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Myra Bronstein

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Posts posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. I have been asked to delete the post I was asked to post. I do my best to oblige my peers.

    Oh. That's too bad that it was scrubbed. They made strong and serious allegations against me and then removed the post without allowing me to respond.

    I guess they're just The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight.

    Regardless, I will state the facts.

    There was a coup at DPF.

    The original/Drago Coup was perpetrated by Jan Klimkowski, Magda Hassan, Charles Drago, David Guyatt, and Dawn Meredith.

    It was initiated by the sudden (understatement) promotion of Drago to Moderator over my objections and veto, and in spite of his history of abusing DPF staff and members.

    From February to the present I maintained discretion about the Drago incident to avoid embarrassing Drago. I no longer care about embarrassing Drago because the principles involved are more important.

    I tried to post this explanation after I restored the forum last Sunday but someone(s) altered then removed it, before the forum again (not my doing) was disappeared.

    I know this is long but it is background that is that is essential to understanding the Drago Coup.

    Back when the DPF had integrity our number one rule was:

    “1. You will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, hateful, harassing, threatening,...”

    However, last February 4 Drago, at the time a moderator, wrote a post that referred to a member as, among other things, a “xxxx” and a “poor, deranged cretin.” (There is no point provided a link since someone put the forum in purgatory, but the exchange is still on the forum in a locked thread.)

    [On edit: A helpful EF member sent me the link to Drago's "cretin" post and subsequent attack on me in Google cache. It can be seen at http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:033kSswzMroJ:www.deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-3057.html+%22poor,+deranged+cretin%22+site:www.deeppoliticsforum.com&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk. Thank you helpful EF member. It simple hadn't occurred to me to seek a cached version.]

    Drago's attack on a member was/is unacceptable whether it comes from a regular member or a staff member. Though the fact that it was a staff member certainly made it worse.

    And to make it EVEN worse Drago was abusing his position as a moderator to intentionally bait the member (John Bevilaqua) on the forum in an attempt to get him to explode so that he could ban him.

    After Drago attacked Bevilaqua on the forum as a “xxxx” and a “poor, deranged cretin” Bevilaqua of course responded in an angry fashion.

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Myra >

    > “I agree with David.


    > I see a thread wherein Charlie addresses JB with "You poor, deranged cretin."

    > It's not ok for a moderator/co-founder to use rhetoric, such as name

    > calling, that we don't permit members to use.

    > It's especially bad in context when Charlie goes on to point out that

    > he's "a co-founder of the Deep Politics Forum."

    > It's a terrible example.

    > And it makes us look like hypocrites.


    > Charlie please comply with the rules of the forum so we don't have to

    > moderate you.


    > And please control your temper on the forum in the future.”


    > Myra

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Myra >

    > I just read Maggie's mail and agree completely.

    > I do NOT want JB banned under these circumstances because he has been conspicuiously provoked and taunted and

    > abused.

    > DPF has been debased by this episode Charlie, and unless it's handled well starting now and starting soon we'll look like

    > petty hypocrites.


    > In general, when people are banned it should not be done in anger.

    > Anger is detrimental to a moderator.

    > Moderators must be fair and impassive.

    > If they have to count to 1000 to become impassive then they should do just that.


    > And if they can't be impassive and fair no matter how high they count then they aren't good moderator material.

    Myra >

    > All,


    > If someone doesn't apologize on forum to JB within 20 minutes I will post an apology.

    > I'd prefer that co-founders look united, not fractured.

    > But fair treatment of members is a higher priority than even that.

    And here is Drago's response to his fellow moderators:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    In spite of Drago's threat I posted an apology, under my own name, to the member Charles insulted:

    Myra }

    } “John Bevilaqua,

    } I apologize for the rhetoric directed at you in this thread. DPF staff members are expected to observe the same rules as

    } members. Name calling and verbal abuse is not acceptable. As I said recently in another thread, such abuse is inconsistent

    } with our principles at DPF. At least I hope it is...”

    In response to my apology Charles posted attacks of me on DPF:

    Drago }

    } “This apology is not offered in my name. I apologize for nothing! And I commend you, Myra, for spreading 'em for the "man"

    } who charged me -- your partner and alleged friend -- with using "Gestapo Tactics and McCarthyism Tactics." You are all

    } about fairness, aren't you?”

    } ...

    } “There you have it, Myra. You opened the sewer, and quess what spilled out? I'm just all a'twitter waiting for your next

    } apology to this ... haircut. There. I've just given you something to apologize for. You made the choice. You get "Bevilaqua."”

    In addition to revealing himself as a wee bit of a sexist, Charles attacked me repeatedly in email to others who attempted to reason with him:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    The attacks went on and on and on.

    However I was very proud of other DPF staff members because they showed backbone and integrity and put principles above personal feelings:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    I sent the following mail to the other mods:

    Myra >

    > “All minus Charles Drago as he requested,


    > I do not think that Charles has the proper temperament to be a moderator on DPF.

    > And I think he makes DPF look bad since he will not comply with the rules that members must comply with.


    > I don't know what to do about it at this point, I'm just stating what I see as two facts.

    On Feb 6 DPF made one last attempt to persuade Drago to follow forum rules and collectively sent him the following email via Jan's account:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Charles' reply was, as an editorial aside, slippery and hilarious.

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Ah the dictionary, the last refuge of the intellectually bankrupt scoundrel.

    Drago continued >

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    And he closed by making clear that he would not follow the rules against name-calling and member abuse, nor would he agree that “all members, including DPF moderators and founders, should receive identical treatment from the DPF moderators, and abide by the agreed rules of engagement.” In his own words:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    After I saw Drago's diatribe I sent the following mail to Jan, David, Magda (Dawn was out of town):

    Myra >

    > Jan, Maggie, David,


    > I'm going to recuse myself from any decisions made on this issue because of the obvious. I'm totally fine with doing that, and

    > in fact I'm at work today so have very limited time anyway.


    > I'll be ok with whatever you decide, even if it means that you'd prefer I be a DPF member instead of a DPF staff member.

    > Just do what you think is right, seriously. DPF is more important that any one personality, and I'm not grandstanding when I

    > say that.


    > I do wish Dawn was here to give input, but I think we know how she feels from yesterday's email.


    > Thanks,

    After I recused myself Jan sent the following email to me, Magda, David, AND DRAGO:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    I supposed I should have noticed then that Jan has a tendency to make major decisions on the future of DPF without bothering to allow a vote, but since I had recused myself from the decision on Charles' fate and turned my attention back to my day job, I didn't even notice.

    Jan then followed up with this:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    So on February 6 Drago was removed as a Mod after I recused myself of participation in the decision.

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Myra >

    > “I absolutely want him to have the option to stay as a member David. I was thinking the same thing. And any such change

    > would be our own private business. Whether or not he accepts is up to him.


    > Myra”

    So Charles was allowed to stay as a member because I didn't want him publicly humiliated and he asked for “the opportunity to offer [his] own farewell.”

    Editorial aside: It is true; no good deed goes unpunished.

    Oh, and he never did offer a farewell to DPF.

    So that's the back story.

    Now to...


    DECEMBER 4--As explained here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=17126&st=75,

    I discovered that Magda Hassan was using pseudonyms on DPF. I was furious.

    I sent email to Jan, Magda aka Peter Tosh aka...?, and Dawn on December 5 that said:

    Myra >

    > “I will not condone the use of a pseudonym on a forum that bans pseudonyms. I'm appalled at the hypocrisy of it. And I

    > feel betrayed.


    > Again, if Maggie does not resolve this on her own within a few hours, I will ban the Peter Tosh entity for breaking the following

    > rules:


    > 7. You agree to register on this forum with your real name as User Name, i.e., your first name and family name.


    > 13. All members, including DPF moderators and founders, should receive identical treatment from the DPF moderators,

    > and abide by the agreed rules of engagement.


    > And I will remove any posts by "Peter Tosh." If Maggie wants to re post material she can do it under her own name.


    > Sincerely,

    > Myra”

    There was a big fight over it.

    Jan's position was (no joke) that Magda's aliases had existed for two years before I discovered the fact.

    Therefore it was too late for me to object:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    This was my response:

    Myra >

    > Jan,

    > I NEVER agreed to the use of a pseudonym by a DPF staff member.

    > Find me an email where I discussed it and agreed to it.

    > I will need proof since I don't recall agreeing to it.

    > I was never aware that Peter Tosh was Maggie.

    > So the fact that the Peter Tosh pseudonym has existed for two years only

    > means that I've been deceived for two years.

    > And finally, explain how you can justify the use of a pseudonym by a DPF

    > staff member, given the following DPF rules:

    > 7. You agree to register on this forum with your real name as User Name,

    > i.e., your first name and family name.

    > 13. All members, including DPF moderators and founders, should

    > receive identical treatment from the DPF moderators, and abide by the agreed

    > rules of engagement.

    > Myra

    Dawn joined in:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    I sent an email summary as follows:

    > Ok, so clearly neither Dawn nor Myra knew about the Peter Tosh pseudonym.

    > That's 50% of DPF staff members that were unaware of another staff member

    > using a pseudonym.”

    Then I called for a vote:

    > In the future if any staff member wants to use a pseudonym they need to get explicit approval with a staff vote.

    > Can we all agree on that?

    > Myra

    Only Dawn voted “Yes.”

    Meanwhile Jan presented “evidence” of his claim that I was aware of Magda's DPF aliases. It was a two year old email I sent while on a business trip in response to a problem Magda and David were having uploading a document. Even though I was on the road and busy I wanted to assure them that I'd look into the problem when I had time. [No good deed goes unpunished.]

    Note the Peter Tosh reference two posts downstream, which I didn't even notice while hastily replying to email addressed to me regarding the attachment upload issue. I only had time to tell them that was traveling and busy. Yet this constitutes his only supposed “evidence” that I was aware of the use of staff pseudonyms on DPF. No other “evidence” was presented that staff use of pseudonyms was ever discussed/voted on/agreed to/anything.

    And that's because they were NOT discussed/voted on/agreed to.

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Ok whatever. I didn't know about the use of aliases but I calmed down and decided that I should apologize to Jan, then Magda and Dawn for my heated tone in the email discussion.

    Myra >

    > “However I think I worded this last email poorly and even inaccurately so I apologize to you for that.

    > I also apologize to you and and Maggie and Dawn for being so combative and difficult in this thread.

    > I don't think I have a good sense of perspective today.

    Then I apologized to Magda in private email.

    And then I got Jan's email response:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    To summarize the outcome of the DECEMBER 5 confrontation over my discovery of Magda's aliases:

    1 - My apologies were not good enough, AND

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    DECEMBER 5--Very ominous.

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Cliffhanger. Whatever could Jan mean???

    DECEMBER 9--Jan emails:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    [David resigned from the DPF staff immediately after the Drago debacle.]

    A unanimous vote is required for such a change. This proposal gets unanimous approval.

    DECEMBER 15--Jan emails:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    I was the first to respond:

    Myra >

    > “NO.


    > No way no how. I don't trust his intentions or his judgement.


    > However I do want to brainstorm ways to enliven the JFK section.


    > Myra”

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Myra >

    > “This is most transparent. Jan is mad at Myra so proposes bringing a

    > known enemy of Myra into the fold. There is no actual justification

    > for it because there are numerous ways to enliven the JFK section that

    > do not include giving power to CD who has already demonstrated he will

    > not obey rules.


    > If the objective is to enliven the JFK section then there are

    > countless productive ways to do that. Inviting CD back is a

    > destructive act to DPF and a transparent power play and a clear act of

    > provocation.”

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Myra >

    > “Regardless this would need to be a unanimous decision.”

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    My statement of FACT that this would need to be a unanimous decision is ignored.



    DECEMBER 16--I'm puttering around DPF and I notice---

    Drago has moderator permissions.


    Drago was made a moderator.

    Only an Administrator can do that.

    There were only two Admins: Magda and me.

    I sure as hell didn't give him moderator status.

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    Or to put it another way, DPF was “moving backward in a new fashion.”

    And the “new fashion” was that a change of significance no longer required a unanimous vote if it was a power play.

    I was not pleased.

    I was more than not pleased.

    I was freaked out.

    I changed Charles' permissions back to those of a member.

    Then I sent email to the usual suspects telling them that they stabbed me in the back.

    Myra >

    > “Jan's little pretense of bringing Chas back to spruce up the JFK section was, as I already said, a transparent way of getting

    > revenge and of accumulating opposition votes against me. Everybody instantly voted yes on bringing him back in spite of the

    > fact that Chas has treated me like xxxx and never shown the slightest remorse. CD has refused to follow DPF rules and

    > never shown any intention of doing so. He is an egotist with no integrity or judgement, which makes him a deal breaker in

    > terms of me working with him, and I think that was real clear in my NO way NO how vote.


    > This was a blatant power play on Jan's part and a political move that shows he will bring a human wrecking ball into the fold

    > just to spite me. Enthusiastically bringing my enemy back without the slightest concern for me, and for the chaos he already

    > caused in DPF, is the back stabbing I'm referring to Magda.


    > It also became clear that you guys will ignore the fact that a change of this significance should have required a unanimous

    > vote. This was a predetermined vote that was orchestrated in advance by having David in position to vote for the return of

    > CD. Jan lined up his little minions for his power play. You and Dawn went along with the power play 100%. A line was

    > drawn in the sand. And now, as a result of Jan's heavy handed tactics, DPF is gone. I observed that big decisions don't

    > have to be unanimous with this clan.


    > So I made a big decision. I pulled the plug on DPF. Our business is concluded. Kiss my ass.


    > Oh, and Happy Holidays!”

    And yep I pulled the plug on DPF. True true all true.

    Then I calmed down and realized that everyone at DPF deserved to have access to their posts. So...

    DECEMBER 19--I restored the forum 100%.

    Drago and Co were still members. [No good deed goes unpunished.]

    Then I sent the following email to Magda:

    Myra >

    > On Sun, Dec 19, 2010 at 4:48 PM, Myra Bronstein... wrote:

    > Now that DPF is back, if you and the other former mods decide to start

    > a forum or merely want access to your posts, I'll help if needed.

    > Though you should be able to access your posts on your own since

    > you're still members.

    I posted a short weird announcement 'cause I wasn't sure what the post-coup protocol was. I think the announcement is on EF somewhere.

    Then a member posted a message entitled “So...” asking, in essence, WTF?


    I posted a long explanation of the events, much like the above but not AS long.

    I then restored all DPF staff to their former status (Magda as Admin, Jan/David/Dawn as Mods).

    Drago was left as a member since his promotion to Mod went against DPF formal stated protocol.

    Shortly after that my explanation was removed by someone who is not me.

    Shortly after that my DPF login was disabled. Obviously that was done by someone who is not me.

    After that, and ever since, I was unable to access the forum.

    And now the forum software seems to be in purgatory. I don't know who disabled it or when they will restore it.

    In summation, there were multiple coups. The coups were, in chronological sequence:

    -The Drago Coup

    -The short-lived Freaked Out Myra Coup, and finally

    -The Locking Myra Out of DPF Coup (presumably sponsored The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight)

    To be very clear, I'm ok with being locked out.

    I will not partner with The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight on DPF or any other endeavor.

    I will not be a member of a forum that is run like DPF.

    And, whenever possible, I will not associate with people who demonstrate so little integrity.

  2. Having first-hand experience of Magda's ability to recall events more to her liking than reality, and seen Drago's blowhard antics, I know whose version of events I'll give credence to.

    Not to mention their misleading comments as a group and Dawn’s as an individual.

    The DPF is beginning to resemble an Ionesco play. Some one parading as me is posting there, is that you Maggie/Magda etc as are people parading as Evan, the Bug and Joan Mellen (or more likely they are the same person) there is a thread about the size of Garrison’s penis, but most of the posts are ‘Evan’ and ‘Len’ giving the finger. Maggieda Hanssan or who whoever that is, grow up.

    So now the DPF has been hacked but it wasn’t by Myra rather it was one of the ‘Gang of 5’ or one of their sympathizers. So much for their lawsuit against her.




    I wrote how much I enjoyed Charles Drago's humor. I received "the finger" from Evan. I contacted Evan with somewhat hurt feelings and he told me it wasn't him. The people who are behind stuff like that should not be allowed on anyone's forum. As for Charles, he was acting out of anger. I know how that feels. That's why he should be allowed to continue on that website. I know I'd be happy if he came back here.

    Kathy C

    Charles' "nasty temper is legendary."

  3. When it all gets sorted out, I hope Meryl Streep plays Myra in the movie. (Suggested title: "As Deep As It Gets.")

    I see Winona Ryder as Myra but with a Brooklyn accent. As far as Charles Drago, too bad Peter Sellers wasn't alive.

    Kathy C

    Janeane Garofalo!!! Janeane Garofalo must play me!

    Drago as Clouseau? Mmm, yeah I can see that:

    "My face! You've stolen my face! Give me back my face, you fiend!"

    "You'll soon be laughing at the other side of my face, my friend!"

    "He who don't know nothing, must know something, eh?"

    I can definitely see that.

  4. The most shocking part of Myra's explanation is the part about Drago and Bevilacqua not always seeing eye to eye. Shocking!

    Myra's point is surely correct. You cannot have moderators posting abusive comments about other members on the forum. I can understand her frustration when she was outvoted, but that is the way democracy works.

    That's not how the DPF democracy was supposed to work. When deciding something as substantial as a staff change (e.g., firing Drago from the moderation team or inviting David Guyatt back into the team) a unanimous vote was always required. For 2.5 years. No exception. Until Jan posed the vote to bring Drago back from purgatory. Even though I voted "no way no how" it was clear that he'd be coming back anyway.

    It was the pre-coup.

    They ignore rules when the rules hinder them from doing what they want: dusting off the abusive Drago, using pseudonyms, whatever.

    If that was the case, you were clearly in the right.

    This is <wrong> and Myra knows it It was ALWAYS a majority vote from day one. MB tried to unilaterally change the rule on 12/16. Just before she pulled the plug-her words- on DPF.

    She's in good company now. I'm sure she will begin picking fights with you all over here very soon. Her nasty temper is legendary.

    Dawn, why don't you offer evidence when you make such claims?

    You are an attorney Dawn.

    Are you truly unaware of the value of evidence?

    Or do you lack evidence?

    I am in the process of responding to the post by DPF's remaining members, and I am providing evidence as part of my response.

    When people see evidence they can make an informed decision about the events being discussed.

    It's kind of like a courtroom Dawn, with a jury.

    If you have evidence that supports your allegations, by all means post it.

    Also, from a logical standpoint why do you say "She's in good company now."

    Presumably you are referring to the EF, and you are in the very same company since you opt to post here at the EF.


  5. So all the mods were using a single fake name to make posts under?

    No matter how you try to defend doing that its still wrong

    If the post you want to make is to dangerous to make under your own name then dont make it at all

    I post under my real name on every forum, and if I post something intense then I have to take the heat for it

    I would never hide behind a fake user name

    Dean, to clarify, all DPF staff posted under, what they said were, their real names. I certainly posted 100% under my real name and have never used an alias at EF or at DPF.

    In addition to posting under their real names at least one staff member--Magda Hassan--posted under pseudonyms according to Jan Klimkowski.

    I learned this fact on December 4 when I noticed a post on DPF listing supposedly REAL NAMES and ADDRESSES of neo-nazis. It was posted by a "Peter Tosh." I was concerned about the potential libel issues of listing supposed neo-nazis on DPF, so I locked the post and added a note that I wanted to discuss it with the other mods.

    I emailed Jan, Magda, Dawn (the only other mods at the time) with the following:

    "WTF is this? "Know your fascists" posted by Peter Tosh--URGENT

    Myra Bronstein to Magda, Jan, Dawn

    Dec 4


    Is this "fascist list" acceptable on DPF?

    It has names and addresses of (presumably) real people.

    And the author--"Peter Tosh"--has long been suspect 'cause of his "name."

    Then I sent a second email to Magda, Jan, Dawn under the same "WTF..." subject line:

    "I locked the thread until we have a chance to discuss it, and posted a short vague message, both under "The Moderators" login. Hope that's ok. Nothing will actually be done/irreversible until we discuss and vote.

    I think the thread should remain, the posts should be edited to remove the names, and Peter Tosh should be warned and maybe banned."

    After a few minutes Jan sent the following email:

    On edit 1/02/11, Myra:

    Email quotes are being removed so that EF will not be targeted by current DPF staff members.

    The full body of evidence is being assembled at http://deeppoliticsforum.info.

    At that point, with the disclosure that 'Peter Tosh' was one of Magda's pseudonyms I got MAD, given the fact that DPF had the following rules:

    7. You agree to register on this forum with your real name as User Name, i.e., your first name and family name.

    13. All members, including DPF moderators and founders, should receive identical treatment from the DPF moderators, and abide by the agreed rules of engagement.

    Rule #13 is the “Drago rule.” We were forced to add it last February after Drago became verbally abusive with members, calling one member a “xxxx” and a “poor, deranged cretin,” in spite of another rule forbidding such abuse. That is also when he was asked to leave the staff but was allowed to remain a member so he could "save face."

  6. The most shocking part of Myra's explanation is the part about Drago and Bevilacqua not always seeing eye to eye. Shocking!

    Myra's point is surely correct. You cannot have moderators posting abusive comments about other members on the forum. I can understand her frustration when she was outvoted, but that is the way democracy works.

    That's not how the DPF democracy was supposed to work. When deciding something as substantial as a staff change (e.g., firing Drago from the moderation team or inviting David Guyatt back into the team) a unanimous vote was always required. For 2.5 years. No exception. Until Jan posed the vote to bring Drago back from purgatory. Even though I voted "no way no how" it was clear that he'd be coming back anyway.

    It was the pre-coup.

    They ignore rules when the rules hinder them from doing what they want: dusting off the abusive Drago, using pseudonyms, whatever.

  7. I believe the term is libel, since the conversations are in text format.

    But my lips move when I read which makes it sort of a quasi-slander.

    Luckily I can back up what I have said about Magda since I kept her e-mails to me, and mine to her.

    Do you know if that's her real name?

  8. I can't help but think how the events at the DPF mirror the 9-11 movement, like many of the various "XXXX for 9-11 Truth" groups. They cannot tolerate dissent - even amongst their own. They seem incapable of co-operating despite having differing views, and so split off into splinter groups.

    You don't have a clue what you are talking about.

    Legal constraints prevent me from detailing exactly what occurred

    but there are NO "splinter groups". One person attempted a coup.


    It is that simple.

    When our lawyers tell us it is ok we will make a joint statement.

    The rest of us are co-operating just fine, which I am sure you are delighted to hear.

    Happy Holidays,


    No splinter groups? Terry Mauro was booted early on. Charles Drago was booted February of this year and just managed to connive his way back in thanks to a lack of quality control. There was and is massive dissension. Your huffing and puffing and bluffing are comical.

  9. I know from personal experience that Drago is dishonest. He once insisted that I edit a post where I had quoted him in the Political Conspiracies forum and then when I did he claimed in a post here (the JFK forum) that I had done so to “cover [my] tracks” omitting that I had done so pursuant to his demand. So I don’t believe a word he says. My guess based on Bill telling us a member told him something else is going on, Dawn’s cryptic post and the fact that the same message is still up is that the forum was dissolved due to a disagreement among the administrators and Drago simply lied rather than admit that. Given the immaturity and paranoia of the founders it is not hard to imagine some minor dispute leading to such an ignoble end.

    Even if it was the victims of hackers I see no reason to assume it was due to the `forces of darkness’ hackers attack sites including mainstream ones all the time. Even if they were targeted I find it hard to feel any sympathy it was formed specifically to exclude people with differing views and Drago especially made no secret of his contempt of the speech rights of those who begged to differ with his world view. Other than humor value I never saw anything of value posted there.

    DiEugenio was is the basis for your belief that they were mirroring Wikileaks? I doubt they had the bandwidth.


    The Deep Politics Forum is wholly dedicated to free speech. Contrary to recent vitriolic speculation, it hosts a full Wikileaks mirror and is proud to do so. The costs involved in running the DPF and its Wikileaks mirror, are entirely borne by the forum's founders - although donations are always welcome - but membership is and will always remain free. As a point of principal we are an advertising-free forum and will always remain so.

    We will not be making any further statements on the EF about the hacking we have suffered.


    Thanks to those interested in truth.

    DPF never solicited, welcomed, or accepted donations Dawn. Didn't you get the memo?

  10. I went through this already Bill.

    You still want to make the claim, like Colby, that somehow there was a giant ruse put out by Charley etc, to mask something.

    If you insist on ignoring everything I wrote then fine. That is your choice.

    But I would not want to linked with Colby on this board.

    I accept Dawn's most recent explanation that it was a one person coup and a hijacking of the forum.

    If that's the bottom line then the other speculations are out the window, including the allegation of a Wikileaks hackjob.

    And I never said there was a giant ruse put out by anybody, I just questioned the allegation of a Wikileaks hackjob,

    which turned out not to be true.

    I just don't like the idea of anyone pretending something is one way when knowing in fact it is quite another.


    I will post this one last time: No one pretended anything. For legal reasons we could not get into the details.

    This is still the case. Why are you all having such a hard time understanding this? Myra attempted a hostile coup and we are in legal consults now. What she did was both illegal criminally and in violation of copyright law.

    When we are free to speak -legally free and in other ways- a joint statement from DPF will be posted. Until then this is my final word on the matter.


    You're an attorney, right Dawn?

    So you should know not to slander me.

    Especially given that you are wrong.

    I pulled the plug on the forum exactly as I told you I did, for the reasons I explained in email to you.

    I then had the forum restored, immediately sent email to Magda explaining it was back up, and invited the five of you--since you five were still members--to come back and/or start another forum.

    Next I posted an explanation of the episode on DPF in the interests of full disclosure.

    Today I noticed that explanation had been removed and my account had been partially disabled.

    In other words the forum had been hacked. And since I didn't do it I can only speculate at who did. Don't want to slander anybody...

    I managed to restore part of the explanation, which has been reproduced here.

    I have no idea who I have been working with at DPF.

    The person who goes by the name of Jan recently said in email, after I asked who DPF member Peter Tosh was:

    “I think Peter Tosh is one of Magda's pseudonyms.”

    "One of..."

    I still don't know what other pseudonyms she uses on a forum forbidding use of pseudonyms.

    That made me remember that a few months ago she hinted that Magda Hassan wasn't her real name.

    I asked her if she was joking but she never responded.

    Again, I have no idea who I have been working with.

    Whoever they are they refuse to follow the same rules they expect members to follow.

    I find that intolerably hypocritical.

    I want DPF members to know about this hypocrisy.

    I think they deserve better.

  11. Peter,

    There is the school of that that you are being set up and goaded so that there is justification for kicking you off this forum.

    In any event, I can't understand why you are intent on winning a card game with a deck that is stacked against you by the dealer. It doesn't matter that you're a great card player; they're dealing from the bottom of the deck.

    So why stress? Anyone who can't see the dirty dealing isn't paying attention.

  12. Hi EvanS, nice of y'all to visit us so regularly at DPF.

    Just thought I would bring it to your attention that some fellow by the name of Evan Marshall over here does not have the required photo. Naturally I am shocked (SHOCKED) at this since most are not allowed to post here without one. Yet this version of Evan (Evan 2.0) is allowed to post without a photo.

    If you need help photoshopping pictures so that "Evan Marshall" can have something to upload, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Y'all know where to find us.


  13. Greetings, Fellow Travelers,

    I'm checking in on a friend's computer.

    Let's see how long this stays up.

    Charles R. Drago

    The fact that Drago can logon on normally from another computer pretty much confirms Andy's explanation that his problems are due to his computer rather than his account. Odd that he seems to think otherwise.

    Hey there Len! Did you see this fascinating thread?


    "Conspiracy of Big Tobacco Companies - 100 Years of Deceit, They KNEW Smoking Was Addictive & Caused Cancer!"

    Do you have any thoughts on the subject?

  14. Peter,

    Here's an easy one: How about Big Tobacco's conspiracy to hide the health risks associated with nicotine consumption -- at an estimated cost of 100 million lives through this century?

    This one surely can be acknowledged by all but those who, for any number of reasons, feel a kinship with the conspirators.

    Giving new definition to the term "smoking gun," I should say.


    By those who feel a kinship or have a literal kinship.

    Agreed Len? You son of a (smoking) gun.


  15. Just amazing how fast and how much this thread was hijacked.

    Many of those who left this forum did so because they were BANNED.

    AFAIK none of the founders of the DPF were banned, but left of their own volition. Like the rest of them you have difficulty getting your facts straight

    my-o-my, ol' Len knows a lot concerning the inner workings of this here Ed forum doesn't he... Getting facts straight, hmmm? Doesn't that rely on some sort of interpretation of said facts? And doesn't that lead the one doing the interrupting of said facts to conclude: here we are again, personal *opinion* concerning said facts?

    and fwiw keeping to the thread topic -- there are but few JFK assassination researchers (narrowly defined subject specialists) left on this forum. (I understand, initially, we were invited here to get the numbers (aka *hits*) up. Which is fine. But lets be realistic, what's left here, after 5 years, are data gatherers and disinfo specialists.

    Best internet based "political" (local/regional/world) researchers by far, are located at the Deep Politics Forum. (unlike me, all can pen quite a few back-to-back paragraphs)

    I'm still trying to figure out who, and what function the dude with the bow-tie provides (if anything) around here? He the money guy? Or is that Bill Miller?

    omg, this is the best post i have read here in so long. lmao.

    (ok andy, i'll leave now)


    It's a boffo post. It's so funny it brought me back from the dust bin of history just to say:


    "Puff puff puff and if you smoke yourself to death..."

  16. Been researching the regime since the 2000 coup. While looking into that I realized that the klan that seized power by killing President Kennedy on November 22, 1963 is the same klan that siezed power in 2000--BFEE. But of course they didn't do it alone. Thus the research.

  17. This is not just any representative.

    This is the ONE house member who opposed certifying President Bush's re-election because of blatant voting fraud in her home state in 2004.

    Seemingly an arch rival of the BFEE.


    "EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio - Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, the first black woman to represent Ohio in Congress and a strong critic of the Iraq war, died Wednesday after a brain hemorrhage, a hospital spokeswoman said.

    Tubbs Jones, 58, died Wednesday evening of a brain hemorrhage caused by an aneurysm that burst and left her with limited brain function, said Eileen Sheil, a spokeswoman for the Cleveland Clinic, which owns the Huron Hospital in East Cleveland where Tubbs Jones died.

    "Throughout the course of the day and into this evening, Congresswoman Tubbs Jones' medical condition declined," Sheil said in a statement from the clinic and Tubbs Jones' family.

    The liberal Democrat, first elected in 1998, suffered the hemorrhage while driving her car in Cleveland Heights Tuesday night, said Dr. Gus Kious, president of Huron Hospital. The car went out of control and crossed lanes of traffic before coming to a stop, police said. An officer found the ailing lawmaker.

    A brain aneurysm is a bulge in an artery in the brain. It can leak or rupture, causing bleeding in the brain.

    Several news organizations, including The Associated Press, had reported earlier in the day that Tubbs Jones had died. That report, citing a Democratic official, was corrected a few minutes later when a hospital official held a news conference to say she was in critical condition.

    Tubbs Jones represented the heavily Democratic 11th District and chaired the ethics committee in the House. She was the first black woman to serve on the powerful Ways and Means Committee, where she opposed President Bush's tax cuts and his efforts to create personal accounts within Social Security.

    Tubbs Jones was a firm supporter of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton during the primaries until throwing her support behind Sen. Barack Obama in June. She was to have been a superdelegate at next week's Democratic National Convention in Denver.

    The Clinton family released a statement saying they shared a friendship with Tubbs Jones that "deepened through every trial and challenge."

    "Over the course of many years, with many ups and many downs, Stephanie was right by our side — unwavering, indefatigable," the statement said. "It was that fighting spirit ... that allowed Stephanie to rise from modest beginnings, to succeed in public service, to become a one-woman force for progress in our country."

    Obama called Tubbs Jones "an extraordinary American and an outstanding public servant."

    "It wasn't enough for her just to break barriers in her own life. She was also determined to bring opportunity to all those who had been overlooked and left behind — and in Stephanie, they had a fearless friend and unyielding advocate," Obama said in a statement.

    Democratic U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich, who also represents Cleveland, was visibly upset Wednesday night when he left Huron Hospital. He held the hand of his wife, Elizabeth, as he recalled Tubbs Jones' energy and spirit.

    "She poured her heart and soul into her job," Kucinich said. "She worked so hard and gave everything she could. I'm devastated. Wherever we'd go, we'd speak of each other as brother and sister. It's an incalculable loss."

    Tubbs Jones was a passionate opponent of the Iraq war, voting in 2002 against authorizing the use of military force.

    Just as the war was starting in March 2003, she was one of only 11 House members to oppose a resolution supporting U.S. troops in Iraq. She said she did so because the resolution connected Iraq to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and said Iraq poses a continued threat to the United States.

    Neither of those claims had been proved, she said, adding that was why the United States couldn't persuade the United Nations to support an attack.

    In 2005, Tubbs Jones opposed certifying President Bush's re-election because of questionable electoral results in her home state.


  18. From the Ford/FBI/Warren Commission thread:

    ..... I am probably incorrect in resurrecting a distant and fading memory that says that Ford was a Rockefeller gofer...

    From Thy Will Be Done:

    Although Gerald Ford had testified during his own confirmation hearings for the vice presidency in late 1973 that he would not run for reelection if he succeeded Nixon, by 1975, Ford's desire

    for election in his own right had grown. Nelson watched this development with concern. He had expected to succeed Ford; now he was not sure Ford would not bend to pressure from the right

    wing of the Republican party and seek a running mate more to their liking. Nelson knew that California's Ronald Reagan was busy building a challenge in the Bible Belt. However, he underestimated Reagan,

    considering him a "lightweight." Ford's political advisors took Reagan more seriously.

    The authors go on to describe how Ford, with the help of Rumsfeld and Cheney, got Rockefeller to withdraw his name from the ticket in 1976. Shortly after, Ford purged Rockefeller power from the cabinet,

    firing Kissinger, Schlesinger, "and weakened another Rockefeller like-thinker, George Bush, by appointing him head of the scandal-ridden spy agency." According to the authors:

    Nelson would always claim that his removal from the 1976 Republican ticket was a deliberate effort to sabotage Gerald Ford's presidency. He saw Rumsfeld leading the Nixon wing and allying it with the Far Right,

    backing Reagan to stop the Rockefeller wing of the party and bring down Ford in the process. Rumsfeld's move in the Pentagon to take Schlesinger's place as defense secretary would not remove his influence on

    the White House. Rumsfeld kept in daily touch with his his successor as White House chief of staff, Dick Cheney.

    Rockefeller had met with Ford and offered to become Ford's chief of staff and run the cabinet while Ford campaigned. Ford declined the offer. Rockefeller became exiled from politics and turned to setting his financial empire in order.

    A few short years later, he was dead.

    (To BK: Magnolia Oil was not mentioned in the index)

    Thanks for posting this excerpt Mike.

    Clearly this book will help us see the bones under the skin.

    Nathaniel should get a finder's fee, or be voted employee of the month--or the forum equivalent, or something.

    It's a FIND.

  19. You know, Rocky really was involved up to his neck, not only in South America, the Rocky Commission, and in oil generally, but specifically with his company's ownership of Magnolia Oil Company, which has a few very tight connections to the JFK assassination.

    Jim Braden's partner Victor Perria (sp?) married a rich Dallas widow, a Mrs. Little, whose husband was one of the top founders or partners in Magnolia.

    Braden then moved in with them in their Turtle Creek home, not far from Walker's place and the Egyptian Lounge.

    It was pretty obvious they were con men bilking the rich widow, and Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker had Braden picked up and run out of town as a vagrant with no visible means of support. The resulting press gave Braden and VP the nickname the "Honeymooners."

    Decker had probably forgot about that incident on 11/22/63 when Braden was picked up as a suspicous person leaving the Dal Tex building by Dallas deputy sheriff Lummie Lewis.

    LHO, the patsy and fall guy, was set up at the TSBD by Mrs. Paine, who met the Oswalds in February 1963 at a party at the home of some Magnolia Oil employees, including Volkmar Schmidt, who got his job with Magnolia in Germany, and Everett Glover, who met Michael Paine at a Unitarian Church folk dancing session.

    Other Magnolia Oil people were at the party, including Betty McDonald (not the stripper), and the son of a Radio Free Europe executive.

    At some point after Mr. Little was associated with Magnolia, the company was purchased by Rockefeller's Oil company and merged with Exon Mobil, now the most profitable company in the world.

    It would be interesting to know if Rocky himself had any personal dealings with the Magnolia branch of his company, which I believe, was based in North Jersey.

    Is there any mention of Magnolia Oil in the book?



    Great post BK. You're connecting a lot of dots.

    The more I learn about the Paines the more I want to learn.

  20. Good lord, it's a thousand pages!

    Should take you about a day and a half to read it with comprehension, Myra. Glad to see you posting occasionally. Hope you consider doing so a little more frequently.

    My copy was ex-libris. Sad that so many important works are disappearing from library shelves.

    Yeah I finished the book today.

    ... Ok, not really.

    But I appreciate the vote of confidence Mike.

    Maybe your ex library book was available because they got a new copy.

  21. Long (long) article From Harpers on the science of contagious and transmissible cancer. The main animals studied are Tasmanian devils, where tumor cells can be spread by bites. And the population is thought to be so inbred that the animals' immune systems don't kick in because they don't recognize cancer cells from another devil as a foreign invader.

    No telling whether Ruby died from a toxin or an injection of cancer, but it's becoming clear that prospect of a deadly cancer injection is not far fetched.


    "The case of the Syrian hamster is more complicated. This tumor arose around 1960, when researchers at the National Cancer Institute, in Bethesda, Maryland, performed an experiment in which they harvested a naturally occurring sarcoma from one hamster and injected those cells (as cancer scientists often do) into healthy animals. When the injected hamsters developed malignancies, more cells were harvested. Each such inoculation-and-harvest cycle is called a passage. The experiment involved a dozen such passages, and over time the tumor began to change. It had evolved. The later generations, unlike the first, represented a sort of super tumor, capable of getting from hamster to hamster without benefit of a needle.


    The phenomenon of transmissible tumors isn’t confined to canines, Tasmanian devils, and Syrian hamsters. There have been human cases, too. Forty years ago a team of physicians led by Edward F. Scanlon reported, in the journal Cancer, that they had “decided to transplant small pieces of tumor from a cancer patient into a healthy donor, on a well informed volunteer basis, in the hope of gaining a little better understanding of cancer immunity,” which they thought might help in treating the patient. The patient was a fifty-year-old woman with advanced melanoma; the “donor” was her healthy eighty-year-old mother, who had agreed to receive a bit of the tumor by surgical transplant. One day after the transplant procedure, the daughter died suddenly from a perforated bowel. Scanlon’s report neglects to explain why the experiment wasn’t promptly terminated—why they didn’t dive back in surgically to undo what had been done to the mother. Instead, three weeks were allowed to pass, at which point the mother had developed a tumor indistinguishable from her daughter’s. Now it was too late for surgery. This cancer moved fast. It metastasized, and the mother died about fifteen months later, with tumors in her lungs, ribs, lymph nodes, and diaphragm.

    The case of the daughter–mother transplant and the case of the Syrian hamsters have one common element: the original sources of the tumor and the recipients were genetically very similar. If the genome of one individual closely resembles the genome of another (as children resemble their parents, and as inbred animals resemble one another), the immune system of a recipient may not detect the foreignness of transplanted cells. The hamsters were highly inbred (intentionally, for experimental control) and therefore not very individuated from one another as far as their immune systems could discern. The mother and daughter were also genetically similar—as similar as two people can be without being identical twins. Lack of normal immune response, because of such closeness, goes some way toward explaining why those tumors survived transference between individuals.

    Low immune response also figures in two other situations in which tumor transmission is known to occur: pregnancy and organ transplant. A mother sometimes passes cancer cells to her fetus in the womb. And a transplanted organ sometimes carries tiny tumors into the recipient, vitiating the benefits of receiving a life-saving liver or kidney from someone else. Cases of both kinds are very rare, and they involve some inherent or arranged compatibility between the original victim of the tumor and the secondary victim, plus an immune system that is either compromised (by immuno-suppressive drugs, in the organ recipient) or immature (in the fetus).

    Other cases are less easily explained. In 1986, two researchers from the National Institutes of Health reported that a laboratory worker, a healthy nineteen-year-old woman, had accidentally jabbed herself with a syringe carrying colon-cancer cells; a colonic tumor grew in her hand, but she was rescued by surgery. More recently, a fifty-three-year-old surgeon cut his left palm while removing a malignancy from a patient’s abdomen, and five months later he found himself with a palm tumor, one that genetically matched the patient’s tumor. His immune system responded, creating an inflammation around the tumor, but the response was insufficient and the tumor kept growing. Why? How? It wasn’t supposed to be able to do that. Again, though, surgery delivered a full cure. And then there’s Henri Vadon. He was a medical student in the 1920s who poked his left hand with a syringe after drawing liquid from the mastectomy wound of a woman being treated for breast cancer. Vadon, too, developed a hand tumor. Three years later, he died of metastasized cancer because neither the surgical techniques of his era nor his own immune system could save him."

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