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Duane Daman

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Everything posted by Duane Daman

  1. Oh dear God , not another SLOPE !! The ground is level ... He is not walking on a slope .. but it's not the elongated part that's the problem .. It's the fact that the postion of the astronot doesn't match the position of the shadow . Hey , I wonder if Dave has run off to the beach to take some more pictures of shadows ...
  2. I am reading a lot of smoke and mirrors here but nothing that could be interpreted as any kind of real rebuttal .. Unless one thinks your typical "your so ignorant about photography " speech is a real rebuttal . Kevin claimed that the shadows were black because of being underexposed .... I thought he meant that the photos were underexposed in the dark room ... No big deal .... I say that some of the astronot's shadows are solid black because they were faked either by being pasted in the photo or filled in with black , as no shadow ( not even on the Moon ) would ever be solid black .. Can you prove otherwise ? You are making the claim that the astronot shadow in the photo in question is '"totally perfect" , yet you haven't supplied any evidence as to why it is "totally perfect " . You have also made the incorrect claim that White and Percy have produced "misinformation " ... Yet you haven't backed up that false claim either I see . The corrected photo that Percy supplied is what the astronot's shadow would have looked like had the photo been real ... and the original "match stick leg" nasa photo is a fake . So from what I've seen , you have no proof to back up your nonsense here ... but rather only a load of BS and bluff .
  3. Game, set and match. Can White admit he is wrong? ROFLMAO! Poor Craig is still pretending he is capable of playing tennis ... ROFLMAO! CNN CONFIRMED that the video footage in question was taken at 9:04 AM ... The building was just hit , and not even close to collapsing yet ... The South tower is obsured by smoke , but still standing right behind the North tower .
  4. "Falling debris" from the towers collapsing could not and would not have created that massive deep hole beneath WTC 6 , or the subsequent hot spot .. Neither would "falling debris" have caused the massive explosion heard by all of the employees of WTC 6 , who were all evacuated before the south tower imploded .
  5. Of course ... "frenat " ... You were one of the best game players there when it came to trying to refute ALL conspiracy evidence , and apparently you still are still playing the same game here . Look at Jack's enhancement study again ...It clearly shows two buildings ... What you are mistaking for light is only smoke in front of the building ... If you look directly below the part you circled , you will see the outline of the second building .
  6. I started the new thread , so anything you want to move there is fine with me .
  7. This is a study on Aulis describing one of the faked Apollo photographs .... It shows the photo as NASA made it , and then a comparison of what the shadow in the photo should have looked like if the apparent Whistle-Blowers had not been at work . " And finally here is another example of what can only be described as a thoroughly phoney photograph, allegedly taken on the Moon. This Apollo 14 image (see pic 10) shows an astronaut walking towards the left of frame. 10. AS14-64-9089 as published by NASA. So what is wrong with pic 10? As a representation of the astronaut’s legs and body, the ‘matchstick’ shadow effect is both inadequate and inaccurate. While the amount of light on the side of the body nearest the camera and furthest away from the Sun (which is out of frame to the left) is far too adequate, while equally inaccurate! In other words, the astronaut has a totally disproportionate amount of light filling him in on his shadow side. It is important to remember the total blackness of the shadow side of the rocks in Apollo images of the lunar surface. Now compare AS14-64-9089 with pic 11, our amended version. 11. AS14-64-9089 amended with corrected shadow detail. The side of the astronaut nearest the camera is much darker in our pic 11, than is the case in NASA’s version. This adjusted image conveys the result one would expect without the benefit of an artificial light source filling-in the subject and with a more appropriate amount of shadow on the ground. In our view pic 10 is entirely phoney and is yet further evidence of whistle-blowing. " http://www.aulis.com/nasa12.htm
  8. Jim Fetzer: How was the WTC demolished? Watch this video to learn how the WTC buildings were destroyed ... ( Running time 16 minutes 35 seconds ) "The government says : Who are you going to believe , me or your lying eyes ? " http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=646337772656177512 Building 6 had its center virtually vaporized on September 11, 2001. According to the government, falling steel, imaginatively, scooped out this building, but very little debris is evident in the crater, nor would falling steel account for the rounded nature of the holes. The team that investigated the collapse was kept away from the crime scene. By the time they published their inconclusive report in May, 2002, the evidence had been destroyed. Why did the government claim to have rapidly recycled the steel from the largest and most mysterious engineering failure in world history -- was it indeed largely vaporized? And why have both the mainstream and alternative media remained silent? In the wake of the 9/11 disaster, Building 6's perfectly vertical crater seems suggestive of directed-energy weapons targeted from above.
  9. What's really amazing is that you are still playing this silly game and that I'm still arguing with sheer insanity . THIS is a still photo from the ORIGINAL video which was filmed EARLIER ( as in 9:04 AM ) and it is clearly showing BOTH buildings . Speaking of playing games ... What was your user name on the UM again ?
  10. Excuse me , but Kevin was the one who claimed that the Apollo photos were UNDEREXPOSED and that's why the astronot's shadows were solid black .... So I guess with that statement he has now undermined any credibility he thought he had .. or maybe you thought he had . So "Mr. Light" , are you now claiming that the Apollo astronots had a dark room in the LM with them and developed their phony photos while on the moonset ?!!? ... UNDEREXPOSED photos would have happen during the development of the negatives in the dark room by photo technitions , would it not ? Dave ... The Apollo photos were faked in many different ways , pasted in objects and shadows being only ONE of them . I'm sorry , but your high resolution photo did not help your cause at all ... The "stick shadow legs" going straight up and side by side do NOT match the position of the astro-actor on the set . Hey , I have a super idea though ! ... Why don't you get you pal Peri to make another living room photo special of an Apollo astronot doll posing in front of a lightbulb ...If you're lucky , maybe he can photoshop this one to be a close match to the original fake photo too !
  11. The highlighted portion the very definition of magic - a magic show.....the suspension of belief in what you see with your own eyes......that describes Dallas and 911 perfectly, more so the cover-up and cover-upees. Do you believe in Magic?!?!?! Some truths are just worth repeating ! ... Peter ... If I wasn't reading some of the nonsense posted on this thread with my own eyes , I might not believe what I'm seeing . The defenders of the official government version of 9/11 are clearly more delusional than I ever suspected ... When looking at a photograph and a video which clearly shows BOTH WTC towers standing there , while the dust plume coming from WTC 6 is below it , and then to insist that only one building is standing there when the tape shows TWO buildings , is beyond magic ... It's downright mind blowing . The study that Jack posted here , plus the article I posted here , plus the video 'In Plane Sight' shows that the dust plume from WTC6 billowed up at 9:04 AM . ... This footage has been CONFIRMED as being the live footage that was aired at 9:04 AM . So to continue to argue with the the type of insanity which claims otherwise is a complete waste of our time .
  12. Avoiding this faked "match stick legs " solid black astro-NOT shadow photo is what speaks volumes ... That and your constant need to character assassinate Jack with your hateful games . So what do you think "Mr. Light " ? .... How was this shadow pasted into the photograph ? ... And why do you suppose the photo faker didn't even bother to make the shadow match the object it was supposed to belong to ? Kevin wants me to start a new thread on solid black faked astronot shadows .... Sound like real fun to me !
  13. Watch it again then because BOTH towers are standing ... They have NOT begun to collapse ... and it has been CONFIRMED by CNN that this clip was aired at 9:03 AM , immediately after the South tower was hit . Do you have a video clip showing the dust plume rising from WTC 6 as the south tower is collapsing ? ... Because if you do , I would like to see it . Maybe you should watch ALL of this documentary to see what kind of goevernment lies you are defending .
  14. PROJECTION is one of the games so typical of all disinformation artists .
  15. LLPOF ! Or are you just playing the same game that Lamson , Colby , West and Burton are ? BOTH towers were standing in the original CNN video that was pulled off the air and replaced by the crap you promote . How sad that the same handful of members here feel the need to try to refute every single study that Jack posts here .... You all couldn't be any more transparent than if you were made out of window pane glass .
  16. Interesting questions ... Yes, falsifying governmet records is a crime ... A crime that was NOT committed by Dan Rather , but rather the people who decided to set him up to take a very big fall . It's very obvious why there never was any proper government investigation into this matter ... It's the same reason there was not , and will never will be , any proper government investigation into the crimes of 9/11 .
  17. Here is the original CNN video showing the explosion of WTC 6 , with the dust plume rising up high into the sky BEFORE WTC 1 and 2 collapsed ! This video was aired only ONCE live before it was pulled ( pun intended ) ... So the video stills that Kevin and Len have posted here is cobbled together government disinformation created after the fact . This video clip also contains the audio of Larry Siverstein making the decision to "PULL IT " , in reference to WTC 7 . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqsdglv3dS8
  18. Here's another great example of a fake solid black shadow , which was pasted into the photograph , that in no way matches the position of the astronot .
  19. You're beginning to sound a tad desperate here ... I guess that's what you do when you're wrong . "There has been some confusion about when the CNN video showing the mysterious explosion of 9-11 was filmed. In order to clarify the timing, American Free Press contacted CNN archives in Atlanta to inquire. The most senior archivist available, who could only reveal his first name, Andy, said that the footage from which this still was taken had been shot as the second plane crashed into the south tower, at about 9:04 a.m. " So it would seem as if quite a lot of people witnessed WTC 6 exploading at 9:04 AM , and that blast obviously had nothing to do with" falling debris" from the towers .
  20. Real shadows on the Moon would not be solid black under any conditions ... and very expensive , state of the art , top of the line, Hassleblad cameras, should take photos that would not be so "underexposed " . On the other hand , pasted in faked shadows are solid black because they are not original to the photograph and therefore have no light within the shadow , nor do they show any objects within the shadows, such as the ground texture beneath them . Here's an example of a solid black pasted in shadow... and here is another one .
  21. The LIVE shots were aired only once and obviously very many people saw the WTC 6 explosion and dust cloud which followed , immediatley after the plane struck the South tower at 9:03 .... So the video tape you get to see now ( which you have been led to believe are the original LIVE CNN shots) have now been altered after the fact . So once again , it looks as though you are having a difficult time comprehending the facts in this article ... Or maybe deliberately misinterpreting them ... Here is another reminder ... " A massive explosion, witnessed by millions of television viewers on CNN, evidently devastated World Trade Center 6, the eight-story U.S. Customs building, although no national newspaper, other than American Free Press, has written a word about it. Before the smoke had cleared from around the stricken South Tower, a mysterious explosion shot 550 feet into the air above the U.S. Customs House at WTC 6. The unexplained blast occurred between the burning North Tower and the 47-story Salomon Brothers Building, known as WTC 7, immediately after United Airlines Flight 175 smashed into the South Tower, at about 9:03 a.m. "
  22. Your statement is incorrect , as Dave has shown ... The shadows of the rocks and other objects, allegedly taken on the Moon , show a certain amount of light within the shadows... It may be extemely dark , but the ground etc. can be seen through the dark shadows to some extant . As for the shadows of the astronots , not only are they solid black ( something which would have been impossible on the real Moon , according to nasa's article ) but if there were ANY features at all contained within the shadows , computer enhancement would be able to discover them , just like that proceedure enhanced and exposed the faked Apollo 12 spotlight 'Sun' . Computer enhancement Photodhop is a conspiracy researcher's friend !
  23. Jack ... I still think that some of those way off center Apollo 12 astronot shadows photos were croped from the PANS . And speaking of the PANS , why do the astronot's dense , solid black shadows only show up in one location in the 360 degree PAN shots if they were turing their bodies around to take all of the photos , which were later stitched together ? .... Shouldn't their shadows make an appearence somewhere else , even as possibly an off side shadow ? ... Or would the fake looking shadows only show up with the spotlight 'Sun' directly behind them ?
  24. Sorry, but I won't take your word over this article ... Your "good friends" either didn't see it because you just made them up or because they , like everyone else , were focused on the horror taking place near the top of both towers, and NOT looking at the explosion cloud coming from WTC 6 .
  25. Along with doing nothing but disagreeing with eveyone who is trying to show you a truth you refuse to believe , by spewing more of your typical misinformation , you obviously don't know how to read either .... Try it again .... You are aware that damaging evidence can and is suppressed by the government , aren't you ? "Despite the fact that the horrible events of Sept. 11 occurred in broad daylight and were widely photographed, significant aspects of the attacks have been completely suppressed by a media blackout. "
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