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Myra Bronstein

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Everything posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. The trajectory of the head shot has never made sense to me either. It seems like an entry point at the right temple should result in an exit point at the left rear ("occipital" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Human_s...28bones%29.svg) instead of the right rear. This would be true even if President Kennedy was faced straight ahead, but at that point I think he was facing slightly to the left. I suppose the path thru the head could have been altered by another bullet colliding within the skull at the same time. There's been a lot of discussion about this possibility. Could the fact that it was a frangible/exploding bullet mean that there was insufficient mass for it to pass all the way through the head and instead disintegrated part way thru and blew out the right rear instead of the left rear? It's hard to discuss this without a map & diagram.
  2. You mean the North side of Elm Gil? I think the video you show focuses on a storm drain North of Elm, unless I'm really turned around.
  3. Ah, the 34 point match fingerprint. Another piece of evidence that doesn't get nearly enough attention. It's great to pull segments like this out of TMWKK 'cause few people will sit through the hours of those documentaries, but many people will commit to watching a short video. I really like the idea of making bite size pieces out of some bigger works.
  4. Myra, the same guys who backed the Greek coup backed Nixon. The CIA was pumping money into Greece to insure the country didn't go socialist. This money ended up in the hands of right-wing generals, the leader of whom had been on the CIA's payroll for years. Then..coincidence???...Nixon re-emerged on the political scene with the financial backing of a wealthy Greek-American, Thomas Pappas. In order to please his Greek-American backers, Nixon put the most prominent Greek-American, Maryland Governor Spiro Agnew, on the ticket. This is pretty much accepted history. What isn't as well known or established is that the money funding Nixon's campaign originally came from the CIA. I'm not sure if there's sufficient proof of this. While looking through a book on Greece from the early 70's, however, I did come across a reference to a large public works project--I think it was a dam--that was being built by Greek-American Thomas Pappas. As we now all know, public works projects are quite over-priced, and a lot of the money gets kicked back to corrupt politicians. The thought occurred that the U.S. was funding the Greek government, the government was paying Pappas, and Pappas was kicking the money back to Nixon, who'd arranged the funding for the Greeks. A big circle jerk, at the expense of democracy. Dick Cheney learned by the older Dick's side. Well that sure is interesting Pat, and frankly I didn't know any of it. Do you think it is related to Watergate?
  5. Yes, Knight-Ridder had the only good coverage in the lead up to the invasion. They've since been purchased... So much for them.
  6. Since we're in agreement that Salon is an uncommonly good news site, and since Talbot is clearly doing his part to shed light on the Kennedy assassinations, will you also be directing your justifiable indignation at some members of the media that haven't served us as well as Talbot Sid?
  7. David Talbot is founder, chairman and editor-in-chief of Salon.com, which I consider about the best progressive news site on the web. Based on that background, and things he's written (e.g., his review of Ultimate Sacrifice which I thought was spot on), I expect his book to be something very worthwhile for truth buffs.
  8. Interesting observation. It would be in character for Sinatra. What issue/date magazine is it Charles? Can you please give specifics. Any idea what the text on the cover says?
  9. http://www.time.com/time/magazine Goes all the way back to 1923. Dang. Random examples: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,938238,00.html "For seven stormy months Major General Edwin A. ("Ted") Walker, 51, has stood in the center of a controversy about the role that military leaders may properly play in commenting on public affairs. Last week Walker resigned from the U.S. Army—and added to the argument. The fuss began last April, when Walker was the commanding officer of the 24th Infantry Division in West Germany. Walker was accused by the Overseas Weekly, an independent, American-owned newspaper, of indoctrinating his troops with the far-right tenets of the John Birch Society. In addition, the paper charged that Walker had once publicly stated that former President Harry Truman was "definitely pink," and had pinned the leftist label on Mrs. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, former Secretary of State Dean Acheson and U.N. Ambassador Adlai Stevenson." http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,870145,00.html "Rockefeller is one of that little group of men who sit at the financial hub of the world's wealthiest nation and by their nods give the stop or go sign to enterprises from Bonn to Bangkok. They wield vast powers—and yet must correctly size up situations around the world and reckon on economic and social changes bigger than their own power to control. They cannot sit still or their strength diminishes; but when they move, they must be nimble as well as sure." http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,938657,00.html "A Senate subcommittee wanted to question Texas Oil Millionaire H. L. Hunt, 71, possibly the biggest of the Big Rich, and a man far to the right of McKinley. There were reports that he had put up the money to distribute 102,000 copies to Protestant clergymen around the nation of a violently anti-Catholic, anti-Kennedy sermon by Dallas Baptist Minister W. A. Criswell, who has the biggest white Baptist congregation in the U.S. (It is illegal to distribute a political tract without identifying the source.)" http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,875296,00.html "Dallas was shocked. Wrote the Dallas Times Herald in a Page One editorial: "Dallas has been disgraced. There is no other way to view the storm-trooper actions of last night's frightening attack on Adlai Stevenson." Texas Governor John Connally called the affair "an affront to common courtesy and decency." And Mayor Earle Cabell pointed out that the demonstrators were "not our kind of folks." http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...,929957,00.html "And now, Mr. President," continued General Butler, "I ask you to fill the vacancy which has just occurred in your Cabinet by appointing me Secretary of State." It took Mr. Roosevelt less than a minute to sign the commission. "Let it be understood," the new Secretary of State told the President, "that henceforth I will act as the nation's executive. You may continue to live here at the White House and draw your salary but you will do and say only what I tell you. If not, you and Vice President Garner will be dealt with as I think best. In that event, as Secretary of State, I shall succeed to the Presidency, as provided by law." The President nodded assent and the U. S. became a Fascist State. Such was the nightmarish page of future U. S. history pictured last week in Manhattan by General Butler himself to the special House Committee investigating Un-American Activities."
  10. Myra, I don't know when their "relationship" began, but at the time LBJ moved into the White House he was back door neighbors with Hover (literaly, not figuratively), sharing a common fence that had a gate so they could visit each other without going out onto the street. BK Ah, that's where that "neighbor" claim comes from. I was fixin' to ask about that and you saved me the trouble. Thanks BK.
  11. Can anyone share details and sources, online or otherwise, on when & how LBJ and J. Edgar Hoover met and became tight? Was it in 1948? I'm looking for elaboration on this statement: "An interesting aside, the Johnson and Hoover friendship dated back to the FBI investigation of the 1948 ballot-rigging case." http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/lofivers...x.php/t565.html Thanks.
  12. Hersh was a paid hatchet man when he wrote that book as part of the orchestrated eternal post assassination character assassination of President Kennedy. He has no credibility, and is pretty much a waste of skin.
  13. Here's a link to an article in the Washington Post from 2001 that discusses the National Academy of Sciences panel, also known as the Ramsey Panel after the physicist who headed it, that concluded in 1982 that the "shots" heard on the DPD dictabelt are just random noise. The study referred to in the article's headline is an article published in 2001 by D.B. Thomas, purportiing to show that the Ramsey Panel was wrong and the HSCA was right. I don't think there is any consensus among researchers on the issue. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A...anguage=printer Here is the Thomas presentation on the Acoustical Evidence: http://pages.prodigy.net/whiskey99/hearnoevil.htm Thanks for the links Kathy and Ron. ...But I'm gonna admit to being confused about we're even discussing. Ok, so as I look back over the thread we start out talking about whether Mack is a sincere researcher or an establishment mouthpiece. Ron says Mack believes that the acoustical evidence is valid ergo (I paraphrase) that makes him a "far out conspiracist." I point out that the HCSA, which produced the acoustical evidence, is establishment plus Mack told me the hard evidence says Oswald pulled the trigger. Ron then says the HCSA conclusions were crap. So where does that leave us? Mack believes in a gov't produced crap accoustical study and a gov't produced patsy set up therefore he is a a "far out conspiracist"? Huh?
  14. Hi, Myra How much is the seller asking for that issue LIFE Mag. Thanks. H.J. Dean It's at $6.99 opening bid (not met) right now Harry. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ADME:L:RTQ:US:1 I got a reply from the seller (below) but still haven't confirmed it has the Rockefeller/Kennedy letter exchange I'm after. Q>"Could you please tell me if pages 30-34 have material (an article or letters) related to David Rockefeller >and President John F. Kennedy? >Thank you." A>"HI,There betwin page 30 to 36 is about 4 pages of Kennedy Family with large black and white pictures. >Tks" I'll probably follow John's advice and hunt for it at the library. NOTICE Myra I just ck'd the ebay link you gave, the Canada person's LIFE Mag. is not the one I have or the one you are looking for..........The Mag. you seek {this one} has an air balloon picture on it's cover, and has the exact very interesting artical you mention. H.J. Dean Thank you Harry! I'll PM you now.
  15. Hi, Myra How much is the seller asking for that issue LIFE Mag. Thanks. H.J. Dean It's at $6.99 opening bid (not met) right now Harry. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ADME:L:RTQ:US:1 I got a reply from the seller (below) but still haven't confirmed it has the Rockefeller/Kennedy letter exchange I'm after. Q>"Could you please tell me if pages 30-34 have material (an article or letters) related to David Rockefeller >and President John F. Kennedy? >Thank you." A>"HI,There betwin page 30 to 36 is about 4 pages of Kennedy Family with large black and white pictures. >Tks" I'll probably follow John's advice and hunt for it at the library.
  16. It's the most powerful music video I've ever seen. Haunting.
  17. Does anyone have an exchange of letters printed in the July 1962 issue of Life magazine, supposedly pages 30-34, where David Rockefeller and President Kennedy were debating economic policies? Donald Gibson mentions it in "Battling Wall Street." (There's one on ebay right now but the seller hasn't told me if it has the material I'm seeking.)
  18. I believe that a government panel subsequently concluded that the HSCA was full of crap, confirming what the FBI had already concluded. I don't understand how you can characterize anything that purports to prove conspiracy to be "lock-step establishment." Anyone who can make such a statement deserves a spanking. Hey, getting a little kinky there! Kathy And high time too! Let's generate a little traffic.
  19. I believe that a government panel subsequently concluded that the HSCA was full of crap, confirming what the FBI had already concluded. I don't understand how you can characterize anything that purports to prove conspiracy to be "lock-step establishment." Anyone who can make such a statement deserves a spanking. Hah! :lol: :lol: :lol: Ironically, I do in fact deserve a spanking for everything I've ever said except the post you're responding to Ron. Mack told me that he believed that Lee Oswald pulled the trigger. That's what I call lockstep establishment. Uh, at the risk of provoking further corporal punishment, would you be so kind as to direct me to a resource where I can see when/how/etc "a government panel subsequently concluded that the HSCA was full of crap"?
  20. No doubt. Without their help he never would have been promoted.
  21. Excellent work Gil! I mean excellent. You're focusing on areas that need more attention paid: bullet hole in windshield, complicit SS. This is one of your best videos. Very powerful stuff. Glad you included the notorious Rybka stand down order from Roberts. And footage of Palamara; I've never seen that before. Read his online book of course. Yeah, Boring and Roberts; I know he suspects them strongly. I'd add Kellerman and Greer. Stealing the body from Parkland at gunpoint... how suspicious is that? And that's just the SS agents who were (IMO) in on the plot. Every one of the Cellar drinkers was, at the very least, an unwitting accessory. You packed a lot of info into this video. Boffo stuff. These must be a ton of work for you but please keep 'em coming.
  22. The Congressional HSCA concluded that acoustical evidence pointed to a conspiracy in the murder of President Kennedy. So going along with that is by no means "far out," it's lock-step establishment. FWIW here's his answer when I asked what he believes on 10/26/06: Myra>Are you personally of the opinion that Lee Harvey Oswald murdered President Kennedy, and had no accomplices? Gary Mack>Everyone who knows me knows I personally believe the HSCA acoustics evidence of two gunmen. >All known hard evidence says Oswald pulled the trigger.
  23. I must be in the Twilight Zone. From what I know about Gary Mack, he's an absolute sell-out. I guess he couldn't find something else to do for a living. His museum acquires things about the Assassination, which they squirrel away. But his biggest assassination venture was taking people for an open limo ride down Elm Street. The Ultimate Thrill. Gary discovered Badgeman. This is a cop behind the fence on the Grassy Knoll, shooting at Kennedy. HardHatMan is beside him. He has heckled a Professor talking about conspiracy in the past. He is paid to say Oswald did it alone. I don't understand why you have such admiration for him. Kathy Collins We reside in the same Twilight Zone Kathy. I consider Mack to be a prime spokesman for the establishment cover story. And an excessively aggressive one at that--repeatedly sending emails with the party line to people after being told not to, and asking that they parrot his stories on the list. If he has something legit to say I think he would be on the forum saying it, where questions can be asked and additional information revealed and an actual discussion can ensue. Instead he hides behind forum members and asks them to post for him.
  24. Which is the perfect segue into a quote from a review I found at Amazon. Always good to revive a thread like this periodically so others know who the moles are (suspected to be): ""Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency" is great reading for people who want to move beyond books about the mechanics of the Kennedy assassination. The book helps explain why the "Eastern establishment" and a lot of other influential people, might want to get rid of President Kennedy. Another book, "History Will Not Absolve Us : Orwellian Control, Public Denial, & the Murder of President Kennedy" provides additional pieces of the puzzle by explaining how the American establishment, including leading establishment liberals like Noam Chomsky and Alexander Cockburn, have worked to sell the Warren Commision's 'lone gunman' cover-up. The amazing thing about the Kennedy assassination is that, despite a lot of nonsense coming from the mainstream media, the American people know it wasn't a lone gunman and the killers didn't do us a favor." http://www.amazon.com/Battling-Wall-Street...9623&sr=8-1
  25. FWIW Mark Lane, in his fictional account of the assassination "Executive Action" (the book version) has one of the assassins coming up through a storm drain around Elm. I sorta figure Lane knows as much about the details of President Kennedy's murder as anyone.
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