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Duane Daman

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Everything posted by Duane Daman

  1. Ah poor Craig ... He's just not happy unless he's ridiculing those he fears .... David Percy and Jack White are internationally famous for exposing nasa's Apollo photographic fraud , and he's just one little egotistical photographer living in the boondocks of the midwest ... Otherwise known as Jumpoff Place , Indiana . I have a mind of my own when it comes to Apollo and have been studying this subject long before I ever heard of Jack White or David Percy , or saw their Aulis site .... and as much as I admire them both for what they are doing in exposing the faked Apollo photography , I don't always agree with them ... So Craig's unkind remark, claiming that I rely on the statements of people like White and Percy to think for me , is a lie . All Craig has done by starting this thread is to continue to character assassinate Jack and David with his game of "one up" on the conspiracy researchers and has reminded us all what a mean and hateful little man he really is ( as if any of us needed reminding ) .. For a guy who's in his 50's , this game is very immature . BTW , Jack has also had some other strange things happen with his e-mail this week ... My e-mails and e-mail address being somehow deleted from his account was one of them ... and I find that rather odd , as I am no one that any government stooge should be concerned about .... or am I ? But if Craig considers Jack and David and me to be "Larry Curly and Moe" , then I will consider myself very lucky to be in such good company ... I am proud to know them both and I am proud to have sent them both hoax evidence which they have used in their studies. My confidence in Percy and White's work , which proves that the official Apollo photograpic record was faked , does not rest on shaky ground at all ... It rests on very solid ground .
  2. Interesting points Ron .... My guess would be no one would have been very interested , except for maybe a few kids who might want to grow up to be firemen . And it gets even more curious ... Here's a line from the article .... "And let's also forget those other little curiosities — like the word "Naudets" being an anagram of "Duane St."
  3. On second thought boys, this helmet design might serve you better on the Moon ... I forgot that you will need that very important golden visor up there in the blinding Sun . Jack Schmitt rarely seemed to need his on the Apollo 17 moonset , but then that's another story .
  4. Don't be so touchy Dave ... I'm only trying to have some fun here . I have already seen your your silly diagrams , three time now ... and no , I don't believe that the boot prints and some kicked up moonset dust would have completely obsured all of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's tire tracks ... and no , I have absolutely no interest in rehashing this old argument . So I will leave you to your diagrams now and hopefully Jack will answer your burning question very soon !
  5. Any excuse for an unnecessary argument , right "phunk" ? The alleged "gas leak " convienantly put them at the exact location to film the North tower being hit .
  6. Of course I have a sense of humor !! .... I must have just been in a cranky mood the day that you discovered that Egypt Does Not Exist ! Sorry about forgetting your helmets boys .... I thought that super geeks such as yourselves could hold your breath that long , but I guess not ... So here ya go .. This should complete your costumes and now you can be " go for launch "! That was a funny u-tube video on tips of how to survive the nukes .. I always did like British humor ... The 'Vicar of Dibley' rules !!
  7. I posted one of Jack's Apollo 15 moonset studies showing bogus buggy tires tracks .... I thought that was the subject .... but if you prefer this one instead , that's fine by me .... I'm beginnning to think that you have absolutely no sense of humor Dave ....
  8. Here's another paragraph from this article about the "Wag the Dog" type of documentary , that was allegedly being filmed by the Naudet brothers to show an uninteresting gas leak , but instead convienantly showed the first plane hitting the North tower of the World Trade Center . I do believe this part was written just for Len and Craig and all the rest of the sheep who swallowed and now defend the bogus official 9/11 story . " Every 50 years or so, the same con pulled on a US public that seems to learn nothing: you have to be totally brainless not to see the pattern, but that description would suit the millions of Americans, the shame and laughing stock of the civilized world, who all along have dutifully swallowed every word of the Evil Terrorist Mastermind story, straight from a Superman comic or a Hollywood schlock buster, because they are incapable of handling anything more complex, like the real world around them."
  9. I believe this study might best describe Jack's opinion about the buggy tire tracks on the Apollo 15 moonset .
  10. And I repeat , since you didn't understand the real reason the first time .... If nasa could have proven that Apollo was not a hoax by spending a mere $15,000 they would have jumped at the chance ... The book wasn't written because it wouldn't have helped their cause , but rather hurt it by bringing it to even more people's attention that all was not well with the Apollo program . Hey , I'm as romantic as the next guy ! .. In fact , I'm so romantic that I not only think a rover can land on the moon , but I think that the geeks who land it there, can also go along for the ride .... I even think that you and Evan both should volunteer for the job ! ... After all , 12 Apollo astronots allegedly landed there using 40 year old technology , and set their moon ships down like it was a piece of cake ... so using your modern day technology , should be an even bigger piece of cake now !.... and I want to do my part by supplying you both with these very kewl astronot costumes , that you can wear on your trip . Oh , and make sure you take this kit along with you on your Moon mobile ... No real astronot should ever leave Earth orbit without it ! Personally , I think we're in for an exciting time too !!! .... While I'm safe and sound in my nuke bunker , you boys will be deep frying on the radioactive lunar surface !
  11. And that rather lame but nevertheless antagonistic reply , is pretty much the standard stuff from those who promote the offical version of 9/11, which is nothing but more government lies and cover-ups.
  12. So now you think that you can think and speak for the conspiracy believers ? ... If nasa could have proven that Apollo was not a hoax by spending a mere $15,000 they would have jumped at the chance ... The book wasn't written because it wouldn't have helped their cause , but rather hurt it by bringing it to even more people's attention that all was not well with the Apollo program . Yes , you ... If billions of people believe that Apollo really landed men on the moon almost 40 years ago , and that the Apollo photographs are an accurate and honest portrayal of that alleged acheivement , then they shouldn't be worried at all about the millions of people who believe otherwise . This has nothing to so with the " human esprit de coeur" .. It has to do with a few science geeks thinking that they are smarter than nasa ... Well, on second thought , maybe that's not such a stretch of the imagination ! Nobody has to guess ... I made it very clear what I was talking about ... The unfoding of World War III , which I believe might put quite a little damper on any nation attempting to land on the Moon . BTW, how many of these nations are planning to land manned missions ? ... Besides nasa's in 2020 ?
  13. Would those "people"moving around be the stagehands or the astro-actors ? .. The tracks behind the astronot are not the ones in question . Every singe tire track tread in front of the astronot could not possibly have been completely covered over by kicked up dirt ... especially in the area where there are no bootprints . We have all had this conversation before , so I don't see much point in rehasing it , as it never goes anywhere except around in circles .
  14. Firstly , it doesn't behove nasa to try to prove something which they couldn't prove nearly 40 years ago , or even now. Secondly , would they really be able to get funding again to do something that they faked the first time around ? ...Probably not . ... As for their feeble excuse as to why the Moon hoax 'debunk' book was pulled , you can't possibly really believe that a trivial $15,000 was the real problem , can you ? Thirdly , the "small fraction of people who don't believe Apollo happened " equate to MANY MILLIONS of people from all walks of life and from all over the world ... So don't try to trivilize those numbers , or those people , with your typical condescending tone .... I will scoff at any space program that "geeks" think they can accomplish , while the biggest space agency in the world , NASA , otherwise known as Never A Straight Answer , can't . If you consider watching World War III unfold exciting , then yeah , the next few years from now through to 2020 should be a blast !
  15. Ron ... Couldn't of said that better myself ! ... Peter ... Couldn't of said that better myself either !
  16. Jack ... Here's my e-mail reply to you earlier today .... It's EXACTLY what I told you they would say ... " Jack , Thanks for your new study ... I can hear the debunkers already ! The first one will say that the tire tracks have gone missing because the astronot's boots kicked dust all over them and covered them up ... and of course the rest of the debunkers will say that you don't understand perspective , etc etc etc and blah blah blah .... " ROTF !! LMAO !!!!!
  17. No, actually what is funny beyond belief is watching you attack every single word that Jack posts here ... Your obsession with him is not healthy at all ... Anyone who feels the need to constantly character assassinate someone they disagree with, usually has a real problem ... Or in your case , many problems . Whether or not this one study of Jack's is completley accurate or not hardly matters , as most of his studies prove beyond a doubt that the Apollo photography was faked . Like I said before ... This ONE study does not make or break the hoax evidence ... Many of the Apollo photos contain enough anomalies in them , that even you should be able to realize that they could not possibly have been taken on the Moon .
  18. This might not be the authors salient points about the Naudet film , but these few paragraphs pretty much sum up his opinion about who attacked innocent American citizens on September 11 , 2001 .... and I coudn't agree with him more . "For the record, my own opinion is that 9/11 was commissioned by that cliché of American politics — the military-industrial complex: the one Eisenhower warned us about — and he should have known — he was one of them; and that the lead role in organizing the attacks (and failing to respond to them) was played by the Pentagon, in particular the branch of the armed forces that took zero casualties when that building was hit — the US Air Force — in which formerly served General Richard Bowman "Star Wars" Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs (until his retirement on 30 September 2005) and prime 9/11 suspect. " "Considering method, motive and opportunity, the USA's military leaders could unquestionably be said to have method and opportunity for being able to fail to defend the country - at best — or to actually attack it themselves — at worst. Killing people is, after all, their job, and the Pentagon's version of morality is, and always has been, what works - not least in the nuclear age, now 60 years old, with its scenarios of dead and dispensable Americans by the millions, not thousands. " "Another aspect of method, the multiple deceptions of 9/11 — like having Bin Laden playing his part as the Muslim Lee Oswald, or Hitler, or Satan, or whoever — would have gone to the specialists in that area, George Tenet's CIA. The motive would be what it always has been in the USA's 200-year history of warmongering: greed; in this case the greed of men - and, these days, the odd token woman - in the boardrooms of companies selling oil and weapons. The chances, however, of a single shred of evidence emerging from those boardrooms, or from offices at the Pentagon or the Capitol or the White House, proving - or even hinting at - the involvement of any of these people in the 9/11 attacks, must be virtually non-existent." "If we are to get to them, it will have to be indirectly, and I think the Naudet film is the most promising method of doing it. Some people claim to have established as fact that the Twin Towers' collapses were caused by demolitions, which must have been planned long in advance, but where does that get us? The central question was never "how?" but "who?" - and we have no evidence of charges being planted or of who might have done it. Al Qaeda could have done it, which takes us back to the official story - and that's no use. The film of Flight 11 must have been planned in advance, too, but in this case we can put an actual name to the deed, and we have at least a chance of getting from that name to others perhaps more deeply involved. In the fog of lies, theories, speculation and disinformation around 9/11, the Naudet film offers something solid and tangible, that might, eventually, lead us towards the guilty: it may only be a start, but the people who changed the world that day, incalculably for the worse, are not going to be voluntarily throwing themselves in jail in the near future. "
  19. Some people , aside from not seeing very well , have no sense of smell either .
  20. Well, maybe not so interesting after all . So now you are accusing the 9/11 HEROS , most of whom are now dying , of lying ? Not nearly as absurd as your arguments .
  21. Awesome article Jack ! It will be interesting to see how Agent Colby will pretend to refute this one .
  22. Jack ... I was speaking of just the astronot's shadows , as possibly being either pasted into the photos , or filled in by black markers . The shadows of the LM and other things have a bit of a more natural look to them , because of the slight light reflection inside of them ... but the astronot's shadows look very strange ... Especially the one's which were pasted into the photos BACKWARDS ! I wonder how can it be possible that the astronot's shadows are solid black , showing no light reflection within them at all , and no details either , such as the texture of the lunar surface beneath them ?
  23. Evan .... I really can't speak for Jack , but if you and your friends are able to soft land a craft on the real lunar surface , and even manage to land it on top of an alleged Apollo landing site , and are also able to take videos or still photographs of one of those alleged sites , then I don't think wild horses could keep Jack away from giving you his professional opinion about those particular photos .... BTW , do you plan to land your space craft by 2010 , to win the 30 mil ? ... Or like NASA , will it have to wait until 2020 ??
  24. Jack .... I believe that some of the Apollo 12 photos in question , were possibly cropped from some of the PAN photos , and that's why the shadows are so far to the side of the photos , or show only half of the astronot's shadow in a couple of them . But I am more interested in the way the shadows look , opposed to their position in the photo... I know that shadows are suppossed to be much darker on the Moon , but I recently read an article explaining that even though Moon shadows are darker than Earth shadows ( because of the lack of blue sky reflection) , they still contain some light within the shadow . Yet if you look at the Apollo photos and the astronot's shadows , there is no light whatsoever inside their shadows ... In fact , they look as though they are solid black , as if somone has filled them in with a black magic marker . It would be interesting to see if computer enhancement analysis can detect any light at all within any of the Apollo astronot shadows .... Considering the blinding brighness of the Sun and the reflective lunar surface , I would think there should be some reflected light in those strange looking pitch black shadows .
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