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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. I don't consider overtly posting links to checks/balances for Andrej's work as secret collaboration. Yes, I still believe it's a woman based on my photo enhancements. Enough said on my part.
  2. Andrej, Good to see the inclusion of a measuring scale. The size difference between this one and the previous block measured Oswald provided: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZM8qkE-KYbctkRXbl6T3zu0Ol-4A9Dx1/view?usp=sharing Perhaps others have suggestions for alterations, but I'm fine with it.
  3. Andrej, Download for true size: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HrJ2P5zbl0Lm1Hc9Z4IRde6mbY4HxdIh/view?usp=sharing Scaled Oswald to 66% so the tip of the shoes to the top of his head equals 69 increments/inches. Then used your first Poser model (scaled to 92%) with 30 inch leg length designation as the overlay. Blue lines are (head to chin) and (ground to 30inch) using tip of shoes as the starting point.
  4. Andrej, I believe if you align (your lower block bottom edge) with the tip of Oswald's shoe as the starting measuring point, this will pick up the additional inches. As it stands now, that lower block ends at the upper ankle, which on my foot, is about 3 inches from the ground. Imo Anyhow, Here is the new Poser (upscaled to 107.75%), it is at the end so you get an idea of the adjustment difference you made between it and the previous Poser. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Kp0XPlBTRStQP0xx2kqOG1P0g2QFnB-n/view?usp=sharing
  5. Andrej, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TpCqAW19guUqXmzyu0nvKMhDgC4Dt0BU/view?usp=sharing I took the new James Poser and scaled him down at 96.5% (2.5inches too tall) to match the existing Oswald height. Is Poser the correct height now or do I need to upscale Oswald to Poser's height? Just to be clear, does the measurement via the checkered path(30 inches mentioned) equal your leg length (not the inseam) for Oswald?
  6. Andrej, Instead of creating more work for yourself, is it possible using the scale I supplied, and I'm assuming that the bottom of your lower block is the ground, can you tell me how long Oswald's leg is?
  7. Andrej, I"m assuming the bottom of the lower block to the top of the upper block represents 69 inches. The splice into 8th's should provide the approx mid-point in height for 69 inches. (My inseam is half my height. I'm 72.5 inches tall.) The inseam on the mannequin appears to be approx 28 inches representing somebody who is 69 inches tall. (See bike link previous posting) That seems quite low. If you were to place the bottom of the lower block even with the tip of Oswald's shoe, the distance to the inseam on the mannequin now becomes 32 inches, much closer to the shortest inseam mentioned in the bike forum response for someone who is 69.5 inches tall.
  8. Andrej, This graphic has been scaled so the measuring increments (at left of the rightmost Oswald) equal 1inch per one increment = 69 increments/inches = the 7.5 blocks. The thin blue lines(at right) slice Oswald into 8th's. Can you tell us what the inseam length is on Oswald and what you used as your endpoints? Below is another forum where somebody is talking about inseams in regards to cycling: https://www.bikeforums.net/2153505-post31.html
  9. The more exact you are, the better. For instance: What is the distance of the combined gaps?
  10. Andrej, Does James (Poser mannequin) need more adjusting? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SAzc3DbJrMBE32XxOrFfqPwzzC0tgbVr/view?usp=sharing
  11. David, Need an expert in films/photography, which I am not. The enlarging/zoom ? = 112%. Is there a connection with Myer's manipulation? Added on edit: Upon further review, it looks like she starts zooming after the limo has passed her and hits maximum zoom before the film ends. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H-2GQBzjh7NqK46b-cmzwK4ddxCsQ3PT/view?usp=sharing
  12. David, Green box is the distance from the tree (Towner's LOS) converted into frames(average speed plotted between TSBD corner and tree) and Bell's LOS . The frames represent JFK at the approx same location on Elm St. Pull off what cinematically? They would have to alter Bell (not traversing PositionA also) to match Towner.
  13. There is a TSBD corner overlap between Bell/Towner. The graphic shows Bell's LOS using JFK's position within the limo. At this spot, JFK is approx 6.1ft (green box) from TSBD corner alignment. The speed of the limo is 23.75ft/29frames (plotted average from Dal-Tex to TSBD corner) = .818ft per frame. 6.1ft/.818ft per frame = 7.45frames There are 6 previous Bell frames leading up to JFK's position in the graphic. Bell's footage starts approx 13.45 Bell frames before JFK aligns with the TSBD corner.
  14. Marc Bell's footage from the pedestal allows us to compare an overlapping area within the Towner film. Remember, no matter who is filming with what camera, the limo is traveling the same speed. +/- 1 frame for the following From his location, Bell's outer LOS lines = 32.1875ft @ 41 frames = .785...ft per frame The Towner LOS from StationC to the Tree = 38.685ft @ 60frames = .644..ft per frame. We need the same distance among both so: 38.685 - 32.1875 = 6.4975ft 6.4975 / .785ft per frame = 8.27frames 8.27frames + 41 = 49.27frames This creates a ratio of frames to frames over the same distance using two different frame rates. Since Myers used a phony frame rate of 22.8fps for Towner, it is more than likely, the ratio between that and the real Towner frame rate (+/- 1 frame) would hold true for Towner and Bell also. A real frame rate of 18.3 for Towner vs 22.8 yields the 33 frame difference over 167 Towner frames (previously shown). 60/18.3 = 3.278...sec 3.278...sec x 15fps = 49.18 frames 60/48.08(+/- 1 frame) = 1.2479... x 18.3 = 22.83fps = Myers bogus rate.
  15. Myers accommodates (using inside tire radius) for the 30ft = a loss of .18ft per frame over 167 Towner frames including the distance gap to z133 this way: Add his total distance in the graphic = 83.68ft There are 6 Towner beginning frames which need to be included in the distance: 11.28ft/26frames = .4338...ft per frame x 6 frames = 2.6ft + 83.68ft = 86.28ft total for Towner film. The plotting of JFK using Robert West's path for the Towner film = 110.90ft approx. 110.90 - 86.28 = 24.62ft 24.62ft + 5.625 (gap between Towner end and Z133 beginning) = 30.245ft The .18ft per frame difference evolves this way: 110.90ft + 5.625ft = 116.525ft/ 167 frames = .6977...ft per frame 86.28ft/167frames = .5166...ft per frame .6977 - .5166 = .181ft per frame
  16. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GR06EO_rxNBWc7gNlU8KHIeE0yuJL52g/view The gentleman with the pink shirt and white pants. Watch as someone pokes their head around his left side and then pulls back. You can barely see him until he moves. He is much taller than Tina Towner. She is off the curb, in the street making her even shorter than those in front, who are on the sidewalk. That is approx where Tina Towner is.
  17. Towards the end of her film, someone appears in the sprocket hole area. I would assume it is her father since he has a camera in hand. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pdQEedUrUD0FQqNil4as3IhXrqzHxCw7/view?usp=sharing
  18. This is the closest I can find from Towner's view via the cameraman, with the Z pedestal and the curved curb included.
  19. She would be in the LOS of the rightside blue line and off the curb a few feet. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ev4WTYOzerUp_BmUdl9u4vR0-ofSwdFz/view?usp=sharing
  20. David J, If I put JFK where Position A is designated, the lane stripe is blocked by the limo. This is the only way it works. It matches, using Robert West's designated path. My filming location for Towner. Greer in alignment with the concrete structure. JFK in alignment with the tree.
  21. Keep in mind: Robert West nor Chester Breneman ever stated that the Towner film was used in their survey work (only z frames). So what film was used to survey in StationC, Position A and the rest, before extant z161? None other than a film that captured the limo making the Elm St turn.
  22. Discount 30ft over (100 and 166.66 frame increments) @ 18.3frames per sec: 166.66/18.3 = 9.107 seconds 30ft/9.107sec = 3.294ft per sec = 2.24mph = speed of limo from CE884 (public version) Z161-z166 5frames 100/18.3 = 5.464seconds 30ft/5.464 seconds = 5.49ft per sec = 3.74mph = speed of limo from CE884 (final plat May/1964 version) z168-z171 3frames 5frame/3frame ratio = 1.66/1 = 166/100
  23. Once again, the 100ft mark would end at Station 334.5 = Robert West's path, not the other.
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