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Duane Daman

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Everything posted by Duane Daman

  1. I don't do drugs , m'kay ? And obviously you have no real knowledge of the magnitude of the corruption within the organization known as the United States Military/Industrial Complex . Whether you know anything about this or refuse to accept the reality of the existance of the shadow government , black ops programs , and government scams , lies and cover-ups , they really DO exist .. Well, in the real world anyway .... I can only imagine what type of rose tinted fantasy world you live in by your posts and of course your belief in nasa's fairy tale of having landed six manned missions on the moon almost 40 years ago . Hello !!! ... It can't be done with today's technology, much less the conventional technology of 40 years ago .... nasa has FUTURE plans ( don't hold your breath ) of first sending UNMANNED missions to the moon ... and then they hope to send ROBOTIC missions to the moon to do guess what ? ... MEASURE THE LEVELS OF RADIATION ON THE LUNAR SURFACE TO SEE IF ANYONE CAN SET UP CAMP THERE WITHOUT BEING FRIED ALIVE ! ... And why would nasa need to do this now ? .... I guess because the Apollo astronauts didn't bother to measure it SIX TIMES !! ... Do you think it might have just slipped their minds while they were busy doing all those other important experiments and placing laser reflectors on the ground ? .. ...and then scooping up 840 lbs of moon rocks ! ... Funny thing those moon rocks ... I keep reading conflicting stories about them on pro Apollo sites .... Some claim that the astronauts picked up ALL 840 lbs. ( funny we never got to see that on any of the 'moon' videos did we ? ) and some sites claim that the astronauts only picked up a few lbs. of rocks and the others were collected MECHANICALLY ! ... Oh really ? ... How? .... We didn't get to see any of that taking place on any of the 'moon' videos either , did we ? ... No .. but we did get to see them singing songs and bouncing around and hot dogging around in the lunar buggies.... I will see if I can find the web site where I just read this little contradiction , cuz I know how you all need proof of every single word I post . Wake up people ... We all were duped by nasa ... Some of us just woke up to that sad little fact and some of us didn't and never will .
  2. You haven't rebutted anything ... You have no proof that Hawkins even got this switched voice over video clip material from Reinert's documentary .... Or even that Reinert made this switch himself . Where is your proof of this ? ... This is only speculation on your part because Reinart made a jumbled up mess of a documentary. I suggest you do some research and provide proof of your claims before accusing anyone of editing official nasa film footage .
  3. First of all , the US government didn't pull off this hoax ... This had nothing to do with regular polititions .... The US military/industrial complex accomplished this , along with nasa who is a part of that organization ... They are both part of the shadow government , along with the worlds's weathiest bankers ... They are known as the New World Order or the "masters of infinity" ( Lyndon Johnson's term ) President Eisenhower warned the American people that the US military /industrial complex would take over the United States if something wasn't done to stop them ... but of course nothing could be done to stop something so powerful ... So they are now , unfortunately for everyone on this planet , running the entire show .... In the 1960's and early 70's this organization orchestrated the alleged space race with the Russians , and also the alleged manned missions to the moon , known as Apollo . Could they pull off a hoax this huge or a lie this monumental or a cover-up this long ? .... Absolutely .
  4. Evan ... You are incorrect ... In the documentary 'Astronauts Gone Wild' , Sibrel shows where three of the astronauts did swear on the Bible that they walked on the moon ... Cernan , Bean and Mitchell all did this , where Armstrong , Aldren , Collins and Young refused to ..... Then immediately after Cernan , Mitchell and Bean did swear on the Bible , they all threatened and cussed out Sibrel and then literally kicked him and shoved him out their front doors .... So much for the refined behavior and integrity of our "national heros" ! ... They all acted like bar room bullies when they found out what Sibrel was up to .... Why didn't they just laugh at him , if he is such a nut ? ... Why didn't they tell him calmly that they really did walk on the moon and that he was crazy to believe otherwise ? .... Why instead did they act like guilty little defensive bullies who had all been caught with their hands in the cookie jar ? Gene Cernan was obviouly lying and sweating profusely because of being cornered and asked questions he couldn't answer .... and poor Alan Bean didn't even know where the Van Allen radiation belts were located !! ... Give me a break ! ... These guys never went anywhere near the moon ! I agree with Jack White that Sibrel could have handled these Apollo astronaut's interviews differently but to denounce him as being akin to Satan himself is just more distraction tactics used by the typical nasa defenders , who would like to take the attention off of the embarrassing and lying behavior of the Apollo astronauts and direct to that conspiracy bad boy , Sibrel . Here is a video clip from this documentary where Sibrel is interviewing Alan Bean ... and there is absolutely nothing offensive about the way he conducted his interview with him . Click on the link to watch Alan Bean spill the beans about the Van Allen radiation belts ! ... It's almost too painful for even me to watch . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zstYpEXOI24
  5. It seems to me that when the nasa defenders have no proper comeback or appropriate 'rebuttal', they just go off topic as usual .... It works every time , right guys ?
  6. Getting back to Charles T. Hawkins book about how America faked the moon landings , here is an editorial review about some of what the book discusses .. Editorial Reviews Book Description A fascinating in-depth account of how NASA and the American government faked the Apollo Moon Landings of the 1960’s and 70’s. From the moonwalks and rover rides to the return splashdowns, every step of the way you will see how the event was staged here on earth. Unlike the other books that make allocations that the moon landings were fake, this is the only book that shows you exactly how it was done. The author’s goal is to provide space enthusiasts around the globe with accurate historical reference what really happened and why the United States found it necessary to fake the moon landings. This book also contains many high-quality original NASA photos with obvious clues proving the moon landings were faked. These images include: astronauts with tears in their spacesuit, helmets open, and animals on the moon surface. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now here is book review by none other than the infamous Jay Utah of the nasa disinformation and conspiracy information 'debunking' site of CLAVIUS MOON BASE ! ... This one is too funny ! Unbelievably worthless, December 11, 2006 Reviewer: Clavius (Utah, USA) - See all my reviews Even by conspiracy-theory standards this book is patently atrocious. The prose reads like a bad term paper, much of it (as has already been said) lifted or paraphrased from web sites, and the rest a rehash of the typical anti-government rant you can find in any backwoods militia newsletter. It was allegedly researched by a gaggle of high-tech wunderkind whom its author refers to as the "whiz kids". Yet while these children ares supposedly smart enough to dispute the world's historical scholars over one of the most meticulously documented events in world history, they can't seem to find the spell-check feature on the computer. Much of the book's copious photographic "evidence" is simply forged on the computer, and not even very skilfully forged. For example, one photo shows the lunar lander training vehicle slung under a helicopter, allegedly proving that film of it actually flying must have been faked. But the "cables" suspending the vehicle are simply perfect parallel vertical lines drawn with the paint tool. And the "whiz kids" cut-and-pasted a well-known modern helicopter type instead of one from the 1960s. This book is an utter waste of trees and an even more utter waste of money. If you must have a conspiracy theory book on the moon landings, choose one of the others. .................................................................... There are also a couple of other reviewers who agree with Jay's opinion of Mr. Hawkins book .... but they are probably just members of his nasa fan club ... or at least have the same exact mind set that Utah and his group of adoring fans have . .................................................................... And now here are the only reviews that really matter , which say the exact OPPOSITE of what Jay has to say ... (Gee, I wonder why that would be ?) ... Maybe because these reviewers are NOT working for nasa in trying to keep the lid on the conspiracy information , which has already had the lid blown off of it ? At last!, May 1, 2006 Reviewer: Newboy - See all my reviews What I've been waiting to hear for years: it didn't really happen! The Moon is NOT covered with American flags, metal junk and pizza boxes like most of the Earth. And, I dare to hope, Mars, Venus, and the rest of the heavenly bodies are inviolate, after all. And all of that reflective rubbish racing across and blighting the night scare is just especially bad floaters in my aging eyes. Well, look in Pravda for that date and you'll see: nothing about it in the newspaper. Case closed. ...................................... And this one ... This conspiracy theory is not unique; it's what the author does with it that's impresses. , December 10, 2005 Reviewer: Tammy Peterson "amazon" (Florida, USA) - See all my reviews This conspiracy theory is not unique; it's what the author does with it that's impresses. I never thought I would find myself recommending any government conspiracy books, but the story plot is fascinating. It's almost impossible not to find yourself quickly warming up to the writer's charismatic exploration of science and human emotion. For example, there's a delicious scene of teamwork when the author introduces some of the unique members of his research team and their individual contributions. Sometimes the author gets carried away with his skillful technical analysis of NASA's space science jargon, which I occasional had no idea or interest in what he was talking about. However that adds real conviction and creditability to the Moon Hoax conspiracy theory, only a scientist could brilliantly portray. Ultimately, the test for this authors success or failure lay with how his theories stand up to criticism of the scientific community. .......................... So it would seem that Hawkins book has quite some merit to it among those who are not too afraid to take a close look at the many holes in nasa's official record of the highly controversial subject of the Apollo Program .... otherwise known as the Apollo Moon Hoax !
  7. There have been discussions about the very reclusive and strange behavior of all of the Apollo astronauts throughout the years ... but people speculate that the reason for this behavior is because there was something to hide about the moon itself .... UFO buffs seem to always latch on to the disinformation about alien craft being seen on the moon and ancient alien glass structures covering the lunar landscape .. and that this was the reason for not only the strange behavior of the astronauts , but for faking the Apollo photographs as well . Then there is the theroy that the photos didn't come out very good because of all the radaition on the lunar surface ... and NASA wanted us all to see some pretty pictures of their alleged accomplishments , so they staged them .... But not many people discuss the fact that none of the Apollo astronauts act much like heros at all but rather hide away in seclusion , refusing to give any interviews ... and then when they do agree to giving interviews , they make complete fools of themselves by not even being able to answer the most basic of questions about their suppossed moon trips and moon walks ... I'm sure some of you have seen the Bart Sibrel interviews with Gene Cernan , Ed Mitchell and Alan Bean , where none of them could even get their stories straight or even told the same story about what it was like to travel to , land , and then walk on the moon ... The NASA defenders will say that this is just because it was almost 40 years ago that these guys went to the moon and now as old men they can't quite remember all of the details of their space travels .... But there is obviously more to it than that .... If you watched the documentary 'Astronauts Gone Wild ' , you will see that Bean said there were no radiation flashes to be seen going though the Van Allen belts ... Then you can see where he didn't even know where the Van Allen belts were located or if they had even travelled high enough to go through them !!! Then in complete contradiction to that story , Cernan said that he did see the radiation flashes going through the belts .... but while he was telling his story about theses flashes , he was literally sweating bullets ( his shirt was soaked through) and hollering at his dog to shut up ...and while he was hollering at this dog to shut up, his body language showed that he was obviously lying .... Then Sibrel asked Cernan if the LM , while landing on the moon , made any noise ? ... and he said yes , that it was very LOUD ... but Bean had just stated in his interview that it made no noise at all and was completely QUIET ... So these complete contradictions show that either one or both of them were not telling the truth about landing on the moon .... In another interview in this same documentary , Ed Mitchell literally shoved Sibrel out of his house and then Mitchell's son threaten to call the FBI to have Sibrel "waxed" !!! Are these the actions of truthful men who have nothing to hide ? ...As usual, Neil Armstrong refused to be interviewed but when Sibrel did manage to get him on camera and asked him to swear on the Bible that he walked on the moon , he refused to do so ... And when Sibrel confronted John Young with the same offer , Young also refused to swear on the Bible and then ran away as fast as he could , threatening to knock Sibrel in the head ... Why would National heros , the only men to have ever allegedly set foot on the moon , act like guilty criminals ? .... I have read where Neil Armstrong doesn't even have any Apollo moon items or photographs his home .... There are pictures of his career as a test pilot ( something which he is the most proud of ) and also pictures and items from his other accomplishments , displayed in his home.... but not even one photo or item about his moon mission !?!? ... The first man to walk on another planet , and nothing to show for it in his home among his other souvineers ? ... Why not ? .... And when Neil is forced out into the public to make a brief speech at some place like a college about his alleged moon trip , he utters enigmatic statements which include words such as ... peeling back the layers of life's many truths , as tears fill his eyes .... WTF ??? Then there is the high strangeness of the post Apollo 11 press conference , where Armstrong , Collins and Aldren couldn't quite get their stories straight about seeing or maybe not seeing any stars on the way to and during their little stint on the moon ... Not to mention that they all looked as if they were attending their own funerals , instead of a press conference ... The three of them were obviously extremely uncomfortable talking about their alleged journey to the moon .... and especially uncomfortable trying to answer any technical questions about it .... At one point in this interview it looked as though Armstrong wanted to punch Collins out for saying that he never saw any stars at all during ANY part of the mission ! Everyone who believes that Apollo was a hoax, knows that something was not only not well with the entire Apollo Program , but is still not well with any of the Apollo astronauts ... Not emotionally anyway ... As far as physically goes , they all seem to be a bit too healthy, considering their stressful space flights and their exposure to deep space radiation . Is it possible that nasa has threatend their astronauts into silence ? ... And could NASA have permanently silenced Grissom because he was a "loose cannon" and was possibly getting ready to blow the whistle and the lid off of the entire Apollo hoax ? .... Unfortunately , these are questions we may never know the answers to .
  8. Must you all constantly mis-quote what I post ? ... Here is what I said about web sites and photos disappearing from the internet . "Certain web sites have been completely removed which are damaging to nasa and the Apollo 'moon landings' .... official Apollo photos which showed major amamolies have since been deleted from official nasa sites also ... It's called ... SUPPRESSION OF DAMAGING EVIDENCE .... and nasa is hard at work doing that all over the internet ." Did I mention anything about Cosmic Dave's web site ? ... or any other conspiracy web site for that matter ? ... NO ! ...I am talking about the kind of web sites with titles such as ... Scientisits Have now Discovered that the Van Allen Radiation Belts are Far More Dangerous than Ever Suspected .... Or ... Is Radiation Going to be the New Show Stopper in Going to the Moon ? .... Or .... Moon rocks Have Been Discoverd in the Antarctic ... Or ... Apollo 1 info.com ... Scott Grissom's site asking for information about his fathers death and wanting to re-open the investigation .... nasa loves web sites like Cosmic Dave's because they make the conspiracy theorisits look like nut cases .... but they obviously don't like the type of ligitimate sites which just might put them in a bad light ... or maybe give us all reason to doubt that Apollo astronauts ever really landed on the moon . And then there are the Apollo photos which contain anomalies which are found on certain conspiracy sites , but when you look for the high resolution originals on the Apollo Image Galley , they are no longer there .... This is what I mean about suppression of conspiracy evidence . But getting back to Reinart's documentary .... I think all of you nasa defenders are clutching at some pretty slippery straws here .... If you really believe that he would have removed official nasa voice overs from certain footage and then gone searching for a different voice overs that he thought were more exciting or interesting for that footage , then you all need a reality check .... Artistic license is one thing ... but what you are suggesting does not even make any sense . Hawkins claims that nasa did this poor job of editing on other film footage as well, in using different voice overs for the same scene .... and after watching the documentary 'Conspiracy Theory : Did We Land on the Moon' , I saw where nasa even ADMITTED TO POOR EDITING in attempting to cover their asses when film footage from two different EVA locations, shot on two different days , were found to have the same exact moon set hills and rocks in them ... They were IDENTICAL in every respect , so nasa claimed it was just POOR EDITING ... The conspiracy believers think it was a mistake on nasa's part that the same section of the moon set was used twice for two different occasions ... So which was ? .... nasa's bad editing or a moon set ? ... nasa's bad editing or Reniert switching the voice overs for no reason ? ... It should be interesting to see if Hawkins comes up with any more proof of nasa's poor editing ... I plan to buy his book , so I will keep you all posted in what I might find out .
  9. Kevin .... Here is my rebuttal to you .... There would have been absolutely NO REASON for Reinert to have DELIBERATELY REMOVED AND THEN SWITCHED OFFICIAL NASA VOICE OVERS in this piece of nasa 'moon landing' footage for his documentary ... For what possible reason would he have done that ? ... Try to face the facts here okay nasa fans ? ...The voice over dialogue could have fit either scene and nasa just forgot which one they were using for which scene .... These voice overs were obviously not done live from the moon ... but rather over dubbed to fit the scenes at a later time .... and nasa has always been known for their bad editing ! .... You boys can't even admit it when nasa's deception is right before your very eyes , can you ? But if you want me to find this little error now , I doubt it would be very easy , if even possible at all ... Don't you think that now that Hawkins has outed nasa , that they have made sure this little mistake has since been corrected , so no one else can use it against them ? ... Plus , what a bonus for them if they can make Hawkin's out to be a xxxx . Have you any idea how much Apollo conspiracy information has now gone missing from the internet ? ... Certain web sites have been completely removed which are damaging to nasa and the Apollo 'moon landings' .... official Apollo photos which showed major amamolies have since been deleted from official nasa sites also ... It's called ... SUPPRESSION OF DAMAGING EVIDENCE .... and nasa is hard at work doing that all over the internet .
  10. Oh I see ... So it was all Al Reinert's fault that the voice over was switched ... It's NEVER nasa's fault , is it Dave ? Yes , I watched the entire video and saw where the maker of this documentary took much out of context ... It was a jumbled mess of video footage showing many different missions , with a naration which didn't bother to clarify that the official nasa footage was from different missions , instead of just the first one .... But aside from that , why would you think that Mr. Reinert would deliberately REMOVE the astronaut's ORIGINAL OFFICIAL VOICE OVERS , to replace them with DIFFERENT VOICE OVERS from another part of the EVA ? .... There would have been absolutely no reason to do this within the context of this documentary . Don't you think that even though Reinhert took the liberty of combining film footage from different missions , that he would have no reason whatsoever to edit out OFFICIAL NASA VOICE OVER dialogue for NO REASON to replace it with a voice over which didn't really apply to the scene ? And what would make you think that Charles T. Hawkins was even refering to this documentary at all , when he made no mention of it in in his video clip showing the two different voice overs ? He clearly stated that his examples came from "OFFICIAL NASA MOON LANDING FOOTAGE" , not from someone's documentary who might have deliberately switched the voice overs for no reason .... Sorry , but your rebuttal makes no sense .
  11. Conspiracy researcher , author and scientist Charles T. Hawkins wrote a book called ' How America Faked the Moon Landings ' ... Here is a google video clip of one of Hawkin's discoveries about nasa's deception with their voice overs of the 'moon footage' ... This was suppossed to be one of the live transmissions from the moon , but unfortunately for nasa they sometimes made the mistake of using different 'live' voice overs for the same 'moon' scenes . When I posted this clip on another forum awhile ago I was led to believe by some of the nasa defenders there that Hawkin's had manipulated these video voice overs himself , just to sell his book ... but after watching an official nasa documentary today called 'For All Mankind' , I found that it was nasa who did the manipulating , not Hawkins. In this documentary nasa used the wrong voice over called the "House Rock" , when allegedly the correct one is called " The Football Rock" .... So this nasa documentary proves that Hawkins was not being deceptive in any way ... but nasa was . Click here to watch nasa's official unedited 'moon landing' film clips showing both voice overs 'live' from the 'moon' !! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6477886391235654973 And here's the link to part of the official nasa documentary accidently using the "House Rock" voice over which suppossedly belongs to another EVA from the same mission . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqzNp3fvrxA Book : How America Faked the Moon Landings http://www.amazon.com/How-America-Faked-Mo...ages/0974940526
  12. Sorry for taking so long to answer your question but I haven't had much time to post lately ... I'm not sure why it's so important for you to know what I believe about all of this but to answer your question again , it would be ... a) We never went to the moon . I don't have any time at the moment to elaborate on why I so strongly believe this to be the case , but will go into more detail with my next post ... I have some information about the moon rocks which I will post then too, since we have been discussing that subject on this thread also .
  13. "Forgotten is the fact that the Apollo missions were strictly POLITICAL, being run by Lyndon and Tricky Dick. The vast majority of NASA employees were duped along with the compliant press and gullible public." And in that one statement Jack , you just hit the big nail very squarely on it's big head ! ... Or in other words ... BINGO !!
  14. "I suspect many of them would have more pungent words to describe your position." I have no doubt . I cast aside the achievements of no one .... Not many of the hard working individuals working for nasa or their out sourced companies had any idea that the Apollo missions were faked .... Not even the hard workers at mission control were in on the scam .... Ever hear of compartmentalization or "as need to know" basis ? .... The only ones in the loop , so to speak , was nasa management , the astronauts and of course the stage hands , set builders , artists and photograhers , who cast aside quite a lot to help scam the world .
  15. Moon rocks have been obtained by Russian unmanned missions .... And we only have nasa's word for how many rocks were really collected on the moon and how .... These rocks are under lock and key by nasa's orders ... and have only been viewed by nasa employees ... Except of course for the few under glass and untouchable at some nasa museums ... And of course the few slivers and sand that are allowed to be released to the scientists who wish to study them . Moon rocks were recovered in the Antarctic prior to the Apollo 11 launch .... and I have recently read on some geology sites that they are still being recovered today ... and according to one article , these rocks have been found to be an exact match for the Apollo rocks .
  16. But getting back on topic ... "An extraodinary statement ? Mr Daman claims "Mission control left out of loop" Yes they were .... Even the flight director Gene Krantz said that NO CONTROLLER could discern the difference between a real landing from one done in training .
  17. Um...actually bigot is defined as "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief or opinion." Quoting the Random House Dictionary of the English Language, Second Edition Unabridged. Um... do you mean like those who are intolerent of any differing belief or opinion which goes against the accepted opinion of the main stream majority ? ... Such as nasa's story of landing men on the moon 37 years ago ? What an unfortunate use of a word, which much more applies to the one who said it , than of those he said it about .
  18. "It is a waste of time to argue with bigots." Just like it's a waste of time to argue with those who's only means of arguing their point is to use unnecessary ad homs .... Or maybe he think that makes him look more intelligent . Bigot is not even the correct term in this application ... Bigot refers to racial prejudice ... So much for intelligent conversations .... You contact a nasa defender to get an honset answer ? ... Too funny !
  19. Getting our Hoax's Straight! When people first hear of the idea that the Apollo program was a hoax, most automatically dismiss the idea out of hand, because it not only sounds crazy to them, but dares to question a sacred icon of American history! People can't be blamed for getting peeved by ideas that shake the foundations of cherished and widely held beliefs. On the other hand, the world of men is driven by what people believe to be "true", not what's actually true. Truth is often stranger than fiction; so it essentially boils down to whether we wish to really know the truth about things or not? While most people think conventional wisdom is obvious and indisputable, others are not afraid to have their concept of things completely upset, seeking the truth wherever it leads them, and letting the chips fall where they may. This book is obviously written for the latter type of person. The author makes a convincing case against Apollo by covering various facts from his employment with one of the leading Apollo contractors, and gleaned from his familiarity with the workings of the space program at that time. At the end of the day however, the most powerful evidence that Apollo was a hoax is the fact that today, NASA is technically unable to send men to the moon! This amazing fact is not from lack of money or public interest, but from plain old ignorance! They just don't know how to do this! This is equivalent to Boeing suddenly being unable to build a jet aircraft, after successfully building and flying them for several years! Science just doesn't go backwards like this, nor does it completely abandon successful systems, without producing innovations based upon them! How is it that the usual evolutionary progression of knowledge and skill present in every known scientific breakthrough is somehow absent in our post Apollo space program? If the expertise garnered in the Apollo program over thirty years ago was genuine, why are we not now leveraging it into more sophisticated trans-lunar vehicles and flights? Why after Apollo has our space program suffered such a catastrophic loss of expertise? How do you justify a timeline that takes us from the cutting edge lunar flights of Apollo to Shuttle missions, limited to techniques first perfected during the Gemini program? Certainly the Shuttle is an advance in re-usable space transport, but technologically it's inferior to Apollo in one significant respect: it's incapable of operating outside of relatively low earth orbit! Why the technological regression in manned space flight? No scientific organization has ever voluntarily dumbed itself down like NASA has, since Apollo! Successful lunar missions confirm the solution of monumental scientific and engineering problems! Preserving such invaluable expertise is fundamental to all scientific organizations! There's absolutely no valid reason for NASA's current incompetence, except that perhaps the spectacular achievements and breakthroughs of Apollo never really took place! If they had, it's safe to say, that manned moon missions would be easier to pull-off today, and still part of the NASA repertoire. They're not, and are still questionable for the forseeable future! The profound disconnect between Apollo and current NASA activities, is the most convincing indication that what was done during Apollo, was not genuine. http://www.amazon.com/gp/cdp/member-reviews/A1WT138804PWZR
  20. Duane - You put this statement in quotes - please provide your source. Oh, and by the way, I am also the Systems Administrator where I work, concetrated in Solid State and Microprocessor electronics in College and have studied computer science at the masters level. I would be very interested in having an intelligent discussion on this subject. My information and quote came from these sites . http://members.aol.com/painfulquestions/ApolloMoonHoax.pdf http://www.ufos-aliens.co.uk/cosmicapollo.html If you want to have a discussion about computers it will have to be with somone else ....I know nothing about computer technology .
  21. Perhaps this forum should be moderated so members like Craig Lamson can't get away with their typical behavior of posting insults to everyone they disagree with ... He has been personally attacking Jack White every chance he got , long before I ever joined this forum .... and now because I believe as Jack does about Apollo , he also constantly attacks me. I have been posting insults in return in self defense but that is still no excuse for stooping to his level ... I apologize for posting ad homs and promise not to do so in the future.... Hopefully Mr. Lamson will do the same and we can continue our discussions without the unnecessary and unkind personal insults towards each other.
  22. Boy are you dense. Krantz, statement is a wonderful. it shows just how important the sims being realistic were to the program. Krantz's statement in no way impeaches the Apollo missions, well except in your mind but that hardly counts. But lets see where you are in your little theory. Apollo 11 launches, which you claim is real. From here on out everything else is fake...the flight controllers are dealing with a computer sim...well at least up to return to earth. WOW! So the sims were modular in nature and incapable of running large chunks of the mission but you claim they fed the controllers sim data for what, 190 hours or so? Amazing! So now the balls in your court again, How did they feed the controllers 190+ hours of continuous data? Oh and WHY was the technology in the 60's incapable of supporting the Apollo missions? Boy are you a creep ... If I'm dense it's only because I continue to reply to your rude posts .... Thanks for reminding me why Jack never bothers to respond to your crap .... He has more intelligence than to try to argue with jerks like you .. and actually I do too .... So don't expect any more replies from me unless your questions are posed without your typical insults . ... Too bad this forum isn't moderated because there is no excuse for the way you act here . Yes , Gene Krantz's statement was wonderful because he let us all know how mission control was fooled into believing the Apollo landings were real , when they weren't . "So now the balls in your court again, How did they feed the controllers 190+ hours of continuous data? " "NASA launched the TETR-A satellite just months before the first lunar mission. The proclaimed purpose was to simulate transmissions coming from the moon so that the Houston ground crews (all those employees sitting behind computer screens at Mission Control) could "rehearse" the first moon landing. In other words, though NASA claimed that the satellite crashed shortly before the first lunar mission (a misinformation lie), its real purpose was to relay voice, fuel consumption, altitude, and telemetry data as if the transmissions were coming from an Apollo spacecraft as it neared the moon. Very few NASA employees knew the truth because they believed that the computer and television data they were receiving was the genuine article. Merely a hundred or so knew what was really going on; not tens of thousands as it might first appear. " Oh and don't bother running to clavius to post their lame 'rebuttal' here , because I've already read it and it's just more typical nasa disinformation and lies . "Oh and WHY was the technology in the 60's incapable of supporting the Apollo missions?" "In 1969 computer chips had not been invented. The maximum computer memory was 256k, and this was housed in a large air conditioned building. In 2002 a top of the range computer requires at least 64 Mb of memory to run a simulated Moon landing, and that does not include the memory required to take off again once landed. The alleged computer on board Apollo 11 had 32k of memory. That's the equivalent of a simple calculator. " And now I await your clavius disinformation reply with much anticipation ! LOL
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