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Steven Phillips

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  1. what I have a problem with Dave is that during all the so called `moon landings`the astronauts were hit several times by high energy particles (re: the flashes in eyes)but the cameras managed to evade being hit even on the more exposed lunar surface where we know high energy interactions take place. Now that I just dont get.
  2. Also - new techniques have been developed that enable scientists to test the interaction of various types of ionising radiation on human flesh, as opposed to a blanket figure in rads. I think that is what part of the proposed British lunar trip (Moonraker) will do - use new techniques to analyse lunar radiation more accurately than they could in the 1960's. Dave! I wonder weather these `new techniques` will also analyse the effects of radiation on kodak film after all nasa claims the film they used is impervious to a range of different radiations and a very wide range of temperature variation.
  3. Thanx for keeping us updated on this case Sid, as with all these `terror scares`braught to us courtesy of the intelligence services & media; when they are scrutinised carfully there is no substance and no foundation other than assertion and hype. The only evidence you need is to point to the track record, there is precedent here and the `mo` is always the same: anounce the case with an explosion of hype and fanfair and then quietly forget when nothing sticks with an explosion of silence; this is just another hoax in a long list of terror hoaxes like the `bombing of Old Trafford`hoax, the `ricin`hoax, the `bombers from the kebab shop`hoax, and many more yet to come no doubt. A friend of mine has a nice analogy that sums it up..............................: its like when Ronnie Knight or Kenneth Noy get taken to court on some minor charge or other, they`re escorted to court in a motorcade of wailing sirens and then surrounded by armed police in the dock all to create an illusion of guilt, even where non exists.
  4. John, I think truthful objectivity should be applied to all subjects equally, its extremely important that scolarship have the freedom to investigate historical events and draw conclusions from the evidence they uncover. People who want to clarify history by going back over events to see if maybe a different interpretation holds should be able to do so without being villified or labeled or mollested by the powers that be for trespassing on their statements of historical fact. History by definition is revision and as more understanding accrues and more evidence comes to light historians are duty bound to fill in those pieces of the jigsaw and this is true of the most taboo subjects as well as the most popular. The freedom to challenge historical assertion is one of the most basic freedoms alongside freedom of speech.
  5. Steven...the plane yous show is the United Airlines plane from the second hit, if I recall right. The AA plane Flight 11, was first to hit and was not clearly photographed. Though both were Boeings, the underside configuration was different. Jack Its all so confusing Jack, I mean the second plane to hit the towers, I cant tell one from the other.
  6. I think this site explains it quite well: http://www.questionsquestions.net/WTC/pod.html Evan! I dont think that link explains anything; it tries to make it all sound so plausible but fails misserably; where it says that the head on view shows no pod, what has actually happened is that the view is casting too much shadow to make out anything really, but he has pointed out a bulge that clearly must be the pod when juxtaposed with the other views; pointing an arrow at it and calling it `end of fuselage`doesnt make it not a pod. When John Gotti went to court during his criminal career he had a very good lawyer who convinced the dury that he was somebody`s missunderstood favourite uncle and wasnt really the nasty murdering criminal that he actually was. Time and time again John Gotti was painted lilly white by his layer and the dury sucked it up. And thats exactly what is going on here with the 911 evidence, some cleaver lawyers are trying to convince the heard that what we are seeing is not really what we are seeing: theres no pod because because the guys who did the 911 white-wash have got a picture of a plane in there files with no pod..........but the picture is temporarily mislaid at the moment, but it does exist because the guys at nist say so, but we cant see it.......because its mislaid..........in a file........somwhere.......out there.
  7. This is a picture of the plane that hit ww2, the red arrows show the length of the engine mounting fin and the black shows the distance between the fuselage and engine: as you can see from this photo the plane appears to have 2 left handed engines attached. Is this normal practice at AA? There is also a bulge on the fuselage.....could this be a missile pop as others believe?
  8. As already pointed out* the impact the towers were meant to survive was much weaker than the ones that occurred on 9/11 and things don’t always work as planned. Do you think the Titanic and the terminal at DeGaulle were sabotaged as well? Yeah right, then how do you account for the collapse of building 7 that sustained no impact? So you don’t think 4000 ton floors crashing on to each other would make loud noises resembling explosions? No I think they would make loud rumbling and crashing sounds; I think explosives would make a sound resembling explosions. Not “every bit of concrete” was pulverized I’m not even sure most of it was. - Even Hoffman admits much of the concrete would be pulverized by the force of the collapse. Each tower was about 1366 feet (416 meters) tall, and 500,000 tons. I’d like to see your calculations with references as to the KE released by the collapses then the KE needed to pulverize the concrete. What nonsense! not all the concrete was pulverised, just most of it and collapsing buildings do not turn into pyroclastic flows. Thats a bit rich asking me to prove my argument with mathematics. In all the earth quakes of recent years show me one building that collapsed in the manner that these buildings collapsed, I know you cant show me a building of steel and high grade concrete that gets pulverised by collapsing. I can show you a building that collapses in an almost identical manner. Is it your theory that explosives were placed on every floor in “every nook and cranny”? That seems like far more than necessary. In normal controlled demo explosives are only placed in a few select locations on a few select floors. Power downs, evacuations, relocations, Sundays, empty floors and drills were all happening in the months leading up to 911, besides workmen could access the areas where the trusses were without raising suspicion. Explosives dont neccessarily have to be placed on every floor so long as the right type of explosives is used and some investigaters believe that thermate was used in this case and when you look at who owned the building and who was in charge of security, it wouldnt be difficult to plan this demolition so long as you got rid of the bomb sniffing dogs for when you planted the really big stuff in the sky lobbies.
  9. As already pointed out* the impact the towers were meant to survive was much weaker than the ones that occurred on 9/11 and things don’t always work as planned. Do you think the Titanic and the terminal at DeGaulle were sabotaged as well? Yeah right, then how do you account for the collapse of building 7 that sustained no impact? So you don’t think 4000 ton floors crashing on to each other would make loud noises resembling explosions? No I think they would make loud rumbling and crashing sounds; I think explosives would make a sound resembling explosions. Not “every bit of concrete” was pulverized I’m not even sure most of it was. - Even Hoffman admits much of the concrete would be pulverized by the force of the collapse. Each tower was about 1366 feet (416 meters) tall, and 500,000 tons. I’d like to see your calculations with references as to the KE released by the collapses then the KE needed to pulverize the concrete. What nonsense! not all the concrete was pulverised, just most of it and collapsing buildings do not turn into pyroclastic flows. Thats a bit rich asking me to prove my argument with mathematics. In all the earth quakes of recent years show me one building that collapsed in the manner that these buildings collapsed, I know you cant show me a building of steel and high grade concrete that gets pulverised by collapsing. I can show you a building that collapses in an almost identical manner. Is it your theory that explosives were placed on every floor in “every nook and cranny”? That seems like far more than necessary. In normal controlled demo explosives are only placed in a few select locations on a few select floors. Power downs, evacuations, relocations, Sundays, empty floors and drills were all happening in the months leading up to 911, besides workmen could access the areas where the trusses were without raising suspicion. Explosives dont neccessarily have to be placed on every floor so long as the right type of explosives is used and some investigaters believe that thermate was used in this case and when you look at who owned the building and who was in charge of security, it wouldnt be difficult to plan this demolition so long as you got rid of the bomb sniffing dogs for when you planted the really big stuff in the sky lobbies.
  10. The arms `industry`is like the car industry: you have the big dealerships selling the latest models to drop of the production line and politicians breaking the law to do fleet deals with the scum of the earth occasionally offering their rear ends in gratification whilst proffessing that it was all in aid of jobs. Then you have the used car market that has a knock on effect where shady `intelligence`services supply the next Savimbi or KLA with the means to murder and wreak havoc in places where independent thaught might become a problem. The used arms market is by far bigger than the new and only thrives because there is war and `unrest`or `rogue states`usually in the third world or mid east, and has massive potential for criminal enterprise facilitated by intelligence services using front groups. This used arms market is usually supported by drugs. At every place in the world where there has been a political problem, there has been an opportunity to sell used arms in massive quantities and the only way the groups requiring the arms can pay is by supplying heroin or cocain. Two examples are Nicaragua and Afganistan in the 1980`s where the groups involved supplied(flooded would be a better word)the western world with the largest quantities of heroin and cocain in history. Right at the heart of all this was the American and British governments creating a situation where the people of the target country are murdered and raped and the people of the home country are poisoned and violated. This problem has been growing until today. The last expedition to Afganistan has resulted in the largest increase in drug production that country has seen: and this while democracy has been installed there. The problem wont go away until we start to regulate the arms industry with serious intent prosecuting people who are involved nomatter who they are; if intelligence agencies can create and protect criminals and politicians can plausibly deny themselves innocent then we are nothing more than a gangster state. A good place to start would be to start prosecuting bankers for laundering the proceeds of this evil.
  11. Your posts are always well researched John and very illuminating. The behaviour of the Blair crowd has been very suspicious over Iraq and Afganistan, Blair was verging on the psycotic over wmd and he came across as disingenuous over the whole affair. I thaught I could see right through him therefor parliament would but they voted for that war and because of it the price of food has gone up in the last few years as well as energy. I often wonder how we ever got to the state where the criminals are running things like this and believe me Blair is just another criminal prostituting himself to the arms and drugs bazzar. Speaking of which Afganistan is having another bumper crop this year.
  12. These buildings were built on the same principles as pagodas with a strong central core, they had to withstand occilations caused by high winds, so are you saying it was the kinetic energy of the impact that braught these buildings down? The steel frame was designed to absorb an impact, the central core was designed to absorb occilations like a giant shock absorber, so it certainly wasnt the impact that braught these buildings down. If you check my link previously you can hear the explosions bringing that building down, as the camera points up you can hear bang, bang, bang,roar, bang..........explosives, thats the only possible way to explain how every bit of concrete was pulverized into powder.
  13. Sorry that last one was the wrong link..............................................................here`s the right one..................................... http://letsroll911.org/phpwebsite/index.ph...&PAGE_id=63
  14. No explosions at the world trade centre, whats this then scotch mist?................................................................................ ....... http://letsrollforums.com/phpwebsite/index...w&ANN_id=26
  15. any and all stories of Hijackers still being alive came out soon after 911 before the FBI release their final and official list. After that the stories stopped. This points to the stories being mistaken identity with people with similar names. Another thing to think about is why would Saudi Arabia admit that 15 of the hijackers were their citizens if they were in fact alive? http://www.911myths.com/html/still_alive.html This was not mistaken identity because some of these guys saw their pictures on the news. The seismic data only appears to show explosions when viewed in a highly compressed format. When looked at in a closer scale, seismic experts agree there is nothing suspicious Actually when the seismagraphs are lined up with footage of the buildings collapsing: they are very suspicious.. If the towers fell at freefall speeds, then why is there debris falling off the towers that fall faster than the collapsing building and outpace the collapse? The buildings are falling at free-fall speed, they have been timed; the hight of the towers is known and the rate of speed an object falls at in air towards earth is known, so for instance a house brick would take 9. something seconds to hit the floor from the top of the tower, tower 2 fell in ten seconds. The reason why some debris were falling faster than the free fall buildings is obvious and its the same reason why massive steel beams were impaled in builings across the street: because they were being propelled by a force, ie explosives.
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