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Myra Bronstein

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Everything posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. You are one perceptive fellow Mike Hogan. It's a gift. To the forum. If this is an attempt to show an inconsistency, it failed. Notice that I said "as much info" as possible, not "as much obvious and blatant misinfo" as possible. People shouldn't have to wade through a swamp of indefensible nonsense just to get to the issues. My complaint about the video is not that it presented the "The real entrance is the little smudge in the autopsy photo" theory first pushed by Groden. I spent 50 bucks on Groden's book, after all, knowing it included such claims. My complaint, as stated, is that it presents a number of easily refuted measurements and descriptions as facts. Pat, There have been plenty of successful attempts, like this one, to show inconsistency in your statements. There are some whoppers in this thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9946 No matter how blatant your contradictions are you tend to deny them. But denial of your contradictions doesn't make them invisible to others. Myra Myra, WHAT contradictions? I happen to believe that both RFK and Garrison wanted to solve the case. I believe, as Talbot and many others, that RFK had real reasons to doubt Garrison's intentions. Or do you honestly believe Marcello was an innocent tomato salesman? My comments to Gil were sincere. I didn't mean to come across as a condescending know-it-all. The video has errors that should be fixed. If CTs don't help correct each other's mistakes than Bugliosi and his buddies will write exposes declaring that we're all fools, and have plenty of evidence in support. Don't you think we should turn the public debate around on them, so that they have to explain the moving back wound, the moving head wound, the Odio incident, etc??? As it is, whenever I try to discuss the case with anyone not fully familiar with the issues, I spend more than half the time trying to explain that even if Groden and Livingstone's autopsy photo alteration theory is wrong, even if Lifton's body alteration theory is wrong, even if Fetzer et al's Z film alteration theory is wrong, there is STILL evidence for a conspiracy. The debate has become so diluted that nobody seems to realize this anymore. Pat, Ok then, if you cant see the contradictions in the link I supplied then let's just say your positions evolve rapidly. I'll leave it at that because I appreciate the fact that you're actually trying to reach a genuine understanding in good faith, and there are other important points you're making so I'd just as soon move along to them. Regarding the public debate, that's a good question. In fact I think this, ideally, is as public as it would get. It would stay in a forum. If you look back at my post #5 that was the point. Gil is putting a ton of time and work into the creation of videos to try and reach a larger audience. Out of regard for that I think it would be good form to show some solidarity and try to just deal with individual issues on individual videos via the forum. And if there is an issue with one of his videos at some point then it just means he's a fallible human like any of us. In that scenario I would see nothing wrong with letting him know you want to cover his back and our backs and weed out bad info. So a forum post or PM seems like a good way to communicate your viewpoint. You know, ideally. Again, FWIW. Myra
  2. You are one perceptive fellow Mike Hogan. It's a gift. To the forum. To answer your question, your perspective fellow Mike Hogan and I don't see eye-to-eye on ANYTHING, anything other than JFK was assassinated in Dallas Nov 22nd 1963 of course. You call it a gift, some see it as other things.... My but you get so personal in your comments David. Is there some reason why you can't just stick with the facts of this case instead of making ad hominem attacks? Myra, facts of the case? First you'll have to demonstrate YOU have command of case facts.... I and others do tire of the petty ad hominen complaint. You're a relative new comer to this board and other boards I know you post to. A few of us have been around for over 30+ years (15 of those on the internet boards, where else could John Simkin find us, yes?). We need no hand holding and long ago become quite sick of Lone Nut whining. Just enjoy the show, take what you need, then write your book, we all what to know the latest who did it, even Hogan. When this board is gone, Hogasn and i are gone and you are gone, the CT crowd will be out there... much to Bugliosi and his supporters chagrin....Does that sound like ad hominen to you? Actually, David, it sounds like you're saying that no one on a forum has the right to expect civil behavior from other forum members if they haven't been a member of the forum a certain length of time. Actually Myra, Did I say that Myra? Why do you insist you know what CT's think, Bad habit, girl! What I AM saying is quite simple, your futile (and Lone Nutters) ad hom argument doesn't work, you want to fall on your alleged CT sword, by all means DO! Hogan, I suspect will hold it for you! -- Add to that, nobody likes a pushy-controlling Lady Myra, especially one who doesn't have intellectual command of the evidence..... Bet in 2 more posts we'll have every forum hall monitor present.... what say you? Why David! Now you're telling me no one likes a pushy broad, revealing yourself to be a bit of a sexist, eh? This exchange is proving to be most illuminating.
  3. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=4472
  4. You are one perceptive fellow Mike Hogan. It's a gift. To the forum. To answer your question, your perspective fellow Mike Hogan and I don't see eye-to-eye on ANYTHING, anything other than JFK was assassinated in Dallas Nov 22nd 1963 of course. You call it a gift, some see it as other things.... My but you get so personal in your comments David. Is there some reason why you can't just stick with the facts of this case instead of making ad hominem attacks? Myra, facts of the case? First you'll have to demonstrate YOU have command of case facts.... I and others do tire of the petty ad hominen complaint. You're a relative new comer to this board and other boards I know you post to. A few of us have been around for over 30+ years (15 of those on the internet boards, where else could John Simkin find us, yes?). We need no hand holding and long ago become quite sick of Lone Nut whining. Just enjoy the show, take what you need, then write your book, we all what to know the latest who did it, even Hogan. When this board is gone, Hogasn and i are gone and you are gone, the CT crowd will be out there... much to Bugliosi and his supporters chagrin....Does that sound like ad hominen to you? Actually, David, it sounds like you're saying that no one on a forum has the right to expect civil behavior from other forum members if they haven't been a member of the forum a certain length of time.
  5. You are one perceptive fellow Mike Hogan. It's a gift. To the forum. To answer your question, your perspective fellow Mike Hogan and I don't see eye-to-eye on ANYTHING, anything other than JFK was assassinated in Dallas Nov 22nd 1963 of course. You call it a gift, some see it as other things.... My but you get so personal in your comments David. Is there some reason why you can't just stick with the facts of this case instead of making ad hominem attacks?
  6. I feel no need to "amaze" you. I feel no need to present FACTUAL information to you. You've already proven your propensity to ignore any and all facts that don't suit your theory. I feel no need to join you in your own personal rabbit hole. you're also dead wrong, Hogan! As you've proved yourself to be on numerous occasions.... the minimum fee to sign the petition is $2US.... so please, AMAZE us! Cordially your's, David G. Healy p.s. not much anyone can do to impress a tree stump That's it! I'm starting a petition against everyone here. Including myself! AND it's going on our permanent records. http://www.jfktimeline.com/petitiontodostuff.html
  7. You are one perceptive fellow Mike Hogan. It's a gift. To the forum. If this is an attempt to show an inconsistency, it failed. Notice that I said "as much info" as possible, not "as much obvious and blatant misinfo" as possible. People shouldn't have to wade through a swamp of indefensible nonsense just to get to the issues. My complaint about the video is not that it presented the "The real entrance is the little smudge in the autopsy photo" theory first pushed by Groden. I spent 50 bucks on Groden's book, after all, knowing it included such claims. My complaint, as stated, is that it presents a number of easily refuted measurements and descriptions as facts. Pat, There have been plenty of successful attempts, like this one, to show inconsistency in your statements. There are some whoppers in this thread: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=9946 No matter how blatant your contradictions are you tend to deny them. But denial of your contradictions doesn't make them invisible to others. Myra
  8. a fee? Come on Debra..... a fee? Come on Debra..... Having NOT READ the petition, I would assume that David speaks factually! So, why am I NOT suprised? Assassination Conspiracy has paid many a bill for many a person, and continues to do so. Why not question the motives of those who continue to fuel the fire? Tom P.S. Has anyone seen the petition against the movie "JFK", and its misrepresentations????? ... Specifically what does the movie JFK misrepresent?
  9. Thanks for posting this Wade. Great find. I don't think the Dallas Police receive nearly enough, you know, credit for their participation in the Big Event.
  10. You are one perceptive fellow Mike Hogan. It's a gift. To the forum.
  11. Now now Thomas, don't make me start a petition against you.
  12. My website is here: http://www.jfktimeline.com/ If you have a website please feel free to contact me so we can exchange links. As I'm sure you know, google highly values inbound links and factors it into their placement algorithm. The more we link to each other the higher our placement will be in google search results. Synergy!
  13. Ah, here it is. Found it in the good ol' index: Assassination of JFK Websites http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=6712 May be a good idea for everyone with a website to mention it in the official thread. That way we can contact each other to exchange links. The more links are exchanged the better we'll do in google search results and the more people we'll reach. It's hugely important... Someday we'll pass McAdams.
  14. Fantastic Greg. Congratulations, and thanks for increasing the visibility of this case on the web. I added it to my links page: http://www.jfktimeline.com/links.html If you decide to add my site to your links page that'd be great 'cause I'm sure you know that the number of inbound links helps in search engine placement, at least with google. The home URL is: http://www.jfktimeline.com Myra Myra, thanks for the kind comments and adding the link. Am more than happy to reciprocate. Appreciate it Greg. Hm, do we have a thread anywhere on this forum listing member websites?
  15. I'll just share my personal philosophy and, as always, anyone can take it or leave it. My philosophy is that, ideally, researchers try to us the forum or email or PMs or whatever to debate the output of another researcher. In other words keep it in the family. And try to stay out of each other's way publicly. It's a multi-front war as it is so we don't need more fronts (or afronts). I'm not suggesting we march in lock step, but ideally we can make a distinction between public and private debates, and not divide and conquer ourselves. You know, FWIW.
  16. Seconded. I'm amazed by the fact that so many citizens of other countries are dedicated to this case. Good thing. All available help is needed. And we have this window of time while the internet is relatively untampered with to capitalize on it.
  17. Fantastic Greg. Congratulations, and thanks for increasing the visibility of this case on the web. I added it to my links page: http://www.jfktimeline.com/links.html If you decide to add my site to your links page that'd be great 'cause I'm sure you know that the number of inbound links helps in search engine placement, at least with google. The home URL is: http://www.jfktimeline.com Myra
  18. Please see the below quotes. Do you find them credible? If so, do you think Souetre was a shooter or a trainer for the shooting team? --- http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1.html http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1/chrono1.pdf THE JFK ASSASSINATION CHRONOLOGY Compiled by Ira David Wood III Has the following: "April 24, 1963... Also on this day, the Dallas Times Herald reports that JFK will visit Dallas in November. Around this period of time (Spring, 1963) French OAS captain Jean Souetre reportedly meets with General Edwin Walker, then goes on to New Orleans." --- "November 13, 1963 Secret Service agent Lawson reports to Agent Sorrels at Dallas office of Secret Service. (Metz, France) Army code breaker Pfc. Eugene Dinkin is taken into custody by Army officials and hospitalized in a closed psychiatric ward. He is kept virtually incommunicado for approximately one week. Dinkin had gone AWOL weeks before and alerted various embassies across Europe about a conspiracy to assassinate the president involving the military and perhaps an “ultra right economic group.” Dinkin eventually ends up in Walter Reed Army Hospital for four months -- where it appears that a “cover story” may have been induced to obfuscate whatever legitimate advance knowledge he possesses. Dinkin says that he believes that the psychiatric evaluation given him by the Army psychiatrist is, in fact, an attempt on their part to cover up the military plot which he has attempted to expose. There is evidence that the White House, the CIA and the Attorney General’s office were all in possession of Dinkin’s explicit and detailed warning prior to JFK’s assassination. NOTE: One of Dinkin’s duties as a code breaker has been to decipher cable traffic originating with the French OAS. Jean Souetre/Michel Mertz of the OAS will be in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The CIA’s William Harvey has a “stable” of assassins in Europe - most of whom also have ties to the French OAS." --- "November 19, 1963 Michel Roux enters the United States at New York and travels to Fort Worth, Texas for the stated purpose of visiting social acquaintances on Nov. 22nd. Michel Roux is a French army deserter with connections to French intelligence, working once as an infiltrator into the OAS. NOTE: Jean Souetre, a French OAS terrorist, considered a threat to the safety of French President Charles de Gaulle, uses the names Michel Roux and Michel Mertz as aliases. A CIA document asserts that Jean Souetre was in Fort Worth on the morning of Nov. 22, 1963 and followed JFK on to Dallas that afternoon. Today, Souetre is the public relations director of an elegant gambling casino in France, reportedly operated by the Mafia. Michel Mertz, the other name used by Souetre, is also that of a real individual -- credited with once saving the life of President de Gaulle in an OAS terrorist attack. He is involved in international narcotics dealing. Mertz is reputed to be a legend of sorts in the world of espionage and narcotics smuggling. There is interesting speculation that Mertz has had a connection with the CIA in some of its more nefarious activities. THIS INFORMATION IS LATER CONCEALED FROM THE WARREN COMMISSION."
  19. Has anyone read "The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made," by Walter Isaacson (of Time magazine) & Evan Thomas? It's reviewed here by the Council on Foreign Relations: http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19861201fabo...they-made.html| I want to read about these individuals, for obvious reasons. But I'm wondering if it's a waste of time, for obvious reasons.
  20. Forgot all about that connection Gil. Thanks... Fewer than six degrees of separation with this gang.
  21. I would like to see them Jim. Please and thank you. Myra
  22. Wow! That Chronology is amazing! Thanks John.
  23. Ok, I added a page to my site listing online books: http://www.jfktimeline.com/onlinebooks.html If anyone knows of others not listed, do tell.
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