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Myra Bronstein

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Everything posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. FWIW Gil, I think the trach was done at Parkland as they attempted to save the President's life. Did they enlarge it when they removed the "missile"? I didn't know that. I'm not sure what you're saying about Bethesda vs Walter Reed, but I accept the premise in Best Evidence that the body was secretly flown to Walter Reed for alteration while the casket went to Bethesda. (Is that what you're saying?) I thought the FBI (O'Neil and the other guy?) observed the throat "missile" removed at the Bethesda "autopsy." It is listed on the FBI receipt. I think it's generally accepted (again FWIW) that the bullet on the Parkland stretcher was placed there by Ruby, and is the infamous magic bullet given its pristine nature (i.e., no way it went through a gun barrel or a human body).
  2. I ran across that the other day. Johnston told the Warren Commission that in both arraignments, Oswald was remanded to the custody of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department. What was he still doing in the hands of the Dallas City Police Department 48 hours later? Steve Thomas Remaining in the hands of insiders so they could plan his execution by Ruby.
  3. Wasn't Emory Roberts rewarded with a job working for LBJ? I know it's not much of a reward, but it's something. And who knows, maybe money changed hands under the table.
  4. Hey Gil, do you know if you have any footage of Helen Thomas asking President Kennedy a question?
  5. You're a busy guy Gil. I hope you're planning on leaving your JFK videos up long term 'cause I'm linking to them, probably all of them. (Is that ok with you?) For example: http://www.jfktimeline.com/speeches/demnom...360/speech.html I want every scrap of JFK video and audio available on my jfktimeline because I think that his words are the best defense against the post assassination character assassination he's been subjected to for decades. Once someone is able to see him speak for himself without the filter of lies, they can't help but know his substance: his quest for peace, his concern for people instead of profits, his wit and decency. Footage of President Kennedy is some of the best ammunition we have to battle the propaganda. So keep 'em coming please. Do you have raw, uncut footage of any press conferences?
  6. This is one of the questions that puzzles me as well Charles.
  7. Good premise Gil. I don't think the bullet hole in the windshield gets enough attention. Question: Where do you think the shooter would have been located, if the shot is as you described?
  8. Jim, Could you please tell me what about General Taylor makes you suspicious? I'm not seeing any red flags there. Seems like he had a reasonably good relationship with both Kennedy brothers.
  9. Thanks for the gifs Greg. The Walker episode sure is interesting.
  10. http://www.mdah.state.ms.us/arlib/contents...01|1|1|1|74283| Thanks for posting this John. I hadn't known what The Councilor was.
  11. Thank you Jim. Appreciate the pointer. I'll have to read up on ol' Maxwell Taylor.
  12. I haven't looked at the links you provided Nathaniel, but I seriously doubt David Talbot would write a mob dunnit book given what he said in his review of "Ultimate Sacrifice" (the ultimate "mob dunnit" tome): "If C-Day is a stretch, the second part of the book's argument -- that the Mafia assassinated Kennedy with complete government immunity, using their inside knowledge of the top-secret plan to escape prosecution -- is even harder to swallow. Waldron and Hartmann portray a group of mobsters so brilliant and powerful they are able to manipulate national security agencies and frame one of their operatives, Lee Harvey Oswald; organize sophisticated assassination operations against JFK in three separate cities (including, finally, Dallas); and then orchestrate one of the most elaborate and foolproof coverups in history. Think of some awesome hybrid of Tony Soprano and Henry Kissinger. It is true that Santo Trafficante, Carlos Marcello and Johnny Rosselli -- the three mobsters whom the authors accuse of plotting JFK's demise -- were cunning and cruel organized crime chieftains. And they hated the Kennedys for allegedly using their services and then cracking down on them. But even they lacked the ability to pull off a brazen regicide like this by themselves. And if they did, "national security concerns" might have been enough to stop investigators like Waldron and Hartmann, but never Bobby Kennedy, whose protective zeal toward his brother was legendary. All the attorney general would have had to do was explain the national security concerns in the judge's private chambers, and once the coup plan was safely under wraps, his prosecutors would have been free to take the gloves off and go after his brother's murderers. " http://archive.salon.com/books/feature/200...iew/index1.html
  13. Has anyone else seen this site? http://www.politicalfriendster.com/ Seems like a promising resource. Right now it has a lot of gaps but some good info. Tho' it appears to be open source, so is potentially easy to corrupt. Anyway, thought it was worth a mention. People are out there connecting dots.
  14. Of course. 'Cause he's "not a flight risk." http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...;hl=flight+risk The regime's lookin' out for the old terrorist who'se served them so well.
  15. Do you have a digital camera Jim? If you're talking about a technical limitation (no scanner), I think digital cameras are great substitutes. If you're saying that you're not at liberty to share the material then that's a different story of course. I sure would be interested in anything you can share with us. I think Walker and Lemnitzer are two of the most suspicious military men, i.e., persons of interest.
  16. Holy moley, thanks John. I'd ordered The Fog of War at the library and have been sitting around waiting for it. Doh. As an aside, that McNamara sure is a hard guy to figure out. On the one hand he seems like a reasonable and sincere and decent man, firing Lemnitzer and Walker when there were clearly nuts. On the other hand he's considered the architect of the Vietnam War. I can't quite get a handle on him. Does anyone else have that problem with him?
  17. This is a fantastic thread John! I'd just started keeping my own list of videos that I was eventually going to post here, but I didn't get very far. And Gil is posting so many videos I didn't want to lose track of them. Thanks!
  18. Good links. Thanks Robin. First airing 1975. Robert Groden and Dick Gregory as commentators. According to IMDB Groden showed a bootleg copy, so presumably Time did not give permission to show it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0267183/trivia Different accounts of the airing: "Zapruder Film Broadcast on Two Occasions The American Broadcasting Corporation was the first of the television networks to seemingly break away from CIA-White House control. In the spring of 1975, after Robert Groden, Dick Gregory, Ralph Schoenman and Jerry Policoff decided to release and publicize a clear, enlarged, stop-action color copy of the Zapruder film, the ABC show hosted by Geraldo Rivera, Good Night, America, showed the film on two occasions. Rivera might have made this move against the wishes of top ABC management. Rumor had it during the summer months that he was in hot water with high level people. All doubts about ABC's position disappeared when they broadcast an assassination special during the week of November 17, 1975 that supported the lone assassin theory." http://www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/ToA/ToAchp9.html "In 1968, Life magazine hired a New Jersey film lab, Technical Animations, to make a 35mm film copy of the original Zapruder film. The lab made several copies, giving the best to Life and retaining the rejects. Technical Animations employee Robert Groden made a copy of one which he would use with an optical printer over the next six years to make versions of the Zapruder film using close-ups and minimizing the camera's shakiness. Prior to the 1969 trial of New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw for conspiracy in connection with the assassination, a copy of the film was subpoenaed from Time Inc. by New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison for use during the trial. The courtroom showings were the first time it had been shown in public as a film. Unauthorized copies of the film were made from the copy lent for the trial, and were soon being further copied and shown throughout the United States and the rest of the world. In March 1975, on the ABC late-night television show Good Night America (hosted by Geraldo Rivera), assassination researchers Robert Groden and Dick Gregory presented the first-ever network television showing of the Zapruder home movie. The public's response and outrage to that first television showing quickly led to the forming of the Hart-Schweiker investigation, contributed to the Church Committee Investigation on Intelligence Activities by the United States, and resulted in the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zapruder_film
  19. Pulling rank eh Steve? We could start such a forum, but it would probably just degenerate into endless bickering. And for the moderators it'd be the ultimate thankless task with nothing but aggravation and wasted time. No, better to stick with the topics that have proven to result in lively and harmonious discourse--swearing and spanking.
  20. Do you have the entire speech Gil? If so will you post all of it? I hope...
  21. If this is the cover letter to your resume submission you're most definitely not going to be a finalist.
  22. Is this a great forum or what? I'm simply overwhelmed by the response to my predicament. As you all know, fully half of my vocabulary consists of profanity. Therefore the new moratorium on swearing has hobbled me, and I'm in the midst of a painful period of adjustment. I'm so grateful to those who have selflessly given of themselves to suggest remedies and make accommodations for my special needs. It demonstrates how well we can function as a team, or by pairing off as some have suggested. There are so many to thank... Where to begin? Well gosh, first I'd like to thank Ron for his selfless offer, or I should say offers, given his adorable persistence. And Frank, a man so dear that he's willing to extend himself for someone he barely knows. And Terry! My soul sister Terry. Willing to fall on her sword for me, to sacrifice herself so that I may be spared. I'm genuinely touched. Both Terry and John D. said the nicest things. While that's not in the same category as Ron's and Frank's offers, it's still appreciated. And of course John S. and Antti, without whom none of this would be possible. Not to mention my muse--Kathy. Thank you all. Yet there are still more: Sid, for remembering--not actually remembering me personally but close enough. Thomas, for the sincerity that is his trademark. Thank you Greg for being the lone adult voice of reason and trying to put a stop to this absurdity. Thank you everyone else for ignoring Greg. Gary, many thanks for deftly changing the subject and almost getting me off the hook. Charles, for reminding everyone of the subject and getting things right back on track. Mark, for the wisdom you showed in deleting your post. If only we could all be that wise... Then there's William. Who took valuable time away from his activities on myspace.com to be here for me. What can I say about such generosity? That's time he'll never ever get back. As a result of this outpouring, I am inundated with offers, many more offers than I can possibly entertain. Therefore I have decided to accept resumes from candidates so I can learn more about your special qualifications. Please include a cover letter with your resume explaining why you are the right person to talk dirty to, and/or to dispense spanking. I also require three references--not immediate family members (ewwww). Finalists will be contacted. For those who are not contacted, I'll keep your resumes (that's "CV" for you Europeans) on file for 12 months. Resumes, or CVs, should be submitted to likethiswouldeverreallyhappen@inyourdreams.com. Thank you again. This gives new meaning to the phrase "hands across the world." Myra
  23. This is gold Gil. Please keep 'em coming. Thank you so much for sharing these.
  24. http://www.nilesstar.com/articles/2007/04/...ews/ndnews3.txt "Who killed Kennedy? By KATHIE HEMPEL / Niles Daily Star Friday, April 13, 2007 9:09 PM EDT NILES - As a child in second grade, Tim Smith did not understand all the intrigue surrounding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. By 1975 however, as he watched the Geraldo Rivera Goodnight America program looking into the shooting in Dallas, his interest was piqued. Tuesday, April 17, Smith, of Buchanan, will speak at Saint Mark's Catholic Church Hall in Niles to share the results of years of study on one of the most intriguing events and long-standing mysteries of the 20th century. "I firmly believe I could go into any courtroom in this country and get Lee Harvey Oswald off. There is enormous evidence and there is no evidence. The problem, the biggest frustration, is that following all roads that led out from Dealey plaza, lead nowhere," Smith said. Smith believes there are few independent scholars who have examined more evidence of that fateful day than he has. He has collected articles from the national archives and held some of the original documents and photographs. He traveled the country interviewing some of the most prominent people in the investigation. "I read everything I could get my hands on and went to conferences. I started writing articles and eventually wrote my master's thesis on the subject. I think I have interviewed nearly everyone who was anywhere near that day," he said. This is the first the long time professor at Southwestern Michigan College has spoken about his extensive research since 2003. At that time he was asked to speak at the 40th Anniversary Symposium at prestigious Duquesne University, in Pittsburgh, Pa. "Not only was it a tremendous honor but I got to meet people I had been corresponding with for years. It was like a Woodstock," he said. Asked what his most intriguing interview had been, Smith hesitates. There have been so many. "I think the most intriguing would have to have been the two or three phone interviews I had with Marina Oswald. Her English was still not that good even after all these years. A friend of mine had paved the way so that the interview could be non-confrontational and she would know it was safe to speak to me. I asked her about the famous picture of her former husband in their backyard with the rifle. About the claims that said it had been doctored. There is no doubt that she took it. She said she took a few," Smith said. ..." Uh, maybe he didn't understand her English as well as he thought?
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