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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Not to toot my own horn (Lord knows I NEVER do that LOL), but check this out: http://www.amazon.com/Survivors-Guilt-Service-Failure-President/dp/1937584607/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1373914997&sr=8-1&keywords=vince+Palamara SEE ALSO: http://vincepalamara.com/2014/01/11/why-you-should-never-assume-too-much-about-jfks-protection-from-a-still-photo/ http://vincepalamara.com/2014/01/08/the-legend-of-clint-hill/
  2. Hill and Blaine regularly sign Zapruder film frames, Altgens photos, Moorman photos, Nix slides, and, as Barbara Bacherman has sworn is true, an autopsy photo of JFK. Nice guys...
  3. John- hahahaha; Hill hates me (well, maybe dislike--he returned my Christmas card from 2012 "refused!!!!!!!") Anyway: his brain has definitely been, shall we say, "massaged" by his association with his co-author, Lisa McCubbin: they now have two partnerships- a professional company "McCubbin Hill LLC" AND a romantic one: he is 82 and she is 49 (his son is 56) and he is still married (NOT gossip or talking out of turn: they both openly admit this online, in press interviews, etc). As others have noted, Hill is now saying things at odds with his original statements. Keep in mind, it was MY 22-page letter to Hill in 2005 that literally awoke a sleeping giant: for better or for worse (I opt for the latter), Hill AND Blaine wrote their books (plural) to defend themselves and the agency they covet so much. All projects---INCLUDING A HOLLYWOOD MOVIE SCHEDULED FOR THIS YEAR---have McCubbin (who formerly dated Blaine's SON) as co-author/ co-producer. I have it from an insider that a bad actor playing JFK tells the agents in Tampa "Get those God-damned charlatans off my car!"---!!!! Oh, brother... McCubbin lived in Qatar in the Middle East for a number of years and Blaine currently has oil interests in Yemen (their good friend, fellow former agent and Texas trip veteran Walt Coughlin works for Hunt Oil to this day). McCubbin then promptly moved right next door to Hill in Virginia, leaving her high school sweetheart hubby...and the rest is history.
  4. Robert- good comment! You and David are on a roll. I actually had some Blaine disciple attempt to argue with me last week that (quote) "just because all those former agents told you that and wrote those things to you doesn't mean it is so. In fact, how do we know the voices on your videos are really the former agents? Could be your daddy disguising his voice." After i stopped laughing, I directed him to videos of Behn and Boring speaking on TELEVISION with their undisputable, raspy voices...never heard from him/ her again
  5. You think so? I think it's pretty busy; same as always. I feared that, come 11/23/13, interest would fall off...i was wrong. Judging by private messages I receive+ Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, etc,, not to mention book sales (my own and others), things are just fine. I think we all have a tendency (myself included) to over react to the time issue: like a buddy of mine said "Gee, why were "Lincoln" and "Titanic" such huge hit movies? I mean, they are such old topics [said facetitiously]..." It is not as if people who study WW II and the Civil War are no more because time has marched on. In a way, time is a friend: think of the state of knowledge on the case years ago: before the internet, before the ARRB, etc. Alot of the 1980's-1990's articles in the research journals are embarrassing! I think the "mistake" has always been thinking that people really care all that much. They do, but they don't. I think the vast majority of the public sees this as dramatic entertainment; that's it.
  6. Jesse Ventura: "Did the Secret Service Lay down on JFK ? Stunning new book" http://ow.ly/sp30N (Jesse Ventura, Facebook, 1/9/14)
  7. David- impressive. I normally HATE the Z-film-is-altered issue with a purple passion LOL (I have since 1996 [seems like this was a big deal during '96-'03ish with Fetzer, Jack White, et al]). Pending any "wet blankets" from Andric, Pat, or someone else- impressive. On the face of it, the best example I have seen.
  8. DR MARION JENKINS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DX58vrL5ZiA FOR ANDRIC/ PAT- see the 5:50 mark !
  9. Robert- not being a traitor LOL...just discovered this video tonight. Taken on its own, it does appear to support Pat and Andric (!!!)...but I am with you, brother. That said, I am still a little confused, although Pat's recent post cleared things up a little with his non-denial that the majority (but not all) of the Parkland folks stated that the back of the head was missing. I originally thought Pat WAS denying this, so it DID seem like shooting fish in a barrel to keep quoting doctors and their testimony to say"see??huh- what do you have to say about THAT??" Pat- here is the full length video (just posted) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsW_AZy2xHw
  10. http://vincepalamara.com/2014/01/01/secret-service-agent-winston-lawson-describes-jfk-head-wound-stillsvideo/ THE GRODEN VERSION??? THE FULL PICTURE- THE WOUND EXTENDED TO THE SIDE AND FORWARD, AS WELL:
  11. Ok, Now I AM super confused---have Andric and Pat been vindicated?!??!? Right when I was starting to go BACK to my original feelings on the matter (amended), THIS video pops up (from November 2013): SECRET SERVICE AGENT WINSTON LAWSON DESCRIBES JFK HEAD WOUND (Andric and Pat will LOVE this!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSZNaeP-0QY
  12. yes...and causes fits for DVP in his zeal to claim that people only heard three shots...the 21 gun salute ALSO sounds JUST like only three shots
  13. The film from JFK's funeral of the 21 gun salute (available on David Wolper's 1964 film "Four Days In November", the end of Lifton's "Best Evidence" video, and the film "Years of Lightning, Day of Drums"): sounds EXACTLY like "just" three shots... ...que all the Dealey Plaza witnesses who "only" HEARD three shots... hmmm...
  14. I cannot stand her! She needs to be vigorously cross examined, given sodium pentothal, and a lie detector test
  15. 12/27/13 C-SPAN 3 8 pm to 11:12 pm EST The Work of the Warren Commission- one of the staff admits to hearing the tape of Oswald from Mexico City 11:12pm-12:02 am Ruth Hyde Paine- the CIA spook speaks in her typical nervous, defensive, creepy manner 12/28/13 12;02 am to 3:12 am The Work of the Warren Commission 3:12am-4:01 am Ruth Hyde Paine 4:01-7:11 am The Work of the Warren Commission 7:11 am-8 am Ruth Hyde Paine 9:59-4:44 pm (!!!!) THE WECHT DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY CONFERENCE- Tannenbaum, Mellon, Wecht, Oliver Stone, Bradford, etc...see Pat Speer, as well 4:44 pm-6:02 pm Lady Bird Johnson's role during and immediately following the JFK assassination
  16. Possibly. When I interviewed Custer and he began to add "details" about Pitzer he never said before (see William Law's book), I said "oh, brother"... My first impression of Marvin on TMWKK- I salute you for your service, sir...and that story sounds completely made up. The ARRB went a long way toward debunking Marvin's tale *(the "price of ice cream on Sunday", indeed [Marvin's phrase])
  17. Other people dispute Pitzer's presence that night and the whole Daniel Marvin story (Marvin's story sounds fake)
  18. Page 207- In his The Mob section, Groden has a photo of Files among several other mob figures and states that Mr Files confessed and is still alive as of this writing, giving the (indirect) impression he believes this has some merit. The book has an everything-but-the-kitchen sink feel to it and, although I was impressed at first (and still am with regard to most of the images), the red herrings Zach outlines kind of has me turned off to the book. Perhaps this one is like his other two photo books- only look at the PHOTOS...well, other than the "JFK" movie dummy passed off as an actual autopsy photo. The caption leaves zero chance this is a READER impression/ mistake...Groden clearly makes the case that he did a lot of work on restoring the image from what was thought to be an indecipherable exposed black and white film reel taken at Bethesda.
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