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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. On 11/26/2018 at 11:31 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    My shirt collar top to head top = 8.5 inches (wife measured)





    Now, the frontside.

    To begin:

    I'm the same height as JFK- 72.5 "

    The difference between JFK and me (headtop to shirt collartop) is 7.79" - 8.5" = .71"

    The top button on me is 25" above my rear end sitting down. (See bullet hole location in previous document)

    Since JFK is .71" shorter from headtop to collartop than I am, I'll add that length to his torso.

    The top button on JFK is 25" + .81" = 25.71" + (had to add .1" to make it all work out)

    The throat shot is .875" below the button = 25.81 - .875" = 24.935" (See bullet hole location in previous document)







  2. The original elevations were measured to the ground.

    The final elevations were measured to the chalk mark.

    Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is 44 feet from station C--91.6 feet to the rifle in the window from the actual chalk mark on the coat. All measurements were made to the chalk mark on the coat.
    Mr. SPECTER. On the coat of the President?
    Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is correct.

    That is the elevation difference (39.24inches=3.27ft) between the original plat and the WC final CE884 documentation.

    That difference being how high(vertical) above the ground (same physical street location) the chalk mark was.

    So, 423.07 + 3.27 = elevation 426.34 = between z210-z222





  3. The following supporting data will show Specter's inverse SBT. 

    Starting with:

    Mr. KELLEY. The officials at Hess Eisenhardt, who have the original plans of the President's car, conducted a test to ascertain how high from the ground a person 72 1/2 inches would be seated in this car before its modification. And


    it was ascertained that the person would be 52.78 inches from the ground--that is, taking into consideration the flexion of the tires, the flexion of the cushions that were on the car at the time.
    Mr. SPECTER. When you say 52.78 inches, which individual would that be?
    Mr. KELLEY. That would be the President.
    Mr. SPECTER. And what part of his body?
    Mr. KELLEY. The top of the head would be 52.78 inches from the ground.


  4. 1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

    And I think it's reasonable to assume that the assassin placed that top box on the window ledge at some point PRIOR to JFK's car coming into Dealey Plaza. The assassin would not want to be burdened with the chore of rearranging his rifle-rest boxes at the last second or during the assassination attempt itself. I think even most conspiracy theorists would agree with me on that last point.



    Hard to hit (SBT) what you can't see.

  5. On 12/17/2018 at 1:54 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    Creative math by Arlen Specter.

    Here's a start:


    Add the 3.13degree slope from Elm St and Specter's new angle, created by moving the trajectory from the coat chalk mark to just below the collar top, is approx (20.87 = 20deg52min) supporting shot#1 at Elev 423.07 = approx extant Z217.

    Now, the throat shot at approx Z217(which is physically higher than the back wound), becomes the exit for the SBT from the 6th floor snipers nest.

    Since clever old Arlen possessed all the material/information, it wasn't hard for him to make it fit.



  6. Jake,

    Once again, without even getting into the trajectory/ballistic specs, Specter knew he had problems fitting everything back to the TSBD southeast 6th floor and was trying to remedy them.


    Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is 44 feet from station C--91.6 feet to the rifle in the window from the actual chalk mark on the coat. All measurements were made to the chalk mark on the coat.
    Mr. SPECTER. On the coat of the President?
    Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is correct.

  7. Note the new hypotenuse measurement of 241.5 ft:

    Mr. EISENBERG. Would you go on to the third?
    Mr. SIMMONS. Using the 1.4 mil aiming error, and the round-to-round dispersion, giving a total error of 1.43 mils, the probability of hit at the 175 foot target is 0.99; at 240 feet it is 0.91; at 270 feet it is 0.85.

  8. On 12/9/2018 at 12:14 PM, Chris Davidson said:


    The WC literally/figuratively boxed themselves in.

    If they would have plotted Z222 on the west end of those lane markers, everything would be hunky-dory, but

    Their time and place sync (Z222/snipers nest) for a back shot just doesn't work.

    Unless, the box was transparent, used as a silencer and bullet speed reducer(triple purpose-quite clever) shooting through it, then it all makes sense.

    Especially that shallow back entry.

    Anyhow, the math for Z222 is:

    490.9 elevation - 426.11= 64.79ft = Height to window frame sill

    Rifle barrell end elev       = 65.68ft  

    Rifle barrell above sill     = .89ft = 10.68"

    Rifle barrell above box    = .68inches





    Creative math by Arlen Specter.

    Here's a start:


  9. On 12/13/2018 at 9:40 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    The HSCA supplied a lateral angle of 27 degrees. More than likely R.Sprague's work.

    This would allow Connally's back shot from the 7th floor window sill.

    I haven't found any photos/movies (Bell, Powell) in the aftermath, which show that window open.

    Doesn't mean it wasn't closed after it was used.






    Not quite 25 degrees from the 6th floor.





  10. 17 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    The rooftop ledge approx 15.25ft west of the southeast TSBD corner.

    This is well above the WC sniper's nest boxes.

    The distance traveled by the 25 degree bullet would be approx 202ft, compared to the CE884 data of 199ft for Z235.



    The HSCA supplied a lateral angle of 27 degrees. More than likely R.Sprague's work.

    This would allow Connally's back shot from the 7th floor window sill.

    I haven't found any photos/movies (Bell, Powell) in the aftermath, which show that window open.

    Doesn't mean it wasn't closed after it was used.






  11. On 12/11/2018 at 8:42 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    What did they do to convince you it came from the snipers nest?

    Film using a scope on top of a box platform.

    The only problem is the angle they set for their support box is incorrect.

    It's quite obvious when you compare the box edge in the foreground to their box edge beneath the scope.

    So it was well known during this recreation (circa Nov26-1963) that the truth would not be told.



    The rooftop ledge approx 15.25ft west of the southeast TSBD corner.

    This is well above the WC sniper's nest boxes.

    The distance traveled by the 25 degree bullet would be approx 202ft, compared to the CE884 data of 199ft for Z235.



  12. On 12/9/2018 at 9:25 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Rifle Included.

    Corresponding box edges using red lines.


    What did they do to convince you it came from the snipers nest?

    Film using a scope on top of a box platform.

    The only problem is the angle they set for their support box is incorrect.

    It's quite obvious when you compare the box edge in the foreground to their box edge beneath the scope.

    So it was well known during this recreation (circa Nov26-1963) that the truth would not be told.



  13. Yes,

    The WC literally/figuratively boxed themselves in.

    If they would have plotted Z222 on the west end of those lane markers, everything would be hunky-dory, but

    Their time and place sync (Z222/snipers nest) for a back shot just doesn't work.

    Unless, the box was transparent, used as a silencer and bullet speed reducer(triple purpose-quite clever) shooting through it, then it all makes sense.

    Especially that shallow back entry.

    Anyhow, the math for Z222 is:

    490.9 elevation - 426.11= 64.79ft = Height to window frame sill

    Rifle barrell end elev       = 65.68ft  

    Rifle barrell above sill     = .89ft = 10.68"

    Rifle barrell above box    = .68inches





  14. On 11/26/2018 at 11:31 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    Adding to this:

    JFK's determined head height above pavement = 52.78inches.

    My shirt collar top to head top = 8.5 inches (wife measured)

    28.875" + 8.5" = (37.375 inches = top of my head to sitting rear end.)

    52.78" - 37.375" = (15.415" = JFK's rear end above pavement)

    A shot to JFK = 3.27ft = 39.24" (above pavement) used in WC CE884 all elevation entries.

    39.24" - 15.415" = (23.825" = shot location higher than JFK's rear end.)

    23.825" + 13.54" = (37.365" = Chris' height from rear end to top of head.)

    52.78" - 13.54" = (39.24" = elevation of the back shot above the pavement.)

    37.365"(Chris' height from rear end to top of head + 1.875" (Chris' dress shirt collar vertical length - back of neck span)  = 39.24"




    Extant Z235 - Z240 placement.


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