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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I am a die hard Beatle fan. I was 8 the year they came over. Beatlemania was the most exciting time of my


    I remember the Paul Is Dead hoax. Everyone took it as a joke. I feel sorry for Paul McCartney these days

    when this stuff is going around and gaining followers. In the schoolyard of the school I attended in those

    years, a rumor would go around each week that the Beatles died in a plane crash. And there were Lyndon

    LaRouche's theory that the Beatles were sent over to America to capture our youth and then gradually have

    them taking drugs and giving kids the go ahead. Also they were sent over to get our minds off Kennedy's

    Assassination. I don't believe in any of these theories. Paul's alive and that's it. My purpose of bringing it

    up is that Fetzer, a Kennedy researcher, believes anything and everything. He's not skeptical at all. I

    thought a new Paul McCartney hoax was just a joke, but it's gaining strength and believers through the


    Kathy C

    Hi Kath. ReThe Beatles, I tried to send you a PM but told you are not receiving any.

    Ray, I will empty my storage and then you can write to me. Thanks.

    Kathy C

  2. Let me make this clearer. This may be the problem. I only know that John Lennon's death came about while George HW Bush was Vice-President Elect. And only 2 months into the presidency Reagan was shot. I have no proof about the latter, but I believe Bush was behind it and I am not alone in this. Please go to youtube and watch the speech of Bush talking about the New World Order and another speech, I believe his State of the Union speech, where he describes it like a Utopia. But all it is is a Hitler-like view of the world, with him as leader, as well as bankers and oil barons. This was his ultimate goal. All the time he was crying during the Gulf War and puking in Japan; and basically acting like a sissy so no one would could think of him an evil man.

    "My father is the nicest man I ever met," said Jeb Bush during his run. That was the end of his campaign. No one agreed and Jeb came across like a little boy, saying, "My father is bigger than your father."

    The other deaths I mentioned -- as I write now -- I don't remember the dates. It's just that all of them died probably of homicide.

    Kathy C

  3. I wanted to show you a picture but I cannot do it. It comes directly from my computer and is not on a URL. I was

    supposed to paste using Ctrl, Command and V but I don't have Command.

    Believe what you want. I don't need antagonism. So I'll just ignore you and your closed mind.

    Kathy C

  4. and people wonder why so many Conspiracy Theorists are not taken seriously.

    So Jose Perdomo had nothing to do with Lennon's death. And the men I mentioned all died from natural

    causes. Read up on it. Use your head to think and not your a__.

    Kathy C

    Hunter Thompson shot himself in the head in the kitchen while on the phone with his wife and while his kids were in the other room, visiting from out of town. This is all verified. As much as I've always loved his writing, he was as nuts as a football bat, and was taken seriously by no one of any political stature.

    Mark David Chapman is the undisputed killer of John Lennon, and that there may be no other witness than Yoko suggests nothing else. That's a herculean leap in logic, and to further such logic with a "guess" that GHWBush (whose criminality I neither dispute, and of whose involvement with the murder of JFK i am convinced) was involved is as fantastic as the mythical Hercules.

    Hinckley shot Reagan. It was on live TV. It's on film. If indeed these were political moves toward a "new world order" then i'm certain that the organizers would have ensured there were no TV cameras around.

    Any theoretical new world order started long before GHWB became VP. And your willingness to attach the Republican (any political) party to this assertion tells me all I need to know about your objectivity.

    good day.

    Hunter Thompson's death was a mystery to his family. One son was home. Thompson lived in a wooded

    area. His wife was anxious about him. When she got to the store, she phoned Thompson. He was on his

    porch with his typewriter. His wife heard a strange noise on the phone. He went silent. She rushed home.

    He had shot himself, apparently. His son was home and stated he never heard a sound. I get the impression

    they were living in an isolated area. No noise? At the time, Thompson was extremely distressed because --

    some have said -- he had attended Bohemian Grove and shot film of their killing a person as a sacrifice.

    It's pretty well accepted that John Lennon was killed by the FBI or CIA. His own son, Sean, said he believed

    this. Jose Perdomo was there that night and said to Chapman, "What did you just do?" And Chapman

    replied, "I just shot John Lennon," and went back to reading The Catcher in the Rye.in the dark. There's a

    website about this. Key in "John Lennon Dakota," as I don't remember the name of the site.

    And Hinckley was nuts and known to the Bushes. As a matter of fact, the Hinckley parents were going to

    have dinner with George Bush's son. The one who never ran for public office. Odd, isn't it?

    There is a speech on youtube showing George H.W. Bush telling America from the Oval Office about the

    New World Order and that it had already started. Please watch it. It's chilling.

    Kathy C

  5. I am a die hard Beatle fan. I was 8 the year they came over. Beatlemania was the most exciting time of my


    I remember the Paul Is Dead hoax. Everyone took it as a joke. I feel sorry for Paul McCartney these days

    when this stuff is going around and gaining followers. In the schoolyard of the school I attended in those

    years, a rumor would go around each week that the Beatles died in a plane crash. And there were Lyndon

    LaRouche's theory that the Beatles were sent over to America to capture our youth and then gradually have

    them taking drugs and giving kids the go ahead. Also they were sent over to get our minds off Kennedy's

    Assassination. I don't believe in any of these theories. Paul's alive and that's it. My purpose of bringing it

    up is that Fetzer, a Kennedy researcher, believes anything and everything. He's not skeptical at all. I

    thought a new Paul McCartney hoax was just a joke, but it's gaining strength and believers through the


    Kathy C

  6. Regarding Jose Perdomo. He was on security the night John Lennon was killed. I don't think anyone saw

    that Mark Chapman fellow actually shoot Lennon in the darkness of the entrance to the Dakota. If he did he

    was under mind control. This occurred when Reagan was President-Elect. I'm not saying Reagan himself

    had anything to do with this. But his Vice President-Elect, George H.W. Bush probably did. That's my guess. When the Republicans won the White House certain forces came forward. About 2 months into the Presidency,

    Reagan was shot. Whether it was Hinckley or another shooter, I believe George Bush had something to do

    with that as well. Bush wanted to relieve the country of famous leftists, none of whom died natural deaths:

    John Lennon Shot to death

    Abbie Hoffman Overdose

    Jerry Rubin Jaywalking

    Phil Ochs Suicide by hanging

    Hunter S. Thompson Shot to death, ruled suicide

    And to bring forth the New World Order.

    Kathy C

  7. There was a thread here about Jim Fetzer and how he seems to be losing it. That thread was closed. He now is backing the theory (or claim) that Beatle Paul McCartney was decapitated in a car crash in November. 1966 (same month and year John met Yoko). He has on the link below McCartney's real son and a "researcher." Jim Fetzer is all lit up, but the young man and the woman researcher, for lack of a better title, are seen in partial darkness through skype.

    Evidently it's all true, according to Jim. They have back-up documents, some partially redacted, and Dicko is the son of the first Paul McCartney. Dicko and his mother are even seen in Magical Mystery Tour, which Fetzer shows. Dicko's mother was born in 1932 and Dicko's father in 1942. Youtube is filling up with these claims. I don't believe it, but there are people who will and who do. Someone really worked hard on this. They have photos, etc. Dicko tells of meeting the other 3 Beatles when he was young. And that John was going to come forth and spill the beans but died himself.

    They were going to talk about Jane Asher, but they never got to it. Certain forms were signed by those who knew -- non-disclosure. It isn't said what Brian Epstein thought of all this.

    Below is Fetzer's show.


    Yours Truly,

    Kathy C

  8. Trump has made an ass of himself. I was going to vote for him. But his saying that John McCain was a loser, that women should be punished for having an abortion, making fun of somebody's handicap, throwing his arms about and then lying by saying he never saw the man before -- then how did he know that NY Times reporter, who followed him from day one, had this particular affliction? His foreign policy is naive and non-existent. He wants every country to own nuclear weapons. I'm afraid he'll lose the election for being stupid. And he's always exaggerating how well his interests are doing. Can we trust that?

    What I don't trust the Clintons for is their conviviality with the Bushes. What else are they sharing? Rich

    Dellarosa told me that during Bill Clinton's 8 years there were 200 political murders, beginning with Vince

    Foster. And I recall reading that when Bill Clinton took office, he summoned his chiefs of staff and said: I want

    to know about the Kennedy Assassination and I want to know about UFOs. They told him: You don't have high

    enough clearance. I bet the Clintons do now.

    It made me laugh when childish Jeb Bush asserted, "My father is the nicest man I ever met." I remember

    Bush's "nice" speech on TV when he was talking about the New World Order, that it had already started -- it

    sounded like a threat. (You can see it on youtube.) So now we'll have a woman President. I will say she's

    certainly confident and comes up with good arguments about Trump.

    Kathy C

  9. You are right, Brian. I didn't know Cord Meyer lived so long, but I now see I was wrong about whose funeral

    it was. It must have been Philip Graham. That definitely was George HW Bush in the picture. The person

    who made that video on youtube said it was proof that Bush was in the CIA. If Bush was just an owner of

    Zapata Oil, what was he doing at Graham's funeral? I know Phil Graham shot himself shortly after being

    taken out of a mental hospital. Some writers believe there was something not kosher about his death and

    Katherine Graham became the owner of the Washington Post. I'm sorry if I confused anybody.

    Kathy C

  10. There is a picture on youtube of George H.W. Bush leaving the funeral of Cord Meyer. He is on the steps. He

    had to be CIA to attend that funeral. In front of him on the ground is President John F. Kennedy also leaving

    Meyer's funeral. Cord Meyer was some sort of manic-depressive. He once entered the Oval Office to see

    Kennedy and immediately picked up a phone and yelled, "Scramble the planes!" which he thought was funny.

    He was in the OSS and then the CIA. He was friends with Kennedy and John Kennedy had an affair with Mary

    Pinchot Meyer, later murdered. Here is the clip:


    Kathy C

  11. IMHO, Jackie knew she had to get back into the car, especially that she had to give Clint Hill some room. She

    was in a daze and Hill got her out of that by pushing -- or what one person saw in the original film -- slapping

    her. She propped President Kennedy up to sit next to him and put his head in her lap (which we don't see as the

    film ended). He was in a back brace.

    Kathy C

  12. I've just seen a half-hour film about Kennedy and Tippit and Liggett. In the beginning they flash the autopsy photo

    of Kennedy on the gurney. They made the throat wound, which later became enlarged to open the President's

    windpipe in Dallas at Parkland, look like what they must have seen at Parkland when Kennedy came in.. Fooling

    around with this photo makes you think what else have they changed. Later the photo appears again as it really



    About the left wound, I believe you because I remember seeing an autopsy photo of Kennedy with a round wound

    hidden partially by a lock of his hair. But it was on the top of his left forehead, a clear round wound. When I asked

    other researchers about this, I never got an answer. I never saw the picture again. His body was face down. I

    bet few people know about this. Is it deliberately hidden?

    In the link above there is another photo shown of President Kennedy from the top of his head down to his pubic area. Is this Kennedy or Tippit? And there's another video that shows Tippit having an open casket funeral. You can't see the body but you can see the coffin is open. Again, Tippit or Kennedy?

    Kathy C

  13. Kathy C.,

    At the end of your post #51appears "GO TO: [EVIDENCE OF] LEFT HEAD WOUND". (Wow, that blog is a strange mix of the good and the weird, but sometimes that's where some good stuff is.) That link is a great summary of those who saw a bullet entry in JFK's left temple, which IMO is one the most neglected aspects of JFKA. Here's a direct link:


    It is excerpts from the work of Lifton, Palamara, and Gjerde. One of the best and most neglected witnesses to a left temple wound is Canadian Norman Similas, first noted in D S Lifton's Best Evidence, page 46. Similas was on the same side of Elm Street, 50 feet closer to the Triple Underpass than Hill and Moorman. DSL calls that the NORTH side of Elm, but oh well, just a typo I'm sure.

    Excerpted from V Palamara in his JFK from Parkland to Bethesda, doctors at Parkland who saw a left temple wound:

    -- McClelland

    -- Jenkins

    -- Porto

    -- Baxter

    -- Carrico

    -- and Dr. David Stewart (my favorite, p. 43 in VP), who connects the small wound in left front to the blowout in right occipital. IMHO this shot came from high up on the South Grassy Knoll near the train tracks. And the shot to the head from the North, THE, Grassy Knoll was a frangible to right temple that exited (very little) left crown of head, as Bob Harris has described.

    Also cited from Palamara, p. 86 -- the mysterious Hugh Huggins, AKA Hugh Howell, Marine and CIA undercover(?). HH called it perfectly: "I distinctly saw an entry wound to the left temple... (which)...exited the right side of the president's head, blowing out a section of skull and obscuring the entry wound of a second bullet that struck him from the right almost simultaneously."

    My favorite left temple witness is Father Oscar Huber, invariably misspelled HuberT by his detractors, Jim Bishop et al.

    I thought the mortician Thomas Evan Robinson also was a witness to the left temple wound (and that it was already plugged with wax by the time the body reached Gawler's) but it wasn't in this good list. There's another good listing of these witnesses, including Tom Robinson's handwritten historic list of observations, by Russell Kent, April 1996:


    But the left temple wound is not on this copy of TER's observations (some of it is cut off after his famous list). What IS on it that is monumental and woefully neglected IMHO is the notation of small holes in JFK's right cheek that had already been plugged with wax. I believe these were from debris shot up into JFK's face from a strike beside him in the street, as James Tague was struck by the flying debris of a bullet strike. As the often amazing Bob Harris has PROVEN, this early (first) bullet was fired as the limo was still making its turn onto Elm. That is, way before the extant Zapruder film begins. The Tina Towner movie and another from a similar perspective are burned up for several frames right at this point.

    This post may seem far afield from the original topic "How JFK's body was wrapped," but the head was wrapped, and the wound in the left temple is in the head, so .... Anyway, Ms. Collins broached the subject, so blame her. I saw it brought up, and it's bugged me for years, the lack of concentration on the left temple wound, so I had to take the opportunity. I think it is deserving of its own topic, along with the SOUTH Knoll sniper team, woefully neglected, ignored, or what?

    Yes, blame me again. I have found an Internet radio station, coming from the British Isles, with Robert

    Morningstar as the guest. At approximately 3:35 they discuss the body switch and Tippit's body being in the

    autopsy photos in the Warren Commission labeled Kennedy. Here it is, the Ritchie Allen Show:


    Kathy C

  14. I've found a website about Tippit and Kennedy. What bothers me though is that the writer claims Jackie

    Kennedy shot her husband under his chin. This is the biggest stupidity I've found about the Assassination.

    It makes the body switch seem stupid also, but I still think there is something to it. The graphic photos are on

    the page of the source. Notice how much of his head is missing.


    Saying Jackie shot JFK since 2010!
    About Me

    The strange case of Officer J. D. Tippit:

    Discovering Robert D. Morningstar's "Ultimate Secret of the JFK Assassination" site was almost as startling

    as the realization that Jackie may have fired a shot that day! Morningstar gives credible, backed-up

    evidence for the theory that Officer Tippit's murdered body was further desecrated in order to switch it with

    JFK's body for the autopsy so that the wounds would more closely coincide with the conclusions of the

    Warren Commission. That "stare of death" autopsy photo we've all seen of JFK lying on his back is actually

    a photo of J. D. Tippit! I had always stared at the face in that photo in wonderment because something just

    didn't look "right" about it. Actually, the head wounds that JFK did receive took out one of his eyes, so

    there's no way that could have been him. In the 2007 book by Robert Ries, "Who Really Killed Kennedy?

    The Conspiracy," Ries reports on page 36, "Finally, Paul Connors and Jim Jenkins, who participated in the

    autopsy, said that the autopsy photos provided in the Warren Commission Report were not taken in the

    Bethesda morgue. The floor was a different color. There was a wooden structure in the photos, but no such

    structure existed in the morgue (Livingstone 283 to 311)."

    J. D. Tippit was such a "dead ringer" for President John F. Kennedy that his friends jokingly nicknamed him,

    "JFK,"and "Jack." Here's another interesting article concerning Tippet and body altering/swapping in the

    JFK assassination case:


    This "JFK" autopsy photo is, in reality, of the slain Officer Tippit; as is the one below!

    But when I read an article by Morningstar presenting the case for Officer J. D. Tippit being the "Badgeman"

    photographed firing a gun from the grassy knoll, it was almost too much to believe. But, again, his case

    against him is highly credible. A video presenting photographic evidence of "Badgeman" and a

    reeanactment add substance to the claim that Tippit, or at least some other man dressed as a Dallas cop

    fired from the grassy knoll. Here's a clip of an eye witness (the "babushka lady") claiming she heard a shot

    from the grassy knoll.

    If these assertions are true, and I'm convinced they are, they stagger the imagination when we realize the

    amount of planning and execution that went into fooling the American public that day! We have to admire

    the pure genius of the plan to use JFK's body double to not only kill him, but to impersonate him in his own

    death, effectively also silencing the killer forever.

    How incredibly sad that there's a very real probability that JFK's killer is buried in the grave of the slain

    president, under the eternal flame meant to honor him! And, that JFK is buried in a humble gravesite

    marked with the name of his killer, Officer J. D. Tippit. Why does that make me want to weep? The real

    killers got the last laugh.

    Musings on the Tippit murder.

    The housekeeper at Oswald's rooming house where he went to change clothes and get his gun immediately

    after the assassination reported that a patrol car paused in out front and lightly tooted the horn, after which

    Oswald left the house. There's evidence to suggest that Tippit was signalling that it was time for a

    pre-arranged rendezvous with Oswald in order for him to ostensibly take Oswald to a small airport where

    arrangements had been made for him to leave town. Jack Ruby also intended to be at this rendezvous, and

    it just so happens that Tippit was killed in Ruby's neighborhood. It may have been Ruby's secret intention,

    upon orders from those he worked for, to kill both Tippit and Oswald but to set it up to look like he shot

    Oswald while discovering him in the act of killing Tippit. This would not only eliminate both low-level

    co-conspirators while making himself look like a hero in the process. Ruby likely did shoot Tippit first causing

    Oswald to understandably flee from the scene. Therefore, Ruby had to revert to "Plan B" and gun down

    Oswald in cold blood in front of all the witnesses in the basement of the Dallas Police Headquarters. Here's

    an interesting take on the Oswald - Ruby - Tippit connection. It's a known fact that J.D. Tippit and Jack

    Ruby had a meeting at Ruby's Carousel Club shortly before the assassination, so they were known to each

    other. It's rumored that Tippit had impregnated one of Ruby's dancers and that Ruby was using that fact to

    blackmail and control Tippit, who was married. These three small-time operators took care of each other in

    the end: Ruby took out both Tippit and Oswald, and then Ruby was left to die in prison. If he ever talked, no

    one he talked to is willing to report it. Dorothy Kilgallen may have got the scoop when she interviewed Ruby

    but whatever she learned died with her when she was murdered in a fake suicide set-up.

    For a look at a historic video of the neighborhood and eye witnesses of the Tippit killing, click here.


    Kathy C

  15. Ray, I'm sorry about the delay getting to this subject. I will try to find the radio show with Robert Morningstar.

    All of Brent Holland's shows are on subjects like these. There's a book out about Tippit's murder which I will

    look into. The Kennedys were "allowed" to see the body early on the 23rd. So if that body was believed to be

    the President's, even with the waxworks look, then Tippit could have an open coffin funeral as seen on youtube.

    There is something about Tippit's shooting on the first page now. I will read it in a little while. I have not lost

    interest. I wonder if you discovered anything new or puzzling.

    Kathy C

  16. Thanks Chris and Kathleen, it looks like several things are happening in that panorama. Parallax is causing the lamp post to change its left/right position relative to the background. The lamp post also changes its lean but unlike the Stemmons sign and xacto knife the background changes its tilt right along with the lamp post. In other words the lamp post and its background are consistent, unlike the pincushion corrected zapruder film and the xacto knife which develops a lean relative to the background. I think the tilting is related to vanishing point changes as you rotate to face an object that was off to the side.

    Does it matter that Elm St. was heading slightly downward?

    Kathy C

  17. Roger and others: Here is the youtube clip of the turn onto Elm.


    About the head shot: It was described as a big white substance going up in the air and then the gory part was

    shown on an Internet radio show. The blood is redder and Jackie is face to face with John Kennedy, her left

    arm over his right shoulder. I will try to find it, but in the frames I saw there was no white (halo). Robert

    Morningstar says he has the missing frames of Zapruder.

    One important thing. The film is shot from behind Zapruder and from a higher area close by. I cannot figure

    where this cameraman was standing.

    Kathy C

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