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Duane Daman

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Posts posted by Duane Daman

  1. Yes, the type of people you're dealing with here are the type that want evidence, not stories with nothing other than your word to back them up.

    I've watched the videos, I saw nothing in them that showed any connection between trails in the sky and anything happening on the ground. Could you point that out in one of the videos?

    No problem.. I will leave my personal involvement with chemtrail poisoning out of this discussion then, and just post evidence that can be verified to your satisfation.

    The first video I linked in post #116 shows what type of devastation has happened to the sky and also the ground in New Mexico.. I don't know how you missed it .. but then, it is a rather long presentation, and maybe your attention span is not that long.. So I will see what other shorter video evidence I can find showing the damage that has occured on the ground due to chemtrails.

  2. Kevin,

    Actually it was this high resolution photo I sent to Jack, not the lower resolution pic.



    What difference does it make where the high res version of the photo comes from? .. Unless of course NASA has been very careful to clean up their act on the site you linked.

    The link you copied from states .."Higher resolution products should be obtained for use in any scientific investigation(s)."

    Funny how that's worded .. It sounds as if NASA is expecting scientific investigations of their Apollo photos, and has made sure any anomalies in them have been taken care of.

    And of course it comes as no surprise that your unseen study didn't show the pasted in image of "earth" in the sky.. I wouldn't expect any less from someone who will do whatever it takes to "win" the game, or suppress the truth about the faked Apollo photos.

  3. What town is that, and when?

    And Kevin posts yet another one liner! :lol:

    Sorry, but where I live is none of your business.

    But if you want to see the proof that people all over the world are getting ill from chemtrail spraying, then watch the video evidence I posted here.. Then do some research yourself.

    My guess is you won't even bother though, considering the fact that you're about as interested in the truth of this subject as you are in the truth about Apollo.

    Don't make up stories of epidemic if you aren't willing to back them up with simple things like when and where. I find it funny that the story started with you and a friend getting sick, but as soon as it's pointed out that everyone else should have been affected, it became "an epidemic in my town of 'flu', vertigo, and rashes that appeared to be shingles." You'd think that if it were true, you would have started with that.

    I've seen the videos, none of them have a shred of evidence actually linking contrails with anything on the ground.

    Just because I won't tell you where I live doesn't mean I'm being dishonest about being ill.

    Not only was there an epidemic of the already mentioned illnesses that year, but three of my friends also got sick around that same time.. One was admitted to the hospital with singles and vertigo, another went to an Immediate Med with the same problems, and another one went to her doctor, where she had to under go treatments for vertigo.

    It didn't even occur to me when I posted the story of my friend and I getting sick, that I would be asked to prove it, or need to discuss all of the other people who also got ill at that time.. I guess I should have known better, considering the type of people I'm dealing with here.

    One of the videos I posted showed the damage done, not only to people, but also to the ground in New Mexico where the chemtrails are being sprayed constantly.

    Why don't you try watching them again?

  4. Duane...I was just disappointed by doing another of the flag-earth-astronaut series, and it

    was perfectly smooth. The black sky showed no variation, being such a dense black that

    few colors could be extracted. There were no paste-on lines around the earth, and everything

    seemed "normal". Maybe NASA is perfecting the images against computer enhancement. However,

    all the OLD images I saved should be untampered. Were the images you sent to me NEW SAVES

    or OLD SAVES?


    Jack, you were asked to detail the exact process for your "enhancements" so everyone could check your work. When can we expect this detailed workflow process?

    After all this is what happens when "GOOD" science and research is being done. You ARE doing good science..right? Please prove it.

    Could it include the photo identifiers as well please?

    Every photo posted is identified.

    A "compression artifact" (if such is involved) is CAUSED BY SOMETHING. This is what brings out

    anomalies otherwise unseen.

    Anyone with a graphics program (Photoshop, etc) can process photos like this. Ninety percent of

    what the computer does is SUBTRACT COLOR INTENSITY (lightening) of each of the RED-GREEN-BLUE

    hues with occasional increases in contrast and sharpening. Were I to carry out the process to the extreme,

    all colors would be removed, leaving a blank screen. By watching the screen as the incremental

    enhancement advances, I stop it when the optimal enhancement occurs.

    This process is carried out completely by the computer as I give it commands. I have no notion of what

    the result is going to be.

    I consider it a personal attack to be called a MONKEY, and request that some responsible moderator

    remove this assualt.


    This one really does say it all! :)


  5. What town is that, and when?

    And Kevin posts yet another one liner! :lol:

    Sorry, but where I live is none of your business.

    But if you want to see the proof that people all over the world are getting ill from chemtrail spraying, then watch the video evidence I posted here.. Then do some research yourself.

    My guess is you won't even bother though, considering the fact that you're about as interested in the truth of this subject as you are in the truth about Apollo.

  6. "Yes, allegedly. You believe everything Will Thomas writes?"

    His is not the only evidence that proves the Air Force is spraying chemtrails.. If you bothered to watch the video evidence I posted here, you would have known that.

    "You ignored the questions because they are inconvenient for you. Can't bother with the truth that the majority of your trails come from commercial aircraft."

    No, I ignored your question at first, because I was busy getting the evidence that proves the Air Force is involved in the chemtrail spraying.. If commercial aircraft are also spraying chemtrails, then that's even more disconcerting.

  7. "So was there an epidemic, or did they somehow get the contrails covering the sky to only target you and your friend?"

    Since there was an epidemic in my town of "flu", vertigo, and rashes that appeared to be shingles, during the time of the chemtrail spraying, then obviously more people were "targeted" than just the two of us.

    Your one liners are getting pretty ridiculous now .. Maybe you should try a different tactic.

  8. As usual Lamson, you didn't disappoint with your typical "jpg compression" excuse.. Well, actullay you did disappoint.. I thought you would have much more of a "rebuttal" than that up your sleeve.

    The fact that Jack didn't find any "jpg compression" in the last photo he studied, actually proves you wrong .. If it really were only "JPG COMPRESSION", or "scanner noise" ( or any other nonsense you can dream up) seen in these photos, then they would all react the same to Jack's analysis process.. But they didn't.

    What Jack found in his last analysis was a solid black painted in sky, showing no "jpg compression" artifacts at all .. What he found in the first study he posted here, is a perfect square surrounding the image of "earth".. You can use any excuse you please for that fact, but what it proves is that the image of "earth" was composited into the photo.

    I also find it amusing that moderator Burton feels the need to abuse his authority here, by comparing Jack's work to that of a monkey.

    Obviously your desperation is showing.. Especially when all you fellows have for "rebuttals" to the evidence proving the Apollo photos are fake, are "jpg compression" and insults.

  9. Matthew,

    Since you're in the Air Force, I'm surprised you don't know about chemtrails.. Especially since it's the Air Force who's spraying them.


    There is plenty of evidence to suggest that "chemtrails" are simply persistent contrails. See post #105 of this thread for a start.

    Will Thomas was one of the first, if not the very first to collect money towards collecting a sample directly from a trail. This was more than 10 years ago. Why do he and others still rely on collections made at ground level?

    I notice you've ignored direct questions. You truly are a Jack White disciple aren't you?

    If they are persisting and still in the air then how are they affect you on the ground at the same time miles away?

    If it was a virus or bacteria that affected you, those take time to incubate. Why assume the source came immediately before symptoms?

    You mention military, what about all the pictures and videos that show commercial craft leaving these trails? Or the programs like FlightAware or Flight Explorer that show they are commercial flights? What about the thousands of trails left by types of aircraft the military doesn't have?

    There's no "allegedly" about it.

    "Chemtrails” is the term widely used to describe the brilliant white ‘trails laid down by U.S. Air Force tanker planes photo-identified over North America and a dozen other allied nations in a process the U.S. Air Force calls “aerial obscuration”.

    "A Jack White desciple"? .. LOL .. You really are desperate now, aren't you? .. So when you can't even pretend to debunk evidence you don't like, just sling some insults instead.. You really are a desciple of the apollohoax.net cesspit.

    I ignored your questions because I was busy finding the proof that the Air Force is spraying chemtrail poisons.

    I have no idea how long the chemtrails were in the skies over my home .. All I know is that both my friend and I got very ill after being underneath them for several hours.. So did many other people in my home town .. There was not only an epidemic of vertigo and the "flu" at that time, but also shingles.

  10. Matthew,

    Since you're in the Air Force, I'm surprised you don't know about chemtrails.. Especially since it's the Air Force who's spraying them.


    by William Thomas

    Vancouver, Canada Mar. 5, 2002…

    As continuing chemtrail activity culminated in massive aerial spraying over Vancouver Island and Washington state yesterday- and broadening plumes once again fanned out to haze clear blue skies - Air Traffic Controllers at major airports across the United States expressed concern over the emissions constantly showing up on their radar screens.

    "Chemtrails is the term widely used to describe the brilliant white trails laid down by U.S. Air Force tanker planes photo-identified over North America and a dozen other allied nations in a process the U.S. Air Force calls aerial obscuration.

    First confirmed by Airport Authority Terry Stewart at the Victoria International Airport on Dec. 8, 2000 as a joint Canada-U.S. military operation and stridently denied by senior officers at Canadian Forces Base (where Stewart later told the Vancouver Courier he had received his information) these multi-plane missions were verified in March, 2001 by the Air Traffic Control (ATC) manager for the northeastern seaboard of the United States.

    In three taped interviews with this reporter and veteran radio journalist S.T. Brendt, our Deep Sky source said that he had been ordered to divert incoming commercial flights away from USAF tankers spraying s substance that showed up on ATC radars as a haze.

    These radar returns are the signature of the fine aluminum particles found in laboratory tests of chemtrail-contaminated rain taken in Espanola, Ontario in the summer of 1999. The lab analysis found reflective quartz particles in the chemtrail fallout and levels of aluminum five-times higher than Ontarios maximum permissible health safety standards.



  11. Duane...I was just disappointed by doing another of the flag-earth-astronaut series, and it

    was perfectly smooth. The black sky showed no variation, being such a dense black that

    few colors could be extracted. There were no paste-on lines around the earth, and everything

    seemed "normal". Maybe NASA is perfecting the images against computer enhancement. However,

    all the OLD images I saved should be untampered. Were the images you sent to me NEW SAVES

    or OLD SAVES?


    Considering the fact that NASA continues to alter their Apollo photos, I'm not surprised that some of them seemed "normal".

    I got them from The Apollo Image Gallery, so I don't know if they're old or new.

    What other web site sources are available for those same photos?

  12. This is so much fun it is addictive...but I had better take a break, I have other things to do.

    On this one, the paste-in was oval, not rectangular...and they included 3 small EM SQUARES

    for registration position. They can be seen best on the enlargements at right.

    How many of these should I do? There may be hundreds!

    Again...The computer does all the work. All I do is subtract colors. However, below I inverted

    it into a negative because the colors show things better...for instance the orange retouched

    area at left. Note the retouching along the top of the LM.

    Thanks, Duane, for asking me to do these.


    Very interesting findings, Jack.. Keep 'em coming!

    Oh, and enjoy the fun while it lasts .. I'm sure it won't be long before Lamson, etc. charges in here to try and ruin it.. :tomatoes

  13. This video is a MUST SEE! .. It not only explains in detail the devastation that is taking place in New Mexico in particular, but also explains why there is a media cover up of the chemtrail subject, and also goes into scientific detail of what is being sprayed.

    Though this video cuts off abruptly at the end, the narrator does have time to say that the Air Force is involved in this crime and cover up.

    In this footage we see a chemtrail being switched off and on .. The guy who shot this video thinks he's looking at a contrail, so doesn't understand how it can be switched off and on.

    More proof that the US Air Force is spaying chemtrails.. This History Chanel documentary also dicusses the Air Force's secret weather control programs.


  14. "Seems more likely there was something in the park that affected you."

    I walk in the park everyday and never get sick.. Yet on the two occasions where a chemtrail grid was criss crossing the sky above me, I came down with the worst case of "flu" I ever had, and also a case of vertigo that lasted for months.

    Flu and dizziness (vertigo) are two of the known symptoms of chemtrail exposure... Coincidence? .. I don't think so.

    Flu and dizziness are symptoms of a lot of things. Known for "chemtrails" which happen to look exactly like contrails? Doubtful given what I said before about how long an aerosol at altitude will take to reach the ground. Which brings up an interesting point. One of the primary identifiers of "chemtrails" is that they persist for longer than expected (although possible wih contrails) but if they are persisting and still in the air then how are they affect you on the ground at the same time miles away?

    I've been walking in that park every day for many years .. I never got sick until the two times the chemtrail grid was overhead.. It's a known fact that the chemicals the military is spraying eventualy reaches the ground, making people ill.. It's also a fact that this is happening all over the world.

  15. I thought by now "MRphotogod" would have dashed in here with his typical damage control.

    Will his "rebuttal" be "compression artifacts", or "scanner noise", or "the photo was touched up for artistic purposes", or perhaps "dust on the len"? .. No wait, that's Dave's favorite excuse.. Or maybe West will pop in here with one of his famous one liners saying "it's a digital scan, not an original, so it doesn't count."

    Then maybe Dave will do his own study, which will of course have a different outcome from Jack's study.. Just like he did with the last composited Apollo 17 fake photo.. Anything it takes to "win", right Dave? :pop

    It trully amazes me how most people actually buy the nonsense you guys sell .. but then when it comes to the evidence that proves the Apollo photography was faked, most people really are in a complete state of denial.

  16. Last week Duane sent me several Apollo images and asked that I do computer

    analysis to bring out what is in the blackness of the sky. I am glad Duane sent

    them. Today I decided to analyze one, and lo and behold this photo is a

    composite! The COMPUTER, subtracting hues from black in slow increments,

    clearly show that the image of the earth had been pasted in the host photo sky,

    because THE SHADE OF BLACK WAS LIGHTER. The computer did this without

    any help from me!

    Thanks, Duane!


    Awesome find Jack! .. You found exactly what I thought you would .. "Earth" pasted into the "lunar" sky.

    Looks like the "astronaut" is a composited image as well.

    I'm glad we're finally back on topic.. Thanks for posting this.

  17. "Seems more likely there was something in the park that affected you."

    I walk in the park everyday and never get sick.. Yet on the two occasions where a chemtrail grid was criss crossing the sky above me, I came down with the worst case of "flu" I ever had, and also a case of vertigo that lasted for months.

    Flu and dizziness (vertigo) are two of the known symptoms of chemtrail exposure... Coincidence? .. I don't think so.

  18. "How do you KNOW they were NOT contrails?"

    There's a big difference between contrails and chemtrails.

    "Chemtrails Are: Persistent lines of chemical-infused aerosol spray dispersals from typically unmarked planes which are now seen in the sky all over the world. Unlike normal jet contrails formed from water vapor, chemtrails spread to form a thick blanket of cloud cover, held together by polymer fibers until they reach the ground, contaminating crops, water supplies and humans with radioactive soft metals and dessicated red blood cells which contain active human pathogens.

    Researchers discovered 6 different agendas or motives for these operations, some of which may overlap: environment or climate changes, biological, military purposes, electromagnetic, geophysical or global effects, and exotic propulsion systems. Analysis of material from chemtrails has revealed magnetic salts, including the toxic substance of barium. Fibers, submicron in size, have also been detected, and they bear a physical similarity to the filaments found in Morgellons Disease.

    This video was originally intended to include a Part II version which would have included interviews with Chemtrail debunkers. There are good references to chemtrail debunker websites on Wikipedia including interviews with NASA's Patrick Minnis."

    Along with Air Force Matthew, NASA is also busy "debunking" chemtrails... Wouldn't ya know? :rolleyes:

    This video actually shows footage of a plane turning the spray on and off.. Normal contrails don't behave that way.

  19. As I was walking my dog one day with a friend, we looked up at the sky over the park near my home and saw a grid of chemtrails.. The next day she started feeling ill.. The day after that she was violently throwing up and got so dehydrated that I had to rush her to the ER.. While she was in the hospital, I also became violently ill.. Though I didn't go to the ER, I knew I had never been that sick before and even feared for my life.. Our "flu" symptoms, though not as severe as the first few days, lasted for almost two months.

    On another occasion, I was walking my dog in the same park and saw another grid of chemtrails overhead.. The next morning I woke up to the room spinning.. After that subsided, my equilibrium was so messed up that it caused me to have vertigo that lasted almost five months.

    Now when I see chemtrails over the park, I stay in the house.

    "Project Clover Leaf" Secret Chemtrail Program Revealed




  20. fair enuff, opinion, ok.

    Right .. opinion.

    According to Wiki, which of course is NOT fact, 6% of the world's population believe the Moon landings were faked.. I've read that the number of skeptics of the publicly shown Apollo Program, are actually closer to 25%.

    It was Hitler's opinion that the Apollo Moon landings were faked.. His SS officers obviously disagreed with him... :lol::lol::lol:

  21. ''...developing the Saturn V rocket that ultimately enabled the United States to launch the Apollo missions to the moon.'' - can this be taken as proof too?

    It's a fact that the Saturn V rocket publicly launched ten Apollo missions.. so proof of that is not even necessary.

    As to whether any of them really landed humans on the Moon or not, is a matter of opinion.

  22. And here is more proof that NASA is more of a military agency than a civilian one.

    Defense Contributions Help NASAs 50-Year Legacy

    By Donna Miles

    American Forces Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2008 As the National Aeronautics and Space Administration celebrates its 50th anniversary this week, the Defense Department also can take a bow for the key role it has played in lending technology and expertise to NASAs space exploration and research mission.

    NASA began operations on Oct. 1, 1958, just a few days short of the one-year anniversary of the Soviet Unions successful Sputnik I launch. Concerned about the race for technological superiority in space, U.S. officials debated long and hard over whether the space program should be placed under military or civilian control, historical documents show.

    Ultimately, NASA was established as a new civilian agency that borrowed heavily from the Defense Department and other government organizations as it built its own capabilities.

    One doesnt have to look hard to see the deep connection between NASA and DoD, beginning with the astronaut program. In fact, President Dwight D. Eisenhower almost assured that connection when he decreed that all astronaut candidates be test pilots with college degrees. All seven original astronauts known as The Mercury 7 because they were chosen for Project Mercury, the nations first manned space flight program -- came from the military. Alan Shepard, Walter Schirra and Scott Carpenter were Navy aviators; Virgil Gus Grissom, Gordon Cooper and Donald Deke Slayton were Air Force pilots; and John Glenn flew in the Marine Corps.

    The long list of military members who became firsts at NASA didnt stop there. Glenn, who flew 59 combat missions during World War II and another 63 during the Korean War before joining the Naval Air Test Center, made history at NASA as the first American to orbit Earth on Feb. 20, 1962.

    Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon, got his initial flight training at Naval Air Station Pensacola, Fla., in 1949 and 1950, then went on to fly 78 missions over Korea during the Korean War. His words as he stepped from the Apollo 11 lunar module on July 20, 1969-- That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind -- are an indelible mark in NASAs history.

    Armstrongs fellow Apollo 11 crewmembers had deep military roots, too. Edwin Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon, graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., in 1951, before serving as an Air Force fighter pilot during the Korean War.

    Michael Collins, who orbited the moon as Armstrong and Aldrin walked on its surface, also got his commission at West Point before joining the Air Force and receiving flight training at Columbus Air Force Base, Miss.

    Thirty years later, Eileen Collins no relation to the Apollo 11 astronaut -- made NASA history in 1999 as the first woman to command a space shuttle aboard the Columbia. Collins, an Air Force colonel, graduated from Air Force undergraduate pilot training in 1979. She was attending Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., when NASA selected her for its astronaut program.

    Military members have participated in NASAs great triumphs as well as its deep tragedies, including the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle disasters.

    Four servicemembers were among the seven Challenger crewmembers killed when a fuel tank exploded 73 seconds after launch on Jan. 28, 1986. Michael J. Smith, the pilot, was a Navy captain; Francis Richard Dick Scobee and Ellison Onizuka were Air Force lieutenant colonels; and Gregory Jarvis was an Air Force captain.

    Again, five U.S. military officers, as well as an Israeli officer, died when Columbia disintegrated over Texas as it re-entered Earths atmosphere on Feb. 1, 2003. That incident killed Navy Cmdr. William C. McCool, the pilot; Air Force Col. Rick D. Husband; Air Force Lt. Col. Michael P. Anderson; Navy Capt. David M. Brown and Navy Capt. Laurel Clark. Israeli Air Force Col. Ilan Ramon and Kalpana Chawla, the only civilian on the mission, also died.

    But the connection between the military and NASA goes far beyond the astronaut program.

    From its inception, NASA looked to the Defense Department and other interagency, academic, industry and international partners to build its capability, Roger D. Launius, curator for the Smithsonian Institutions National Air and Space Museum, noted in an article written for NASAs 50th anniversary magazine.

    The military had been looking to space and the development of rocket technology and expertise since the closing days of World War II, Air Force Space Command officials noted. NASA was anxious to tap into this expertise, and quickly absorbed several ongoing military efforts into its organization. These included the space science group of the Naval Research Laboratory in Maryland that would form the core of the new Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. NASA also incorporated the Jet Propulsion Laboratory managed for the Army by the California Institute of Technology, and the Army Ballistic Missile Agency in Huntsville, Ala., where Wernher von Bauns engineering team was developing large rockets.

    Shortly after its formal organization, NASA took over management of space exploration projects from other federal agencies, including the Air Force.

    These activities relied fully on the expertise and resources of the U.S. Air Force in seeing them to fruition, Launius wrote.

    One of NASAs earliest borrowings from the military came in the form of launch vehicles originally developed to deliver nuclear weapons.

    Most of the launchers used by NASA during its formative years originated as military ballistic missiles, Launius wrote. It was, and remains, the fundamental technology necessary for civil space exploration, and it came largely from the military.

    Meanwhile, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency another organization Eisenhower created in response to the Sputnik launch has provided critical expertise that has benefitted NASA throughout its 50-year history.

    The Defense Department stood up DARPA to find and quickly develop advanced technology for the military so the United States would never again suffer a technological surprise by another nation.

    Initially, DARPA scientists and engineers concentrated on the first surveillance satellites that ensured U.S. presidents had accurate intelligence information on Russian missile program activities, historical records show. But DARPA advanced other space projects as well, developing the Saturn V rocket that ultimately enabled the United States to launch the Apollo missions to the moon.

    As it observes its 50th anniversary, NASA can look back on its many accomplishments that have brought mankind a better understanding of the solar system and universe. As it advanced this research, NASA, like the military services and DARPA, has pushed the technological envelope in everything from weather forecasting to navigation to global communications.

    Speaking last week at NASAs 50th anniversary gala, Neil Armstong looked back on the agencys history and its future.

    The goal is far more than just going faster, higher and further, he said. Our goal, indeed our responsibility, is to develop new options for future generations -- options for expanding human knowledge, exploration, human settlement and resource development in the universe around us.


    If anyone still believes NASA is a "civilian" agency, then DENIAL ain't just a river in Egypt.

  23. Yes Evan, I'm aware of Ariane .. I did some research on it last night and found out that not all launches belong to NASA.

    But aside from that, I'm not sure why all of you are being so protective over NASA.. If you don't understand their involvement in US military, DoD, black projects, then you obviously don't know, or maybe don't care to know, what is really taking place in space today.

    NASA has been heavily involved with the US Air Force, the Office of Naval Intelligence and the Department of Defence since their creation .. NASA has never been and never will be a "civilian" space agency.

    Here is even more proof of that fact.

    'Unknown Budget, Unknown Purpose: U.S. Air Force Plans to Launch X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle'

    "After a decade of development, the Air Force this month plans to launch a robotic spacecraft resembling a small space shuttle to conduct technology tests in orbit and then glide home to a California runway.

    The ultimate purpose of the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle and details about the craft, which has been passed between several government agencies, however, remain a mystery as it is prepared for launch April 19 from Cape Canaveral, Fla.

    As long as youre confused youre in good shape, said defense analyst John Pike, director of Globalsecurity.org. I looked into this a couple of years ago the entire sort of hypersonic, suborbital, scramjet nest of programs of which there are upwards of a dozen. The more I studied it the less I understood it.

    The quietly scheduled launch culminates the projects long and expensive journey from NASA to the Pentagons research and development arm and then to a secretive Air Force unit.

    Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on the X-37 program, but the current total has not been released.

    The launch date, landing sites and a fact sheet were released by Air Force spokeswoman Maj. Angie I. Blair. She said more information would be released soon, but questions on cost and other matters submitted by e-mail werent answered by Friday.

    While the massive space shuttles have been likened to cargo-hauling trucks, the X-37B is more like a sports car, with the equivalent trunk capacity.

    Built by Boeing Co.s Phantom Works, the 11,000-pound craft is 9 1/2 feet tall and just over 29 feet long, with a wingspan of less than 15 feet. It has two angled tail fins rather than a single vertical stabilizer.

    Unlike the shuttle, it will be launched like a satellite, housed in a fairing atop an expendable Atlas V rocket, and deploy solar panels to provide electrical power in orbit.

    The Air Force released only a general description of the mission objectives: testing of guidance, navigation, control, thermal protection and autonomous operation in orbit, re-entry and landing.

    The missions length was not released but the Air Force said the X-37B can stay in orbit for 270 days. The primary landing site will be northwest of Los Angeles at coastal Vandenberg Air Force Base.

    The significance of the X-37B is unclear because the program has been around for so long, said Peter A. Wilson, a senior defense research analyst for the RAND Corp. who several years ago served as executive director of a congressional panel that evaluated national security space launch requirements.

    From my perspective its a little puzzling as to whether this is the beginning of a program or the end of one, Wilson said Friday in a telephone interview from Washington, D.C.

    As NASA anticipated the end of the shuttle, the X-37B was viewed as a working prototype of the next-generation design of a fully reusable spacecraft, but the space agency lost interest and the Air Force picked it up, Wilson said.

    Its viewed as a prototype of a vehicle that could carry small payloads into orbit, carry out a variety of military missions and then return to Earth, he said.

    The Air Force statement said the X-37 program is being used to continue full-scale development and orbital testing of a long-duration, reusable space vehicle.

    Wilson sees the upcoming launch as a one-shot deal.

    He acknowledged that he does not know if there is a classified portion of the program but said there is no evidence of a second vehicle being built to follow the prototype. In aerospace, a prototype typically remains a test vehicle used to prove and improve designs for successive operational vehicles.

    To fully function as a completely reusable launch system there would also have to be development of a booster rocket that is capable of landing itself back on Earth to be reassembled with the spacecraft, according to Wilson, who does not see any support for such an initiative.

    Wilson also said the usefulness of payloads such as small military satellites is in question, which would undercut the need for the launch system.

    The X-37B is now under the direction of the Air Forces Rapid Capabilities Office. Its mission is to speed up development of combat-support systems and weapons systems.

    Operating since 2003, the office has worked on several things, including upgrading the air defenses around the nations capital as an anti-terrorism measure and assessing threats to U.S. combat operations, according to an Air Force fact sheet.

    NASA began the X-37 program in 1999 in a cooperative deal with Boeing to roughly split the $173 million cost of developing an experimental space plane. The Air Force put in a small share. The X-37, initially intended to be carried into space by shuttles in 2003, was a larger version of the Air Force X-40A, a concept for a Space Maneuver Vehicle to put small military satellites in orbit. The X-40A was dropped from a helicopter in glide and landing tests but was never capable of actual space flight.

    In 2002, NASA awarded Boeing a $301 million contract to complete a version of the X-37 to be used in approach and landing tests and begin designing an orbital version that would fly in 2006.

    But in 2004 NASA turned the project over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Defense Departments research and development arm. In 2006, the X-37 was put through captive-carry and drop tests using Mojave-based Scaled Composite LLCs White Knight, the jet that launched SpaceShipOne on the first private suborbital manned space flights. The Air Force then began work on the X-37B, projecting it would fly in 2008. An Air Force News story at the time reported that the first one or two flights would check out the performance of the vehicle itself and then it would become a space test platform with unspecified components flown in its experiment bay."


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