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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. See the two page scroll down: http://www.scribd.com/doc/29254708/Blaine-...yDetail-Catalog THIS WILL BE A MAJOR BOOK BY A DIVISION OF SIMON AND SCHUSTER! WRITTEN BY FORMER JFK/ TEXAS TRIP AGENT GERALD BLAINE [mentioned on the Air Force One tapes: "Blaine, Burke, and his party" (Austin)] AND HIS VERY GOOD FRIEND, CLINT HILL, WHO IS WRITING THE FOREWARD! (Clint Hill's brother-in-law? Fellow JFK agent David Grant, assistant advance agent for the Dallas trip!) Blaine and many of his colleagues, including "the brass" (SAIC Jerry Behn, ASAIC Floyd Boring, and ATSAIC Art Godfrey) and several White House aides (including close JFK aide Dave Powers, Pierre Salinger, and Marty Underwood), all told me that President Kennedy was a nice man, never interfered with the actions of the Secret Service at all, and did NOT order the agents off his limousine. President Kennedy was a very nice man and never interfered with the Secret Service at all...and that goes for JFK's aides, too-nice try! UH OH-guess who's responsible? I'll give you a hint: the initials are "SS" and I don't mean the Third Reich http://www.amazon.com/Gerald-Blaine-Secret.../R22QJKCG1Z8SD1 http://www.amazon.com/gp/richpub/listmania..._pdp_lm_title_1 BLAINE'S ATTORNEY SENT ME A THREATENING CERTIFIED LETTER LAST FALL---THEY ARE WORRIED ABOUT ME, TO PUT IT MILDLY...I WILL BE "THE FLY IN THE OINTMENT", SO TO SPEAK http://vincepalamara.blogspot.com/ First of all, Clint Hill WAS interviewed for William Manchester's book back in 1964 and 1965--- interviewed by: Warren Commission (March 9, 1964), for Manchester, The Death of a President (November 18, 1964; May 20, 1965), and 60 Minutes (December 7, 1975; November 1993); December 1963 newsreel regarding Treasury award (with C. Douglas Dillon as presenter); Who Killed JFK: The Final Chapter? (CBS, November 19, 1993); <b>The Secret Service and Inside the Secret Service videos (1995); Inside the U.S. Secret Service documentary (2004); Larry King Live (March 22, 2006) Oops. "Conspiracy theorists" don't just "claim" that the beloved Secret Service DESTROYED RECORDS OF PRESIDENTIAL TRIPS: THEY DID!!!!--- According to Chapter 8 of the Official Federal Government's Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB’s) Final Report (1998), given to President Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Trent Lott, and a gaggle of media luminaries and available the world over free---not for profit---online (kind of like my book): "Congress passed the JFK Act of 1992. One month later, the Secret Service began its compliance efforts. However, in January 1995, the Secret Service destroyed presidential protection survey reports for some of President Kennedy’s trips in the fall of 1963. The Review Board learned of the destruction approximately one week after the Secret Service destroyed them, when the Board was drafting its request for additional information. The Board believed that the Secret Service files on the President’s travel in the weeks preceding his murder would be relevant. [Emphasis added.] As the ARRB’s Doug Horne wrote in a memo dated April 16, 1996: “The ‘final decision’ to approve the Texas trip made ‘late Tuesday night’ indicates that de-cision came on September 24, 1963 … the Secret Service Protective Survey Reports … which were destroyed in 1995 commence with trip files starting on this same date: September 24, 1963 [emphasis added].” In addition, the ARRB’s Joan Zimmerman noted in a May 1, 1997 Memorandum To File: “Thus far, the US Secret Service collection is in 6 gray archive boxes for documents, 7 large, flat gray boxes with newspapers and clippings, and 1 small box with a tape cassette … In Box 5 there are three folders marked “trip file”. All are empty.” The chairman of the ARRB, Judge Jack Tunheim, stated: “The Secret Service destroyed records after we were on the job and working. They claimed it was a mistake that it was just by the normal progression of records destruction.” Former PRS Agent Dale Wunderlich wrote to me: “I assumed that advance reports from the early 1960s had been destroyed years ago.” The agent’s assumption aside, why wait until 1995, after the ARRB began its work? Former agent Frank Stoner gave me a copy of the Secret Service's JFK inaugural survey report...I'm sure there are alot of 'things' in private hands. And, last but not least... ONLY forty??? ) Vince Palamara First Amendment fan
  2. http://vincepalamara.blogspot.com/2009/12/...-douglas-p.html
  3. PLEASE, someone, anyone---Bill Kelly, etc.---send me Douglas Horne's e-mail address MY e-mail is vincebethel@yahoo.com PLEASE SEND IT TO MY E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) Vince Palamara back to where I was from 1978 to 2007...hey, I only lost my senses for a year and change LOL "Vince, why the comeback?" ANSWER: Douglas Horne's 5 new books...and, to a certain extent, my own re-evaluation (remember, even at my "lowest", I STILL believed there WERE conspiracies [plural] to kill Kennedy...just that [my thinking circa Spring 2007-mid 2009] Oswald beat them all to the punch...and I have, of course, always believed in the Secret Service's negligence)
  4. BREAKING NEWS-11/21/09: PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S ASSASSINATION SOLVED******************* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE8b2CCDPqw Vince Palamara http://www.google.com/profiles/vincepalamara
  5. Vince, As the expert in these matters, I am sure you are familiar with the report that John W. Rice was at Barksdale AFB near Shreveport, LA when he was contacted by the Dallas Secret Service office and instructed to proceed to Goldonna, LA to investigate the initial JFK shooting suspect, Jack W. Martin. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...bsPageId=267652 Can you verify whether or not November 22 was also Rice's wife's birthday, and if it was, how that detail may have played into Rice making that 325 miles, each way, trip to Barksdale. Did Rice's older daughter and her husband, you probably know their names, so I won't post them here, reside at that time. in Leesville, LA, a town south of Shreveport, next to the Ft. Polk, US Army base, lying along the shortest route from New Orleans, or did the young couple move there shortly after? Did Rice stop at his daughter;s home in Leesville, before or after his official stops at Barksdale or at Ladonna, or meet with his daughter or son-in-law after he heard the news about JFK? Did Rice perhaps bring his wife along on that trip north, to visit with her daughter on the occasion of Rice's wife's brithday? Is it possible Rice had planned to pick his daughter up in Leesville and bring her back to New Orleans to celebrate her mother's birthday? If John W. Rice recounted his recollections to you of that fateful afternoon, I'm assuming all of the family related details that would jog the memory of any of the agents you've interviewed would have come into play. How did you determine (prioritize) which agents were most important to devote the time to attempt to obtain information from, or about, or is the assassination of president Kennedy simply subordinate to your interest in researching and writing about the Secret Service personnel? Vince, did you attempt to interview John W. Rice or his wife? If not, who are the other agents you asked for details they might offer related to Rice and his career? When do you recall becoming aware of Adele Edisen's claims of being interviewed by John W. Rice in his office on November 24, 1963? Did Adele's assertions influence you in any way to pursue details related to the career and other background of John W, Rice? Were you aware that John W. Rice had served on the White House residence protection detail in the early 50's? Where have you published those details? Hi, everyone. Sorry: as I have told Bill over the years (hi, Bill!) what i have on John W. Rice is what I have in my book/ online...not much! )
  6. 5 more JFK assassination/ MEDICAL EVIDENCE/ Secret Service videos Part 13 (part one, medical evidence): Vince Palamara demonstrates his JFK assassination related medical evidence/ correspondence from his second book "JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgRtsbdt00M Part 14 (part two, medical evidence): Vince Palamara demonstrates his JFK assassination related medical evidence/ correspondence from his second book "JFK: The Medical Evidence Reference." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KudTqoCgk1k Part 10: Vince Palamara demonstrates some of the more prominent Secret Service related books and his own interaction with the authors, as well as some other items of interest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SowuV2R4Dqk Part 11: Vince Palamara demonstrates even more very rare and obscure JFK/ Secret Service related photos, as well as other interesting items. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4NB0NIuuUA Part 12: Vince Palamara demonstrates all the many books and dvds he has been a part of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00RNrnkMU88 In addition, please make a note of my other recent new additions: Part Nine: Acting as part summary (thus, some repetition from prior parts) and part loose ends collection (new stuff), Vince Palamara catalogues some more very interesting "official" and unofficial Secret Service items of interest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ItmBueOcac Part Eight: Vince Palamara explores "official" history as portrayed in pre and post assassination (kids/ adults) books, as well as other interesting loose ends (including photographs and correspondence): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZQghKDgaZ8 Part Seven: JFK, Marilyn Monroe...and FLOYD BORING?!?!? Also, Thomas Shipman, the agent who passed a way a few short weeks before Dallas [10/14/63, to be exact: "heart attack" at Camp David...](and who could have been JFK's driver instead of the inept Greer) is discussed (twice), among many other items of interest (including Secret Service Agent Wade Rodham, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'S UNCLE!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seS32H_tFy4 Part Six: Vince Palamara discusses Secret Service agent Emory Roberts and the whole "official history" issue of JFK allegedly being difficult to protect and even allegedly ordering the agents off the back of his limousine, among other things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q6Z_njSD9U Part Five: What President Lyndon Johnson thought of the inept ASAIC (number three man; on the Texas trip; riding in the limousine) Roy H. Kellerman: ouch!!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72uLzSwh7oU Part Four: Vince Palamara notes quite a few of the more interesting and valuable Secret Service (JFK) related books, dvds, and videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9T2SF-QA2I Part Three: Vince Palamara explores the role of ASAIC (number two man of the Secret Service White House Detail) Floyd M. Boring in the planning of JFK's fatal trip to Texas, among other things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slacowH_aUk Part Two: Vince Palamara explores many interesting and rare JFK/ Secret Service related photographs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCMBioLcQiY Part One: the strange presence of PRS Secret Service employees Glen A. Bennett and the heretofore virtually unknown Howard K. Norton on President Kennedy's fatal trip to the Lone Star State, as well as in Florida (and, in Bennett's case at least, New York) in November 1963: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCVkf9ScsB8 Vince Palamara http://www.google.com/profiles/vincepalamara http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v4n1.html http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v4n2.html
  7. Part Nine: Acting as part summary (thus, some repetition from prior parts) and part loose ends collection (new stuff), Vince Palamara catalogues some more very interesting "official" and unofficial Secret Service items of interest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ItmBueOcac Part Eight: Vince Palamara explores "official" history as portrayed in pre and post assassination (kids/ adults) books, as well as other interesting loose ends (including photographs and correspondence): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZQghKDgaZ8 Part Seven: JFK, Marilyn Monroe...and FLOYD BORING?!?!? Also, Thomas Shipman, the agent who passed a way a few short weeks before Dallas [10/14/63, to be exact: "heart attack" at Camp David...](and who could have been JFK's driver instead of the inept Greer) is discussed (twice), among many other items of interest (including Secret Service Agent Wade Rodham, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'S UNCLE!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seS32H_tFy4 Part Six: Vince Palamara discusses Secret Service agent Emory Roberts and the whole "official history" issue of JFK allegedly being difficult to protect and even allegedly ordering the agents off the back of his limousine, among other things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Q6Z_njSD9U Part Five: What President Lyndon Johnson thought of the inept ASAIC (number three man; on the Texas trip; riding in the limousine) Roy H. Kellerman: ouch!!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72uLzSwh7oU Part Four: Vince Palamara notes quite a few of the more interesting and valuable Secret Service (JFK) related books, dvds, and videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9T2SF-QA2I Part Three: Vince Palamara explores the role of ASAIC (number two man of the Secret Service White House Detail) Floyd M. Boring in the planning of JFK's fatal trip to Texas, among other things: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slacowH_aUk Part Two: Vince Palamara explores many interesting and rare JFK/ Secret Service related photographs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCMBioLcQiY Part One: the strange presence of PRS Secret Service employees Glen A. Bennett and the heretofore virtually unknown Howard K. Norton on President Kennedy's fatal trip to the Lone Star State, as well as in Florida (and, in Bennett's case at least, New York) in November 1963: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCVkf9ScsB8 Vince Palamara http://www.google.com/profiles/vincepalamara http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v4n1.html http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v4n2.html
  8. PLEASE WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spanning the years from FDR to Obama, the most critical years for the Secret Service, Vince Palamara uses many rare photographs to demonstrate the history of the Secret Service in the modern era. Original music by Chris Lindstrom. Vince Palamara http://www.youtube.com/user/VincePalamara
  9. Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service & The Failure To Protect The President http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ntMfe95Js <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ntMfe95Js&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ntMfe95Js&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0ntMfe95Js&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> vince palamara God Bless Barack Obama, "Sully" Sullenberger, the memory of JFK, John Simkin, and the Nation
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfH35258dRA http://www.youtube.com/user/VincePalamara Vince Palamara
  11. I'll tell you this: a good many fellow researchers are doing their very best to "UNconvince" me of my regard for Bugliosi's book...and it is starting to have an effect. As I alluded to before, the back-of-the-head witnesses and the Sylvia Odio incident still trouble me. Bugliosi's book just totally caught me off guard---I did not expect such a well-written, LENGTHY indictment of Oswald that was so all-encompassing (I kept a legal pad of all the areas I wanted him to cover...and, to my astonishment, between the text and the disc, he did). I may already be heading for the Anthony Summers/ Tink Thompson "agnostic" viewpoint, so that is progress from my adamant reversal LOL Vince Staking out a niche market. The one Foot In Both camps brigade are now accommodated. It really stretches credulity. It is as if a number of 'lone' assassins sort of had some vague knowledge of the others, but fought to be first and win the prize of the turkey shoot. Lee 'won' in Dallas [those on the GK must have been mad as hell!]; after some others having lost-out in other cities. Ruby gave him the prize. [Ruby and the DPD men who let him in had lost their bets.] A whole new industry for a quasi-conspiracy book genre has been created. The SS were only involved to the extent they took bets on who would win via their betting parlor markers. Roselli was in charge of the betting and Morales, Harvey, Phillips, Bishop, et al. were only sending agents to be the first to know who had won. Another betting parlor group was run by Bannister and Shaw in N.O. with Ferrie and friends as croupiers. Nagell got 'out' as he knew his bet was lost. The Oswald doubles were there to confuse and confound some of the betters. UM and DCM were betting on Lee and hedging their bets. Prouty was sent to Antartica, as he was opposed to betting. The Paines only manipulating Oswald and Martina in order to maximize their profits. The jamming of DPD channels and phones in D.C. were to confound angry loosers on their bets. Winning DPD officers arrested Oswald in the theatre in order to get their winnings early. Tippit was a big looser with a 'beef' that he was misled.......and so on. Officers changed the type of gun in a futile attempt to save their lost bets and detroyed and tampered with evidence in last-ditch efforts in the same vein. All of the suspected CIA, FBI, JCS, NSA, SS, DPD, MI, Ultra-Right, Nazis, SOF, and anti-Castro Cubans [and others] only had a 'sporting interest' in the event....rather than any actual involvment. [This also explains all the interesting onlookers in the Plaza waiting to see the outcome and how their bets would make-out with their own eyes] I'll bet the odds were on Lee....maybe THAT was the conspiracy...the event was 'fixed'! Martino and others had inside info on this fact. The cover-up from that day to this has only been to keep from the American Public the largescale betting on political events and assassinations by insiders. Even the tampering with films and photos were to disguise people exchanging money and markers. Case Resolved. Everyone go back to John Le Carre novels, The Green Felt Jungle, and endless re-readings of Alice In Wonderland. Bartender make mine a double - I've wasted the greater part of my life on a phantom and wild goosechase - when the truth was always so obvious, so innocent and so clear.....I've now seen the light and am saved further as of my time and mental energies. The light of truth is blinding....America is pure and innocent. [if a bit addicted to gambling]. This also explains the other assassinations and even 911. I feel unburdened for the first time in decades. Sorry Vince, I'm not at all conVINCEd! [by any 'Vince']. Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds? Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here! [a croupier hands Renault a pile of money] Croupier: Your winnings, sir. Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much. [aloud] Captain Renault: Everybody out at once! Captain Renault: What in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca? Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters. Captain Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert. Rick: I was misinformed. - Casablanca [1942]
  12. First, I want to apologize for all my "hit and run" postings (especially regarding my YouTube videos): I never seem to stay and chat...could be because I am somewhat "handicapped" by not having a home pc (by choice; while I still have the net on my cell phone, I used to spend waaaay too much time on it, so I have learned some restraint and do other things LOL). I WILL say this: all the postings I read (especially about the Odio incident and the back of the head issues) are compelling...Vince Bugliosi's book just truly floored me. Perhaps I need to keep my self-professed open mind even more open than it already is. I also have to say: yes, i do have an ego...but it's mostly online; in person, you would say to yourself, "Gee, Vince, you don't seem at all like the egotistical bastard you are on the net" LOL. Always remember this; often, a so-called ego masks insecurities... The net is a free and fun way to advertise yourself (as Nixon said, history belongs to those who write it for themselves, or something like that); guess I get carried away sometimes... Like I have been telling everyone, since at least 1995, I have been saying/ writing "Oswald or no Oswald, conspiracy or no conspiracy, my work still holds up"...for it is an examination of what the Secret Service did and did not do that cost the nation its president. That said, I STILL BELIEVE THERE WERE CONSPIRACIES TO KILL JFK BREWING...just that, as much as it pains me to say (still), Oswald beat them to the punch. To me, a TRUE "lone-nutter" is a jerk who feels Oswald acted alone AND THERE WERE NO THREATS TO JFK...if i still believe that there were mortal threats to JFK, I am not a true lone nutter. I AM making a ton of things available free online (my book, articles, videos, etc.), as I always have, because I like to share information. I am very sorry if I upset or pissed people off with my book blurb or endorsement of Bugliosi's book. Remember: i am only one man, armed with an opinion...and you know what they say about opinions Vince Palamara
  13. Vince, Do you have a band? BK I sort of / kind of still have a band---my best friend sings and plays keyboards: we still get together (we were THE core of all of my major bands). So, between YouTube, MySpace, etc., it is still like we are a full fledged band LOL
  14. In this major gem from the Vince Palamara archives, Vince uncovers the only television interview of Dr. Malcolm Perry that still exists: a very rare clip from a "Texas News" newsreel from 11/23/63, the day after the assassination. Amazing! [note: slight audio buzz appears on the original] ---------------- In this rare clip from the vast Vince Palamara archives, Vince uncovers a real gem: a classic segment from a 1977 Canadian tv show "The Fifth Estate" featuring Peter Dale Scott and DPD Chief Jesse Curry in Dealey Plaza. Essential viewing! ---------------- Another gem from the Vince Palamara archives: Vince interviewing Aubrey Rike, the Oneal Funeral Home employee who became famous via his inclusion in the works of Lifton, Livingstone, etc. Note the date (and location): 11/22/97, the 34th aniversary of the JFK assassination ----------------- In a lengthy segment from a video shot by Vince Palamara, Vince shows Dealey Plaza (in Dallas, Texas) as it looked on 11/22/97, the 34th aniversary of the JFK assassination. Also of note is the startling replica limousine that begins and ends this video, the throng of people, the grassy knoll, the Triple Overpass, the Texas School Book Depository, and the general calm and serenity of this tragic landmark in American---and world---history. ----------------- SEE ALL THE MANY OTHERS AT: http://www.youtube.com/user/VincePalamara
  15. 18 new YouTube videos: inc. amazing Dr. Robert Shaw & DPD Curry statements+CLASSIC JOHN JUDGE (C-SPAN) This ultra-rare classic from the vast Vince Palamara archives (trust me, it's humongous!) finds Dr. Robert Shaw, Governor John Connally's chief surgeon, in a Parkland Hospital press conference (WFAA/ ABC tv), telling the amassed news media (and millions in tv land) that "the bullet is in the leg: it hasn't been removed...it will be removed...left thigh...before he goes to the recovery room [note the time sequence!]"...what?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Single Bullet Theory... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OyI0P6WYIY ---------------------------------- Another gem from the vast Vince Palamara archives: DPD Chief Jesse Curry on 11/20/63, 2 days before the Kennedy assassination that happened within feet of the car he was driving, warning the good citizens of Dallas to behave themselves...his incredible and ironic slip (?) "untoward accident, or incident" is amazing!!!! Note also the "harmful or degrading" comment. Wolper, 1964 ------------------------------------ In this classic from the vast Vince Palamara archives, John Judge (COPA) gives an impassioned speech on C-Span's "JFK: Cinema as History" (Jan. 1992). Enjoy! ------------------------------------ In this very interesting 2004 clip from the vast Vince Palamara (Secret Service/ related) archives, Secret Service agent Clint Hill emotionally talks about JFK and the tragedy of 11/22/63. Also included: agents Jerry Parr, one of the heroes of 3/30/81, and Larry Cockell, one of the "heroes" of the Lewinsky scandal! -------------------------------------- In this very ironic and interesting clip from the vast Vince Palamara archives, a WFAA/ ABC reporter tells the local television audience awaiting JFK for his 11/22/63 Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce speech [a very short time before his assassination in Dallas] all about the September 5 1901 assassination of President William McKinley, as well as Secret Service procedures...how thoughtful of him-NOT!!!!! Incredible and ironic, to say the least...not to mention incredibly bad taste on the reporter's part. --------------------------------------- Another short gem from the Vince Palamara archives: NBC's Bill Ryan telling millions of viewers that not having the top on the president's car may have been a "tragic mistake." Indeed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqeWnsMsTvU ------------------------------------- In this amusing clip from the Vince Palamara archives, President Nixon makes some silly statements during his 3/6/74 press conference (during the height of the Watergate affair)...among them: "I've also quit beating my wife!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tkpKO2MxJHQ ------------------------------------ In this classic clip of President Richard Nixon, during the height of the Watergate affair, ole Tricky Dicky demonstrates his lack of respect for the media. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxW44ghduIk ------------------------------------ An interesting video clip from the Vince Palamara archives: Secret Service agent Jerry Parr (whom I spoke to: great guy) discussing both the 11/22/63 JFK assassintion and, in more depth, the 3/30/81 attempt on the life of President Reagan. The narrator is former Secret Service agent Bob Snow (whom I corresponded with). --------------------------------- In this interesting clip from the vast Vince Palamara (Secret Service) archives, I demonstrate one of the numerous instances of media disinformation regarding JFK and the Secret Service that one has had to put up with since the days of the Warren Commission, Manchester, Bishop, the HSCA, etc. This was made back in 1996 and, while I now somewhat regret the silly editing of distinguished author James W. Clarke, who wrote a fine book on political assassinations, no malice intended and, warts and all, this television clip demonstrates, yet again, the "JFK-as-scapegoat" theme I explored in my book. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPk1Pl_Z7_0 --------------------------------- see the rest here: http://www.youtube.com/user/VincePalamara such as... Vince Palamara archives: JFK, the Secret Service & the media: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3RsC6OAZoo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­--------------------------- Vince Palamara archives: Betty Forsling Harris & Dave Powers: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: Secret Service Agent Winston Lawson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwSAuRDsEZ0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: ABC's Haggerty re: Secret Service: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: JFK & the Secret Service- cute, sad: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: Secret Service agents Kinney & Hill: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: JFK SECRET SERVICE IDENTIFIER: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: LBJ with SAIC's Behn & Youngblood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0mOExWLibU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------- Vince Palamara archives: Reagan SAIC's Parr & DeProspero: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------- Vince Palamara archives: Nancy Reagan & the Secret Service: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsmW3T4CYi8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------- Vince Palamara archives: Fort Worth, JFK, Hill, Kellerman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G_jZWIQQjo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­-------------------------------- LAST, BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST- Vince Palamara: Books & television...& Bugliosi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm842SWubNw ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­­------------------------------- See all my YouTube videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/VincePalamara VINCE PALAMARA YOUTUBE VIDEOS: SECRET SERVICE (AUDIO) INTERVIEWS--- FLOYD BORING: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMr9-Eg5NvE GERALD BEHN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdM6WXqXjIo SAM KINNEY PART 1 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfH35258dRA SAM KINNEY PART 2 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adoLU1P4HnI SAM KINNEY PART 3 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C4mLWccskY SAM KINNEY PART 4 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N7HXxd9lEw SAM KINNEY PART 5 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdxlJN722GE DONALD LAWTON PART 1 OF 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mqOG5yOeX0 DONALD LAWTON PART 2 OF 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfHw5d4Ribo CHARLES ZBORIL PART 1 OF 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bKoPopQ4G8 CHARLES ZBORIL PART 2 OF 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxP2xFF9gpM CHARLES ZBORIL PART 3 OF 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqFN4IjzUno RICHARD GREER, SON OF THE LATE BILL GREER: This is a REAL rarity from the Vince Palamara archives: This is a REAL rarity from the Vince Palamara archives: in the only known record of his speaking voice, former Secret Service agent William R. "Bill" Greer, the inept driver of JFK's death car on 11/22/63, speaks by phone to researcher Roy Ennis on 12/6/70 (for the self-published book "Murder From Within") Part 2 of this very rare gem from the vast Vince Palamara Secret Service archives: researcher Roy Ennis 12/6/70 phone interview of former Secret Service agent William R. "Bill" Greer, the inept driver of JFK's death car on 11/22/63 (the only known recording of Bill Greer's voice!) (more) Vince Palamara unearths this gem from a rare 1976 CFTR (Canadian) radio broadcast of a) Secret Service responsibilities on 11/22/63 and a late 1975 interview with Roy Kellerman! (more) Vince Palamara unearths this rare gem from his archives: the HSCA's G. Robert Blakey talking about the Secret Service as an intro. to the staff interview of Secret Service Inspector/ Asst. Dir. Thomas Kelley(9/78) (more) Vince Palamara unearths yet another gem from his vast personal Secret Service archives: Chief James J. Rowley's testimony before the HSCA in September 1978 (more)
  16. Vince Palamara archives: JFK, the Secret Service & the media: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3RsC6OAZoo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­--------------------------- Vince Palamara archives: Betty Forsling Harris & Dave Powers: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: Secret Service Agent Winston Lawson: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwSAuRDsEZ0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: ABC's Haggerty re: Secret Service: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: JFK & the Secret Service- cute, sad: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: Secret Service agents Kinney & Hill: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: JFK SECRET SERVICE IDENTIFIER: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------ Vince Palamara archives: LBJ with SAIC's Behn & Youngblood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0mOExWLibU ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------- Vince Palamara archives: Reagan SAIC's Parr & DeProspero: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------- Vince Palamara archives: Nancy Reagan & the Secret Service: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsmW3T4CYi8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------- Vince Palamara archives: Fort Worth, JFK, Hill, Kellerman: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_G_jZWIQQjo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­-------------------------------- LAST, BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST- Vince Palamara: Books & television...& Bugliosi: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zm842SWubNw ---------------------------------------------------------------------------­------------------------------- See all my YouTube videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/VincePalamara VINCE PALAMARA YOUTUBE VIDEOS: SECRET SERVICE (AUDIO) INTERVIEWS--- FLOYD BORING: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMr9-Eg5NvE GERALD BEHN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdM6WXqXjIo SAM KINNEY PART 1 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfH35258dRA SAM KINNEY PART 2 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=adoLU1P4HnI SAM KINNEY PART 3 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C4mLWccskY SAM KINNEY PART 4 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-N7HXxd9lEw SAM KINNEY PART 5 OF 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdxlJN722GE DONALD LAWTON PART 1 OF 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mqOG5yOeX0 DONALD LAWTON PART 2 OF 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfHw5d4Ribo CHARLES ZBORIL PART 1 OF 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bKoPopQ4G8 CHARLES ZBORIL PART 2 OF 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxP2xFF9gpM CHARLES ZBORIL PART 3 OF 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqFN4IjzUno RICHARD GREER, SON OF THE LATE BILL GREER: This is a REAL rarity from the Vince Palamara archives: This is a REAL rarity from the Vince Palamara archives: in the only known record of his speaking voice, former Secret Service agent William R. "Bill" Greer, the inept driver of JFK's death car on 11/22/63, speaks by phone to researcher Roy Ennis on 12/6/70 (for the self-published book "Murder From Within") Part 2 of this very rare gem from the vast Vince Palamara Secret Service archives: researcher Roy Ennis 12/6/70 phone interview of former Secret Service agent William R. "Bill" Greer, the inept driver of JFK's death car on 11/22/63 (the only known recording of Bill Greer's voice!) (more) Vince Palamara unearths this gem from a rare 1976 CFTR (Canadian) radio broadcast of a) Secret Service responsibilities on 11/22/63 and a late 1975 interview with Roy Kellerman! (more) Vince Palamara unearths this rare gem from his archives: the HSCA's G. Robert Blakey talking about the Secret Service as an intro. to the staff interview of Secret Service Inspector/ Asst. Dir. Thomas Kelley(9/78) (more) Vince Palamara unearths yet another gem from his vast personal Secret Service archives: Chief James J. Rowley's testimony before the HSCA in September 1978 (more)
  17. Hi, Ray: Boy, if it were only that easy LOL. It was not one, two, or 14 things that swayed me...it was the totality (quality and quantity) of Bugliosi's book (text/ source notes...I checked 'em all). If we held every conspiracy book to the same rigid standard some are applying to Bugliosi's book, I wonder how many would hold up. Since 1995, I have offered my "caveat" that "Oswald or no Oswald", my work holds up...the same exact way people find value in lone-nutter Trask's work, I know they feel the same way about my work. Although more forcefully stated recently, the groundwork for my 'turnaround' was there 13 years ago...and, once again, I am not entirely a lone-nutter (there were conspiracies and threats to JFK...it's just that Oswald beat them to the punch) Vince Hi Vince: A number of people have observed that, in endorsing Bugliosi's (i.e. the Warren Commission's) theory, you made no comment on what it was precisely in Bugliosi's book that influenced your opinion. Bugliosi produced no new evidence that I can think of, and in fact he makes a complete fool of himself on the NAA/bullet lead issue, so inquiring minds are wondering if you could identify one or two key issues where you felt that Bugliosi has, after 45 years of confusion, clinched the case.
  18. Hey, I'm not that young: 41 going on 42 (it's hereditary: my mom is 70 and looks 55) ;-) You wrote: "my question is: have you read the better books on the 'other side' and if not, why not?" Yes, I have read---and own---them all. "Fasten [y]our seatbelt, as I think you're about to hit some turbulance from many who once thought highly of your work." It has already begun LOL. Still, I have yet to see one researcher divorcing themselves from my work based on my latest opinions (i,.e. Most everyone takes information of value from Trask, The WR, the HSCA Report, etc. regardless of their disagreement on the ultimate conclusions of the works in question) Vince Palamara
  19. Hello everyone: All I can say is "wow" [or OMG in computer-speak]: I cannot believe the number of e-mails, forum messages, YouTube comments/ messages, etc. I have received regarding my comments on Bugliosi's book. I don't know where exactly to begin, so, typical of my chaotic writing style, I will start from wherever and finish somewhere LOL. First of all, I have to say this forecefully: I am still your friend (even if you don't care to be mine); no nasty rejoinders, comments, or anything like that from me, trust me. My goal is to surpass Richard Trask as the nicest "lone-nutter" in the research community (he is virtually the only one from the "dark" side CTers still like and respect, to a great extent)! Second, as Gil Jesus will back me up on this one (I e-mailed him the following) and, what's more, it's even in the YouTube message: I STILL STRONGLY BELIEVE THERE WERE MORTAL THREATS AND CONSPIRACIES (PLURAL) TO KILL JFK THAT WERE BREWING/ IN MOTION JUST BEFORE/ CONCURRENT WITH 11/22/63...just that, as much as it pains me to admit (trust me, it does), Oswald beat everyone to the punch. So, in THAT regard, I am hardly a lone nutter, per se. To make an analogy: several groups were planning to rob the First National Bank of Boston, but some lone individual pulled off the caper before they got the chance to enact their nefarious schemes. Third, I (OBVIOUSLY) STILL STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT THE SECRET SERVICE'S GROSS NEGLIGENCE LED TO THE DEATH OF JFK *AND* THERE INEPT HANDLING OF PRE-11/22/63 THREATS TO JFK AIDED AND ABETTED BOTH OSWALD *AND* THE POTENTIAL (SEPARATE) CONSPIRATORS WHO WERE, FOR VARIOUS REASONS, UNABLE TO SEE THEIR GOAL COME TO FRUITION (BUT LOVED THE FACT THAT OSWALD DID THEIR DIRTY WORK). Fourth, I REALLY AND TRULY READ VINCE BUGLIOSI'S BOOK: EVERY WORD, EVERY SOURCE NOTE, FOOTNOTE...EVERY DETAIL...DID YOU???? Or did you dismiss it out of hand, skim it, or rely on just the nasty CT book reviews for your, ahem, "reading" of his book? Well (answer truthfully)? From 1978 to April 2007, I adamantly and forcefully believed there was a conspiracy in DALLAS and that Oswald, if he acted at all (which I highly doubted), did NOT act alone. I don't know what my friend Jack White was referring to earlier: limited hangout???? From me???? I am on record, many times on the net, in conference appearances, e-mails, etc. as espousing a firm belief that there was a conspiracy in DALLAS...and, in a strong way, I AM STILL ESPOUSING ONE---AGAIN, I STILL STRONGLY BELIEVE THERE WERE MORTAL THREATS AND CONSPIRACIES (PLURAL) TO KILL JFK THAT WERE BREWING/ IN MOTION JUST BEFORE/ CONCURRENT WITH 11/22/63...but Oswald "took the rap" for them by doing the deed by himself. Am I guilty of trying to have it both ways? Guilty as charged---but it's a sincere belief on my part. I firmly believe THAT is the rub (to quote my cheesy YouTube video: hey, I ain't Speilberg LOL): all the seeming evidence of a conspiracy/ prior threats...yet all the damning evidence that Oswald did it by himself. Have there been government cover-ups and conspiracies? Obviously, yes; you don't need me to tell you that. After all, in the final analysis, I am just one man with an opinion, that's all: aren't we a country filled with diversity, different cultures, backgrounds, beliefs, political party affiliations (Democrat, Republican, Independent, etc.)? Why get so up in arms about myself? Remember: I am on record, several times (Murder In Dealey Plaza, COPA '95, SRU 3/22/07, my book, etc) as giving out a caveat---whether one views the JFK assassination as the act of a lone nut (Oswald) or the act of a deadly conspiracy, my work holds up either way. I work a day job, I am hardly rich (far from it), and have lost $ on the pursuit of this case/ my research (any very modest $$$ I have made through sale of books, etc. has been greatly countered by the costs of production, time, etc). My access to all of those retired Secret Service agents came through normal, over-the-counter ingenuity: access to a phone and a directory, e-mail, their addresses, etc. that anyone WHO CARED TO DO SO could have obtained relatively easily on their own...I was just fortunate that I tapped into a relatively unexplored area of the case. It is as simple as this: I read the Warren Report, the HSCA Report, David Belin's books, Jim Moore, and Gerald Posner, and, while I was disturbed, I was not ultimately swayed because they left many holes for us to plug, so to speak. I came to Vince Bugliosi's book EXTREMELY skeptical, to put it mildly...but the book won me over (again, to a point: I STILL STRONGLY BELIEVE THERE WERE MORTAL THREATS AND CONSPIRACIES (PLURAL) TO KILL JFK THAT WERE BREWING/ IN MOTION JUST BEFORE/ CONCURRENT WITH 11/22/63...just that Oswald beat everyone to the punch). I have always been blessed with an OPEN mind. DO I WANT AND WISH FOR OSWALD TO NOT BE THE SOLE SHOOTER AND FOR THERE TO HAVE BEEN A CONSPIRACY IN ***DALLAS***? You bet; absolutely (so, yes: I wish I could still believe that LOL). Is Bugliosi's book (or ANY book) perfect or error-free? No (i.e. I disagree with Bugliosi on his whole take on JFK's alleged desires to not have the agents on the car). But, again, I read the book, I came, I saw, and I was conquered. Thanks for your time...let the vitriol begin!!! Vince Palamara a.k.a. Scumbag, Judas, the traitor, the mole, the limited-hangout dude, etc. P.S. To answer any (future) inquiries: "What made you change your mind, you *&^%&^ Vince????" Answer: I read Bugliosi's book. It is what it is.
  20. I agree--the limousine was cleaned up at Parkland and at the White House garage. Kinney and George Hickey helped in the cleanup. I don't think Kinney viewed this as suspicious. Re: CE399---see my book: http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v4n1.html chapter 8, page 11 vince palamara
  21. --- Abraham W Bolden wrote: > Vince: > > I am sure that you are familiar with Bugliosi's > book that was published in May. Although I have not > read the book, I have heard and watched a video > advertising the book at > http://www.reclaiminghistory.com/. > > He is 100% behind the findings of the Warren > Commission. What do you think of his findings. He > claims to have proven everything that he contends in > the book (Also, does he mention your work at all?). > > If you get a chance, let me know what you think > about it. My publisher asked me the same question. > > Thanks > > > Abraham W. Bolden, Sr. Dear Abraham: Yes, very familiar with Bugliosi's book; in fact, I amreading it now up to page 1112 out of 1612, not including the additional disc clocking in at 954 pages!). I will say this: 1) It is THE best Oswald-did-it book EVER, replacing the Warren report, Posner, etc. Very well written, witty, sometimes funny (in a good way), and very thorough (for the most part); 2) It is the best prosecutor's brief ever (on the case); 3) It has the best bio of Oswald ever (approx.300 pages, a book in itself); 4) It has the best summary (extremely detailed, though) of the four dark days in November ever (approx. 300 pages); 5) The intro. is outstanding; 6) He successfully debunks all the stupid theories and several prominent authors/ researchers like Mark Lane, Robert Groden, etc.; 7) At first glance, it is extremely compelling (especially to the LAYMAN, I am sure), that Oswald acted alone, as did Ruby; 8) HBO is going to do a 10-part mini-series on the book; 9) Time magazine just came out with a piece on the book; 10) It is THE longest and most incredibly researched book ever on the case (Bugliosi states thta, at a normal font and including the massive sourcenotes and endnotes disc), the book would be 13 volumes!!!!; 11) Bugliosi (along with Dale Myers) does prove that Oswald killed Tippit, that Oswald was a chronic xxxx and wife beater, and that he couldnt hold a job to save his life (a loser of sorts), hardly the heroic, innocent patsy many view him as (i.e. Garrison). It seems hard to dispute that Oswald was indeed INVOLVED... Now, for the "bad" news (for Bugliosi): a) Bugliosi calmly states (and lists) many of the Parkland and Bethesda witnesses who stated that JFK was shot from the front and/ or that the right rear of the head was missing and/ or the throat wound was an exit wound, yet doesn't supply a decisive reason to debunk the majority; Bugliosi states that the majority of the Dealey Plaza witnesses did indeed believe the shots came from the grassy knoll, yet dismisses them all by stating that the evidence from the 6th floor negates them (as no gun/ bullets were found at the knoll) and that the witnesses were caught in an echo chamber and, thus, could not truly state with conviction where the shots really came from---hmmm...; c) Bugliosi deals, but not in exhaustive detail (ALL the witnesses), with the notion of a puff of smoke by the knoll by dismissing it as exhaust from an overturned motorcycle...yet doesn't deal with those who SMELLED GUNPOWDER ON/ NEAR THE KNOLL and, again, the totality of the witnesses and the specific area(s) on the knoll they saw the puff of smoke; d) in a related matter, Bugliosi dismisses the "hyperbole" of those who said hundreds of footprints were behind the picket fence, yet Holland, Dodd, and others ALSO said there was mud on bumper(s) of the car (s)...and what about the TRUNKS OF THE CARS as a hiding place???? e) Bugliosi doesn not satisfactorily dismiss the notion that Ruby was mob connected--a good job, but not a through,covering-all-the-bases job; f) NO ONE in the research community is even as impressed as I am with his book (!), already writing rebuttals (more to follow, I am sure): SEE VERY BOTTOM OF E-MAIL FOR REVIEWS SO FAR Here are the instances he talks about me: "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" (2007) by Vincent Bugliosi: Six pages (inc. the Bibliography) in Talbot's fine book and (book #42-- in) in Bugliosi's new massive tome (at 14 pages, inc. the Bibliography). Vince was suprisingly pretty nice to me---oh, don't get me wrong: he DOES criticize me, but he was far kinder than I could have ever imagined (esp. compared to Groden et al); only Aguilar and Tink seem to have fared better in the "conspiracy crowd," so to speak. I guess because the bottom line is this: OSWALD OR NO OSWALD, CONSPIRACY OR NO CONSPIRACY, THE SECRET SERVICE FAILED AND JFK WAS KILLED...which is why ***my*** work holds up, either way. But, like I said, despite my troubled feelings, I am still on your side and I haven't converted!!! pages XV [page 3, endnotes disc] "One should not confuse the literally thousands of conspiracy buffs---who, it must be said, here and there have come up with worthwhile information overlooked by the authorities, but who desperately want there to be a conspiracy and are allergic to anthing that points away from one---with the much smaller number of assassination researchers, serious students of the assassination whose primary agenda (though many are fervently hoping to find a conspiracy) is to ferret out the truth." Among names such as Paul Hoch, Josiah Thompson, Drs. Aguilar & Mantik, and Walt Brown: Vince Palamara. page146 [source notes disc]: 3 references, including my work in "Murder In Dealey Plaza", my book, and my Sept 1997 "Fourth Decade" article page 403 footnote: credits my letter to Dr. Donald Seldin (see also the index, page 1599) page 404: nicely credits my original research on Dr. William Zedelitz (see also the final page in his book, page 1612 index) page 408: credits my letter to Dr. Ronald Coy Jones page 711 [endnotes disc] "no index or even page numbers: In 2005, Vincent Palamara put out a revised edition of his book with page numbers and changed the title to Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect the President." page 998 footnote: I am one of the select few noted as one of the "new wave" of researchers and, when speaking of Fetzer, Bugliosi states that he "wisely gathered the best technical minds of the conspiracy community to write scholarly essays in the books that he edits"...and, as we know, I have TWO chapters in MIDP [plus favorable mentions in several of the other essays](and several sentences, here and there, in his other two books). pages 1242-1243: mentions my work--- "Only one book I am aware of, Vince Palamara's "Third Alternative- Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service & The JFK Murder", is devoted solely to the Secret Service's role in the case. From his EXHAUSTIVE INVESTIGATION [my emphasis], Palamara ENDS UP FINDING THE SECRET SERVICE GUILTY OF INCOMPETENCE [my emphasis], not complicity in the murder. Although Palamara SEEMS HONEST AND INTELLIGENT [my emphasis--- thanks, Vince also-of-Italian-heritage-who-has-8-letters- in-his-last name lol], and his 1993 book IS REASONABLY WELL RESEACHED [my emphasis---thanks, again; high praise, indeed]..."Vince B. goes on to say that my book was difficult to read and had no page numbers [again, he recieved a 'special' 1998 'deluxe' edition, largely a compilation of articles (shoe-string budget and sacrificed form for content)...still better than the even-slimmer 1993 version: yuk! (see page 711, above) ]. He lists some of my areas of contention and ends with "and so on"...all his criticisms are addressed and refuted, in detail, in my ***2005*** book. Also, among several former Secret Service agents who AGREE with my take on the bubbletop, another can now be added to the list: William Carter ["I assume your theory on the bubbletop was that had it been on the car it was not bullet proof. True, however, I contend at the angle of the shot it would have altered the course of the bullet... I did the advance with Win Lawson in Little Rock 6 weeks prior to Dallas and I had complete confidence in him and considered him one of our best agents."---4/6/07 e-mail from Carter to Palamara] Vince B. then writes: "Palamara, moving almost exclusively in the world of conspiracy theorists...PROCEEDED REASONALY WELL IN HIS ASSASSINATION RESEARCH [my emphasis; again, thanks, Vince; I am a saint compared to what he thinks of Groden, Horne, Lifton et al LOL]..." then mentions SAIC of the Miami office John Marshall [former WHD agent, friend of Floyd Boring since PA State Trooper days!] STATEMENT TO THE HSCA THAT, FOR ALL HE KNEW, SOMEONE IN THE SECRET SERVICE COULD HAVE BEEN INVOLVED [AS I DULY NOTE IN MY WORK]!!!! Vince B.'s conclusion????--- "Could have, schmood have."---?!?!?! So, needless to say, I am delighted with my treatment.(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) page 1276: (rightly) criticizes my lack of specific source for walkie- talkie statement, a hazard of the original, inferior 1993 Kinko's self- published Cliff Notes version (although Bugliosi had a SLIGHTLY better "deluxe"--for the time [1998]---version to work with, which he called Andy and purchased by request, much to my bemused delight back then lol)...THE SOURCE IS "CROSSFIRE", PAGE 250, since noted from 2000 onward [bugliosi DOES note, on page 711 of his source note disc, that I came out with a page-numbered [!!!], updated version of my book-- with different title---in 2005]; page 1529 (Bibliography): lists my book page1592 (index)-me page 1603 (index)---one title of my book page 1604 (index)---other title of my book Also: page 59 note: while buying the 'official' notion that JFK ordered the agents off the car [!], Bugliosi notes "the agent standing on the RIGHT REAR [his emphasis] step would have blocked Oswald's sight on Kennedy's head," once again proving my point His small Secret Service chapter (pages 1239-1247)--- page 1241: offers the caveat "even if it could be shown that the Secret Service WAS [my emphasis] responsible for selection of luncheon site and motorcade route," what would be their motive?---see my work vince palamara http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vince_Palamara
  22. Hi Ken, Yes, several (many? LOL) of my early online (newsgroup) errors have since been corrected via my online books and so forth (I always considered myself to be a 'work-in-progress'...aren't we all? lol). I SPOKE TO LEM JOHNS IN 2004: he told me adamantly that he was only on the road a mere few ***seconds***, time enough to catch his ride, never leaving the road...so much for those who think he was the agent of unknown repute. The allegation (that ***Johns*** was the mysterious agent by the knoll and so forth) has been quashed. Time to move on. vince Vince, Thanks for the response. But you didn’t answer my question. Here it is once again. **Do you agree that the film and photo record does NOT verify that Lem Johns left Dealey Plaza in camera car #1?** I’m not saying that Lem wasn’t in the car. I’m merely referring to what the known photographic record shows. You said it verified that he was in the car. And you were mistaken. But so far no retraction that I can find. Please answer the question. Then I can, as you say, move on. Ken I retract it (actually, I did years ago)!!!! This was based on information provided to me by others at the time. **Do you agree that the film and photo record does NOT verify that Lem Johns left Dealey Plaza in camera car #1?**YES vince
  23. "Reclaiming History: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy" (2007) by Vincent Bugliosi: Six pages (inc. the Bibliography) in Talbot's fine book and (book #42-- in) in Bugliosi's new massive tome (at 14 pages, inc. the Bibliography). Vince was suprisingly pretty nice to me---oh, don't get me wrong: he DOES criticize me, but he was far kinder than I could have ever imagined (esp. compared to Groden et al); only Aguilar and Tink seem to have fared better in the "conspiracy crowd," so to speak. I guess because the bottom line is this: OSWALD OR NO OSWALD, CONSPIRACY OR NO CONSPIRACY, THE SECRET SERVICE FAILED AND JFK WAS KILLED...which is why ***my*** work holds up, either way. But, like I said, despite my troubled feelings, I am still on your side and I haven't converted!!! pages XV [page 3, endnotes disc] "One should not confuse the literally thousands of conspiracy buffs---who, it must be said, here and there have come up with worthwhile information overlooked by the authorities, but who desperately want there to be a conspiracy and are allergic to anthing that points away from one---with the much smaller number of assassination researchers, serious students of the assassination whose primary agenda (though many are fervently hoping to find a conspiracy) is to ferret out the truth." Among names such as Paul Hoch, Josiah Thompson, Drs. Aguilar & Mantik, and Walt Brown: Vince Palamara. page146 [source notes disc]: 3 references, including my work in "Murder In Dealey Plaza", my book, and my Sept 1997 "Fourth Decade" article page 403 footnote: credits my letter to Dr. Donald Seldin (see also the index, page 1599) page 404: nicely credits my original research on Dr. William Zedelitz (see also the final page in his book, page 1612 index) page 408: credits my letter to Dr. Ronald Coy Jones page 711 [endnotes disc] "no index or even page numbers: In 2005, Vincent Palamara put out a revised edition of his book with page numbers and changed the title to Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect the President." page 998 footnote: I am one of the select few noted as one of the "new wave" of researchers and, when speaking of Fetzer, Bugliosi states that he "wisely gathered the best technical minds of the conspiracy community to write scholarly essays in the books that he edits"...and, as we know, I have TWO chapters in MIDP [plus favorable mentions in several of the other essays](and several sentences, here and there, in his other two books). pages 1242-1243: mentions my work--- "Only one book I am aware of, Vince Palamara's "Third Alternative- Survivor's Guilt: The Secret Service & The JFK Murder", is devoted solely to the Secret Service's role in the case. From his EXHAUSTIVE INVESTIGATION [my emphasis], Palamara ENDS UP FINDING THE SECRET SERVICE GUILTY OF INCOMPETENCE [my emphasis], not complicity in the murder. Although Palamara SEEMS HONEST AND INTELLIGENT [my emphasis--- thanks, Vince also-of-Italian-heritage-who-has-8-letters- in-his-last name lol], and his 1993 book IS REASONABLY WELL RESEACHED [my emphasis---thanks, again; high praise, indeed]..."Vince B. goes on to say that my book was difficult to read and had no page numbers [again, he recieved a 'special' 1998 'deluxe' edition, largely a compilation of articles (shoe-string budget and sacrificed form for content)...still better than the even-slimmer 1993 version: yuk! (see page 711, above) ]. He lists some of my areas of contention and ends with "and so on"...all his criticisms are addressed and refuted, in detail, in my ***2005*** book. Also, among several former Secret Service agents who AGREE with my take on the bubbletop, another can now be added to the list: William Carter ["I assume your theory on the bubbletop was that had it been on the car it was not bullet proof. True, however, I contend at the angle of the shot it would have altered the course of the bullet... I did the advance with Win Lawson in Little Rock 6 weeks prior to Dallas and I had complete confidence in him and considered him one of our best agents."---4/6/07 e-mail from Carter to Palamara] Vince B. then writes: "Palamara, moving almost exclusively in the world of conspiracy theorists...PROCEEDED REASONALY WELL IN HIS ASSASSINATION RESEARCH [my emphasis; again, thanks, Vince; I am a saint compared to what he thinks of Groden, Horne, Lifton et al LOL]..." then mentions SAIC of the Miami office John Marshall [former WHD agent, friend of Floyd Boring since PA State Trooper days!] STATEMENT TO THE HSCA THAT, FOR ALL HE KNEW, SOMEONE IN THE SECRET SERVICE COULD HAVE BEEN INVOLVED [AS I DULY NOTE IN MY WORK]!!!! Vince B.'s conclusion????--- "Could have, schmood have."---?!?!?! So, needless to say, I am delighted with my treatment. page 1276: (rightly) criticizes my lack of specific source for walkie- talkie statement, a hazard of the original, inferior 1993 Kinko's self- published Cliff Notes version (although Bugliosi had a SLIGHTLY better "deluxe"--for the time [1998]---version to work with, which he called Andy and purchased by request, much to my bemused delight back then lol)...THE SOURCE IS "CROSSFIRE", PAGE 250, since noted from 2000 onward [bugliosi DOES note, on page 711 of his source note disc, that I came out with a page-numbered [!!!], updated version of my book-- with different title---in 2005]; page 1529 (Bibliography): lists my book page1592 (index)-me page 1603 (index)---one title of my book page 1604 (index)---other title of my book Also: page 59 note: while buying the 'official' notion that JFK ordered the agents off the car [!], Bugliosi notes "the agent standing on the RIGHT REAR [his emphasis] step would have blocked Oswald's sight on Kennedy's head," once again proving my point His small Secret Service chapter (pages 1239-1247)--- page 1241: offers the caveat "even if it could be shown that the Secret Service WAS [my emphasis] responsible for selection of luncheon site and motorcade route," what would be their motive?---see my work vince palamara http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vince_Palamara
  24. Rybka died 12/25/75 of a heart attack. Debra Conway alleged (via e-mail), seemingly offhand years ago, that Rybka's family contacted her but, when I asked her for details, I never recieved them. The WC, the HSCA, and everyone else didn't even mention the Rybka/ Roberts incident until I first brought it up in 1994 (at COPA in 1995)--as former agent Larry Newman told me, "I had never seen that before" and didn't have any explanation for it. See my online book for more details re: this and the dead agent 'stories'. The 'stories' may be ultimately untrue, but they provided a cover story for the Secret Service to take the President's body under their control, etc. vince;) Vince and forum readers: On 18 Nov 2001, I received an email from the granddaughter of SA Henry J. Rybka asking for information, photos, etc. as they were trying to put together items on his career as a Secret Service Agent. She didn't say, but I assume she read Vince's article on our website as she refers to it and the short film. I put together a package for the family that included Vince's article and the best copy I had of the film from Love Field. During this time I was working with Vince on a book project and did mention to him the Rybka contact. Unfortunately, the project between Vince and JFK Lancer was terminated by JFK Lancer on December 2, 2002 and it was my decision at that time not to give the Rybka contact information to Vince but to another researcher. In December 2005, I again heard from the granddaughter. She had been told about a better quality of the film clip being available on DVD. I checked this out for her and found it is "JFK: Breaking The News." I ordered a copy from the Sixth Floor Museum and sent it to her. The family has no knowledge of the assassination from Rybka. That's why they wrote to me. Sincerely, Debra Conway PS: Vince and I now communicate regularly and there are no hard feelings that I am aware of. I wish him the best. No hard feelings at all; very true. I thought maybe it turned out it wasn't really Rybka's family after all (not your fault: thought maybe someone was pulling your leg on the other end lol)...glad to hear it was. If you still have the contact info., let me know. If not, no biggie. vince:) P.S. There are high quality copies of the WFAA/ "Rybka" film (video) to be found on the DVD "JFK: The Day The Nation Cried", the old 1988 James Earl Jones JFK tribute, as well as (if you can find it) my episode of TMWKK vince:)
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