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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. Yesterday an entity sent me an email about Facebook and their stopping conspiracy theories.  Supposedly, Facebook is not going to bend to the govt's whims.  But I know they're not doing well.  I wrote: "I fear the end of the Internet as we know it.  Who's to say what is a conspiracy theory.  I happen to be a member of a President Kennedy forum.  Now the government is going to try to shove down my throat that Lee Harvey Oswald did it.  He didn't.  I have a right to see what videos I want and what forums I choose to belong to.  What you're fostering is Censorship with a big C.  What happened to First Amendment Rights?"

    Kathy Ccleardot.gif
  2. I believe it was Tosh Plumlee who said he was part of a team to stop the assassination by grabbing the guns from the shooters.  They apparently knew where the shooters were.  But they didn't make it to Dealey Plaza until Kennedy's car was on Houston St., nearing the TSBD.  They were flown into Redbird Airport and flown out.

    Just a curiosity -- Folk singer Phil Ochs was standing near the Dal-Tex building afterwards.  You can see it in the Cooper film or a frame of it. 

    Kathy C

  3. There is a photo of Nixon on 11/22/1963 sitting in an airport after a few drinks (I believe) and noticeably crying.  I don't have the photo in this computer, but if you come across it, resize it and see the tears under his eyes.

    I believe he knew Kennedy was going to die, and there was nothing he could do about it.  He himself would be in danger and his family.

    Nixon suffered from a melancholy alcoholism.  He was paranoid.  I saw a clip once where the camera did this swing over the people in the funeral church.  The look on Nixon's face, his eyes.  He knew Kennedy was going to die and had an absolute panicked expression.  I never saw or heard Nixon say anything but good things about all the Kennedy brothers.  For instance, in the Frost/Nixon tapes.

    Dems my 2 cents.

    Kathy C

  4. On 7/15/2018 at 8:06 PM, Michael Clark said:
    Gene Kelly
    Robert Blair was an 18th Century Scottish poet who was educated in the Netherlands and Edinburgh .  He is most well known for his final poem titled The Grave written in 1743 on the subject of death and the graveyard.  Its popularity in Scotland gave rise to the so-called graveyard school of poetry.  Blair was man of the cloth who followed his father, one of the King’s chaplains, into the ministry. He only published three poems in his relatively short life time but one of these brought him a great deal of fame. It is a long piece of blank verse, numbering  767 lines, called The Grave. Later editions of this poem were illustrated by the artist William Blake who furnished a number of disturbing images to go with Blair’s words of great foreboding.  A portion of this poem mentions the idea of whistling past the graveyard: (e.g. The Skeleton Reanimated). This  


                Oft in the lone church yard at night I've seen,


                By glimpse of moonshine chequering thro' the trees,


                The school boy, with his satchel in his hand,


                Whistling aloud to bear his courage up,


                And lightly tripping o'er the long flat stones,


                (With nettles skirted, and with moss o'ergrown,)


                That tell in homely phrase who lie below.


    There are two meanings for this idiom, both dependent on the same metaphoric setting and action; one is mostly positive, the other is not.  The first meaning connotes bravery, or at least nonchalance, in the face of danger or difficulties. The second meaning describes an individual who is genuinely confident and cheerful while in pursuit of a course of action, at the same time blithely oblivious to the real risks involved. This second meaning has the element of turning a blind eye to something you should be attending to – stop deluding one’s self and ignoring the obvious ... a pejorative element of burying one’s head in the sand rather than facing reality.  Another context is the foolish confidence of one who does not understand the real dangers or difficulties of the situation in question.  Linguists believe this expression will eventually pass from popular usage since today we are more suburban-born and automobile-dependent ... and few of us have the experience of walking past graveyards and cemeteries.
    I think what Evan is trying to tell us is that much of the guessing about who the assassins were (QJ/WIN, et al) is speculation by those who don't have experience in this deadly craft.  And that we may be ignoring the obvious ... namely, a few trained shooters from JM/WAVE ranks and an imported military sniper from SE Asia.


     I have an English degree so I thank you.

    Kathy C


  5. https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/9/17550954/youtube-google-news-initiative-fake-news-conspiracy-theory-context-updates I  should have furnished a link.  This is what I read.

    I have been called a conspiracy nut because I linked the death of Karyn Kupcinet to her father, Irv Kupcinet, investigating Ruby.   I did everything I could to shoot down false rumors about her.  And this appeared in the book by Richard Belzer -- "Hit List., chapter 6."  He agreed with me.  OK, I'm obsessed.  The last year of her life she was on methamphetamine.  She suffered hallucinations.  She dealt with major depression.  The pills she was on, Desoxyn, was the same pill given to the late Jean Harris, who killed the Scarsdale Diet Doctor when he stopped prescribing Desoxyn for her; he had found another girlfriend.  She was in withdrawal from that drug and drove a long way to get to his house.  She had a gun and she claimed she carried it because she was going to kill herself in front of this doctor.  Instead he was killed.

    I don't like the government taking over the Internet.  You know they're going to say Lee Harvey Oswald did it.  They are going to pick those they deem authorities.  It's Operation Mockingbird.

    Kathy C




  6. I read something tonight that has me boiling.  A week or 2 ago I read that the government was taking over the Internet.Now I read that youtube is not allowing any conspiracy theories on their site, except those that come from "authoritative" people "they" will select.  What about the Kennedy Assassination videos?  And the people who have researched the crime.  Are they authoritative enough?  This is horrible.  They will brainwash people into believing that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy.  We're on a sinking ship.

    Kathy C

  7. I found an interesting article about Marita Lorenz in The Daily Beast.  She claims she was once pregnant with Castro's child.  She says the child's name was Andre and someone told her that he had become a doctor.  Supposedly he's the picture of Fidel himself.  When she was 7 months pregnant she claims that she was drugged and when she woke up the pregnancy was gone.  Either she had an abortion, or miscarried or the premature baby was stolen.  Her son from an American man is searching for his brother Andre.   






  8. On 2/7/2018 at 3:10 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

    When we were debating the missing front tooth issue here some months ago, someone argued that “no one has ever mentioned that Oswald had a missing tooth,” or something like that.  Now, because of Sandy’s discovery, we know why.  He had a prosthetic—a false tooth or two—in place to hide the missing tooth.  It apparently failed while American-born LEE Oswald was in the Marines.

    Russian-speaking Harvey Oswald clearly had all his front teeth in place in his grave.

    BTW, the February 21, 1964 issue of Life magazine is still readily available for just a few dollars.  It has the missing tooth photo reproduced inside.  This is the cover of that edition, which is definitely worth owning: 



    I can't see how anyone can believe that's Oswald pictured here.  His posture.  He's on a slant, but the ground around him is flat.  

    Didn't the exhumation show a severed head?  And didn't one of the Oswalds have a scar from an inner ear operation?  

    Kathy C

  9. 12 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

    And Dorothy Kilgallen.

    And Dorothy's friend, Florence Pritchett, who died the next day.  Supposedly, she had seen Dorothy's file.  Pritchett was a former girlfriend of President Kennedy.  Many years later her son came out and said Florence  had died from cancer.


    Kathy C

  10. Ron, that's a very good link.  Karyn did not make that call.  But myself and many others believe that Karyn, 22, was murdered to stop Irv's delving into Jack Ruby and Chicago's ties to the assassination.  A further hindrance was that she was not discovered for 3 days.  You can read more about it in the book, "Hit List" by Richard Belzer and David Wayne.  Tomorrow is her birthday.

    Karyn portrait.jpg

  11. I had promised Paul that I would look up in "Brothers" about Kennedy moving to assassinate Castro after he came back from Dallas.  I've been looking for that info today.  Haven't found it yet.  I recall Joan Mellon's book said the same.  The head of JFK Research, Rich Dellarosa said that those 2 books were not his "favorite" books and he didn't buy it.  I agree.  But to Rich, you couldn't say anything against Kennedy.  One time I was reading a book on Kennedy in a book store.  Don't remember the name of it, but it quoted something about JFK's sexual language regarding women.  When I told Rich this he said, "Now,, do you think President Kennedy would talk like that?"  So many books came out since about Kennedy and his girlfriends.  Rich wasn't yet annoyed about them.  He especially liked Marilyn Monroe and said conversation about her was always welcomed on his Forum.







  12. -

    On 2/26/2018 at 11:41 AM, Paul Trejo said:


    I think a lot of us have pondered that question, at least fleetingly, over the past half-century.   I know I have.

    The best explanation I have is that the shooters didn't really care that much -- as long as JFK was killed dead.

    But luck wasn't the only factor.   The shooters were selected carefully from among the best shooters in Texas; right there in Dallas.

    How many members of the Dallas Police and Sheriff's office were former military sharpshooters?

    How many members of the Dallas Police and Sheriff's office were currently members of the Radical Right in Dallas politics?

    With over 50 years of concentration on this or that CIA agent, the bulk of JFK CT literature has evaded the elephant in the room -- the Dallas Police.   Perhaps only Walt Brown (1995) and Jeff Caufield (2015) have given it any observation.   Yet even these two giants did not have the time to get down to the Warren Commission testimony of these many Dallas officials.

    Anyway -- I think that highly trained, sharpshooter VOLUNTEERS (unpaid) were used in the JFK Assassination.  I also believe that to ensure success, one shooter was hidden in the storm drain on Elm Street.

    Finally, I am inclined to suspect that one (and only one) Secret Service member from Washington DC, namely, the JFK limo driver, was also a secret member of the Radical Right wing.   That would cinch it.

    --Paul Trejo

    On 2/26/2018 at 11:41 AM, Paul Trejo said:

    I heard a weird theory on an Internet radio show

    I think a lot of us have pondered that question, at least fleetingly, over the past half-century.   I know I have.

    The best explanation I have is that the shooters didn't really care that much -- as long as JFK was killed dead.

    But luck wasn't the only factor.   The shooters were selected carefully from among the best shooters in Texas; right there in Dallas.

    How many members of the Dallas Police and Sheriff's office were former military sharpshooters?

    How many members of the Dallas Police and Sheriff's office were currently members of the Radical Right in Dallas politics?

    With over 50 years of concentration on this or that CIA agent, the bulk of JFK CT literature has evaded the elephant in the room -- the Dallas Police.   Perhaps only Walt Brown (1995) and Jeff Caufield (2015) have given it any observation.   Yet even these two giants did not have the time to get down to the Warren Commission testimony of these many Dallas officials.

    Anyway -- I think that highly trained, sharpshooter VOLUNTEERS (unpaid) were used in the JFK Assassination.  I also believe that to ensure success, one shooter was hidden in the storm drain on Elm Street.

    Finally, I am inclined to suspect that one (and only one) Secret Service member from Washington DC, namely, the JFK limo driver, was also a secret member of the Radical Right wing.   That would cinch it.

    --Paul Trejo

    I heard or read a strange theory.  I think it was on an internet station.  This man said that there was a switch of bodies and that Tippit is in Kennedy's grave and someone, like HL Hunt, the richest man in the world at that time saved the body of Kennedy -- as a trophy.  Hunt was a John Bircher and he hated Kennedy so much.

    Kathy C 


  13. On 1/14/2018 at 10:55 AM, David Andrews said:

    Was Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon.  Were getting revenge for Marilyn Monroe.

    Tony Curtis hated her.  He said this on the Mike Douglas' Show.  Yet time passed and suddenly he was saying that they were very  friendly, had an afffair and she got pregnant with his child.  He published this book right before he died.  He was a phony.


    On 1/14/2018 at 2:36 PM, Robert Turner said:

    To: David Andrews - thank you for your comments.  I think Mary Moorman might also have a different length coat in some photos, but plenty to think about ....



  14. I am going to examine Robert Turner's theories.  At least he's not claiming that James Files did it or that a secret service man on the Queen Mary did it by accident.  The identities of "Mary Moorman" and her friend, who arrived on Elm street dressed differently than what we see them wearing in the Z-film.  Another person,  is the one who claims she was the Babushka Lady.  She looks old in the Dealey Plaza pictures, but today  is the young  Beverly Oliver.  And of course there's the Umbrella Man and the "Cuban" waving right in front of Kennedy to signal to others that the President is not dead yet.


    Kathy C

  15. Because deep down he feared that the Chicago Mob did it, which I believe.  They offered to go to Hollywood and investigate the murder but Irv said no.  You don't ask the mob to do anything for you because then they own you.  Walter Winchell asked Irv to give it his blessing because he wanted to solve the murder and "win a Pulitzer Prize doing so."  He drove the cops nuts. 

    The downstairs neighbor was suspicious and she was very depressed.  Irv's friends believed she committed suicide but you couldn't tell that to Irv.  I'm told that Irv was sorry he hadn't brought in a private investigator.

    Kathy C       

  16. I'm glad David Talbot is home for the holidays.  My brother had suffered a stroke.  When they took him to the hospital they found that his sugar was in the 500's and my girlfriend suffered several and is losing her eyesight.  But many people survive without too much trouble.

    I feel like I'm asking an odd question at this time.  Members, in "Brothers", the author said that when Kennedy came back to Washington after Dallas , he was going to have Castro killed on December 1.  How true is this?  Opinions?

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