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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. I trust the words of Sam Kinney himself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMdELC_UnpQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRl-Un0o4ZU The ONLY tv interview Sam ever gave (brief): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCy3yqIOBI4
  2. That was an Ed Chiarini DRAWING that appears in Groden's video (maybe his and/ or Livingstone's book, too). Oh, well- warts and all, still a great video
  3. Pat- the photo on page 177 is a black and white full side view of the body from the LEFT (minus the feet and pixilated [for taste reasons] genitals]). The large open trach wound can be seen, as well as a sink and wall dispensers in the background. The book ALSO contains several photos of Oswald IN SURGERY (from a FILM previously unheard of [doctors are identified!!!]---NOT the autopsy photos; while he is under the knife! Also, new motorcade photos, as well
  4. Yes--some never-before-seen or published (or both) photos; some great ones. The one JFK autopsy photo is amazing, as are the several of Oswald IN SURGERY (!). There are almost 1000 high-quality photos. A lot of good information- the medical evidence section is a real highlight
  5. This information would be good for Larry Hancock for Nexus II: From Scott Kaiser: "It is known that Lee Harvey Oswald was in contact with Cuban diplomats in Havana 's embassy in Mexico City a few weeks before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in 1963. Less well known is the report that Oswald met with Cuban diplomats in Los Angeles four years earlier, in 1959 , the year Fidel Castro came to power in the island. If these contacts played a role in the murder is not known. But a former senior CIA officer specializing in Cuban affairs , said that the contacts suggest that Oswald may well have been in contact with Cuban intelligence before the events of November 22, 1963 . The conclusions of Brian Latell , contained in a new paperback edition of his book in 2012, Castro 's Secrets , suggest that if Oswald had contact with Cuban intelligence , raises the possibility that Castro acted first , killing Kennedy before the government States could carry out its own plan to eliminate the Cuban leader. " The possibility that the Cuban government has the responsibility for the death of Kennedy has never been adequately investigated ," Latell said in an interview with El Nuevo Herald. " Fidel Castro is now known , lied when one day after the assassination , Oswald said that ' we have never heard of him in our lives ' . In fact, Cuban intelligence , by then, had accumulated a detailed dossier on the murderer . " Half a century after the assassination , multiply theories about who was responsible : Castro , exile, or mob enemies within the U.S. government itself . Antonio Veciana , an anti-Castro activist who said he saw Oswald with his CIA contact in Dallas weeks before the murder , said in an interview that Kennedy was the victim of a plot by senior military and intelligence officials . Veciana said these officials were angered by the failure of the Bay of Pigs , the negotiations with the Soviet Union ended the missile crisis and the perception that Kennedy sought to improve relations with Cuba . " The assassination of Kennedy ," Veciana told El Nuevo Herald, "was a coup ." Two diametrically opposed theories have emerged about who was responsible for the murder : Castro or the Cuban exiles . If Castro was responsible , was to preempt the CIA plans to assassinate him. Exiles If they did, then it was in retaliation for the failure of the Bay of Pigs. exiles The new 1998 edition of Not in Your Lifetime, author Anthony Summers claims to have achieved the first " credible " identification of a gunman, previously known , he could have shot Kennedy in Dallas : the anti-Castro militant Herminio Diaz. Summers noted that Diaz had worked for the mob boss Santo Trafficante , who had pre-Castro Cuba casinos and guarding resentment by the Kennedy administration actions against organized crime. Diaz died during an attack on Cuba in 1966, but before his death revealed his role in the murder of his activist partner , Tony Cuesta, according Summers. Just a reminder, and please make note of this and where you heard it from.... Richard Poyle who lived directly across the hall from Santo Trafficante, said in his own admission that "I have a lot of information", not much is found on Poyle at the MFF. Poyle was also a working associate of my father who didn't like my father because my father wanted to do what was right, and Poyle worked for the CIA. Poyle knew about the photo's my father stole, Poyle along with Frank Sturgis picked my father up for work on the day of my father's death. Days after Kennedy's assassination. PBRUMEN was the CIA Cryptonym for Cuba. So that document refers to Cuban intel service and Fortson, and here we go Pawley enters the picture. https://www.maryferrell.org/.../archive/viewer/showDoc.do... Pawley, Martino and Fortson. https://www.maryferrell.org/.../archive/viewer/showDoc.do... Fortson involvement at Mexico Embassy ? Irving Richard Poyle was handled by Oliver E. Fortson, at least some of the time including just after the JFK Assassination. This fits with Fortsons other activities. I wonder, do you suppose anyone is listening to me now? Miscellaneous CIA Serieswww.maryferrell.org coming 4/18/14: http://www.amazon.com/Edwin-Kaisers-Covert-Life-Assassination/dp/1937584453/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1385945591&sr=8-1&keywords=scott+kaiser
  6. Chris- no problem; understandable; Paul- not sure. He told me to post here (my facebook is open, so you can read what he wrote); Blair- we can only do what we can do. Keep in mind, hypothetically saying, whop is to say that the government wouldn't just whitewash this all away as a "conspiracy theory"?
  7. http://www.opednews.com/articles/A-Death-Bed-Declaration-C-by-Jim-Lesar-Conspiracy_Federal-Agency-CIA_JFK-Assassination-131201-910.html
  8. Here's what we have on our side: the opinion polls, book sales, and the internet. We just need to keep building a strong mosaic of all the important revelations. It has always been an uphill battle with the government and people's attention spans. Luckily, again, the average person's belief, their pocket money toward a kindle, and their ability to check stuff out for free online is overwhelmingly in our favor...let's use what we got, so to speak.
  9. Scott Kaiser SPOKE TO VECIANA. Scott has an impeccable reputation. He is the author of an upcoming book.
  10. http://www.elnuevoherald.com/2013/11/17/1616177/la-conexion-cubana-en-el-asesinato.html TRANSLATION http://www.newcombat.net/news_and_links/JFK-Veciana11-17-13Translation.pdf
  11. ANOTHER IMPORTANT UPDATE RE: ANTONIO VECIANA- HE IS ALIVE (!); someone is playing games on the matter of his life status. Per renowned author and researcher Scott Kaiser, who JUST SPOKE TO HIM: "I don't know where your getting your information from, but Antonio is very much a live I just got off the phone with him 5 minutes ago. In-fact I have a video of him giving me that very statement you posted, he asked that I call him back on Monday because he was in a meeting with some of his vendors, he wants to talk to me, I will be recording our conversation. Antonio is NOT dead, I repeat, he is NOT dead, I'm not sure where all this information is generated from or who started it all, but Antonio is very much alive." Antonio Veciana was interviewed just a few weeks ago, here. It includes a video interview too, but I don't speak Spanish. Translated, the article says in part, "Antonio Veciana, an anti-Castro activist who said he saw Oswald with his CIA co...ntact in Dallas weeks before the murder, said in an interview that Kennedy was the victim of a plot by senior military and intelligence officials. Veciana said these officials were angered by the failure of the Bay of Pigs, the negotiations with the Soviet Union that ended the missile crisis and the perception that Kennedy sought to improve relations with Cuba. "The assassination of Kennedy," Veciana told El Nuevo Herald, "was a coup." (THANKS TO JUSTIN LOZOFF) http://www.elnuevoherald.com/2013/11/17/1616177/la-conexion-cubana-en-el-asesinato.html http://www.newcombat.net/news_and_links/JFK-Veciana11-17-13Translation.pdf
  12. Frankie Vegas: "So, in case you missed the gossip from last night - and now.. Antonio Veciana - through his wife - confirmed that David Atlee Phillips is Maurice Bishop. Antonio then passed away last night."
  13. On page 177 of Groden's book: from the black and white film reel exposed to the light and THOUGHT destroyed. Pretty amazing. Vince
  14. Much better presentations than in 2003- that one was a snoozefest (when they aired that one on PCN and C-SPAN and panned the audience now and again, you saw either sleeping people or yawning people LOL). PAT--that comment was yours: you made it at the beginning of DVP's long post about new books on the case
  15. I recorded it. The little bit I saw of Mark Lane was good. That said, his talk was supposed to be about Secret Service complicity, yet I did not hear him mention the Secret Service once. So, Pat: did you check out any of those "over-heated clunkers" and "retreads" yet LOL?
  16. https://bevideo.app.box.com/s/uq194l7a7w6e3ubytbp7 FANTASTIC! Excellent!
  17. Sam DID consent to being recorded twice (out of three times) when I interviewed him between 1992-1994. Here's one of the two recorded interviews: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMdELC_UnpQ
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