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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I am still doing my reading on the possible body alteration. I sleep with youtube on. Sometime during the night I heard that early on the 26th of November,1963 Jackie and the brothers went to Arlington to bury the brain and other tissues of President Kennedy's. And that it was secret. There is a photo of Ted Kennedy, standing near an open grave with a stainless steel container on the ground next to him. But that photo comes from 1967 when they were reburying the President. I cannot find that photo.

    I also remember hearing that (probably Liggett) someone shaved in part Tippit's eyebrows to make him look more like Kennedy.

    Kathy C

  2. The only problem I have with "crime of the century" is that it really was the Holocaust. What the Nazis did to those people. And I might add that the Vatican was a "safe house" for the escaping Nazis. The Catholics didn't like the Jews either. Ratlines, someone called it.

    Kathy C

  3. I bought 11-22-63 by King. I was so angry about what I had read. The only reason that book sold was because of the title. It was a long, drawn- out tale about a romance in the past. The Kennedy Assassination had little to do with the plot. I have not watched the series. I cannot believe someone as smart as Stephen King thinks Oswald did it alone. Like someone said earlier, it could be an Operation Mockingbird stunt.

    Kathy C

  4. I've long known that the pink pillbox hat Jackie wore on Nov.22, 1963 was "missing." There is a quaint website about (mostly) Jackie Kennedy. pinkpillbox.com. It was here that I read about the missing hat and for those who are interested in this mystery please read.

    During the speeding motorcade to Parkland, Jackie ripped off the hat. Several strands of hair stuck to it plus blood and brain matter. Secret Service Man, Paul Landis, noticed the gory hat left on the backseat of the limo when they carried the President into Parkland Hospital. He gave it to someone in the hospital, but no one knows to whom.

    Somehow it ended up in a large bag. The bag said, "HILL." Mary Gallagher gave it to the President's luggage guard, Joseph Giordano. Giordano gave it to a White House policeman. At 8 pm the policeman gave it to Secret Service Agent Bob Foster. Foster became angry and cursed at the White House guard. They were in FDR's "Map Room" of the White House, now being used by the White House Curator. Foster saw "HILL" written on the bag and was angry that the guard mistook him for Clint Hill, Jackie's personal Secret Service Man.

    And that is all anyone knows (apparently) about the fashionable hat. Jackie's mother, Janet Auchincloss, collected the suit, the stockings, the shoes and the pocketbook Jackie wore that awful day. But not the hat. Caroline Kennedy has deeded the suit to the National Archives. No one can see these items (except the Kennedys) until 2100 +. I don't think any of us reading this will see it again.

    Still a mystery. Manchester, author of Death of a President, mentioned the missing hat. In a book filled with excruciating detail, Manchester does not know who had the hat last or where it is.

    Kathy C

  5. Could it be possible that this Dr. Pullman was hypnotizing Ruby and got him to kill Oswald?

    Obviously, I can't answer your question directly, but this tells you something about what the CIA was doing in the field of hypnosis ~10 years before the JFK assassination. I can only hope that it may help find an answer.
    Personally, I don't believe at all that the involvement of Pullman and his wife with Ruby were what Pullman claims. Nor do I believe that Pullman switched from novelty dealer and furniture designer to doctor specializing in hypnosis in six years.

    Ashton, you would be surprised how many people use hypnosis. I don't think you even have to hang a shingle out to become a "psycho-therapist." I knew a woman who was hypnotizing people for years. Eventually the real psychologists won an order for her to get a doctorate in Psychology or Social Work if she wanted to continue. Which she did in her old age. There are many people who do hypnosis, or at least in the not so distance past. Dentists, for one. And quacks. Weight control, stop smoking. Some psychotherapists use Astrology to get to know their clients.

    There was an ex-model named Candy Jones who was used by the CIA. They gave her a different identity. She became Arlene Grant and wore a black wig when she was working unbeknowingly for the CIA. Under hypnosis she found out about this and remembered a time when the CIA put a long lit candle inside her vagina for other people to see how hypnosis can work. She also had bad teeth for a woman of her means -- because some dentists hypnotize their patients. She was not allowed to visit a dentist.

    Kathy C

  6. Yes, I noticed in J.D. Tippit's autopsy that there were slits in his chest where Kennedy had slits. The doctors at Parkland and the nurses certainly would have put the slits into Kennedy's lungs, whereas Liggett would have done it to J.D.'s body for visual reasons. Liggett had a lot of work to do and these cuts were probably done quickly. He wasn't a doctor he was a cosmetician.

    One other thing. Tippit's autopsy said he had black hair. Kennedy had chestnut brown hair. I wonder how that was dealt with. This may seem silly, but in that Stare of Death photo I noticed his hair looked like he had hair dye on it. I'm a dyed redhead and that's how you look with hair dye on your head, even if you're going lighter.

    Kathy C

  7. I don't know if hypnosis is real or not. I went to a psychologist hypnotist for awhile when I was a teenager for insomnia and emotional scars from my father who was a violent alcoholic and to overcome feelings of rejection I received from a group of kids I hung out with because I wouldn't use street drugs. I can't say I improved much at the time. So does hypnosis work? I don't know.

    Could it be possible that this Dr. Pullman was hypnotizing Ruby and got him to kill Oswald? I do find it suspicious that Ruby, who loved his President and his government, wasn't outside to see Kennedy pass by, but was in the newspaper ad office about a block from the street Kennedy was riding through. Ruby was at the newspaper when he learned Kennedy had been shot. He immediately cancelled his ads for the Carousel Club that weekend. Pullman did own certain patents.

    Paul "Red" Dorfman was a mobster. He had a home in Palm Springs, CA. He was awakened before 9 am California time by a phone call from Chicago columnist, Irv Kupcinet, who told Dorfman that a man named Jack Ruby or Rubenstein had just shot Lee Harvey Oswald. Dorfman was incredulous. "Sparky wouldn't do that. He's a nebbish sort of guy." Dorfman had known Ruby in the late '40's through the Waste Handlers' Union in Chicago. If there is such a thing as a coincidence, Kupcinet's daughter spent that weekend in Palm Springs too, with her boyfriend and another couple. Dorfman was surprised how easily Kup tracked him down. This info came from Irv's book, Kup: A Man, a City an Era and James Ellroy's Crime Wave, "The Glamour Jungle." also Chicago Magazine's, "The Lost World of Kup," a very interesting, thorough account of the Kupcinet family, easily found on the internet. And one of Seth Kantor's Ruby books.

    Karyn Kupcinet, Irv's daughter was found dead the night of Nov. 30, 1963. She'd been murdered, possibly strangled or more likely held in a neck grip which cut off oxygen to her brain, killing her almost instantly. The coroner who worked on her was found to be a pervert who had a fascination with women being strangled or beheaded. The exhumation of 2 women showed they didn't die from strangulation or beheading but from other natural causes. This man examined Karyn and said she had a broken hyoid bone in her neck which killed her. But around this time he was known to have said, "At least I didn't break the hyoid bone on this one." Well, whose hyoid bone did he break? The story about the coroner appeared in newspapers in 1966.

    Karyn had been murdered on Thanksgiving, November 28, 1963. around 12:30 am. The case was never solved. Could she have been killed as a warning to keep her father's nose out of other people's business? The book, Hit List, by Richard Belzer and David Wayne, about the dead witnesses of the Kennedy Assassination, includes a chapter on her, taken from my work as a blogger and a Kennedy researcher.

    Kathy C

  8. Thank you, Malcolm, for these research sites. One passage says Tippit was sealed in his coffin and buried the next day. Others claim there was an open casket and he was buried on Nov. 25, as was Kennedy and LHO. I know they don't bury people on Sundays So was Tippit buried on Saturday, Nov. 23? It's either or. Jackie and Bobby Kennedy felt that JFK had too much coverage on his face. They likened it to what you would see in a wax museum or a rubber face mask you would wear on Halloween. If it was really Tippit and not Kennedy, it sounds like possibly the work of John Liggett. Jackie said, "It isn't him." and Bobby said, astounded, "It doesn't even look like him."

    Brief footage on youtube shows a blurry wake where it looks like the casket is open. This footage was taken at a distance. So all of the theory of Liggett making Tippit look like Kennedy is either false or eerily true.

    Kathy C

  9. Robert, I too had not heard this. I did a quick google search and found a website jdtippit.com which said he was buried on Nov. 25 and had an open casket. I then saw a youtube video of his funeral which shows an open casket and people filing by. The closed casket, 1 day after funeral must be another internet rumor.

    The book excerpt you read is from With Malice by Dale Myers. It claims that Lee Harvey Oswald killed Tipppit and President Kennedy. From my standpoint, that makes the book a little suspicious. There's another book out called Inside the Nightmare by Joseph McBride, a long-time journalist. The website for Myers is basically to sell the book.

  10. Robert, I too had not heard this. I did a quick google search and found a website jdtippit.com which said he was buried on Nov. 25 and had an open casket. I then saw a youtube video of his funeral which shows an open casket and people filing by. The closed casket, 1 day after funeral must be another internet rumor.

    I just saw this post. I only know what I read. I was 7 when Kennedy was shot. So I wasn't there. I will keep an open mind and try to find Tippit's funeral on youtube. Thanks.

    Kathy C

  11. I had read about these body alterations in a Robert Morningstar article. I thought it was ridiculous. But next I watched TMWKK, the Guilty Men episode. That episode goes into the cosmetician, Ligett., how his wife at the time believed he was involved in the Kennedy Assassination. When he came home he looked exhausted and troubled. He took his family out of their house and went and stayed at a hotel, a distance from where they lived. He had the TV on constantly. When Ruby shot Oswald, his family noticed the peace that came over him. This was the spookiest episode. Researchers Greg Burnham and Walt Brown both appeared in that episode. The History Channel was threatened with lawsuits if they ever showed it again because of what it indicated about Lyndon Johnson. Then I am reading books, such as Doug Horne's book and Death of a President. Anything that discusses the 2 arrivals of coffins with JFK. I also just bought A Deeper, Darker Truth, which Ray recommended. I want to buy the book about Tippit too. It might tell me just what I want to know. It is in that book that Ligett may appear. I believe it is the Tippit book that says the cop was buried quickly, the next day. His family was told Tippit was badly deformed by the shooting. Who's in Tippit's grave?

    I reread one of my posts above. I didn't mean to say that Ray was wrong about the Stare of Death being painted. I'm sure it was. I just wanted to add the possibility of Ligett's touch up work.

    Kathy C

  12. Ray, I looked at the picture again. You are right. I can see its darkness compared to the other eye. And the other eye is a bit divergent and lighter than Kennedy's right eye. I believe that Ligett worked on that entire section: under the eye, the eye itself and over the eye. I don't think it's painted in. Ligett's goal was to use Tippit's body to show that the shots came from behind. And afterwards he came into a lot of money. Tippit was buried right away, the next day, and his family was not allowed to view his remains.

    There's another mystery pertaining to that day which I'm looking into. I will post it when I find out. I'll give you a hint:: women may be more interested than the men here.

    I'm still searching and reading Death of a President. I'll go into it more the next time. I have a degree in English and I swear the author made up words, or used a thesaurus to find arcane words so he would be looked upon as highly intelligent by readers. But certain passages are so interesting.

    Kathy C

  13. What about Liggett? He supposedly made the dead body of J.D.Tippit look more like Kennedy, so as to make bullet courses from the back. When Robert Kennedy viewed the open coffin at the white house, he said,"It doesn't even look like him." Then Liggett came into some money, maybe a million. He bought a new home and had poker parties all the time. He loved to gamble and his ex-wife saw him in Las Vegas, when he was supposed to be dead.

    Kathy C

    Agree with you, Kathy. The Liggett affair needs more investigation. Definitely fishy IMO.

    The link that was given about the first emergency room and treatment of President Kennedy said that Kennedy's eyes were fixed and dilated and looking in diverse directions. The Stare of Death photo has Kennedy with eyes open, fixed, but not divergent. Is there an explanation for this?

    Kathy C

  14. Manchester's book yielded hardly anything about the coffins. Bobby ordered a new coffin because he was told that the bronze coffin was damaged. Manchester did describe President Kennedy in his coffin. When Bobby and his friend, Bob Walton, looked close-up at Kennedy, they found his face looked like a "rubber mask you'd buy in a novelty store." Jackie said, "It's like something you'd see in Madam Tussaud's" wax museum. They decided he was too cosmeticized. He also described a lot of people in the Bethesda suite where Bobby and Jackie were. Jackie was sitting on the floor. Another woman commented, "It's like she doesn't want the day to end." At the time, a discussion ensued about whether or not to close the coffin. She was used to listening to men. Manchester put it, "Womanlike, she waited." Now, is that not archaic?

    Kathy C

  15. Also the debt we have as individuals and as a country. Kennedy was going to do away with the Federal Reserve. He was a popular man with the people, but he had so many enemies in power (e.g., the oil barons, big business). Would we have credit card debt to deal with? I think we would have much richer citizens. And no Viet Nam War which took so many lives.

    Kathy C

  16. Some spooky things were going on. I understand that "Air Force 2" landed sometime after Air Force One, if that was where any alterations were made.

    Digression: Someone made mention that The Death of the President by Manchester was a great book. If somebody sneezed that day pages would be written about it. The book is dated, with some archaic vocabulary. And of course, Lee Harvey Oswald killed Kennedy alone from the TSBD. If the body showed proof of being hit from the front, that would mean conspiracy. And, further, Johnson was as sweet as can be.

    I'll keep plugging along and I welcome anyone's comment on this matter.

    Kathy C

  17. I think you're right, Steve.

    As for David Lifton: I know how you're revered in the Kennedy community. When I first read this material by Morningstar I didn't believe it myself and neither did the Admin of that forum. I know you think it's ridiculous and that's your right. But I want to look into this. J.D. Tippit died and was buried the next day. His family was not allowed to look at his body. Who's in that coffin, I wonder. I am in the middle of looking into this. I suppose you saw TMWKK, "The Guilty Men"? John Liggett, the mortician, had something to do with the shipping casket and the bronze casket. Kennedy was wrapped in 2 different ways. They needed 2 coffins. Why? Since the coffin wasn't ever alone on Air Force One. Godfrey McHugh was with it when Jackie was not. Any alterations may have been done on Air Force 2 (as Johnson called it). I have to look into it more.

    I will say I am trying to get info from The Death of a President by Manchester. Some people may know here that I used to be a freelance editor. If ever a book needed an editor, Manchester's certainly did. Talk about not getting to the point. He describes every single little thing that happened that day. He wrote about Ethel Kennedy's faith and people's thoughts, and anything remotely related to the event and President Kennedy. He keeps going off on tangents. It's like pulling teeth trying to get information from the book. So, I'm in the beginning stages of trying to ascertain what happened that 2 coffins were needed. I've also purchased Doug Horne's book. The only way we will ever know for sure would be to exhume J.D.Tippitt.

    Kathy C

  18. As another thread is locked, I will write here about Nazis. First I want to say that I saw a video that said Prescott Bush adopted George HW Bush. They share no resemblance except both were tall. Bush's real father was a Nazi, whom the U.S. was shielding.

    I have had reasons to research the Nazis, the Jews and Revisionists these past months. I am currently reading "Survival in Auschwitz" by Primo Levi. I have watched many documentaries about the Nazi camps and Hitler and his henchmen. Other books I've bought include Hunting Eichmann, Ratline, cd's of the Nazis next door, and "Post-Zionism, Post-Holocaust." In the last one the author, a Jew, names revisionists and tries to tell the public why these individuals think what they do. To me, it's wishful thinking. I believe the first revisionists were French men, Rassinier and Pierre Guillaume. They don't believe in 6 million Jews, Zyglon-B Gas, Gas chambers, and murdering droves of people, torturing others, working them to death, no winter clothes to cover their emaciated bodies.

    When the Americans came, General Eisenhower told the photographers to take pictures of everything. "Because a day will come when someone is going to say, 'This never happened.'"

    The films: I had watched them when I was a kid with my parents and my father told me Hitler was the devil. (I went to Catholic School.) A year or so later, he told me Lee Harvey Oswald was the devil. But it was another thing to watch these films as an adult. I couldn't believe the barbarity. These were fellow human beings. I saw bodies thinner than mannequins being bulldozed into mass graves. How can a human being do these terrible things?

    I learned that Hitler never went to the camps. He was afraid of being photographed there. And he knew what was going on there. His fellows kept in touch with him daily. I have read that the Vatican protected escaping Nazis, helping to get them to Argentina. The Vatican was a safe house. Later on the Catholics said we helped them because they, too, were anti-communists. The Americans and the Russians each took the best Nazi scientists. Some people think Hitler escaped. I have a book on that too.

    I heard a radio show hosted by a Black Muslim, saying terrible things about Jews. They were garbage, they're disgusting. I knew one person who hated Jews. He believed they invented mental illness so they could whine about something. I told him my favorite movie was "The Pawnbroker."

    Whether it was 6 million or 600 people treated like that at "extermination" camps and the Final Solution... I saw those films. I saw camps I never heard of. I believe if you're such a revisionist you're a hater of Jews. That's the motive. Maybe jealousy because Jewish people are known for making careers for themselves and are accomplished people. Jesus was a Jew.

    Finally, I asked A.J. Weberman, who taught the Kennedy Assassination at Columbia U and wrote a successful, impressive book about the Assassination, if the Vatican or the Catholic Church had a hand in the assassination of President Kennedy. He told me NO. I had asked him because I knew he was a Jew.

    I'm glad to see Len Colby is back. I found his signatures very funny.

    Kathy C

  19. I found photos of Officer J.D. Tippit. He had thick eyebrows where Kennedy had very sparse ones. Also the hair thickness and color are different. I think these would be dead giveaways to the Kennedy family. They would know it was a different body.

    Also, I am reading The Death of a President by Manchester. According to the book that coffin was never left alone. When Jackie had to attend the swearing in in another section of the plane, Godfrey McHugh stayed by it. As it was a heavy coffin, the pall bearers struggled with it getting on the plane and Jackie wasn't far behind them. There wasn't enough time to open the coffin, take the body out and store it. I can't see how they could have done it at Parkland either.

    Kathy C

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