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Chris Davidson

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Posts posted by Chris Davidson

  1. 4 hours ago, John Butler said:

    The man running down the hill does not appear to be Wiegman but, someone else.  Wiegman is standing by the Newmans when he films the approaching Cameras Cars that more or less equals 38 seconds into the Wiegman film and corresponds to 9 seconds into the Couch film.

    Who do you think has to run down the knoll in Couch before he can film the Newmans and the approaching camera cars at the bottom?

    However, the man running down the hill is viewed at 12 seconds passing the Newmans on the ground and there is no sign of Wiegman.

    Wiegman in Couch doesn't quite reach the Newmans before the Couch film ends.

    The following gif is directly after the tiny blurred image of the man running down the hill is seen.  In this gif are camera men still in the Camera Car at 13 seconds into the film and still no sign of Wiegman.

    Does Wiegman have to run to his car before he can enter his car?

    Who do you think that is with the car door open?

    Your answer to the above questions might help you identify Wiegman's timeline in previous media.     i.e. Couch

    This means you cannot use the man running down the hill to time the differences between the timing of the Couch film and the Wiegman film.

    I pointed out the sync between Bell and Wiegman using the common Hester footage.

    I've also located Wiegman repeatedly for you.

    Why you don't understand that Wiegman is running down the knoll in Couch is beyond me.

    Ask someone else, maybe they can help you.





    Answers in red.


  2. 39 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    This is from Couch and shows the Forward Mid Motorcycle Policemen.  Notice that there is no motorbike cops on the passenger side of the Camera Car #1 as shown in the insert.  They sped out of the area as the Camera Cars stopped on Elm street and unloaded photographers and took on board others.  Notice there are no Camera Car photographers on the slope of the Grassy Knoll.




    That's because the previous inset shows the same cycle cop in Couch, after he somewhat traverses the camera cars in Couch.

    This occurs while Wiegman (a camera car photographer shown in Couch) runs down the slope.




  3. 5 hours ago, John Butler said:

    Thanks Chris,

    I have this photo but couldn't find it.  I really should spend time organizing files.

    Is this a colorized version of a black and white?  Who was the photographer?

    The following notions have always bothered me about this photo and others showing the Newmans.



    No, the camera cars have not left the area.

    They are approaching Wiegman (red box) who films the inset(lower right corner).

    I suggest watching the Couch film which includes Wiegman's partial run down the grassy knoll if you want to see the other camera cars(and cycle cop movement) as they start/move down Elm before Wiegman films the inset.


  4. On 1/20/2019 at 1:42 PM, Gene Kelly said:
    1. After the shooting, his associate Marilyn Sitzman walks towards the Pergola, while Zapruder heads straight to the TSBD Building (as depicted in the Bell Film). Zapruder also told the Warren Commission that immediately after the assassination, he went to his office and told his secretary to call the police or Secret Service because


    Z or whomever started walking toward the "TSBD/his office" quite possibly landed in the pergola first.

    I'm not saying these are the same two people either.

    Either way, this creates a problem for Zapruder's spoken actions.

    Z's actually in another film that day, I'll discuss that later.



  5. Adam,

    Start a new topic named "Conversions" or something like that.

    Then repost  your previous response and I will reply.

    I believe the answer you are seeking may not be indicative of the figures you are providing.

    Or, I'm reading your question incorrectly.

    Let's make sure before we go on.



  6. On 1/9/2019 at 12:54 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    .505 sec x 18.3 = 9.2415 frames x 1.041ft per frame (average limo speed  z210-z222) = 9.62ft + .58ft (7 inches = torso depth) = 10.2ft

    z207     = Station# 3+71.1

    Shot#1 = Station# 3+81.3 = Elevation 423.07







    The range of z210-z222 (12.5ft/12frames = 1.041ft per frame) on CE884 is a little more concentrated than what is possible to measure in terms of stationary landmarks.

    z206.5 -z230.5 = .958ft per frame


    z210-Station# 3+73.4 + 7.9ft = Station# 3+81.3 = bullet strike

    7.9ft/1.041ft per frame = 7.5888frames = Z217.588

    From z207-z217.588 = 10.588frames

    z207-z217.588 = 10.2ft/10.588frames = .963ft per frame



  7. 3 hours ago, Adam Johnson said:

    Hey Chris,

    Thanks for the reply....Do you agree with any of the following measurements??????

    Using the extant Z film and landmarks (Z206.5-z230.5) within, along with the WC (dots = frames) on the survey plat.

    Z206.5 - z230.5 = approx 23ft

    23ft/24frames = .958ft per frame average

    Z207 = 163.65 feet from TSBD ground level below snipers nest

    Z207 surveyed at 162.34ft -Robert West surveyor

    Time-Life surveyed first shot impact at 163.65ft - Robert West surveyor

    Z212 = 166.05 feet from TSBD ground level below snipers nest

    Z217 = 168.45 feet from TSBD ground level below snipers nest

    Z222 = 170.85 feet from TSBD ground level below snipers nest - 176.75ft Robert West surveyor

    5 Frames = a 2.4 feet increase in distance 

    5frames x .958ft per frame =  4.79ft

    I believe you're referring to the hypotenuse measurement from the rifle barrel on these next four to 3.27ft above street level.

    Z207 = 174.70 feet from TSBD ground level below snipers nest - Robert West 174.88ft

    Z212 = 179.33 feet from TSBD ground level below snipers nest

    Z217 = 183.96 feet from TSBD ground level below snipers nest

    Z222 = 188.59 feet from TSBD ground level below snipers nest - Robert West 188.6ft

    5 frames = 4.63 feet increase in distance

    Street level to the top of JFK's head = 3.27 feet    or

    3.27ft = bullet mark in JFK's back measured from street level up.

    Street level to the top of JFK;s head = 4.398 feet = 52.78"         Yes agreed, as per WC documentation

     Thanks again,



    Answers in Red

  8. 1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:


    In essence, it sounds like you are trying to recreate/exact CE884 (There are two versions).

    Publicly released version: https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0464b.htm

    It is the method that was used originally (on the ground), although once they got their initial starting point (say Z161), I believe they just measured to the next succeeding entry.

    I do have a brief video of this method starting from Position A to Z161.

    Will post later if interested.






  9. 1 hour ago, Adam Johnson said:

    Hi Chris,

    Your work on this is amazing and very much appreciated.

    I have a challenge for you, I really hope if you get the chance you can look at the following for me and break down the measurements in distance and elevations from street level(most of which i believe you have probably already calculated)......just need to formulate my request into a logical understandable form.  OK here we go..

    Chris what i would like to achieve here is a list of measurements that if someone was to go to Dealey Plaza today and anchor a spot on the ground directly  below the mid point of the 6th floor snipers window at street level. Then using this as our axis point run a tape measure so they could stand at the exact location on Elm Street and at the height you calculate, place a stand/tripod(for lack of a better word or implement name) at the height of JFK's throat wound(back wound point is under to much conjecture). 

    I guess what I'm trying to achieve here is a kind of "follow the bouncing ball" where the ball is actually JFK's throat wound and the bouncing is its movement down Elm Street.

    The distance or section of the drive down Elm St I am interested in is from Z207 to Z226  I would like to plot each of these points in distance and height then later this year i hope to be in Dallas to conduct an experiment to see just where a laser pointer would strike on the surrounding buildings if placed facing backwards at specific angles (which i will be calculating from the photos of JFK's clothing). 

    Basically i will be constructing a plastic housing that for want of a better description would look like like a cheer leaders bull horn only it would fit in the palm of your hand (roughly the size of a pen)....it will represent the size of a 6.35mm diameter exit hole on one end and then a slightly larger perhaps 10.5mm diameter opposite end thru which the laser pointer will be shone thru. The side walls of the tube helping to narrow the range finding of the beam. 

    Anyway I hope you are able to assist,

    Many Thanks ,



    In essence, it sounds like you are trying to recreate/exact CE884 (There are two versions).

    Publicly released version: https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0464b.htm

    It is the method that was used originally (on the ground), although once they got their initial starting point (say Z161), I believe they just measured to the next succeeding entry.

    I do have a brief video of this method starting from Position A to Z161.

    Will post later if interested.



  10. 7 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:


    133yds to the top of the south knoll.

    .505 sec x 18.3 = 9.2415 frames x 1.041ft per frame (average limo speed  z210-z222) = 9.62ft + .58ft (7 inches = torso depth) = 10.2ft

    z207     = Station# 3+71.1

    Shot#1 = Station# 3+81.3 = Elevation 423.07









    Taking into consideration the 10.2ft distanced traveled from pull of trigger, the limo drop in elevation = 10.2ft/18.3ft = .557 x 12 inches = 6.68 inch drop.

    This lead is reflected in CE560 documentation. The problem is, it's supposed to represent a shot from the 6th floor snipers nest with a car traveling at 28+ mph(see CE884 Orange Version z207-z208).







  11. On 1/1/2019 at 11:36 AM, Chris Davidson said:

    The actual throat wound height off the ground  would have been 41.905" - 1.485 1.62 (2.665 2.8 - 1.18) = 40.42" 40.285"

    Frazier documented the windshield damage at 14.5" below the windshield top.

    The limo roof was 57"

    57" - 14.5" = 42.5"

    Windshield damage was approx 42.5" - 40.42"  40.285 = 2.08" 2.215"  above the throat wound = a slight downward trajectory from approx 315ft 399ft away.

    Shooter on the TSBD 6th floor west end say hello to your friend in the carpark upon the south knoll.

    Added on edit: Corrected to match original post.




    The 315ft measurement was down to the sidewalk. Sorry about that.

    133yds to the top of the south knoll.

    .505 sec x 18.3 = 9.2415 frames x 1.041ft per frame (average limo speed  z210-z222) = 9.62ft + .58ft (7 inches = torso depth) = 10.2ft

    z207     = Station# 3+71.1

    Shot#1 = Station# 3+81.3 = Elevation 423.07



    423.07 + 3.54ft (42.5inch above ground bullet hole in windshield) = Elevation 426.61

    Handrail on the Triple Overpass                                                              = Elevation 428.40


    z207 - 12 minutes = .2degrees

    .2degrees at an elevation 1.39ft above the south knoll, its elevation = 426 (using Drommer plat.)

    Elevation 426 + 1.39 = 427.39 = shooter rifle barrel elevation, pulling trigger at approx z207.

    Barrel is approx 1 foot lower than the Overpass handrail.

    Bullet hits windshield, fragments, slows down to approx (741 x .724 ft per sec) 536ft per sec, deviates downward 2.08inches and strikes JFK's throat.







  12. 31727822337_42e89e3212_o.jpgMore precise specs for the weapon.  Matching muzzle speed performance

    More precise specs for the weapon.  Matching muzzle speed performance

    above at 105 (added on edit)133 yards.

    Disregard the 105yd graph below.


    Just convert the time into frames, the frames into distance traveled, the limo elevation drop thereafter, and distance left for the deflection and it all points to the Warren Specter inverse SBT.




  13. The actual throat wound height off the ground  would have been 41.905" - 1.485 1.62 (2.665 2.8 - 1.18) = 40.42" 40.285"

    Frazier documented the windshield damage at 14.5" below the windshield top.

    The limo roof was 57"

    57" - 14.5" = 42.5"

    Windshield damage was approx 42.5" - 40.42"  40.285 = 2.08" 2.215" above the throat wound = a slight downward trajectory from approx 315ft 399ft away.

    Shooter on the TSBD 6th floor west end say hello to your friend in the carpark upon the south knoll.

    Added on edit: I used the C6-T3 span. It should be the seat incline (2.8") difference.




  14. On 12/20/2018 at 12:22 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    Add the 3.13degree slope from Elm St and Specter's new angle, created by moving the trajectory from the coat chalk mark to just below the collar top, is approx (20.87 = 20deg52min) supporting shot#1 at Elev 423.07 = approx extant Z217.

    Now, the throat shot at approx Z217(which is physically higher than the back wound), becomes the exit for the SBT from the 6th floor snipers nest.

    Since clever old Arlen possessed all the material/information, it wasn't hard for him to make it fit.



    A 2.665" height difference moving between a 7" thick torso = the inverse of Arlen Specter's SBT .



  15. 18 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    Now, the frontside.

    To begin:

    I'm the same height as JFK- 72.5 "

    The difference between JFK and me (headtop to shirt collartop) is 7.79" - 8.5" = .71"

    The top button on me is 25" above my rear end sitting down. (See bullet hole location in previous document)

    Since JFK is .71" shorter from headtop to collartop than I am, I'll add that length to his torso.

    The top button on JFK is 25" + .81" = 25.71" + (had to add .1" to make it all work out)

    The throat shot is .875" below the button = 25.81 - .875" = 24.935" (See bullet hole location in previous document)







    Throat shot = 24.935 + 1.18 + 15.79" = 41.905" above the ground.

    Throat shot height 41.905" - back shot height 39.24" = 2.665" height difference.

  16. The dress shirt I used for my original collar height measurement was 1.875".

    It appears the collar height on JFK's shirts were 1.5" tall.

    So, my torso height up to the collar top is 28.5" (28.875-.375").

    JFK's torso(same span to collar top) was .7" longer than mine.

    His length is 28.5" + .7" = 29.2"

    His collar top to head top = 7.79"

    29.2 + 7.79 = 36.99"

    His head top - (torso + collar top) = 52.78 - 36.99" = 15.79" from the ground.


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