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Dave Greer

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Everything posted by Dave Greer

  1. Hi Josiah To get the URL for an image, just right click on it, then left click Properties. I first saw the image on Judy Wood's site. http://drjudywood.com/articles/dirt/WTC7.html The original is hosted at www.magnumphotos.com
  2. Not smoke? If not smoke, then what? There are videos showing smoke streaming out of the windows on the south side (as well as other sides). Here's another angle showing the south side of WTC7.
  3. Very interesting BBC documentary on the WTC7 collapse has just finished. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/cons...les/7330169.stm Repeated this Tuesday, 23:20, BBC 2.
  4. Very illuminating documentary on UK TV last night. Shepherd Yuda, a former Zimbabwean prison officer, put his life on the line to secretly film the ballot rigging involved in the voting process. Ballots are signed in full view of a Mugabe official. Anyone daring to vote for someone other than Mugabe runs the risk of them or their families being rounded up and beatne or killed. Anyone found not to have voted faces the same risk, so people colour their fingers with felt tip pens to try and prove they've already voted. A disturbing documentary. More information in today's Guardian. Click the link to see a video clip. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/04/zimbabwe1 A film that graphically shows how Robert Mugabe's supporters rigged Zimbabwe's election has been smuggled out of the country by a prison officer. It is believed to be the first footage of actual ballot-rigging and comes as Zimbabwe's president faces growing international pressure. Shepherd Yuda, 36, fled the country this week with his wife and children. He said that he hoped the film, which was made for the Guardian, would help draw further attention to the violence and corruption in Zimbabwe. Much of the footage was shot inside the country's notorious jail system. Yuda, who has worked in the prison service for 13 years, was motivated by the intensifying violence directed towards the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and the murder, two months ago, of his uncle, a MDC activist. Initially he intended to chronicle secretly what life was like inside Zimbabwe's jails but he found himself present when a war veteran and Mugabe supporter organised the vote-rigging by getting prison officers to fill in their postal ballots in his presence. Using a hidden camera, Yuda filmed for six days prior to last Friday's run-off election in which Mugabe claimed victory with 90% of the vote. Morgan Tsvangirai, the MDC leader, had earlier said his party would not be participating in the run-off because of intimidation. "I had never seen that kind of violence before," said Yuda, of the run-up to the election. "How can a government that claimed to be democratically elected kill its people, murder its people, torture its people?" The film, made for Guardian Films, shows how Yuda and his colleagues at Harare central jail had to fill in their ballots in front of Zanu-PF activists. Yuda also obtained footage of Zanu-PF rallies where voters were told they should pretend to be illiterate so that an official could fill in their ballot for them on behalf of Mugabe. He was able to film the MDC's general secretary, Tendai Biti, in leg irons in jail. Biti, now on bail, faces treason charges which carry the death penalty. Having completed filming, Yuda left Zimbabwe with his family for a new life and is now at a secret destination. "I don't regret doing this, although it is a painful decision I have taken," he said. "We can live without the memories of seeing dead bodies in the prison, dead bodies in the street, dead bodies in my family. "I've lost my uncle. My father was also beaten by Zanu-PF. I am praying to God: please God deal with Zanu-PF ruthlessly." Mugabe has now been sworn in for a sixth term as Zimbabwe's president, a process which Tsvangirai described as "a complete joke". More than 130,000 voters spoiled their ballot papers in the election. International pressure is mounting against Mugabe. It emerged yesterday that a US draft resolution to the UN will call for sanctions against Mugabe and demand that his government immediately begin talks with the MDC. If adopted by the Security Council, the resolution would freeze the financial assets of Mugabe and 11 other Zimbabwean officials and ban them from travelling.
  5. I agree. I expect David Davies to raise this issue of a referendum in his election campaign. Brown and Blair knew that they would always lose a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Quite right that he should. The issue he's running on is the erosion of personal freedoms. What better demonstration of the erosion of those freedoms than the Government's reneging on it's promised referendum on this fundamental issue, purely to ensure the British people didn't skewer a policitian's idea of Euro-topia?
  6. Well I'm glad you two finally kissed and made up. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the Irish people for doing what I was denied the opportunity to do by our incumbent Government (I'm doing Brown an injustice: it was Blair who recanted his promise of a referendum). Thank you. Where does this leave the EU Treaty? How can the British Government, indeed any government, possibly still push ahead with ratification, given that it requires the full consent of ALL member states? When will the people we elect to govern realise that they are in power to represent the will of the people who put them there, not to write themselves into history?
  7. I agree entirely Jan. All the reports I've seen have been about how the Conservatives have been left in disarray. They're missing the point entirely. With Labour bowing out, and Murdoch and others putting up their own "candidates", the by-election runs the risk of descending into farce, which would suit the Government down to the ground. Hopefully Davis will be able to keep the debate on track, which is supposed to be about the Government's gradual erosion of freedoms of the British people. The "42 day rule" was only the straw that broke the camel's back. Let's face it: the Government daren't put up a candidate, so they have absolutely no choice but to try and besmirch Davis' intentions. I expect to see them throwing as much mud as they can from the sidelines over the next few weeks. The bias of the different parts of the media will determine how much of that mud sticks. No doubt Mr Average Sun reader will be drip-fed the line that Davis is the Devil incarnate.
  8. It made a pleasant surprise to hear a politician speak with such candour on a matter of principle that affects us all, and be prepared to put his livelihood and his credibility on the line. Hopefully his motives are genuine. I think the Labour party will be stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one. If as John suggests they don't even put up a candidate, I suspect the public backlash will be withering in their contempt. If they do contest it, well I think it's safe to say that Davis will be a shoe in, and any mandate they thought they had for 42 days will go up in smoke. The government are in a no win situation.
  9. Gary I can definitely account for my mate Bob from down the pub, since I was there with him at the time the dastardly deed was done! He hasn't got a clue about computers anyway, and the closest he's come to identity theft is when he dressed up as Osama Bin Laden to blag his way into a royal birthday party.
  10. You're correct about that Jack. That's why provocateurs like myself ridicule your excellent photographic studies which expose the many anomalies in the Apollo photography. Jack, This study showing a strange shoe print anomaly on the "moon" is one of your best finds. This one photo alone proves that there were other people on the Apollo moonset besides the astronauts. This is also an excellent study showing a Whistle-Blower special . There is no way the Rover could have driven through that pitiful excuse of a crater without tipping over. Nicely spotted old bean! Dave, I am always impressed by your image artistry. I want to be your slavering, worshipping pupil. I have a copy of Adobe photoshop CS which I sometimes open and look at adoringly, then quickly close when my head begins thumping. I know I must be able to use it to draw and create interesting images, but it's rather like opening a motor mechanics toolchest... it looks great but what the hell do you do with it all? Do you do tutorials old lad? Or should I wait for Len to Google for an hour and then join his masterclass? PS, my penultimate para should read: "Do you do FREE tutorials old lad?" Sorry David old boy, that wasn't my post. Gremlins have infested the sytem and are impersonating yours truly. Don't be too hard on them: we can't all have a life...
  11. You're correct about that Jack. That's why provocateurs like myself ridicule your excellent photographic studies which expose the many anomalies in the Apollo photography. Jack, This study showing a strange shoe print anomaly on the "moon" is one of your best finds. This one photo alone proves that there were other people on the Apollo moonset besides the astronauts. This is also an excellent study showing a Whistle-Blower special . There is no way the Rover could have driven through that pitiful excuse of a crater without tipping over. Nicely spotted old bean! Thanks for pointing out the study of the rover going thru the crater. That's a good one. Jack Jack You're the victim of a sick joke. The above post was NOT made by me, but by some saddo with their own agenda pretending to post on my behalf. Perhaps you'd like to give your opinion on people who hack other people's accounts and make false posts in order to try and discredit or ridicule someone? I'm sure your opinion of this kind of creepy behaviour would carry more weight in certain quarters than mine (we may hold opposite views on Apollo, but I'd like to think you still believe in free speech).
  12. Unfortunately some joker has seen fit to hack my account and post on my behalf. No doubt whoever he was thought he was having a jolly good chortle at my expense! Such a shame. Here was I thinking that the internet was the last bastion of free speech. Apparently not! Some people would rather HACK SOMEONE'S ACCOUNT, and STEAL THEIR ONLINE IDENTITY in order to get a cheap thrill out of trying to ridicule them! More sad than sick I think.... For the record, I'll edit the posts that have been made in my name under false pretences.
  13. You're correct about that Jack. That's why provocateurs like myself ridicule your excellent photographic studies which expose the many anomalies in the Apollo photography. Jack, This study showing a strange shoe print anomaly on the "moon" is one of your best finds. This one photo alone proves that there were other people on the Apollo moonset besides the astronauts. This is also an excellent study showing a Whistle-Blower special . There is no way the Rover could have driven through that pitiful excuse of a crater without tipping over. Nicely spotted old bean! Dave, I am always impressed by your image artistry. I want to be your slavering, worshipping pupil. I have a copy of Adobe photoshop CS which I sometimes open and look at adoringly, then quickly close when my head begins thumping. I know I must be able to use it to draw and create interesting images, but it's rather like opening a motor mechanics toolchest... it looks great but what the hell do you do with it all? Do you do tutorials old lad? Or should I wait for Len to Google for an hour and then join his masterclass? PS, my penultimate para should read: "Do you do FREE tutorials old lad?" I think you misunderstood Greer's scoffing. He posted MY images in hopes of SCOFFING AT THEM. He had nothing to do with their creation. To see all of my Apollo studies, go to aulis.com and take a look. http://www.aulis.com/jackstudies_index1.html Jack Jack, I know you will find this almost impossible to believe but I wasn't scoffing at you or your studies. I have had a change of heart about Apollo and have come to realize that something was very wrong with the official record. I found this post today which expresses how I feel about Apollo now. I'm sorry you mistook my previous post as scoffing at you because that was not my intention at all. This was written by a chap named Eric McHenney in 2001, on a CNN discussion forum about the TV programme called; Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? I am posting his comments here to explain how I now feel about The Apollo Program. "If anyone would bother to do some of their own research on the matter, they would discover that there are unanswered questions involving the moon landing. I have seen pictures of the moon landing and seen a reflection in the mirror on one of the helmets of a camera man! I am an imaging specialist and alter photos for a living and know what to look for in photos that are false. The government was trying to look good at the time, to the rest of the world, and would have gone to any lengths to prove themselves. Anyone who remembers the end of the 60's would remember the turmoil that was present in this country at the time. There is some good evidence that something was not right about the moon landing. If you look at the technology we use today and the technology we used back then, it is hard to believe we came up with a way to reach the moon then but can't send a manned mission to Mars 32 years later. A computer in 1969 was huge! It encompassed an entire room. Did the Moon mission not have a computer? Just a bunch of fuel, oxygen and food? That sounds like fiction to me. I have read a lot of these messages and it seems that people feel unpatriotic even to think that it is possible it may have been faked. That is simply not true. It is more patriotic to question those who may be creating falsehoods for the betterment of the entire nation! There will more than likely never be proof that it was faked and NASA will never admit to it, so does it really matter in the long run? What really bothers me is that some people take things like this to extremes and can't look at it in perspective."
  14. You're correct about that Jack. That's why provocateurs like myself ridicule your excellent photographic studies which expose the many anomalies in the Apollo photography. Jack, This study showing a strange shoe print anomaly on the "moon" is one of your best finds. This one photo alone proves that there were other people on the Apollo moonset besides the astronauts. This is also an excellent study showing a Whistle-Blower special . There is no way the Rover could have driven through that pitiful excuse of a crater without tipping over. Nicely spotted old bean!
  15. They make pretty amazing donuts but you got to get them freshly made. I was born in the town where they have their HQ and visited it till I was 16. Sort of like Ron I have childhood memories associated with donuts (plain glazed and raspberry filled). I was psyched when they opened as store in Manhattan after decades I can eat them again (at least when I visit the US) This was several years ago Len, a work colleague gave it to me, it was so sweet it made my tastebuds cramp. But as Homer Simpson says, "Day old doughnuts, is there anything better,DOOOH" I've eaten too many Dunkin Doughnuts and that's why I look like this now.
  16. A: Bobby Davro B: Greyfriars Bobby C: Robert Kennedy D: Bobby Shaftoe Can I phone a friend please?
  17. Let's be honest Paul, there's too many rotten eggs in all the major political parties. Whoever is in power, too many will be tempted to put their thumb in the pie.
  18. He could be any or all three. He surely suffers from the worst case of pareidolia I've ever witnessed. Maybe there really ARE bunnies in the clouds...
  19. You're correct about that Jack. That's why provocateurs like myself ridicule your excellent photographic studies which expose the many anomalies in the Apollo photography. Another of my posts that someone saw fit to hack and change. The tone does sound somewhat familiar...
  20. Actually I think we're all wrong. I suspect this may be the remains of a whistle-blower who was assassinated by the CIA. They left his skull in this photo as a subtle clue to other whistle-blowers who may have been tempted to reveal to the world their involvement in the Apollo scam. Since no whistle-blowers have come forward, the only possible conclusion is that I am correct.
  21. The resemblance is uncanny... The head on the moon looks very much like me now. I guess I better get started on that diet! Unfortunately someone who disagrees with my opinion on Apollo saw fit to edit or create the above post by hacking my account. I'm leaving it viewable in quotes as evidence of the lengths some people will go to to try and discredit/ridicule other people. Sad or creepy? I'll leave that to you to decide, dear reader.
  22. Since when did "having an offensive wife" become mea culpa in this once fine country, this skeptic isle? (sic) You'll be telling me next I'm in danger of arrest simply for wearing a loud shirt in a built up area during the hours of darkness. (Nod to cultural references).
  23. I have to admit that I agree with Evan on this one!....wasn't it green cheese? It appears I've slipped into an alternate reality where Evan and Peter agree on something. Perhaps I had an hallucinogenic reaction to that last chunk of Blue Wensleydale I found lurking in the deep, dark depths of my fridge. It must have been the latter: the former has about much chance of happening as Osama Bin Cavin' appearing on tomorrow's edition of Loose Women.
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