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Myra Bronstein

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Everything posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. I think Charles Harrelson was a career patsy. Went to prison for a crime he didn't commit. I think the plotters allowed for a contingency wherein JFK's murder was to be blamed on the John Birch Society, and I'd speculate Harrelson was sheep-dipped to play the part of a right wing killer, just as Oswald was framed as an agent of Fidel. However, the afternoon of 11/22/63, the "official" decision was one lone nut and three shots. I think this photograph captures the moment "Ed Lansdale" signaled to E. Howard Hunt that all was well, in spite of the police escort. Note that Old Tramp approaches the man Gen. Victor Krulak fingers as Ed Lansdale totally hidden behind the short tramp. http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri3/LastScan58.jpg http://www.ratical.org///ratville/JFK/USO/appD.html Like Harrelson, E. Howard Hunt was groomed to take the fall for something eventually. Not only did Everett do time for Watergate, it appears he lost his wife as part of the bargain as well. If the JFK assassination had gone seriously awry and somebody at CIA had to go down -- it would have been Howard. Didn't Nixon pin the JFK assassination on him, essentially? "Bad for Hunt, bad for the CIA, bad for the country"... Thanks for sharing your thoughts Cliff. The subject of patsies is a really interesting one to me, and one that I think is under researched (aside from Lee Oswald of course). Given that the murder was first planned for Chicago and then Miami, there obviously had to be patsies for those cities. In fact I think I recall reading the Chicago patsy's name recently, maybe here... argh. Don't remember. But given how complex and long-term the Oswald frame was, patsy processing for the various patsy candidates around the country (world?) must have been a huge operation. And that's just for the JFK murder. Then there were the patsies for RFK, MLK, John Lennon, George Wallace, etc. It seems like patsies were a mix of CIA employees and non-CIA, MKULTRA and non-MK-ULTRA, for example: CIA, non-MKULTRA: Oswald CIA?, MKULTRA: Mark David Chapman Non-CIA, MKULTRA: Sirhan Non-CIA, non-MKULTRA: James Earl Ray Then again I think the FBI took the lead on the MLK and Malcolm X murders so they probably didn't have access to the CIA MKULTRA tool. And the Malcolm X murder had a very different MO; the FBI infiltrated his bodyguards I believe. Tho' some chump did go to prison ultimately. So you think the right wing patsies were plan B, huh? More like Plan C. Plan A -- frame Oswald as an agent of Fidel. Plan B -- frame Oswald as a Lone Nut Plan C -- blame the John Birch Society. When Nixon called Hoover late that afternoon, Nixon asked, "Was it the right wing nuts?" Jack Ruby also went on and on about the John Birch Society in his Warren Comm. interview. I tend to think Ruby was telling the truth to the Warren Commission Cliff, not that they wanted to hear it.
  2. I can't say where she was. But the world would have been a much better place if the bullets that hit JFK were directed at her. Amen.
  3. I'm not an expert Denis, esp not with firearms. But I think circa 1963 era rifles emitted smoke. They certainly emitted a strong smell of gun powder, which many witnesses (some mentioned in David Talbot's new book "Brothers" for example) recall smelling as they drove past the grassy knoll.
  4. I think Charles Harrelson was a career patsy. Went to prison for a crime he didn't commit. I think the plotters allowed for a contingency wherein JFK's murder was to be blamed on the John Birch Society, and I'd speculate Harrelson was sheep-dipped to play the part of a right wing killer, just as Oswald was framed as an agent of Fidel. However, the afternoon of 11/22/63, the "official" decision was one lone nut and three shots. I think this photograph captures the moment "Ed Lansdale" signaled to E. Howard Hunt that all was well, in spite of the police escort. Note that Old Tramp approaches the man Gen. Victor Krulak fingers as Ed Lansdale totally hidden behind the short tramp. http://www.geocities.com/quaneeri3/LastScan58.jpg http://www.ratical.org///ratville/JFK/USO/appD.html Like Harrelson, E. Howard Hunt was groomed to take the fall for something eventually. Not only did Everett do time for Watergate, it appears he lost his wife as part of the bargain as well. If the JFK assassination had gone seriously awry and somebody at CIA had to go down -- it would have been Howard. Didn't Nixon pin the JFK assassination on him, essentially? "Bad for Hunt, bad for the CIA, bad for the country"... Thanks for sharing your thoughts Cliff. The subject of patsies is a really interesting one to me, and one that I think is under researched (aside from Lee Oswald of course). Given that the murder was first planned for Chicago and then Miami, there obviously had to be patsies for those cities. In fact I think I recall reading the Chicago patsy's name recently, maybe here... argh. Don't remember. But given how complex and long-term the Oswald frame was, patsy processing for the various patsy candidates around the country (world?) must have been a huge operation. And that's just for the JFK murder. Then there were the patsies for RFK, MLK, John Lennon, George Wallace, etc. It seems like patsies were a mix of CIA employees and non-CIA, MKULTRA and non-MK-ULTRA, for example: CIA, non-MKULTRA: Oswald CIA?, MKULTRA: Mark David Chapman Non-CIA, MKULTRA: Sirhan Non-CIA, non-MKULTRA: James Earl Ray Then again I think the FBI took the lead on the MLK and Malcolm X murders so they probably didn't have access to the CIA MKULTRA tool. And the Malcolm X murder had a very different MO; the FBI infiltrated his bodyguards I believe. Tho' some chump did go to prison ultimately. So you think the right wing patsies were plan B, huh? I would think so because having a left wing patsy suits the perps agenda much better, ideally giving them an excuse to invade Cuba and further demonize Commies (i.e., labor unions). In fact I'd think they'd be very reluctant to use a right wing patsy and waste such a golden opportunity. The John Birch Society is yet another interesting subject. I consider them guilty as a group. And many individual members are guilty for sure IMO: HL Hunt, Nelson Bunker Hunt, Edwin Walker. Then again again, a patsy is not necessarily innocent.
  5. David, The material in your book about the motivation behind Mary Meyer sharing LSD with President Kennedy was pretty jaw-dropping, certainly a revelation to me. And the entire time I was wondering about Timothy Leary and whether or not he was CIA. If Leary was CIA then Meyer, presumably inadvertently, played right into the CIA's hands by giving them one more thing to use against JFK and/or one more reason to hate JFK. (Actually you make the case that the episode(s) hurt him anyway since the CIA was aware of them.) Do you think Leary was CIA? Did you find any evidence that he was CIA? Thanks. Myra
  6. A partial list of perps for both murder & cover up (very incomplete but I believe it's accurate as far as it goes): -LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON -J. EDGAR HOOVER -WILLIAM K. HARVEY -DAVID ATLEE PHILLIPS -DAVID MORALES -E. HOWARD HUNT -FRANK STURGIS -GERRY P. HEMMING -ED LANDSDALE -EDWIN ANDERSON WALKER -GENERAL CURTIS LEMAY -JOSEPH MILTEER -HL HUNT -NELSON BUNKER HUNT -BOBBY BAKER -JACK RUBY -DAVID FERRIE -CLAY SHAW -GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH -EMERY ROBERTS -JOHNNY ROSELLI -JIMMY HOFFA -RAY HARGRAVES -PENTAGON -CIA/MOB/EXTREMIST ANTI-CASTRO CUBAN EXILES -FBI -DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT -JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY -SECRET SERVICE Possible perps: -Clint Murchison -Richard Nixon -John Rousselot -J.D. Tippit -Roscoe White -Cord Meyer -James Angleton -William Pawley -John McCloy -Allen Dulles -Earle Cabell -SA Kellerman -SA Greer -Lamar Hunt -Jesse Curry -Bill Decker -Carlos Marcello -Charles Nicoletti -Sam Giancana -Eugene Hale Brading -Ted Shackley -Lucien E. Conein -Alfredo Duran -Rip Robertson -John O'Hare -Danny Arce -Boris Pash -Orlando Bosch (I need to reread Larry's book; I'm spacing on some names.) How come they couldn't go ahead and blame Cuba & invade after Ruby killed Oswald? In spite of having to log in again just to send a message... EXCELLENT LIST OF PERPS. Indeed. Interesting how we all come up with the same names. There are going to be minor variations on the list -- I'd include the back-up patsies E. Howard Hunt, Charles Harrelson, Jack Lawrence. ... Harrelson, of course. Should be on the list. So you think he was patsy fodder eh Cliff? Jack Lawrence is new to me so I'm reading about him at Spartacus.
  7. Still, you said "In a lot of places they move too soon without preparing their constinuency for the moves." If they (Jack & Bobby) moved too soon in a lot of places there should be a lot of examples. Or at least one. I'm trying to understand your point, and right now I don't. Hi Myra, I'll give this a quick bash, on the fly. RE: Civil rights specifically Ole Miss and Cuba. The Kennedy's, IMO, should have worked from the inside out to solve these problems. That is got the JCS, Military, CIA etc. on side or at least in a reasonably supportive position. Then the moves they made in Cuba etc. could have had a substantially better chance of success. In order to enact lasting changes there needs to be a consistency of message from all the parties involved. It takes time, it's difficult, but this way when the action is taken it has a better chance of lasting success. In tandem with this strategy; the electorate should be prepared for the moves, slowly and steadily. This will reduce external political pressure and prevent wavering within the political party/Government at large. Re: Sinn Fein - they were able to take 98% of the Republican movement with them in the moves for peace over a 20 year period - this included some folk who made were as mad and crazy as those 'crazy Cubans'. Each and every PM who dealt with them recognised their command of political nuance and expressed admiration. Excepting Mrs Thatcher of course who to the disappointment of many has fallen off the 'popular hit' radar. IMO the naivete of making these political moves too fast fermented many important people against them. Look, I think the what they were doing was right. I agree with their strategy. However tactically they executed this strategy with political inexperience hence naivete. The problems they tried to solve vis Cuba, Civil Rights are still a ways from being perfect, some 40 odd years later. I'd have given them (the warmongering hardline right) 'Nam for Cuba and Civil Rights - Vietnam would've drawn domestic attention off these issues and maybe allowed them to sneak in under the radar. Victory in the Vietnam war was understood to be unattainable from an early stage and I'm sure withdrawal could've been made down the line. There needs to be a quid pro quo, it's the way of the world unfortunately; you can't get something for nothing. It seemed JFK/RFK just railed against the status quo of power at every turn. The vision was one to be agreed and admired by every right thinking person. Unfortunately there was an eerie inevitability about how it would end. Being right isn't always the right thing to be. I hope this reads OK, I've just fired it off without proof reading or editing for readability. Pretty tired right now. Gary Thanks for the example Gary. The thing about civil rights is that President Kennedy and Attorney General Kennedy did not dictate the timing of the changes. The US judicial system did, usually the Supreme Court. In the case of Ole Miss, the United States Supreme Court handed down its decision on September 10, 1962 upholding James Meredith's right to admission at the University of Mississippi. At that point Ole Miss and Governor Ross Barnett were breaking the law by continuing to refuse admission to Meredith, and the president and attorney general had to enforce the law. It's in the oath of office. So when Barnett physically blocked Meredith from registering, he forced the issue and federal troops were called in. Barnett couldn't be allowed to defy the law and the constitution, and Meredith's safety had to be insured. http://afroamhistory.about.com/cs/jamesmer...mesmeredith.htm "In an interview for CNN, Meredith stated, "I was engaged in a war. I considered myself engaged in a war from Day One. And my objective was to force the federal government – the Kennedy administration at that time – into a position where they would have to use the United States military force to enforce my rights as a citizen." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Meredith He succeeded. The Kennedy administration was forced into protecting his rights at Ole Miss. The pace of the civil rights movement was dictated by the individual activists working within the US judicial system, not by the Kennedy brothers.
  8. I agree that the man in question is African American and therefore not Morales.
  9. Welcome back David. I'm thrilled with the success of Brothers. It is one of the most skillfully written, informative, and touching books I've ever read. Thank you for fighting the good fight. I do have to say that at this point, over 40 years after President Kennedy's murder, circumstantial evidence is likely all we will be able to get. Myra
  10. Whereas I see it as a serious flaw. If Talbot had stayed neutral about LBJ it would not have been a flaw. Instead, he took a stance on LBJ & painted a picture of him as an innocent victim that IMO is nothing like the real man. This portrayal of LBJ ignores his entire ruthless background--strewn with bodies and bribes. It ignores his long association with other ruthless individuals, one being hit man Mac Wallace whose fingerprint was found in the Texas School book depository. It ignores what was going on in parallel with President Kennedy's murder, i.e., the congressional investigation of Bobby Baker that would have destroyed LBJ, and it ignores the fact that LBJ was being dumped from the 1964 ticket. Ignoring context, and ignoring a man's background and criminal associates is not a virtue.
  11. Pointing out someone's complicity, which I did, is not the same as claiming they're the sole perp or mastermind. I already did that in in this thread Sterling: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...10287&st=15
  12. What do you know about the lady in the polka dot dress Jim? I didn't think anything was known about her.
  13. My list of those involved in the plot would include the following: David Sanchez Morales Rip Robertison Ted Shackley Carl E. Jenkins Chi Chi Quintero Herminio Diaz Garcia Tony Cuesta Irving Davidson John Martino William Pawley Bernardo De Torres Eladio del Valle Steve Wilson David Atlee Phillips Felipe Vidal Santiago Robert Emmett Johnson Gerry P. Hemming Henry Hecksher Roy Hargraves Tony Cuesta Ed Collins Ted Shackley Some of these people only had small roles such as moving weapons and money to the right people. Three of these men are still alive (Jenkins, Davidson and Hemming). I have biographies of them all here: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKindex.htm Thanks John. Some of the names are new to me so I need to read up. I do think the plot was wider than just the CIA/mob, so I'm also focusing on the right wing nutter faction and the pentagon--much overlap there of course. And the Dallas police, secret service.
  14. No, but I understand that the British Library in London has a policy of acquiring every book published anywhere? They have a online searchable database. One can enter key words and sort according to year for example 'fitzgerald' 'kennedy' yielded 528 results to look through. http://catalogue.bl.uk/F/129CG965B52RP9CP2...on=01---D02---A http://catalogue.bl.uk/F/?func=file&fi...e=login-bl-list advanced search page: http://catalogue.bl.uk/F/129CG965B52RP9CP2...ile_name=find-d just 'kennedy' from year 1963 to 2009 yields 5245 results Excellent John! Thank you.
  15. Hope this helps: http://www.geocities.com/jfkword/ Woah! Great resource J. Ray. Thank you!
  16. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...?referrer=email "CIA to Air Decades of Its Dirty Laundry Assassination Attempts Among Abuses Detailed By Karen DeYoung and Walter Pincus Washington Post Staff Writers Friday, June 22, 2007; Page A01 The CIA will declassify hundreds of pages of long-secret records detailing some of the intelligence agency's worst illegal abuses -- the so-called "family jewels" documenting a quarter-century of overseas assassination attempts, domestic spying, kidnapping and infiltration of leftist groups from the 1950s to the 1970s, CIA Director Michael V. Hayden said yesterday. The documents, to be publicly released next week, also include accounts of break-ins and theft, the agency's opening of private mail to and from China and the Soviet Union, wiretaps and surveillance of journalists, and a series of "unwitting" tests on U.S. civilians, including the use of drugs. "Most of it is unflattering, but it is CIA's history," Hayden said in a speech to a conference of foreign policy historians. The documents have been sought for decades by historians, journalists and conspiracy theorists and have been the subject of many fruitless Freedom of Information Act requests. ... A New York Times article by reporter Seymour Hersh about the CIA's infiltration of antiwar groups, published in December 1974, was "just the tip of the iceberg," then-Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger warned Ford, according to a Jan. 3 memorandum of their conversation. Kissinger warned that if other operations were divulged, "blood will flow," saying, "For example, Robert Kennedy personally managed the operation on the assassination of [Cuban President Fidel] Castro." Kennedy was the attorney general from 1961 to 1964. ... On edit: Oops, already reported on forum: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10295 Sorry.
  17. I am so glad you brought this up Myra, Yes there is only one Phil Ochs in this world. The writers got it wrong because Phil told me he was jumped and strangled but the thing that freaked him out the most was that they did not take his money or wallet or passport...only his knife. That my dear is a psy ops message. Phil got it. Thanks Jim. What, if anything, did Phil change about his life/career/songwriting/performing after he got the psy-ops message of the attack? Are you aware of other such attacks on prominent artists of the era? I'm starting to understand the true nature of the CIA's Operation CHAOS (for a while in conjunction with the FBI's COINTELPRO), and leaning towards believing that it targeted singers and songwriters. Then again I've long been convinced that the gov't murdered John Lennon so I don't need much convincing. June 16 - 18: The Monterey International Pop Music Festival takes place. Over 200,000 people attend. It is often regarded as the precursor to Woodstock. It likely alarms both the FBI & the CIA. David Crosby, of the Byrds, tells the crowd that the Warren Report is a lie & that JFK was killed by many guns in a conspiracy. He then dedicates a song, "He Was a Friend of Mine," to him. August: LBJ dramatically boosts CIA's illegal spying on US citizens, ongoing since 1959, so he can keep tabs on anti-war activists. The program will soon be named Operation CHAOS. FBI's COINTELPRO program is ongoing at that point.
  18. You have missed it Carl E. Jenkins, Chi Chi Quintero and Irving Davidson. Thanks John. Are those names are in addition to the ones I listed, or instead of the ones I listed?
  19. Is this the Phil Ochs you're talking about? "Phil Ochs just happened to be touring Africa when a native "robber" jumped after him and cut his throat so that it affected his singing? The most political symbol of protest against the war in Vietnam, songwriter for Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, and many others, is selected from millions of U.S. tourists for assault to his vocal chords." http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%...on%20Chaos.html
  20. Hi Kathy, Good Questions. The Photo of Bush in front of the Book Depository sure looks just like him and I found some from the Parkland Hospital that look just like him also but it is mostly from the back and just a little to the side. Jim Jim, if you are able to, could you post the photos of Bush at Parkland? Kathy I well give it a shot... Look Familiar folks? Notice the bulge above his left shoulder....It seems the cordinators had there own frequency. Now I could be leapin in logic here but When I first sent them to Gary at the 6th floor museam, he said the man was too short to be Bush. A friend of mine in Detroit calculated the height of the Police car and the curb he propbaly would be standing on and said the man was 6 feet 2" ...a match there. Then he said it was a another guy he knew but never came up with the name. He said he would ask George Bush for the museam What he was doin in Dallas when he told the FBI about the possible student threat to Kennedy when Bush says Please keep this confidential and I am on my way to Dallas". I can't recall would be typical. Jim Thanks for posting these pictures, Jim. At this time, I'm not convinced that it's George Bush Sr. I'd like others' opinions -- the photo experts. Kathy I'm not convinced it's him either. Whereas the photo of the man in front of the TSBD really looks like him.
  21. A partial list of perps for both murder & cover up (very incomplete but I believe it's accurate as far as it goes): -LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON -J. EDGAR HOOVER -WILLIAM K. HARVEY -DAVID ATLEE PHILLIPS -DAVID MORALES -E. HOWARD HUNT -FRANK STURGIS -GERRY P. HEMMING -ED LANDSDALE -EDWIN ANDERSON WALKER -GENERAL CURTIS LEMAY -JOSEPH MILTEER -HL HUNT -NELSON BUNKER HUNT -BOBBY BAKER -JACK RUBY -DAVID FERRIE -CLAY SHAW -GEORGE HERBERT WALKER BUSH -EMERY ROBERTS -JOHNNY ROSELLI -JIMMY HOFFA -RAY HARGRAVES -PENTAGON -CIA/MOB/EXTREMIST ANTI-CASTRO CUBAN EXILES -FBI -DALLAS POLICE DEPARTMENT -JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY -SECRET SERVICE Possible perps: -Clint Murchison -Richard Nixon -John Rousselot -J.D. Tippit -Roscoe White -Cord Meyer -James Angleton -William Pawley -John McCloy -Allen Dulles -Earle Cabell -SA Kellerman -SA Greer -Lamar Hunt -Jesse Curry -Bill Decker -Carlos Marcello -Charles Nicoletti -Sam Giancana -Eugene Hale Brading -Ted Shackley -Lucien E. Conein -Alfredo Duran -Rip Robertson -John O'Hare -Danny Arce -Boris Pash -Orlando Bosch (I need to reread Larry's book; I'm spacing on some names.) How come they couldn't go ahead and blame Cuba & invade after Ruby killed Oswald?
  22. 1600 pages and Bugliosi never attempts to reconcile the Single Bullet Theory with the location of the bullet holes in JFK's clothes. Fonzi knows that the clothing evidence is the Achilles Heel of the LN. He'd destroy Bugliosi in any debate. Go Fonzi! Go! The clothing evidence and the body itself. Even the post mortem plastic surgery couldn't obliterate the fact of the back and neck wounds.
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