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Myra Bronstein

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Posts posted by Myra Bronstein

  1. It is starting to look as though the govt didn't want to have to pay out more millions, as they had to for Mr. Hatfill, so have decided to 'solve' the case by pinning everything on Ivins. The question now becomes 'was he suicided'?

    I think a live patsy is a very dangerous thing. That's been the conventional wisdom in the USA since 1963.

  2. This is the best book ever. Its is so good that I will spare you my traditional hyperbole. It's not going to work.

    I should say that the full title is

    Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil

    I will soon be typing some examples of new things I learned from this book. I read it as a break from JFK reading. Turned out the whole thing was about the JFK assassination> wide angle.

    Has anyone else read this?

    The authors are Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett.

    I ordered it from Amazon. Been looking for material on the Rockefellers link to President Kennedy. Thanks Nathaniel.


    Now are there any cheap books you'd like to recommend?

  3. James Douglas includes some new angles on some witnesses, some of which I'm still not conviced of yet.

    Such as the man in the doorway is Oswald, based what former USMC bunkmate Bothello told him - Oswald had a habbit of pulling down on his t-shirt colar so it was real loose.

    Bothello also said a lot of other important things, but that's a new one on me.

    Can somebody post a close up of the man in the doorway?



    You know, I'm pretty much convinced that its Lovelady and not Oswald in the doorway, mainly because of the other photo of Lovelady from the rear, his head having a bald spot, that Oswald does not.

    Other James Douglas stories pan out and provide additional leads worth pursuing, like Wayne January's story of selling a cargo plane to a CIA airline and a pilot/Col. telling him that JFK was going to die within an hour of it happening. That airline can be identified and airplanes, like cars and boats, have records.


    It's Lovelady in the doorway.

    Unless the photo was tampered with.

  4. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/157075755...ASIN=1570757550

    Does anyone know anything about this upcoming book? I like the title. After a whole generation has been trained to remove the assassination from history by magazines typing the words conspiracy thoery, it IS necessary to say why it matters, especially for those forty years and younger. It is absured that this should be in need of emphasis and is in further testimony that we are all living in Orwell's liver. Got a light?

    Apparently in 1998 the author wrote a 17-page pamphlet entitled: Compassion and the Unspeakable in the Murders of Martin, Malcolm, JFK, RFK.


    Charles Drago started a thread about it here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mp;#entry140562

    More info here: http://portinexile.blogspot.com/2008/03/jf...books-4308.html

    Please let us know what you think if you read this book Mike.

    I'll do the same.

  5. My friend Joe Martin has informed me that there is a YouTube video of author James W. Douglass, speaking about his new book, "JFK and the Unspeakable."

    Joe notes that it was recorded on June 6th, 2008, not May 6th, as the video says.

    I had the pleasure of hearing James Douglass a few months prior to this in Denver. The YouTube video is worth watching.

    John Kelin

    That is amazing.

    Clearly his book is a must read.

    Thank you for the link John.

    As a minor point, he flicks away the Bug with a very terse, yet gentlemanly, aside in response to the first question. I quite enjoyed that.

    Back to the major point, he looks at The Crime in a way I never considered--that essentially President Kennedy saved us from the worst case scenario of nuclear war, and for that we should be grateful. Whereas I consider the MIC's success in liquidating Kennedy to be the worst case scenario realized. Darkness extinguishing the light.

    Perhaps Douglass is right. And it's certainly refreshing, to say the least, to see someone speak the unspeakable truth in a relatively uplifting way.

  6. The tv crawl just stated that Ivin's therapist was 'deathly afraid' of him. She was supposed to testify soon in the investigation.

    Yes, well, a whole back story is being concocted.

    I'm guessing that someone in Ivin's position, a gov't scientist working on deadly bio-weapons, had to have high level security clearance.

    Yet he was supposedly a thundering homicidal loony blathering about killing people as long ago as 2000?


    ... 'Kay.

  7. "Ivins died Tuesday at Frederick Memorial Hospital in Maryland. The Times, quoting an unidentified colleague, said the scientist had taken a massive dose of a prescription Tylenol mixed with codeine."


    The method of the reported "suicide" (who the hell chooses a slow, painful, uncertain demise if they want to snuff it?) is beyond bizarre and very unlikely. This fact leaves me wondering if the "suicide" story being reported is intentionally lame and transparent, possibly as a caveat to those who might oppose the regime.

    For more background on my line of reasoning read Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine."

    Shock and awe shock and awe...

    Remember the Tylenol Murders?



    Tylenol Terrorists:




    Are you suggesting the MIC was behind the lacing of tylenol with cyanide?

    If so I'm unclear on the motive. Typically when the gov't intentionally spooks the herd (shock and awe) the motive is to make people afraid of speaking or acting out against the regime lest they be charged as "enemy combatants."

    For example, making no attempt to hide torture sends a message to the sheeple to stay in line or else.

    What was the intended outcome if the MIC was behind the tylenol episode?

  8. "Ivins died Tuesday at Frederick Memorial Hospital in Maryland. The Times, quoting an unidentified colleague, said the scientist had taken a massive dose of a prescription Tylenol mixed with codeine."


    The method of the reported "suicide" (who the hell chooses a slow, painful, uncertain demise if they want to snuff it?) is beyond bizarre and very unlikely. This fact leaves me wondering if the "suicide" story being reported is intentionally lame and transparent, possibly as a caveat to those who might oppose the regime.

    For more background on my line of reasoning read Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine."

    Shock and awe shock and awe...

  9. A friday in August...could you pick a better ashtray for a one day news event? By monday this story will already be the X-Files.

    Good observation Nathaniel.

    After all:

    "From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in August."

    --White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, in 2002, after he was asked why the administration waited until after Labor Day to try to sell the American people on military action against Iraq.


    I had merely noticed that it was late in the Bush/Cheney regime and they are tying up loose ends.

    But you are absolutely right.

    I'm very glad to see this thread here because the link is obvious.

    Dead patsies are so convenient.

    Especially if they are tried and convicted postmortem in the media.

    That seems to be SOP.

    Maybe Mark Lane will step forward to defend Mr. Ivins as well.

  10. Here are some parallels between the JFK assassination and 9/11 that come to mind after reading Scott's article. Others could be added, and I'm sure that some are more significant than others. It could be said that some indicate standard MO (e.g. Federal Bogus Investigations, the CIA withholding evidence on anything it can, and the mainstream media supporting the official story).


    JFK: Rose Cheramie, Santo Trafficante; Oxnard, CA and Cambridge, England phone calls minutes before the shooting.

    9/11: Numerous warnings to Washington; email warning to Israeli-owned Odigo office in NYC on morning of the attack.

    Manner of attack

    JFK: Multiple shooters with rifles, perhaps with silencers and radio coordinated.

    9/11: Multiple attacks with planes, perhaps remotely controlled.

    Security stripping

    JFK: Reduction and moving back of motorcycles by Secret Service, removal of DPD homicide car from motorcade by SS, inaction of SS agents, helping assure that shooters reach target.

    9/11: No FAA hijack coordinator on duty, NORAD war games in progress, inaction by top defense officials (Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers during attacks), helping assure that planes reach targets.

    Suspicious routing

    JFK: Motorcade routed down Houston and Elm Streets and past TSBD instead of going straight down Main.

    9/11: Flight 77 just happens to hit Pentagon in its least vulnerable spot, minimizing DOD casualties and not endangering Rumsfeld.


    JFK: Oswald framed, including use of Oswald impersonators; Oswald perhaps a participant in the plot (not knowing its real intent and that he was to die); one report of Oswald “lost luggage” found at Mexico City airport. Oswald named as perpetrator of the crime by nightfall.

    9/11: Some hijackers framed through stolen identities, others (identified by “lost luggage” at airport, miraculously surviving passport etc.) participants in the plot (perhaps not knowing they were to die). Osama bin Laden named as perpetrator of the crime by nightfall.

    Vice Presidential security

    JFK: Secret Service gives Johnson more protection than JFK during shooting.

    9/11: Secret Service gives Cheney more protection than Bush during attacks.

    Assuring desired outcome

    JFK: Possible body alteration, to show all shots from behind.

    9/11: Possible controlled demolition, assuring spectacular collapse of both towers.

    Manipulation/destruction of evidence

    JFK: Oswald rifle not the murder weapon; limo taken away and refurbished; witness statements and testimony altered; Oswald note destroyed; botched autopsy; at least one autopsy photo (back of head) altered; FBI not following leads; CIA withholding of information on Oswald; records still being withheld.

    9/11: Airliner possibly not the weapon used at Pentagon; steel from buildings promptly taken away and recycled; FAA tape by flight controllers destroyed; FBI not following leads; CIA withholding of information on two key hijackers; part of congressional report on 9/11 suppressed and still being withheld.

    Whitewash “investigations”

    JFK: The Warren Commission, composed of Johnson-picked members with conflicts of interest including at least two suspects (Dulles and McCloy) in the crime, failing to interview many important witnesses, and with the foregone conclusion that Oswald acted alone; HSCA, thwarted in rubber-stamping WC conclusion only by late acoustical evidence, and officially lying about medical evidence.

    9/11 Commission: Established only after long resistance and foot-dragging by the administration; rife with and controlled by conflicts of interest (e.g. Zelikow); failed to even ask many questions that remain unanswered.

    Suspicious deaths

    JFK: Too many to list.

    9/11: Bush family babysitter (murdered by a car); John O’Neill, troublesome (former) FBI agent who died as new WTC security chief.

    Conspicuous survivors

    JFK: Vice President Johnson avoided prison and being dropped from ticket.

    9/11: Bush cousin moved scheduled 9/11 meeting in WTC to another building before the attack; leaseholder Larry (“pull it”) Silverstein not in tower as usual that morning because he said his wife made a doctor’s appointment for him and insisted that he keep it.

    Cover-up of any government complicity

    JFK: Mainstream media supports lone nut theory to this day, with conspiracy theories marginalized.

    9/11: Mainstream media supports official conspiracy theory to this day, with other conspiracy theories marginalized.

    Dang Ron. your list of parallels is so excellent I had to come back from the dead to give you props.

    BTW, FWIW, I think tying these two massive government crimes together is an important strategic hook in getting people to see what's in front of them.

  11. For two very good reasons I am obliged to break my self-imposed public silence on the JFK assassination and address the theme of this thread.

    (Before I go into detail, let it be noted for the record that, since the early 1990s, I have thought of Vince Palamara as a friend as well as a comrade in arms. We've enjoyed many important [to me, at least] conversations on the subject of Secret Service culpability and related issues, and I'll never forget the impact of Vince's initial screening, to a JFK Lancer audience in Dallas, of the footage he discovered of Henry Rybka being ordered to stand down at Love Field. For now, the friendship remains intact. But Vince will forgive me if I look elsewhere for someone to watch my six.)

    Reason One: Within just a few weeks of its publication, Vince phoned me to ask if I'd had the chance to read Case Closed. I responded in the affirmative, and then proceeded to offer what amounted to a brief but, if I may say so, absolutely sound expose of just a few of the near-countless fatal flaws in Posner's confused and/or criminal (see below) presentation. Here's the important part: Vince said to me -- and I'm quoting nearly verbatim -- "Thanks, Charlie, because for a while I thought we'd been proven wrong. I was ready to say, 'Hey, you guys were right all along.'" He literally sighed in relief.

    Apparently Vince is not the ideal foxhole partner.

    In other words, his current behavior is hardly without precedent.

    Reason Two: It was my friend and mentor George Michael Evica who gave to Vince the first three words of the title of the latter's most important work: The Third Alternative.

    George Michael expects me to respond. He valued Vince's dogged persistence as a researcher and his ability to charm the most difficult of interview subjects. When I informed him of our young friend's less than steadfast response to Posner, he was neither surprised nor disappointed.

    Which just about sums up my own thoughts on the man.

    The strength of Vince's Secret Service work should not be diminished by our recognition of his personal weaknesses. If in fact he has been bought off by Bugliosi and his masters, then to hell with him. But unless I miss my guess, this is just a case of Palamara being Palamara. He'll be back.

    So ... I'll take my leave yet again, but not before thanking Don Jeffries for referencing the following:

    Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in this case who does not conclude that JFK was the victim of a criminal conspiracy is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime.

    Good to e-see you Charles.

    While I appreciate the research done in Survivor's Guilt, I mistrusted Vince from the start for a couple of reasons and now feel somewhat vindicated. Rather than restate the reasons for my mistrust, I'll just quote the explanation I posted here long ago:


    "Well I'm really puzzled here. I've read a fair amount of Palamara's research and I disagree with his conclusions about Kellerman. So many sources show Kellerman's behavior to be beyond suspicious that I just have to wonder if Palamara saw these sources. He gives a brief review of about every JFK assassination book on Amazon, so I doubt he missed seeing the books.

    And he gives a glowing review to "Ultimate Sacrifice," which I consider the official bible of the mob dunnit sect bent on advancing the official post HSCA mythology, which also makes me wonder.


    Yup, the mob dunnit. :blink:

    Kellerman, in particular, seems dirty as hell. In "Trauma Room 1" he's consistently shown as the "thug" who is in charge of stealing President Kennedy's body from Parkland. He actually pulls a machine gun on the doctors and officials attempting to prevent the theft, and Dr Crenshaw, the author, feels certain he would have killed anyone in his way.

    In "Body of Evidence" Kellerman is shown, in a transcript, to be actively arranging the diversion of the body to Walter Reed (for alteration) as the empty casket goes to Bethesda.

    Kellerman's behavior during the Dallas trip was outrageous. He sat and watched Kennedy die as his counterpart SS agent in LBJ's SS car supposedly shielded his charge.


    And, in fact, Palamara's endorsement of Ultimate Sacrifice is one of the red flags about him. I consider that book to be out and out disinformation, a mob dunnit smokescreen."


    Back to the present.

    I've chosen to post in this thread instead of the one Vince is now posting in (with noticeable vagueness) because...

    Anyone with reasonable access to the evidence in this case who does not conclude that JFK was the victim of a criminal conspiracy is cognitively impaired and/or complicit in the crime/cover-up.

    I do wonder though why Debra Conway opted not to be involved with Vince's book.

    She posted a little on the subject in the past and was properly non-specific and polite about why Vince and Lancer didn't team up on his book.

    I respect her discretion, and yet I now can't help wonder if she had some insights long ago.

  12. No Myra - I do NOT agree with your assessment. Both of you deserved your heads-up (warning). If you care to disregard it, then you may do so - it will not affect any Moderator actions if you do cross the line.

    Well guess what Evan, another moderator clearly disagrees with you.

    And they told me that Daniel's post was "over the top" in a private PM just prior to removing it from this thread.

    Sorry if that gives you a hitch in your giddyup. I know how much you like to swagger around playing deputy dog on the forum--the very personification of Barney Fife.

  13. "John Lennon's youngest son yesterday blamed the fatal shooting of his father almost 20 years ago on a conspiracy backed by the United States government.

    Sean Lennon, who made his debut as a solo artist last month, told New Yorker magazine that the ex-Beatle was a "counter-cultural revolutionary" who the American government could not ignore. He said: "He was dangerous to the government. If he had said, 'Bomb the White House tomorrow', there would have been 10,000 people who would have done it. These pacifist revolutionaries are historically killed by the government.

    "Anybody who thinks that Mark Chapman [who shot Lennon outside his New York apartment in 1980] was just some crazy guy who killed my dad for his personal interests, is insane. Or very naive. Or hasn't thought about it clearly. It was in the best interests of the United States to have my dad killed. Definitely. And, you know, that worked against them because, once he died, his powers grew . . . They didn't get what they wanted."


    “Well I suppose they tried to kill John, but they couldn’t because his message is still alive.”

    --Yoko Ono at the conclusion of the film "The US vs John Lennon"

  14. ...

    Myra, I am aware of Kissingers CIA ties during the 1950s and maybe later.

    But I think much of that crew may have been worried about Special K centralizing too much power in the White House. In addition to worrying about missile detante and Ping Pong Dipolomacy. It was not too long afterwards that Team B was created by George Bush with the exlpoicit purpose of countering these Kissinger led initiatives.

    Was Al Haig in charge there? Then? One word of caution: reading of Secret Agenda should not be mixed with reading the much less solid book Ultimate Sacrifice. This is like alcohol and barbituates: both mixtures could well lead to excesive specution on the career of Al Haig! I have had to take precautionary measures on certain occasions.

    As far as the FBI it is worth noting that Hoover as in J. Edgar did voice qualms about violating civil liberties. According to Peter Dale Scott in the Road to 9/11 J. Edgar chose his civil liberties day as one day in 1970 when he refussed to cooperate with the Huston plan, on the STATED GROUNDS that its proposal of secret recordings would be a threat to privacy and civil liberties!

    Before we rush to recommend that the ACLU create a J. Edgar Hoover award, we should realize that J. Edgars reasoning was less than idealisitc. He was worried that the Huston Plan would infringe on FBI turf. When Hoover died, many within the FBI were wondering if there might be renewed attempts to bring parts of FBI turf inside the White House.

    Thanks Nathaniel.

    BTW I already made the mistake of reading Ultimate Sacrifice.

    Your warning came too late.

  15. No Mike and Myra are clearly wrong. Nothing about Daniel’s post was the least bit anti-Semitic au contraire he was pointing out the irony that content that would seem more in place on anti-Semite sites could be found on a site run by a Jew or at least someone with a Jewish name. If a white, Asian, Latno etc person pointed out that borderline anti-black content could be found on a site run by an African-American would it make sense to say it was a racist attack? Leading truther Christopher Bollyn made it clear on an interview with David Duke that he thinks interracial relationships are the result of a Jewish plot to confuse people about their identities, if I pointed out that he’s now teamed up with a white guy married to a black woman does that mean I’m attacking interracial couples?


    Usual Colby nonsensical argument accompanied by irrelevant analogies.

    Thanks very much Mike.

    I think the fact that Daniel's post was removed by a moderator confirms that it was over the top.

    I appreciate your support.

  16. Daniel,

    Please don't question the motives of posters (i.e. Myra).


    Some of what you have said might be considered to be personal attacks. Just make sure you don't accidentally wander into that area.

    Thanks, people.


    "Daniel's" post number #24 was an all out anti-semitic rant with me as the target, so far over the line that I've been astounded neither moderators nor other forum members objected in the slightest, yet you accuse me of making personal attacks in response, and merely ask "Daniel" not to question motives?!

    I would like to hear from other moderators about this.

    Is post number 24 acceptable on this forum?

  17. Woah! An all out blistering flaming attack! Lordy.

    Complete with:

    -Insinuation that I'm a xxxxx, thereby demonstrating he doesn't know the definition of xxxxx. Ok. Now it's the Remedial Education Forum. So I'll define xxxxx for this guy--"Daniel Wayne Dunn" (who likes to put quotes around people's names so I assume he wants his own name in """quotes""").

    A xxxxx is someone who isn't interested in the forum topic so posts irrelevant comments merely to evoke reaction. Clearly I'm interested in the topic of President Kennedy's assasination and many other political assassinations.

    -Actual for-real old-fashioned anti-semetic slurs. My god, what is this guy? Was he cryogenically frozen during WW2 and just now thawed out like some kind of goose-stepping Austin Powers?

    -Attacks on nearly everyone in the thread. I'll let Peter speak for himself--as he's more than capable of doing--on the outside chance that this "Daniel Wayne Dunn" person hasn't been put on his ignore list.

    -French lessons. To demonstrate that he can launch flame wars in two languages?

    -Apparent attempts to intimidate me by posting information about my background. Details SO personal and SOO intimate and SOOOOOOOO secretive that only someone with... uh, a PC and access to google could dig them up. :ice

    Friggen hilarious. Is he trying to "out" someone who lives a very public life, has spoken to half the reporters on the planet, has spent a great deal of time in state and national capitals working with scores of politicions, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (Oh deary deary, I hope he doesn't uncover the very personal TOP SECRET fact that "Myra Bronstein" is also in a book being released on April 15 written by a NY Times reporter. Gosh, I hope no one sees that book... which is COMING SOON TO A BOOK STORE NEAR YOU.)

    -Shadowy bizarre musings that "Myra Bronstein" is some kind of online construct in parallel with his outing of "Myra Bronstein" as a very real person who has received a ton of press. Not strong on logic but, hey, these are...

    -Stream of gibbrish ramblings. Dark warnings that "Myra" has a--GASP--website! The horror! Rants about class divides and apparent jealousy that "Myra Bronstein" was offered a severance package when a past job was outsourced... Oo, I better not divulge how much money I made from those national commercials he mentioned lest he feel even more inferior about his self-perceived low station in life.

    Wow, is this guy a mass of exposed nerves and psychic damage or what?

    But here's the weird part. He wonders why it's "taken [me] this long to try confronting [him] directly." Er, I literally never noticed the guy until his little hissy fit today. Why would I have noticed this guy let alone confront him? Who the heck is he???

    Anyone feel free to answer.

    Seriously, has anyone even noticed him before now?


    "Seriously, has anyone even noticed him before now?"

    I believe he was a fixture over at Debra's a few years back. In fact, I remember running into him over at Lancer's site around 2005 or 6, I believe.

    Um hm.

    Thank you Terry.

  18. ...Watergate was a trap set to catch Nixon, ...

    I'd be really interested in hearing your theory on why the CIA (presumably it was the CIA) set the trap for Nixon Stephen.

    Either in this thread or another.


    Myra, I would strongly strongly strongly recomend the book Secret Agenda by Jim Hougan. I first heard of it on this forum and it sprained my hyperbole, for which I had always been proud. Ill just say its a really really really interesting book to read.

    Hope I can chime in on your question:

    1) Detente-- ironically something that may have done in his debating partner of 1960

    2) Centralizing "too much" power within the Whitehouse in the opinion of the CIA and Joint Chiefs-- again similar things were said about JFK and McNamara

    3) Rumors that spread in the permanent buraucracy during secret backchannel negotiations-- another possible similarity.

    4) wage and price controlls-- anathama to rightist economics

    5) PERCEIVED continuation of Keynsian social spending.

    6) differences over Vietnam poilicy

    7) Kissinger, Henry. Catcher, batting 7th.

    8) The War of the FBI succession. I heard that phrase used somewhere. What I think it means is that some saw Nixon as impinging on FBI turf in a similar

    way as he was impinging of CIA turf. Here the death of Hoover was significant.

    Thanks for the book recommendation Nathaniel; I'll look for it.

    Not sure I understand some of the items on your list.

    For example #7. Are you saying the CIA wanted to get rid of Kissinger?

    And, can you elaborate on #8. Are you saying Hoover was one of the conspirators against Nixon or a victim like Nixon?

  19. Woah! An all out blistering flaming attack! Lordy.

    Complete with:

    -Insinuation that I'm a xxxxx, thereby demonstrating he doesn't know the definition of xxxxx. Ok. Now it's the Remedial Education Forum. So I'll define xxxxx for this guy--"Daniel Wayne Dunn" (who likes to put quotes around people's names so I assume he wants his own name in """quotes""").

    A xxxxx is someone who isn't interested in the forum topic so posts irrelevant comments merely to evoke reaction. Clearly I'm interested in the topic of President Kennedy's assasination and many other political assassinations.

    -Actual for-real old-fashioned anti-semetic slurs. My god, what is this guy? Was he cryogenically frozen during WW2 and just now thawed out like some kind of goose-stepping Austin Powers?

    -Attacks on nearly everyone in the thread. I'll let Peter speak for himself--as he's more than capable of doing--on the outside chance that this "Daniel Wayne Dunn" person hasn't been put on his ignore list.

    -French lessons. To demonstrate that he can launch flame wars in two languages?

    -Apparent attempts to intimidate me by posting information about my background. Details SO personal and SOO intimate and SOOOOOOOO secretive that only someone with... uh, a PC and access to google could dig them up. :ice

    Friggen hilarious. Is he trying to "out" someone who lives a very public life, has spoken to half the reporters on the planet, has spent a great deal of time in state and national capitals working with scores of politicions, like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. (Oh deary deary, I hope he doesn't uncover the very personal TOP SECRET fact that "Myra Bronstein" is also in a book being released on April 15 written by a NY Times reporter. Gosh, I hope no one sees that book... which is COMING SOON TO A BOOK STORE NEAR YOU.)

    -Shadowy bizarre musings that "Myra Bronstein" is some kind of online construct in parallel with his outing of "Myra Bronstein" as a very real person who has received a ton of press. Not strong on logic but, hey, these are...

    -Stream of gibbrish ramblings. Dark warnings that "Myra" has a--GASP--website! The horror! Rants about class divides and apparent jealousy that "Myra Bronstein" was offered a severance package when a past job was outsourced... Oo, I better not divulge how much money I made from those national commercials he mentioned lest he feel even more inferior about his self-perceived low station in life.

    Wow, is this guy a mass of exposed nerves and psychic damage or what?

    But here's the weird part. He wonders why it's "taken [me] this long to try confronting [him] directly." Er, I literally never noticed the guy until his little hissy fit today. Why would I have noticed this guy let alone confront him? Who the heck is he???

    Anyone feel free to answer.

    Seriously, has anyone even noticed him before now?

  20. It makes the context of his murder very clear, as well as the fact that he was coming out of retirement to be full time--world famous--activist, and getting results (e.g., getting the guy busted for pot out of jail within hours of his benefit concert).

    Myra, are you reffering to the concert for John Sinclair the pro pot activist? If so that took place in Dec 1971, the hight of Johns political activism, not in 79-80.

    Your cherrypicking/nitpicking the facts

    LOL yeah pointing out there was no real motive is "cherrypicking/nitpicking the facts"

    Many of his friends were WELL aware he was working on a new political album, was putting his money behind political events, actions and persons

    Very doubtful given what he said in his September 80 interview


    and had gotten off of drugs [that those who killed him had gotten him hooked on].

    The government got Lennon hooked on downers and smack? I don't suppose any evidence will be forthcoming

    they had him monitored 24/7 and bugged.

    That seems to have stopped 8 years earlier


    Len claims there was no real motive. Can you imagine John Lennon being silent during the 1980s? It was a strange hard right turn. But Lennnon was appealing to a number of different audiences. He was working class, and he was anti-war. With him around it would have been much harder to resurrect the great Hitler like stabbed in the back myth that Reagan and the corporate media made about Vietnam. Lennon was on record about Vietnam. HE ALSO COULD GET ON NATIONAL MEDIA ANYTIME THAT HE WANTED AND DELIVER A REAL CRITIQUE OF US POLICY NOT THE SORT OF MEALLY MOUTH FAKE CRITIGUE THAT WAS TYPICAL OF DEMOCRATS IN BEGINNING AROUND 1976 TO THE PRESENT.

    Governments are concerned by this coast to coast prime time media capacity of a REAL opposition figure. See Hoover's famous "black messiah comment.

    LENNON HAD THIS PRIME TIME NATIONAL MEDIA ABILITY. Think Nicaragaan contras. Now think of living John Lennon. Could well have been the tipping point. More so than another politician.



  21. Yet another reason Lennon was killed [see underlined in article on Brussel below].

    Mae Brussell, a gutsy, no-holds-barred, investigative radio host, who was acutely interested in Conspiracies and UFOlogy, died in 1988 of a fast-acting cancer – just as did Ann Livingston and Karla Turner.


    Omygod, how could I forget to quote Mae on this subject?

    Thank you Peter.




    A short while ago we had the pleasure of talking to noted assassination/conspiracy researcher Mae Brussell at her home in Carmel, California. Mae was kind enough to share some of her thoughts on the murder of John Lennon last December 8, 1980 in New York City. She is just starting her 11th year of broadcasting on radio KLRB, Carmel, CA.

    Tom Davis


    Tom: What would be the motive to kill John Lennon on December 8, 1980? Lennon had been in seclusion for many years and had not yet released his new album.

    Mae: Both the date of Lennon's murder, and the careful selection of this particular victim are very important. Six weeks after Lennon's death, Ronald Reagan would become President. Reagan and his soon-to-be appointed cabinet were prepared to build up the Pentagon war machine and increase the potential for war against the USSR. The first strike would fall on small countries like El Salvador and Guatemala. Lennon, alone, was the only man (even without his fellow Beatles) who had the ability to draw out one million anti-war protestors in any given city within 24 hours, if he opposed those war policies.

    John Lennon was a spiritual force. He was a giant, like Gandhi, a man who wrote about peace and brotherly love. He taught an entire generation to think for themselves and to challenge authority. Lennon and the Beatles' songs shout out the inequalities life and the messages of change. Change is a threat to the longtime status quo that Reagan's team exemplified.

    On my weekly radio broadcast of December 7, 1980, I stated that "the old assassination teams are coming back into power." The very people responsible for covering up the murders of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert Kennedy, Reverend Martin Luther King, for Watergate and Koreagate, and the kidnapping and murder of Howard Hughes, and for hundreds of other deaths, had only six weeks before they would again be removing or silencing those voices of opposition to their policies.

    Lennon was coming out once more. His album was cut. He was preparing to be part of the world, a world which was a worse place since the time he had withdrawn with his family. It was a sure bet Lennon would react and become a social activist again. That was the threat. Lennon realized that there was danger coming back into public view. He took that dangerous chance, and we all lost!

    Tom: What is the first clue you look for if you are suspicious of a larger conspiracy to assassinate, whether it is John Lennon, President John F. Kennedy, or the recent attempts on President Reagan and Pope John Paul II?

    Mae: There are necessary connecting links in every assassination conspiracy. If any link of that chain falls apart and becomes exposed, the parts of the larger plot are more visible. When every element of that chain holds together and is present in the evidence and testimony regarding any particular murder, there has to be a larger conspiracy. (See accompanying diagram)

    The most important link in that chain is the selected decoy or patsy. Whoever is arrested at the scene of the crime, to the exclusion of other suspicious persons, becomes the "assassin." This single person must serve a purpose, namely, to divert all attention away from those people who have armed him and located him at the scene of the crime.

    Letters and diaries are always present and easily located to support the predetermined cover story. They provide a "motive", and are the glue that cements (we are told) the "loner" to his single purpose.

    In preparation for his "act", the decoy or patsy is moved across countries or overseas, traveling and staying at safe houses. He has no friends, no jobs, no means of support while at the same time staying at fancy hotels, spending lots of money, getting phone messages, and meeting lots of people. Very few people have the money to spend years in transit like these patsies, whose chances of being in selected locations at the precise moment their victim is murdered are minute and impossible without assistance.


    William Colby's Vietnam Phoenix program, staffed with agents who intensely hated the anti-war, social activists like John Lennon, had both the intent and the means to move persons like Chapman to their training camps and then to specific places planned as sites for future assassinations. Colby came back to the U.S. to become Director of the C.I.A. at a time (1973) when "Operation Chaos" was in full swing against the hippies, rock musicians, and anti-war protestors. Many of them were killed or otherwise neutralized.


    Tom: You apparently believe there was a government conspiracy to assassinate and silence John Lennon which was conducted by the same people who murdered other political figures and musicians in the past eighteen years?

    Mae: Absolutely! The federal government has maintained active programs to eliminate rock musicians and disrupt rock concerts. Senator Frank Church's Committee hearings in 1975 and the FBI Cointel-Programs clearly document the intent to break up any gatherings of the "new left". Nothing brought anti-war demonstrators together with political messages more effectively than music festivals.

    There is hard evidence the CIA assigned agents to "investigate the music industry."


    The murder of John Lennon is the tragic finale to an entire era, the reminder that once an artist becomes as popular and as political as he was, his enemies will be waiting to make sure his messages never appear again to awaken the slumbering youth."

    [Much more at the above links.]

  22. Judge Joe Brown and Dr William Pepper discuss the King assassination on NPR’s ‘Tell me more’ morning show.


    Run time: 6min 49sec


    Thanks so much for posting this. Amazing how much truth can be packed into less than 7 minutes. Just one more thing I need to send to everyone on my contact list. (Too ill to do it today, but will soon's this crud passes). Again thanks for all you do.


    Excellent details from Probe magazine here:


    (Hope you feel better soon Dawn.)

  23. You can listen to this many times.

    By the way, please spread it around on the internet.

    This is why the government killed him.

    Not because he marched with sanitation workers or pressed for civil rights.

    When JFK/MLK took on the war profiteers he/he died.

    This might be MLK's greatest speech but how often do we hear about it?

    The regime and their media don't mind if we hear his "Dream" speech, but they will not acknowledge the existence of this speech because they'd be pointing out the motive of the murder.

    Thanks for posting this Nathaniel.

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