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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Excellent review by author Jim DiEugenio: http://www.ctka.net/2014_reviews/survivors_guilt.html
  2. Operation Zipper...because the forger's fly was down (ouch)? Seriously, this fake document crapola reallys stinks. I am sorry James Tague fell for it and I almost did.
  3. It's a fake; darn--- http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=5426
  4. The FAKE DIA document is also in Tague's book
  5. see also https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/alt.assassination.jfk/PtifqgxkcAE/discussion
  6. Larry, you are right. Like I said on FB, I appreciate your comments and input (the above was written before you offered your two cents worth). I am extremely careful with my own work and would be dubious of something like this in my "realm", so to speak...but I can see how easy it would be to be taken in by this (IF it is indeed a very well done fake). Being James Tague and having the document reproduced in his book does not equate with proper provenance. My apologies to all. I guess I was "smitten" with this document.
  7. Likewise, I also edited this comment- see below (thanks to Larry for clarifying my thinking on this matter)
  8. James Tague is deceased so we can not ask him where he got the document.
  9. Some of THE most explosive and unbelievably valuable information I have read in a long time comes from this book- specifically, the 4/20/78 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) translation of the 9/16/65 RUSSIAN KGB investigation of LHO and the JFK assassination (the Soviet Intelligence Report): see pages (325-327) 328-347. Oswald was an ONI fake defector; his information brought down the U2; harshly criticizes the Secret Service; etc. This document is a lone-nutter's nightmare...unless someone is going to rain on my parade and say it's a fake. The book itself is good but highly repetitive...but worth the price of admission just for this! http://www.amazon.com/LBJ-Kennedy-Killing-James-Tague/dp/1937584747/ref=pd_sim_b_12?ie=UTF8&refRID=1JS0M9545A4CN444D5RJ Methinks MANY people "missed" this because a) it is near the end of a very repetitive (but good) book and this book was not a NY Times best-seller
  10. DSL- thank you. Sorry if I offended you or anyone else, for that matter. Ok, maybe I better clarify my position (because it probably reveals I am a hypocrite on this specific issue LOL): I am not a fan or interested in the Z-film-is-altered issue; just not my "cup of tea", so to speak. I DO indeed stand behind my article (mentioned in many books and websites) regarding the limousine slowing OR stopping (I personally think it was "just" a dramatic slowdown, not an actual STOP, per se). Get ready for a shock: I DO believe there IS a possibility the Z film WAS altered via frame removal, but I do not think it is a dramatic cartoon a la Fetzer/ the late Jack White/ Livingstone (I take a conservative, almost agnostic approach to the subject DUE TO my lack of interest in it, primarily. That said, Doug Horne came closest to making the case for alteration). I know, I know---no such thing as "a little pregnant": either you are or you are not. By my saying I believe there IS a possibility the film was altered does not make it so OR deepen my interest in the matter. I am so focused on the Secret Service (and, to a lesser extent, the medical evidence), this specific issue is my LEAST favorite topic, perhaps because it polarizes people so much and alienates us to the "outer world" (people, friendly media, etc.). Imagine the eyes that roll when you tell a citizen who believes there was a conspiracy based on the head snap in the film (etc.), "But that film is a fake!!!!!" 'Nuff said. Besides, there are ALREADY plenty of people interested and working on that avenue...you don't need me anyway:) Vince P.S. I also hate the "connections" people make to the Moon-landing-was-fake, UFOs, Sandy-Hook-was-fake, and 9/11 to the JFK case, as if your beliefs in THOSE "cases" is some sort of litmus test for your feelings on the JFK assassination...I just stick to the JFK case
  11. No- never believed or was interested in the Z-film-is-altered stuff. Nothing has changed. I also do not believe Sandy Hook was a false flag or any of that silliness. I do believe there was a conspiracy in the death of JFK although, like Pat Speer and others, I faltered before.
  12. He is a great speaker- witty and articulate. He is also very good at debunking that nonsense about film alteration.
  13. Ken, you are correct (although, I must say: DVP is fairly nice to me...I put him in the Richard Trask "nice LHO-DID-IT guy" category...some of those guys can get vicious and personal)
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMyVOTmIcjM
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqEZFSeYAmM
  16. WHAT is this??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hE6PNmJHvaQ
  17. JFK's chief embalmer- died before the HSCA convened. "Stroble mentioned that the President had been shot at the very top of the cranium and approximately the 7th vertebrae. He also mentioned that Kennedy's face was "not that marred." - http://www.effinghamdailynews.com/local/x2039931337/Altamont-native-prepared-John-F-Kennedy-for-funeral Stroble died at the age of 55, 4 months before the HSCA convened and just a few weeks after a friend had written a letter to Harvard about Stroble. The friend noticed that Harvard was conducting a course on the assassination and so this friend wrote Harvard and offered to contact the chief embalmer who could lay to rest once and for all how many bullet wounds JFK had suffered and where they were located. The friend offered no names and heard nothing back. But just a few weeks later, Stroble was dead. http://m.herald-review.com/special-section/jfk/embalmer-also-connects-area-to-the-assassination/article_b4c2715c-55c6-11e3-a056-0019bb2963f4.html?mobile_touch=true HE DIED ON JFK's birthday, 5/29/76 !!!
  18. Jim was a truly honorable guy. I will cherish his insights and his wisdom always.
  19. Another follow-up car agent has passed. Now only Winston Lawson (lead car), Paul Landis, Tim McIntyre, Clint Hill, Lem Johns, and Warren Taylor are left from the motorcade (agents) Secret Service Agent John D. "Jack" Ready passed away Monday 2/24/14. Ready rode on the follow-up car on 11/22/63 and was one of the 9 agents who drank the night before. Ready went on to guard the Watergate tapes and Henry Kissinger (I kid you not)- from my blog: (born 8/12/27; assigned to Secret Service Spring 1961: assigned to WHD, with temporary assignments at Hyannis port and P...alm Beach; WHD: 1961-1968; 1968-1978: San Diego office, V.P. Agnew Detail, Dr. Kissinger Detail, Watergate & White House tapes; 1978, ASAIC, Nixon Protective Division) interviewed by HSCA [3/1/78]; contacted by author of “Mortal Error” 1992: refused to discuss matter; p. 226 of Darwin Horn’s book). I spoke to Ready in June 2005- see my book. From what I gathered, he was guilt ridden and greatly disturbed by the movie "In The Line of Fire", wherein the Altgens photo depicting Ready was superimposed with a photo of actor Clint Eastwood. The backdrop of this movie- Eastwood's (Horrigan's) guilt over 11/22/63- bothered Ready to no end. He was one of a few agents who did NOT participate in Blaine's propaganda. Jack entered on duty with the U. S. Secret Service at the Richmond, VA Field Office on October 31, 1960. He was reassigned to the White House Detail on May 7, 1961 where he served in a variety of positions until transfer to the Vice Presidential Protective Division on January 21, 1969. After promotion to ATSAIC on the VPPD, he was reassigned to the Protective Support Division where helped plan and execute the classified trips of Dr. Henry Kissinger to the People’s Republic of China resulting in the establishment of relations with the United States in 1972. Jack was later reassigned to Liaison Division as the ASAIC in 1975, the Nixon Protective Division in 1977, the Office of Protective Operations in 1979 and Forgery Division in 1980 where he retired on October 31, 1981. Prior to his career in the Secret Service, Jack served in the U. S. Navy at the end of World War II and also saw service on board the USS Macon during the Korean War. He was employed by the U. S. Post Office while completing his Bachelor Degree. Jack was preceded in death by his wife, Paula last April 2013 and is survived by his daughter, Jane Louise Ready.
  20. R.I.P. JAMES TAGUE WHO PASSED AWAY TODAY. We were both proud Trine Day authors (best selling books of 2013 for them). Now all the wounded men of the Kennedy assassination are gone... James Tague, one of the key eyewitnesses to the JFK assassination passed away today. Mr. Tague was struck by a piece of curb from a shot that missed the motorcade. It was because of him that the Warren Commission was forced to create the single bullet theory to fit the lone assassin theory. Mr. Tague always believed a conspiracy killed JFK. He told the Warren Commission that a shot or shots had come from the grassy knoll. RIP my friend.
  21. Well, they all went down with the ship, thanks to the ole LBJ cronies. MOST POPULAR ASSASSINATION BOOKS (not the best, content wise...just sales-wise; in no particular order): High Treason by Harrison Edward Livingstone- Harry's book was TWICE a NY Times best-seller: 1989 and, thanks to the Stone movie and paperback reissue, 1991/1992 Best Evidence by David Lifton- NY Times best-seller in multiple editions and printings Rush To Judgment by Mark Lane Crossfire by Jim Marrs Case Closed by Gerald Posner (although some dispute how many people really read the book- I have heard it SHIPPED as a best-seller due to advance sales/ bookstore orders) Hit List by David Wayne and Richard Belzer The Man Who Killed Kennedy by Roger Stone Dead Wrong by David Wayne and Richard Belzer Brothers by David Talbot Cause of Death by Dr. Cyril Wecht High Treason 2 by Harrison Edward Livingstone The Death of a President by William Manchester The Day Kennedy Was Shot by Jim Bishop On The Trail of the Assassins by Jim Garrison
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