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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. Use this link to help decipher survey z207: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/22692-swan-song-math-rules/?do=findComment&comment=330706 The 3.27ft vertical elevation used in CE884 for JFK's height converts to 1deg. There was a 1.13deg difference between POSITION A and Station 250.0 Converting that difference (in terms of elevation) : 3.27 x 1.13 = 3.695ft 3.695ft - 3.27ft = .425ft difference If this answer sounds familiar, it should:
  2. The three common entries used to complete the feat: 3.27ft 3.13degrees 10.2ft The more exact distance would be 10.2351ft 10.2351/3.27 = 3.13
  3. Just ask for an electronic primer. You obviously haven't a clue. So you see, you haven't been ignored, you just don't understand the response. One more time, pull out your stopwatch boys and girls. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CFdpSs8Bt4f-GVJOCOl2wDXdpu-uNjQX/view?usp=sharing
  4. The span of 28.5ft (distance from POSITION A to Station# 250.0) with an elevation change of 1ft equals a 2 degree slope. This will help(mathematically) in the exacting of the listed .56ft lead bullet height on CE560.
  5. The difference in elevation between POSITION A and elevation 429.7 = 1ft The actual elevation difference should = 1.557ft. That is an elevation WORKING difference of .557ft Where does that difference appear. Right back to CE560 (upper red box) in the form of the "lead bullet height" listed at .56ft In a little while, I'll show you how that becomes exactly .56ft using cumulative WC adjustments.
  6. If you haven't figured this out by now, the elevation drop of 28.5ft (from POSITION A to Station# 250.0) should = 28.5/18.3 (3.13degree slope) = 1.557...ft The distance difference between 28.5/18.3ft is 10.2ft Robert West indicates this 3.13deg slope extending to Station# 250.0 on the FBI/SS combo plat of Dec63/Feb64. Added on edit: He also entered it on the WC final plat of May1964: 3deg8min = 3.13degrees
  7. The thin red line that traverses Elm St. connects 61ft from the TSBD base (snipers nest) and 28.5ft (POSITION A) from Station # 250.0(snipers nest alignment out on Elm St).
  8. This graphic also equals the distance difference between Position A and Station# 268.3 =
  9. Moving backwards some more: 299.16 - 30.86 = 268.3 268.3 - 18.3 (1ft vertical@3.13deg slope) = Station# 250.0 = TSBD Snipers nest parallel street Elevation.
  10. So it's not lost in all of this: 5.04inches (Elev correction) 1.5inches (collar height) 3.54inch difference
  11. Don't know. But the z207/208 shot removal/remedy was being addressed long before CE560 materialized. Within CE560, they are trying to move this shot by attaching the .56ft lead height = 10.2ft horizontal = z217/218 = Station# 381.3 = shot #1 on FBI/SS plat of DEC63/FEB64. While at the same time, showing us that the bullet was fired at approx z207.15 and hit its mark at approx z208.69 The 2.3ft distance listed on CE884 is the combination of the average speed of the limo (.9ft per frame) + the distance the limo would have traveled from firing of rifle to hitting target (1.4ft). Specifically: 175/2070 = .0845 / .0546 (1frame/18.3frames) = 1.54frames The audio indicates z208.69 208.69 - (207 + 1.54) = .15frames 207 + .15 = frame# 207.15 pulled the trigger.
  12. And, to reintroduce the acoustics again for this physical location: (z313) 144.9 - 139.2 = 5.7 sec x 18.3fps = 104.31 frames 313 - 104.31 = z208.69 That's a match with the back shot from the previous postings.
  13. Which means, by the time they switched paths, the 162.34ft base distance synced with Shaneyfelt plotted z208. This, by no coincidence is where we have a splice in the extant zfilm.
  14. I believe the scenario plays out this way: 3.356ft x 12" = 40.272inches 40.272" - 1.5inches = 38.772inches 38.772inches - 5.04inches = 33.732inches 33.732inches + 14cm(5.51inches) = 39.242inches = 3.27ft
  15. Credit Tom Purvis via Robert West: Conversion coming.
  16. JFK's shirt collar appears to be 1.5 inches in height. If anyone knows differently, please feel free to chime in. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l1j92AXGJTsr1vP7KPEmhSYmkMr0hzfT/view?usp=sharing
  17. When converted, the difference in elevation from 65.05ft to 64.63ft = .42ft = 5.04 inches. 3.27ft (39.24inches) - 5.04 inches = 34.2 inches = 2.85ft The difference between 3.27 and 2.85ft = .42ft = elevation change difference in extant survey z207.
  18. This is how crafty the WC was in obtaining their desired goals: Robert West's survey information for extant z207 lists a right triangle of: base=162.34ft height=65.05ft hypotenuse = 174.88ft It was determined(don't know by whom- see plat) that 61ft from the TSBD base, along that same extant z207 base measurement, the Elm St. slope of 3.13 degrees began. The change in elevation would calculate like this: 162.34 - 61= 101.34ft / 18.3ft (1ft Vertical change) = 5.53ft vertical change. Base to 6th floor window sill = 61.2ft Rifle end to Window sill = 1.17ft Total elevation above street = 67.9ft 67.9ft -3.27ft(CE884 -JFK determined back shot elevation) = 64.63ft Do you see see the difference in vertical elevation? JFK was shot in the back at physical location extant z207/z208.
  19. David, I tend to treat StationC in sync relationship to the TSBD. Two endpoints if you will. StationC = Station# 234.5 TSBD = Station# 250.0 That is a distance difference of 15.5 ft They should have advanced a distance of 15.25ft (10" drop) = 15.25ft 18.3 /18 = 1.0166.. - Conversion between determined frame rate and whole frames. 1.01666.. x 15.25 = 15.50ft Just as 30.86ft was used as a retard and advance concept (shown previously), why not some form of that here. Arbitrarily set. I agree. Position A, still working on it.
  20. West knew they were up to no good. Probably not all the specifics. He documented and kept what he could or felt safe with.
  21. Where was the 30.86ft split applied to the Position A part of the ballfield: Sprague designates JFK@ z133 to Station # 299.0, which is where I plotted him also. I believe we were a slight bit off and JFK actually plots at 299.16 or 1.92 inches difference. 299.16 - 30.86ft = Station 268.3 Station# 268.3 + 10.2ft = Station # 278.5 Position A = Station# 278.5 This can be determined by using the WC data readily available: z161 = 329.2 - 94.7 = Station C = 234.5 234.5 + 44 = 278.5 = Position A The WC math-ical mystery tour. P.S. Position A is not plotted on Robert West's path.
  22. The limo length is 21.34ft. Station #5+00 - Station # 4+96.16 = 3.84ft = approx 4ft.
  23. The shot placement directly across(not 10.2ft west of z313) from Altgen's at Station# 4+96.16 is required by the time allotment given to one shooter. The extant film as shown is missing two frames between the span of extant z313-z352. That is a 39 frame span with 2 missing for a total of 41 frames. What was the significance of 41/42 frames? Mr. SHANEYFELT. The camera operates at a speed of 18.3 frames per second. So that in two and a quarter seconds it would run through about 42--41 to 42 frames. Representative FORD. Then the firing of the rifle, repeat that again? Mr. SHANEYFELT. As to the firing of the rifle we have been advised that the minimum time for getting off two successive well-aimed shots on the rifle is approximately two and a quarter seconds. That is the basis for using this 41 to 42 frames to establish two points in the film where two successive quick shots could have been fired. Once again, trying to tie all shooting back to the 6th floor snipers nest.
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