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Chris Davidson

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Everything posted by Chris Davidson

  1. The second part would be: Mr. KELLEY. The officials at Hess Eisenhardt, who have the original plans of the President's car, conducted a test to ascertain how high from the ground a person 72 1/2 inches would be seated in this car before its modification. And 132 it was ascertained that the person would be 52.78 inches from the ground--that is, taking into consideration the flexion of the tires, the flexion of the cushions that were on the car at the time. Mr. SPECTER. When you say 52.78 inches, which individual would that be? Mr. KELLEY. That would be the President. Mr. SPECTER. And what part of his body? Mr. KELLEY. The top of the head would be 52.78 inches from the ground.
  2. What constitutes 13.54 vertical inches? The first part would be the WC determination of JFK's head height at the time of the extant 313 headshot. In terms of elevation, it looks like this: Street Elev. at (JFK's position in limo) extant z313 = 418.48 JFK's head height elev. = 421.75 Difference = 3.27ft in elevation This difference is used in all entries on CE884.
  3. Post 40-43 will help with this next conversion: 13.44mph = 19.756ft per sec + .9ft (extant z161-z166) = 20.65ft total distance From the previous post: 13.54 vertical inches converted to horizontal distance = 13.54"/12" = 1.128333.. vertical ft. x 18.3(1horizontal ft.) = 20.648ft A sync.
  4. There is a 10" vertical difference between the sniper's perch boxes and the windowsill frame. Once again, what's up in the window has to sync with what's down on the street. In post 50, I show the speed of the limo as it pertains to the extant zfilm by plotting it. 5 x 1.08ft per frame = 5.4ft Remember, 1ft vertical = 18.3ft horizontal. Convert5.4ft to vertical: 5.4/18.3= .295 x 12" (1ft) = 3.54" 10"+ 3.54" equals a combined distance of 13.54 vertical inches.
  5. Michael, Quite simply, the CE884's data states a car traveling at 2.24mph and 3.74mph for a distance of .9ft The extant film shows it should have traveled 5.4ft/6.3ft in the same span. Where are the frames reflecting the missing distance? Added on edit:
  6. The distance from extant z313 to the Altgens shot at 30.856ft farther west. .18ft per frame difference within the extant CE884 z161-z166 span. How many frames tying these two distances together? 30.856/.18 = 171.4 or starting with Frame 172 Frame 172 would start after frame 171. Which is after the BS entries have cleared on both CE884's at Station# 3+30.1
  7. In terms of five frames for each speed sequence: 5 x 1.26ft per frame = 6.3ft 5 x 1.08ft per frame = 5.4ft The difference would be .9ft which equals the total distance traveled from z161-z166 in extant CE884.
  8. David L, That is very interesting. I have also wondered if it was possible to create what I supplied in gif form, back in the early 60's. In the attachment provided, I assume this process (red box) created duplicate frames, not "in between" frames as the filter created. Post-Production work, Yes. To what extent. ? I have some other ideas pertaining to post-production, for another day though.
  9. Brad, Nowadays, filming from the 6th floor SE window appears to be prohibited. I don't see that changing in my lifetime. It might be possible to partly fulfill your request with existing material. Something along this line:
  10. If you refer back to post #7 again, you can now compare the previous WC limo speed scenario to post#7 The comparison would look something like this: 1.26ft per frame - 1.08ft per frame = .18ft per frame Extant CE884 z161-166 (5frames= .9ft traveled) .9ft / 5 frames = .18ft per frame Extant CE884 z161-166 equals the difference between the two scenarios.
  11. The syncing of extant CE884 to the extant zfilm. The red blinking arrows point to Station# 3+25.0( + symbol) and JFK's position in the limo in relationship to the (+) symbol. JFK's position lands at Station# 3+19.3 at extant zframe156. JFK's position at extant CE884 z166 is Station# 3+30.1 The difference between these two locations is 10.8ft. 10.8ft per 10 frames = 1.08ft per frame. A one second time span for extant WC calculations equals: 1.08ft x 18.3 frames per sec = 19.764 ft per sec = 13.44mph
  12. Conversion of 19.756ft in terms of 1 second (1.47ft) = 13.44 mph.
  13. Anyone care to convert 19.756ft for the rest of us? Post #7 might help you.
  14. Final piece for previous partial equation. Extant zfilm:
  15. This is a partial equation for the few who are interested. The existing pieces have been provided except for the final piece of 19.756ft. 517.5 - 21.34 = 496.16 - 465.3 = 30.86 or (30.856) - .9 - 10.2 = 19.76 or (19.756)
  16. The equation for the previous snipers nest material: 18"+ 8" = 26" = Rifle perch boxes to floor 1.333... x 12" = 16" = windowframe to floor Difference in drop: See previous post
  17. Equals this: Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; because of the difference in the automobiles there was a variation of 10 inches, a vertical distance of 10 inches that had to be considered. The stand-in for President Kennedy was sitting 10 inches higher and. the stand-in for Governor Connally was sitting 10 inches higher than the President and Governor Connally were sitting and we took this into account in our calculations. Mr. SPECTER. Was any allowance then made in the photographing of the first point or rather last point at which the spot was visible on the back of the coat of President Kennedy's stand-in before passing under the oak tree? Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; there was. After establishing this position, represented by frame 161, where the chalk mark was about to disappear under the tree, we established a point 10 inches below that as the actual point where President Kennedy would have had a chalk mark on his back or where the wound would have been if the car was 10 inches lower. And we rolled the car then sufficiently forward to reestablish the position that the chalk mark would be in at its last clear shot before going under the tree, based on this 10 inches, and this gave us frame 166 of the Zapruder film.
  18. Meanwhile, up in the snipers nest, we can start with this:
  19. At what frames does CE884 have the limo traveling 2.24mph? That would be z161-166. Adjustments in play. I think for the sake of clarity, it would have been easier to use the original SS100X for the recreations. Nothing to hide here!!! Almost like using the rear bumper as a place holder for JFK.
  20. Here's a comparison for you: The location of elevation 423.07 represents Station# 3+81.3 or 10.2ft west/downhill from extant z207 The elevation from the windowsill to the street. SS/FBI The elevation from JFK's head to a height above the windowsill. WC The frame excerpts from CE884 have the same data, the only difference is the frame#'s were switched from Z208-Z210. So z208 on the final WC plat of May 1964, had a (angle to horizon) rifle end to JFK's head of 21deg 34min. Sandwiched between z207-208 (angle to horizon- WC ) is the SS/FBI data for 10.2 ft farther west.
  21. The z207 mark on the plat is inside the red box? It's too small for me to read... So the FBI has taken their original location of the 1st shot and relocated it 10.2 down Elm St. in the direction the limo was traveling.Do you have any thoughts as to WHO was the architect of these synchronized new locations? Thanks the for additional information, Tom "The z207 mark on the plat is inside the red box? It's too small for me to read…" That's O.K. The + symbols on the plat are in 25ft increments. The + symbol near the red box is Station# 3+75.0, which means extant z207 at Station# 3+71.1 (look at CE884) aligns at that little tick mark which touches the slight horizontal line connecting the + marks, the tick mark resides just above the 0 in 207. The original location at flatline 163.65 (extant z207) was recorded (separate document) by Robert West (not necessarily plotted at that time), during the Time/Life recreation back in Nov 1963, This is referred to by Tom P. in the previous attachment I supplied. It appears the FBI and/or the SS moved it downhill another 10.2ft. My guess would be Shaneyfelt.
  22. You are correct. Those are the three points of the triangle. A right triangle plus (angle to horizon) from rifle barrel end to JFK's head. Just to make sure you are clear on this next point: The X represents JFK's physical location on Elm St. The rear bumper represents the X (JFK's physical location=Station# in surveyors terms). The difference being: JFK's head height at the time of a head shot is not the bumper height. The slope of Elm St. during the recreation was determined to be 3deg8min = 3.13 degrees. This slope equals a 1ft vertical per 18.3ft horizontal distance ratio.
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