problem of how close Prayer Man's right elbow was relative to the head of the person on the second step. Of course, this man was some 3-4 steps away from Prayer Man but what matters are the 2D projections of his and Prayer Man's figures. I get the exact location of the right elbow relative to that man's head only if Prayer Man stands with his right foot on the second step, but not if Prayer Man is a short person 5' 2'' 4/8 (or your 5'3'', it does not matter in this case). A man 5'2'' or 5'3'' standing on the top landing will not have his arms at the same height as a man reaching with his head to the same height but standing one step below. I have explained this detail in my yesterday post, the one with 5-6 images. This means, that his right elbow of the short Prayer Man standing on the top landing will be too far from the man's head due to the combination of three factors: 1. The short Prayer Man is farther away from that man compared to the tall Prayer Man, 2. The arms of the short Prayer Man will also be 2 inches higher compared to the tall Prayer Man even if their heads reach the same heights, 3. A short person will also have shorter arms than a tall person, which moves the right elbow further from the man on the lower step. I showed an example with Mrs. Stanton in my previous post who was set to 5'5'' (this is because some people were adamant that Mrs. Stanton was 5'5'' last year and only changed their mind after seeing that that's too much and simply started to claim that she was 5'4''). You can see the big gap between Mrs. Stanton's mannequin and the location of Prayer Man's elbow.

    I hope you find my explanation for my preferred Prayer Man's posture with one foot on a lower step reasonable.

    Late edit: Chris, would you agree that a person 5'2 1/2'' or 5'3'' would hardly be a woman?




    I'll reserve my comments for now.

    Added on Edit: REMOVED GIF

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