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Kathleen Collins

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Posts posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. About James Fetzer:  This man will believe anything you tell him.  His acceptance of the Paul is dead theory is incredible.  I remember how nasty he got while trying to tell us Judyth was real.  He was calling people things like, "You're the leading mediocrity in JFK research." 

    The holocaust never happened.  There were gadgets on our satellites that helped bring down the towers.

    Kathy C-

  2. 4 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Game over for you, Mr. Laverick, because you ALWAYS forget to mention the Magic Tooth.  How did LEE Oswald's missing front tooth grow back in HARVEY Oswald's grave?  Why do you always forget to explain that?  Here's a reminder about what you always forget.


    LHO did not have a missing tooth.  It was a part of his lip that made it look that way.  Photographer Duncan, from Scotland, I believe, showed us this picture resized.  There was no missing tooth.  It's an illusion.

    Kathy C 

  3. On 3/28/2017 at 9:36 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

    Harvey and Lee didn’t look that much alike.  Do you think the two men on the extreme left and the far right are the same person?


    The first man is Harvey.  Someone touched up the photograph.  The second is a young Donald Trump.  The third might be "Ralph Geb," someone told me years ago.  And, of course, Harvey himself, Judyth Baker's lover.  

  4. I just saw a photo of "Jack Ruby," waiting for Oswald -- and it wasn't Jack Ruby.  I saw this on youtube.  I will try to get the link.  It's about it's not Ruby.  And you see the man at approx. 2:48.  This post is at youtube: "OK, Jack Ruby Didn't Kill Oswald."  I think this is new and very important.  The cops must have been in on it.











  5. On 2/14/2012 at 2:22 AM, Don Jeffries said:

    the same sources that allege JFK was having nonstop sex, also claim that there was a huge coverup about his health- usually centered around Addison's Disease --  I'm wondering how many here accept the notion that there was a coverup about JFK's health. This has also been used to explain away the incomplete and shoddy autopsy JFK received; according to these same sources, the Kennedy family "covered up" because they didn't want the public to know about his Addison's Disease. 


    Kennedy never hid his Addison's Disease.  There is a conversation on tape between JFK and some reporters.  Here is the clip from January 1960 on youtube.


    Kathy C

  6. I voted for Trump.  He will have good people around him.  At least he is honest.  And I like that Guiliani might be Secretary of State.  Guiliani cleaned up NY.  It was so dangerous when Koch was in.  Port Authority and the tube trains from NJ were a horror.  A long time ago, Rich Dellarosa told me that there were 200 political murders during the 8 years of Clinton's reign.  I found on the internet a name by name murder victim, starting, of course, with Vince Foster.  About 3 or 4 days ago a well educated woman went to Haiti to look into the Clinton Foundation.  She was dead the next day.  I am trying to find more about it.


    Also a few days ago, I read on the Internet that Obama's WhiteHouse.gov  birth certificate has been found to be a forgery through 5 years of forensic analysis.  And that the authorities on this matter want him tried for Treason.  They found another alias: Harrison J. Bonell, which he used in Chicago.  We don't know who this man is.  I believe he set out to destroy this country after his 2nd election.  He wanted the New World Order and his personality changed when people in the audience laughed,  "Did I say something funny?"  Hillary, too, wanted the Western Hemisphere to have no borders.  In other words New World Order.  Thank God she wasn't elected.


    Kathy C

  7. I know today is the dread anniversary.  I have great hope for Trump.  But today is President Kennedy's day.  He had a vision for this country.  He wanted to change the  Federal Reserve, using silver for our dollars.  As soon as he died we went back to gold, which has left this country in massive debt.  He wanted us to stay out of Viet Nam.  Let them choose their own government.  All our young men dying.  For what?  What good came out of it?  His last day was filled with hundreds of people so happy to see him, mobbing the streets.  And the surreal ending of this glory when they killed him at the end,  Kind thoughts I share with everyone here.


    Kathy C 

  8. About Barr McClennan. Dr. Walt Brown gave a good review of his book about LBJ

    before publication. But then something happened. Walt said that the book

    was entirely changed (full of lies). Walt Brown denounced the book. Walt is a

    historian. He's written many books about the Kennedy Assassination and

    was featured in "The Guilty Men." He spoke about specialists who found a

    fingerprint on one of the boxes in the sniper's nest November 22, 1963, left by

    Mac Wallace. Wallace knew LBJ since childhood and murdered people for LBJ.

    Kathy C

  9. Yes, I was suspicious of his death, but the researcher who was with me didn't think anything of it. That

    exhibit was supposed to be a permanent display of Kennedy stuff and when we got there they were taking

    it down. Robert White passed away the next day of a heart attack.

    Kathy C

  10. Another researcher and I went to a museum in St. Petersburg, FL to see the Kennedy exhibit circa 2004. It was a holiday. They were taking down Robert White's Kennedy collection. The next day Robert White, the collector, died of a heart attack. I think he was 51. I met him at the Hudson library in Florida. He didn't seem sick to me. Here is a video about him. It lasts about 10:36 minutes. He collected stuff about many celebrities. I hope this link works.


    Kathy C

  11. The person I expect it is -- possibly -- would be Jim Koethe, a newspaper man for the Dallas Herald. He was killed by a

    karate chop to the throat as he got out of the shower. The murder wasn't investigated because his parents were embarrassed

    he was gay. On the night Ruby shot Oswald, Koethe and another man were searching Ruby's apartment. Senator was there

    as he shared this apartment with Ruby. Koethe died in Sept. 1964. To me, it doesn't look like Ruby.

    Kathy C

  12. Can't the CIA afford to give a syndicated show to anyone they want anymore? Or do some simply not pass the audition? (Beatles joke within, if you stretch your memory.)

    PS: If you're a Beatles fan steeped in the Paul is Dead myth since 1968, then this short film (link below) will be a lot of fun for you. Features better fake-Beatles songs than do more expensive and "accurate" Beatles bio-pics:

    "Thank you on behalf and the group and ourselves I hope we passed the audition." Or something like that. Yes, I caught it right away, David. Thanks for the film. I never heard of it before. I'm still waiting to watch The Times and the Hours.

    Kathy C

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